The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, February 14, 1978-Page 5. Baker confirms Dec. affirmative action deadline By PAULINE TOOLE A three woman panel responsible for negotiating and implementing the recent affirmative action agreement between the University and the Depar- tment of Health Education and Welfare (HEW) said Friday that the University will meet the guidelines by December 31, 1978. The women, Virginia Nordby, policy coordinator for the University, Dr. Gwen Baker, Director of Affirmative Action and Dr. Daegelia Pena, Associate Director for Affirmative Ac- tion, detailed the five components of the agreement and discussed problems in- curred in monitoring and setting up Af- firmative Action programs. ACCORDING to Nordby, a team of HEW investigators visited the campus in December for a routine investiga- tion. The Federal government was con- sidering awarding the University a research contract exceeding one million dollars. Federal regulations demand an investigation into the affir- mative action program of organizations receiving large contracts. The five-person team met with Baker, department chairmen, a variety of deans, faculty and other campus individuals and found the University program lacking in the areas of salary equity, tenure and promotional programs and data moni- toring systems. HEW sent the University a letter outlining the deficiencies. According to Nordby, the deficiencies were found in two areas - inadequate data and non- compliance with projected goals. "UNIVERSITY OFFICIALS met and developed proposed solutions-respon- ses in all the areas the Civil Rights Of- fice had found deficient," Nordby said. "The agreement represents a mutual understanding between the office of Civil Rights and the University, in which the University will be rectifying its deficiencies." The government research contract was ultimately granted. The University-HEW agreement lists five general areas needing work. The Office of Affirmative Action is in the process of setting up programs to rec- tify inequalities and deficiences specified by the agreement. BAKER OUTLINED the five programs, most of which are being designed now. After computer programming is finished, the Office of Affirmative Action will be able to do an analysis of specific departments and their compliance with affirmative ac- tion guidelines. The Utilization Analysis Project in- cludes the coinplilation of a profile of the University work force, both instruc- tional and non-instructional. Upon completion of this task, the University can "work to establish our goals regar- ding people - minorities employed," and "be able to monitor the applicant flow," Baker said. The profile is supposed to show in what areas minorities and women are concentrated throughout the univer- sity. It is designed to indicate exactly what departments need to receive the most effort in equalizing employment practices. A SALARY ANALYSIS for both in- structional and non-instructional staff will be conducted. The purpose is to show any inequality in salaries of minorities and women in specific categories. "We are in better shape providing equity for non-Instructional staff than instructional staff." Baker said. Everyone in a certain job classification should be earning similar salaries. If discrepancies are discovered through the analysis, com- pensation will be completed by Decem- ber. The agreement also provides for reviews of tenure and promotions over the past two years. If any discrimination on the basis of sex or race was involved in the denial of tenure or granting of promotions, the University will consider recommending action by the Regents. PROMOTION OR TENURE in such instances will not be guaranteed. "Nothing will, be automatic," Baker said. The University will consider the particulars of eaph individual case. The last area covered by the agreement is a system of monitoring affirmative action programs. At the present time, the University does not have a data system for this. All analysis is done informally. The proposed monitoring system should force com- pliance with the affirmative action goals. By providing figures and statistics for each department in the University, the analysts will be able to establish exactly where affirmative action programs are deficient. "IT'S LIKE LOOKING through a New York telephone directory," said Assistant Director of Affirmative Ac- tion Daegelia Pena, of the difficulty in- curred in developing a monitoring system. "It's difficult to go through and talk to everyone denied a promotion. Ninety to one hundred people apply for promotions and there are 1,000 variables for each individual. We're trying to develop a program." Pena is responsible for devising the programs used to monitor affirmative action at the University. Baker explained that the agreement negotiated in Chicago with HEW only covers the area of sex and race discrimination. HER OFFICE also deals with discrimination in other areas including monitoring Title IX, the HEW guidelines for non-discrimination on the: basis of sex in ecucational institutions, and biases against the handicapped. "We could be visited at any time 6y~ HEW about our handicapped program or Title IX," she warned. "We need jo be concerned with complying with all pf that." Baker stressed the need for action and the shared responsibility implicit n the HEW affirmative acti6n agreement. "Anything that is going to help affir- mative action become a reality on this campus has to be planned by the people who will be involved. We will be done by December 31, 1978," she projected. Council (Continued from Page 1) punchcard, told Council in a report that in county-wide elections, the city can save money by having fewer pre- cinct workers. While the committee did not rec- ommend a complete city-wide con- version to the punchcard system, it said that if Council chose a complete overhaul they recommended a six to eight month preparation period. THEY ALSO recommended, unlike Harrison's claim, that if the city uses punchcard in general elections, an hears punchcard additional inspector should be aded tions anyway. "We're not going to W to each precinct until the city has have punchcard voting in April," Fir used to the punchcard system. Mayor Albert Wheeler said. "We of a Generally, however, the commit- may be punching, but we won't have the tee was against conversion to a punchcard voting." hol punchcard system city-wide. John Monday night's meeting was also Chamberlain warnedaCouncil that filled with jabs at the mayor and Th switching to punchcards city-wide