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February 12, 1978 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1978-02-12
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Page 2-Sunday, February 12, 1978-The Michigan Daily
RAIFRLINGS/ tomo'onl

The Michigan Daily-Sundc

SLEAZE. LET the word drip off your
tongue, like a grease-saturated gob
of cheese sliding off a slice of Mr.
Tony's pizza, striking the floor with a
disgusting splatter. Sleeeeeaze.
I protest. The cult of sleaze, the pur-
suit of sleaze, the birth and destruction
of sleaze, the significance of sleaze in
our society-all of this has been
overlooked in the creation of courses at
this University, which seems hell-bent
on maintaining standards of good taste.
But why? Does no one recognize the
importance of sleaze in our lives, its
omnipresence? Does no one care? Is
there no justice?
We encounter sleaze every day, and it
is vital that we understand its nature. It
would be nice to see the Sociology
department offer a course on the sub-
ject, and I can offer some guidelines
right now on how it could be structured.
It could be set up in a very elementary
fashion, each lecture dealing with a dif-
ferent manifestaion of the phenomena:
Feb. 15. The Personification of
Sleaze-a look at people from the
Bronx, how they are cloned and why
they all sell drugs for a living. An in-
depth study of Ronald Reagan: The
19th century mentality, and why he is
only one of 27 people left in the country

h ,
who comb their hair with No. 3 Pen- "The Gree
nsylvania crude oil. You gett
Feb. 22. Sleaze and Politics-Conser- The wor
vative Republicans: why they are so interesting
disgusting that you just want to step on course; it
their toes, smear tuna fish all over applicatior
them, and make them eat that green- such a sle
tinged roast beef served in West Quad. day Maga
March 1. Sleaze on Campus-West make Ni:
Quad: why it exists and the positive sleaze ove
side of accidental nuclear explosions. However
The Michigan Daily, a good argument exist with
for repealing the First Amendment. classroom
March 8. Sleaze by Design-Choice distinguish
of field trips to McDonalds, Burger sleaze. It'
King or Orange Julius. (Required seek out a
reading: "Tips on Ptomaine," U.S. and spiritu
Health Service, 1957). although
March 15. Sleaze in Film-Kung Fu naturally,
movies, John Wayne. Film clips from time. Pu



en Berets."
the idea.
d itself might also make an
g addition to a linguistics
has an amazing number of
ns. Noun: "Richard Nixon is
eaze." Adjective: "The Sun-
zine is so sleazy, they still
xon jokes." Verb: "Let's
r to the Old Town."
r, a potential problem may
teaching about sleaze in the
, for it is very difficult to
h true sleaze from affected
s impossible to deliberately
and attain the true physical
ual state of honest sleaziness,
many try. It must come
or evolve over a period of
unk rock, Andy Warhol

movies-nothing but shallow facades of
sleaze. True sleaze is something like
Toledo, a bottle of Ripple, Meijer's
Thrifty Acres, or the Detroit bus ter-
Sleaziness is necessary, though, in
maintaining a well-balanced society,
and that is why the current status of
sleaze in Ann Arbor has me worried. It
appears to be experiencing a sudden,
frightening decline. Downtown is being
renovated. Remember "The Strip,"
that block of fourth-rate bars and pool
halls on Ann St. across from the county
jail? Sad to say, it is gone now. It used
to be fun to terrify newcomers to the
area with warnings like "My God,
whatever you do, don't go down to 'The
Strip'! And if you've got to walk by
there, keep your money in your sock."
Oh sure, we still have The Flame, but
it's not like the good ol' days. Progress
is invading Ann Arbor, destroying the
delicate ecological balance which
allows for a certain amount of low life.
Next thing you know, the whole place
will look as repulsively respectable as
Bloomfield Hills or Salt Lake City or
Kansas or something. So appreciate the
sleaze we have left. And savor the
word, like the taste of a fine wine rolling
over the tongue. Sleeeeeeaze.

Sunday Ilmaazine FICESTC PUZZLE

G 7i 11,3I 4N11 J 6'0 ?

