Page 4-Tuesday, February 14, 1978-The Michigan Daily Eighty-Fight Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 112 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan The Rape of History 230 By Richard Berke and Pauline Toole The 150 students of History 230 are angry. As the semester enters its sixth week of classes, we have few notes, no books, and barely know our professor's name. MOST UNIVERSITY students signing up for research projects on different facets of the movement. Then, at the start of class on the Tuesday before the big s- 9wstorm, Owens announced either the course would be can- celled or a new instructor would I I YES-I HAVE READ-THE STORIES CRITICAL - OF MY - SPEAKING STYLE IT IS TRUE-THAT I DO NOT-USE FANCY - PHRASES. I PREFER DIRECT -SIMPLICITY. P/2||EPW\. r i i i% i i People were mad and they showed it. After about a half-hour of argument students got up and left - twenty-five minutes before the end of class. I I I I .a -a { . . f ., 'r ,L %a.o U ~1 NEXT QUESTION- PLEASE. 7 $> zAz;za THE MILWAUKEE JOURNAL DIST FIELD NEWSPAPER SYNDICATE, 1978 Consumers lose it again OPES FOR A FEDERAL agency The defeat of the consumer agency to protect the interests of the bid is interesting in a way, considering American consumer were dashed that President Carter was a strong again last week when the House of supporter and catylist of the idea from Representatives rejected the idea. his very first day in office. He appoin- :Even the most outspoken of con- ted a special adviser in the White Sumer advocates admits now that such House to work toward the establish- Consumer Agency will be nearly im- ment of the agency. Despite all tossible to establish in the current this-or perhaps because of it-the session of Congress. Three times dream is unfulfilled. blefore the issue has been considered There is some speculation that Car- ind three times .before the House ap- ter's constant harping on the size and proved it. This time, not even that body waste of the big government could see the bill through. bureaucracy may have helped spell doom for the oft-pushed consumer ; The defeat is truly not just one for plan. Certainly the Carter spiel may onsumer advocates, though. It is a have had a lot to do with it, but, as defeat for us consumers. Establish- Ralph Nader was apt to point out after 1ient of a specialized agency would last Thursday's defeat, business lob- 4ave-for the first time-given- the bying influences in Congress most American citizen a formidable voice likely played a larger role. against the selfish interests of big Spokespersons for President Carter tlusiness in Washington. As it stands hint that an executive order from the qow, for every significant piece of White House may be considered to rgislation affecting the public to come establish a consumer agency, thereby before Capital Hill, there are hundreds superceding lawmakers. Whether or of lobbyists representing business and not this is good depends on the nature bureaucratic interests, compared to of such an order. only a handful of people working in the But in the meantime, American con- interests of consumers. A separate sumers sit in their inefficiently-heated agency would have helped offset this homes, using shoddy and sometimes Vnbalance, as well as protect con- dangerous products, and watching umers in various other ways. The fear hard-earned money drip away dollar that a new agency would only add to by dollar. While a consumer agency in the Washington bureaucracy was cer- Washington surely would not have had ,ainly unfounded; the consumer agen- the most dramatic effect on such a ° y would have no regulatory powers scenario, it would have offered the And a budget of only $15 million-an in- consumer considerably more con- ignificant yearly sum by any stan- sistent protection than we are getting Bard of comparison today. now. are at this point reviewing lec- ture notes, pouring over required readings and trying to study for midterms. But for the students in History 230, the History of the Civil Rights Movement, this in not the case. After six weeks, we have lear- ned little about the- civil rights movement - but there's one con- solation. We have been taught a civil rights lesson of our own. On the first day of class in January, Professor Les Owens told a group packed into a room in the Natural Sciences Building that we were about to embark on a look at the Civil Rights Movement from a new, exciting perspective. By utilizing speakers, films, projects and readings, he assured, the studen- ts now lining the walls and spilling into the hall would have a worthwhile semester. Owens of- fered to accept all overrides requested - and there were many. BUT THAT first day was shrouded with a certain mood of mystery. Owens spoke of certain "forces" in the administration who were against a course on civil rights. That the class was meeting in a crowded, dingy room in Nat. Sci. was a reflection of that, Owens said. He noted that he had been told a week earlier that the class would be held'in one of the Modern Languages Building's lecture rooms, which were much better equipped for the slated speakers and films. During the next few sessions of class, Owens delved into the beginnings of the civil rights movement, outlining the background for the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the Little Rock school integration struggle. Still, a great deal of time was spent discussing some possible obstruction of the course. Studen- ts complained that the required course books weren't