Council over the situation with sois would be a waste of money if a better potholes. At the end of the meeting,sl system is found in the next decade, the mayor said, "We're going to have call Council agreed at last night's to seriously talk about what must be T meeting to put off any decision, since done. There are some dangerous pot- day any change to punchcard voting holes on a lot of streets and they're rep, would not affect the upcoming elec- only going to get worse." debate hen Councilman Ken Latta (D- st Ward) inquired as to the nature Northside disturbance last week, mayor replied, "it was a pot- e.'' ouncilmanRoger Bertoia (R- ird Ward) came up with another ution, "I get tired of potholes so I Ithem street disruptions." he mayorhad decided last Mon- s not to seek a tax increase to )air potholes because he said he citizens would not support it. PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT -IGITS The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts is currently interviewing students interested in par- ticipating in an alumni fund-raising telethon. The telethon will run four nights per week, Monday through Thursday, the first three weeks in April. You will have the option of working a minimum two nights per week to a maximum four nights. Hours are 6:30 to 9:30P ay: ,3.50 per hour LSA students preferred Interested parties please call the LSA Development Office at 763-5576 IS SCHOOL GETTING YOU DOWN? (and keeping you there?) 'I ARE YOU -freezing or blanking on exams? -uptight about school pressures? . M ! 8 r +. f a Canada asks payment for satellite debris 1 UNITED NATIONS (AP)-Canada's foreign minister said yesterday that his government will ask the Soviet Union to pay more than $1 million as the cost of recovering radioactive debris from a Russian nuclear satellite that fell on the Canadian tundra. External Affairs Secretary Donald Jamieson also said the Canadians will demand the United Nations adopt "a stronger regime" to prevent space ac- cidents such as the disintegration of the satellite, Cosmos 954, on Jan. 24 over sparsly populated northern Canada. JAMIESON SAID Canada has of- ficially concluded the radioactive metal flu ep iemic possible (Continued from Page 1) ach problems, most do not." Seifert acknowledged there is not much Health Service can do unless the case is particularly serious. "We take a 'grandma' approach to the treatment," he said. "The best thing a patient can do is to admit defeat' and stay in bed." He warned, however, that early diagnosis is important in avoiding any secondary complications such as ear infections or bronchial problems. objects found in the Northwest Territories were "indeed debris from a Russian satellite" and has so informed the Soviet Union and U.N. Secretary- General Kurt Waldheim-the first steps toward demands for compensation. Since the spy satellite fell from orbit, Canadian and U.S. scientific teams have been searching a 50,000-square- mile area for radioactive fragments. Canada has recovered several pieces of the satellite near and east of Great Slave Lake. A few lightly radioactive chunks were found Sunday near the In- dian community of Snowdrift and were being shipped to search headquarters at Namao military base. Jamieson told reporters after meeting with Waldheim that Canada has spent more than $1 million in the search so far and the total probably will be "substantially higher when the exercise is conipleted." CANADA'S CLAIM for reimbur- sement would be the first test of an ob- scure U.N. treaty that obligates a laun- ching nation to pay the costs of locating debris from manmade objects that fall from orbit. The Soviet Union, Canada and the United States are parties to the pact, the 1967 Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts, the Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects Launched in- to Outer Space. Article 5 reads in part: "A contrac- ting party which has reason to believe that a space object or its component parts discovered in territory under its jurisdiction . . . is of a hazardous or deleterious nature may so notify the launching authority, which shall im- mediately take effective steps . . . to eliminate possible danger of harm. Ex- penses incurred in fulfilling obligations to recover and return space objects or its component parts . . . shall be borne by the launching authority." Jamieson said there appeared to be no physical damage from the Cosmos' fall. Its power source, the nuclear reac- tor, has not been found.' PLANT'S GALORE 1202 Packard (at Wells) Ann Arbor VALUJTINE SPECIAL All Plants in Bloom 150/0 Oft! (Large Selecton) Open Sunday Irm 12- S Sale Ends Wednesday -J % 510191 -having trouble concentrating on studying 'cause you're scared? -a "study-aholic" with little time for fun? Then the ACADEMIC ANXIETY REDUCTION GROUPS offered by THE PEER COUNSELORS IN ACADEMIC ANXIETY REDUCTION of Counseling Services are probably for you. Through a series of 8 weekly group sessions led by peer counselors, you will participate in a variety of exercises and procedures designed to help you ex- plore the basis for your qnxiety, and teach you techniques for coping with it. Follow-through e'xercises-will be assigned to help you put the coping skills into practice in your daily life. COME AND FIND OUT WHAT I S ALL A0OUTI For further information and application, come to the University Counseling Services, 3rd floor Michigan Union 764-8312. Groups Are Forming Now, and Interested Individuals Are Urged to Act Promptly. Enrollment is limited. REGISTRATION CLOSES FEB. 16. U COMPUTER SCIENCE SENIORS . MCDONNELL DOUGLAS AUTOMATION COMPANY-ST. LOUIS, THE LEADING DATA SERVICES COMPANY, WILL BE ON CAMPUS INTERVIEWING: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20 See your placement director for J One thing which is evident, how- ever, is that more cases of the flu will interviewing appointments. probably turn up at the Health Service this week. "I think if you look MCO ONNELL DOUGLAS at what the rest of the country is AUTO MATON COMPANY beginning to experience, it appears as if we are in the initial stages of a An Equal Opportunity Erployer major 'outbreak," Seifert said. "Un- fortunately, we might even have a mini-epidemic here in Ann Arbor." * STUDENT DISCOUNT Present this ad at Hi Fi Show Box Office for one FREE admission with purchase of one regular ticket at $2. " DETROIT - ... . .- - - SEE MUSIC SHOWW at COBO HALL, Civic Center * FEBRUARY 17,18&19 Admission: $2 per person, children under 12 free. U I SHOW HOURS: Fri: 5-10 pm; Sat 11 am-10 pm; Sun: noon-7 pm T a