? B u

S 91 11

F 12

I 21 U 22 K







27 Q

281 S 2

U 30

R 311F

C 13 G 14
1 33
C 53D 54

K 15
I 34 L 35
I 55 A 56

S 4 2



45 Q 46 F

47 I 48

K 49 B5T

L SlA 521

B 16 0 17 S 181
A 36 G 37N 38 F 39
J 57 H 58 P 59,
c 77 1 78 A 79 S 80
M 100 N 101 P 102M

H 19F 20
C 40 D 41
G 60 T 61
N 81 M 82
E 103 N 104

A 62 s 63
D 83 G 84
U 105 M 106
T 126
T 146
I 167 P 168

1 K64

i i i i i


651 U


671D 68






71 G 72

T 73

P 5B 7

I i i- i i i i

P 85 86

0 107
Dl 127

S 87 F 88 U 89jC 90
C 109 S 110 K 111



921N 9310

94(H 951

IT 96B 71 9



A 128

i i i i i - i-


1121B 113F



1151L 116IU 1171K 11811 1191A 1201JI

0 122


C 123 A 124
M 144

G 125
B 145

IC 13 13hR132

E 134

N 135

K '129

0 1331

)1361R 137IL 138

0 139

R 140

F 141


142 G 143



148 N
169 U


Q 150
Q 171


1511A 1521C 1531E 154D

155 S 156T 157 A 158[0 159 P
176 P 177 B 178 K 179 1 180 F 181


E i i F

1611 s



16311 1641E

1651K 166

- i . - i - 1 .i


1721T 173


1741H -1751






1841 S 1851L:

186 Q i$A18

{ { I - i

Copyright 1978
Guess the words defined at the
left and write them in over
their numbered dashes. Then,
transfer each letter to the cor'
responding numbered square
in the grid above. The letters
printed in the upper-right-hand
corners of the squares indi-
cate from what clue-word a
particular square's letter
comes from. The grid, when
filled in, should read as a
quotation from a published
work. The darkened squares
are the spaces between words.
Some words may carry over
to the next line. Meanwhile,
the first letter of each guessed
word at the left, reading down,
forms an acrostic, giving the
author's name and the title of
the work from which the quote
is extracted. As words and
phrases begin to form in the
grid, you can work back and
forth from clues to grid until
,he puzzle is complete.
Answer to Last Week's Puzzle
"Young musicians began
t~o think of themselves as
serious musicians, even art-
ists, and not performers.
And that attitude erased
immediately the protective
and parochial atmosphere
of the "folk expres ion"
from jazz."
LeRoi Jones
Blues People

f bi
(Continued from Page 3)
-Counterintelligence and Special
-Socialist Workers Party-Disrup-
tion Program
Then, just four months ago, the FBI.
responded to journalists' requests un-
der the Freedom of Information Act
and released 53,000 pages of heavily
censored documents pertaining to all
seven Cointel programs.
The last of seven Cointelpro
operations to be initiated, Cointelpro-
New Left was conceived in a Bureau
memo from the head of the Domestic
Intelligence Division, C. D. Brennan,
who had responsibility for the project,
to his boss William Sullivan.
Brennan's note, dated May 9, 1968,
begins: "Our nation is undergoing an
era of disruption and violence caused to
a large extent by various individuals
generally connected with the New Left.
Some of these activists urge revolution
in America and call for the defeat of the
United States in Vietnam. They con-
tinually and falsely allege police
brutality and do not hesitate to utilize
unlawful acts to further their so-called
intensive campaign against
the New Left was hastily sent
to all 59 FBI field offices the
very next day. The directive, written in
dry, bureaucratic prose, never
questions the legality-not to mention
the morality-of the projects about to
be launched. The directive ignores im-
posing limits to the program with one
exception-the bureau should not be
revealed as the source of any operation.
"The purpose of this program is to
-Xpose, disrupt, and otherwise neu-
:ralize the activities of the various
New Left organizations, their leader-
ship and adherents," the directive
laid out.
"The devious maneuvers and du-
plicity of these activists must be ex-
posed to public scrutiny . . . We
must frustrate every effort of these
groups and individuals to con-
solidate their forces or to recruit
new or youthful adherents. . . No
opportunity should be missed to
capitalize upon organizational and
personal conflicts of their leader-
W HILE ANTI-WAR activists
generally agreed the gov-
ernment was meddling
with their affairs, there
was tremendous discussion about the
extent of covert operations against
them and how to handle it.
"A lot of people felt that their own
personal neurosis was responsible
for the disintegration of the move-
ment, when in fact, they were being
exploited by the FBI," said the
well-known political activist and poet
(Continued from Page 6)
initial inspiration for "Lives of the
Saints" is as remarkable as the work it-
self: "The actual poem came simply
and directly. I had consciously sat down
to write with (as usual) nothing con-
sciously in mind. I was listening to a
Mozart sonata. A windswept rain began
outside the window. I thought, senti-
mentally, of Mozart, who had offered so
much of himself, his vulnerability,
buriedin a pauper's grave. 'Thisis the
rain on Mozart's grave,? and then the