available. Owen's said he'd ordered the books months earlier, but that he would talk to bookstore managers anyway. OUR FIRST speaker, Rosa Parks, precipatator of the Mon- tgomery bus boycott, didn't show. Owens announced that she might possibly appear a week later, but then again, she might not. She never came. Classes continued. The mystery of Les Owens pervaded our study of the civil rights movement. Owens alluded the unexplainable pressure on him and on the course. Studentscon- tinued to complain that books weren't available. We began People were mad and they showed it. After about a half-hour of argument students got up and left - twenty-five minutes before the end of the class. Cruse looked upset and defeated after his debut. So did the students, but we were used to it. AS IT turns out, ' the cause of Owens' departure involved University regulations prohibiting the payment of salary to anyone who holds more than one full-time appointment. Owens had been teaching full time at the University of Detroit and at this University. The Dean's office told Owens before the term started out that he would have to end his commit-' tment at one of the twoschools. According to Steneck, Owens requested a leave of absence because he opted to take his U -D committment over the one to the University. Steneck said the History depar- tment handled the situation only after that point--when a replacement had to be chosen. It had all been in the hands of the Dean's office up to that time. "THE HISTORY department and the Dean's office were under the assumption that Owens would choose us over the U of D and that's why Owens taught the course from the start," Steneck said. The bulk of the blame for the mishandling of the situation lies with the History department. be found. This was two days before the dropadd deadline. Anger stirred through the room. Students argued with Owens and among themselves, questioning why the course was being threatened. Owens promised to tell us the status of the course by the next class session. AT THE next meeting, Owens announced we would be assigned a new professor. Anger once again filled the class - people wanted to know just why they were losing their professor and they wanted to know it straight. Owens told us he was teaching at the University of Detroit and here. He said he was forced to make a choice between the two trol and an active role in the course." The assumption generally held is that the course will take a more conservative turn, back to a traditional lecture course with the advent of Professor Cruse, and that the innovations planned by Owens will be abandoned. STUDENTS also seem to agree that the bulk of the blame for the mishandling of the situation lies within the History Department. Students in the History of Civil Rights Movement feel outraged. and rightly so. There can be no justification for the treatment we have endured. At the same time, our anger is tempered by a sense of futility. For we have no recourse but to let the departmental and ad- ministrative powers fiddle around while the semester rushes past. We wait for the History Depar- tment to pull itself together and help get our course organized. We wait for Professor Cruse to find out what he intends to do with the class, and we look anxiously for some sort of teaching to begin soon. THE PROBLEMS incurred by students in History 230 are merely an exaggeration of those encountered every semester by undergraduates. Not having texts available, hassling with room changes, flustered professors-though not always tinged with political implications- are common occurrences. Indeed, the plight of History 230 isn't part of some diabolical plot. It is endemic to a more insidious problem-the neglect of un- dergraduate education. Much of the prestige and honor and money heaped upon this University is a result of its graduate and professional programs. There seems to be a tendency by those in charge to concentrate on those areas and overlook undergraduate concer- ns. This situation must be ad- dressed. TODAY, when professor Cruse walks intoclass he will undoub- tedly have arrived at some plan for the future of the course. A month has gone by, however, and except for some isolated notes, we have, as yet, little evidence that a History 230 ever existed. We hope that, today, the delay and frustrayion surroun- ding the coure is resolved so that we can embark on this business of learning. Not only are we owed an apology by the administration and the History department-we are owed more attention to our legitimate needs and civil rights as undergraduate students. Richard Berke and Pauline Toole are staff reporters for lhe D~aily anadmemlers of th class known officially as His tory 230. institutions and had chosen to teach at U of D for the semester as a matter of "principle." He didn't know who the new instruc- tor would be. Students, obviously upset by the predicament, asked what could be done. The answer given was nothing. Nicholas Steneck of the history department appeared at the next class and said University professor Harold Cruse would take over the course at the next session. Class lasted ten minutes. A WEEK ago today, Prof. Cruse appeared in class and went right into a lecture backgroun- ding the civilrights movement - covering from his own point of view material earlier discussed by Owens. Half-way through the lecture, a student asked Cruse how he was going to run the class. Would the structure be the same-as Owens' (though most of the books were still not available)? Would we still be expected to work on group, projects? Was it necessary to repeat the information already taught by Owens? Cruse had come into the course cold. At first he had no answers to these questions, then he had an- swers, then he changed his an- swers. He didn't know about the projects we had already begun. He didn't know about books not being available. In fact, he ad- mitted that theconly information he had before coming. into class Owen's however, said that the University took too much time in telling him he couldn't keep both jobs.Owens charged that the University's. job regulations weren't being enforced unifor- mly, indicating other professors were engaging in the same ac- tivities, but were not under scrutiny. Students in the class have adopted a variety of attitudes to cope with the various upheavals. Many are angry-at Owens, at the University, anti some of that anger is being directed toward Cruse. Still, History 230 members seem to have concluded that the problems encountered result from within the University rather than with the individuals in- volved. THE CONSENSUS seems to be that Owens was a "low keyed but dynamic" professor, who was willing to approach history from -a new perspective. "He wanted to slip inside the civil rights movement and get people's in- terpretations of how they fit into the movement," said junior Charis Cannon. "It was one of the few oppor- tunities for students to take an active part in our education," said Deborah Filler, another student. "We were given a con- that day syllabus. was a copy of Owens' 4' 4 The Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, currently in their second incarnation, were conceived in 1964 out of the frustration of neutral diplomats over thousands of disar- mament meetings that produced no disar- mament. Perhaps, they speculated, the two superpowers could be induced to do something more modest, such as "freeze" their nuclear stockpiles. What the talks accomplished, however, is not a "freeze" but an escalation-in-tandem. IN THE YEAR before the first SALT pacts were signed, the U.S. possessed 4,600 deliverable strategic warheads and the Soviet Union 2,100. The figures as of the end of last year were 8,500 and 4,000 respectively - or almost double on each side. And that does not take into account the increase in accuracy, throw-power, "maneuverable re-entry" and other qualitative improvements that add to the destructiveness of each warhead. SALT II, if the leaks about its progress are accurate, will result in another in-tandem escalation, with the Soviets equipping many more single-warhead missiles with multiple warheads, and the U.S. introducing, among other things, large numbers of highly ac- curate cruise missiles. The erosion of goals - from "disar- mament" to "arms limitation," from "freeze" to "escalation-in-tandem" - reflec- ts the fact, at least on the American side and perhaps on both, that two sets of negotiations and two sets of motivations are at work simultaneously What the Uinited Sttes for- Getting even with SALT By Sidney Lens accept it. But the Pentagon, in a confidential memo to President Kennedy, demanded a "safeguard:" to conduct underground nuclear test programs designed to add to our knowledge and improve our weapons . . ." The Pentagon's view. prevailed, and an arms race that might have been subdued or even choked off in 1963 continues unabated. It is known today that similar divisions within the Carter Administration over how much to demand on long-range missiles and how much to concede to the Soviets on their 308 heavy missiles have hobbled SALT II negotiations. THE PENTAGON and its allies are in an anomalous situation. They serve under presidents, every one of whom, beginning with Truman, has spoken of the need to eliminate or severely reduce nuclear stock- piles. Yet the Pentagon itself is charged with finding a means of winning a nuclear war. Virtually every joint chief of staff or secretary of defense expresses this contradic- tory objective, almost word for word, in the - in which neither side dares attack the other, the Pentagon seeks not only a level of superiority to defeat the adversary "if deterrence fails," but, as stated in recent documents, to prevent him from recovering. UNDER circumstances of the last 32 years, where the voices for disarmament have been feeble, it was inevitable that the "win syndrome" would prevail. Typically, when President Kennedy suggested to Defen- se Secretary Robert McNamara that he in- tended to ask Congress for 450 missiles as adequate for U.S. defense, McNamara ad- vised him that he must ask for at least 950 - because the Pentagon was going to demand 3,000. The "win syndrome" demands ceaseless escalation until the Pentagon finds the right mix of offensive and defensive weapons to guarantee total victory. It does not encom- pass the notion of "sufficiency." When former Deputy Defense Secretary David Packard was askedwhat the word meant, he shot back "it is a good word to use in a speech. Beyond that it doesn't mean a goddamned thing." By way of confirming this definition, the ink was hardly dry on the first SALT agreements when Dr. John S. Foster Jr., then director of defense research and engineering, made a plea to Congress - with Secretary Melvin Laird's blessings - for a host of weapons, wuch as the Trident submarine, the undersea long-range missile system (ULMS), the B-1 bomber, the cruise missile and mobile ICBMs, on the theory that "programs necessary to sustain U.S. strength must go forward if the viability of the agreements is to