A. GM product subject to recoil
compaignsin 197381975
(3 words)
(Moke & Model)
8. Initiator of the conveyor belt
assembly line (Full name)
C. Curious; prying
D. Support stockings
(2 words)
E. Throw out; evict
F. Expensive American
clossic car
G. Germon automobile
make (Comp.)
H. Mon fomous for his rozor
1. Sum of the processes by which
an animal or plant tokes in
and utilizes food substances
4. Vibrate abnormally

_ _ _ _ - - -_- __ -
152 36 52 56 62 74 79 120 128 158 98 124
16 76 97113 50 8145178182
13 53 115 69 40 130 90 109 123 77 153
41 83 184 136 127 54 68 155
2 103 134 165 154
12 20 32 47 71 88 39 114 141 181
37 60 72 92 107 125 131 14 1 143 148 84
19 3 175 58 95
21 34 48 55 78 119 164 167 180
6 57 43 151'169 121

Ilulet 5/10/08 requcsted suggestions for counter-
intelligence action againnt the New Left. The replies to
the liurenu's request have been analyzed and it is felt thnt
the following suggestions for countcrintellirenc. nction can
be utilized by all offices;:
1. preparation of a leaflet designed to counter-
act the impression that Students for a Democratic Society
(SDS) and other minority groups speak for the majority of
students at universities. The leaflot*should contain photo-
graphs of New Left leadership at tbo respective liniverrsity.
Naturnlly, the most obnosious pictures should be used.

K. Mechanism for connecting the
power ofon auto engine
to the road wheels
L. Ring louder or more
M. Aromatic seed spice
N. Laughable; comical
O. Impressive; striking
P. Ford Motor Co. make
0. Open; complete
(3 words)
R. First American spy to be
caught and executed
(Full name)
S. Loving; tender
T. "-you don't succeed"
(3 words)
U. Chrysler auto subject to recall
campaigns in 1970. 1972, 1975
(2 words) (Make & Model)

Allen Ginsberg on a recent visit here.
"But nobody in the movement want-
ed a centrally organized, efficient
movement. The feeling was a central
organization would be unsafe be-
cause it would be too vulnerable to
However - for lack of knowledge
- any analysis cannot help but fall
short of truly pinpointingthe-scope of
the FBI's crusade to destroy the anti-
war- movement. Tom Coll, a Bureau
spokesman, admitted that of 9,529



2. The instigating of or the taking advrntnce of
personal conflicts or animosities existing betaeen New Left
leaders. Th creti J
3. e g T r n" ** certrtn-Ncw
enforeent;agncis c h n
41 The use or articles from student nersy.pere-.-
and/or the "underground press" to show the deprav'ity of
New L~eft leaders and memb~ers. In this connection, articles
showing advocation of the use of narcotics and free sex are
ideal to send to university officials, wealthy donors,
members of the legislature and parents of students who are ciei o Lf atr.V
active in Now left matters. V

SAC, Albany

1 - Mir. DeLoach
1 - Mir. Felt

Directqg, FBI (100-449608)


- Mr. Bishop
- Mr.F.C. Sullivan
- Mr. C D Brennan


G. Since the use of marijuasa*nd other narcotics
7ce. is widenpread among membern of the New Left, you s^hould be
alert to opportunities to have them nrec:ted by locanl
- uthorities on drug chargee. Aqy. iforsmtion con earningthe
2 All Field Offices
e f
: ("' 'P , ^' . ~. 7 t;:l" .&. ^t ~y v

FBI's political subversion. Accord-
ing to Sheila O'Donnell, a Washing-
ton-based legal researcher who has
spent innumerable hours scouring
the open FBI files, reports of FBI
probes in New York may be classi-
fied with field offices in California.
"If you have seen all the Detroit New
Left files, you have not seen all that
went on in Detroit," she said. "The
files simply are not intended for
Other researchers have discovered

that th
FBI fi
even hi
they d
ation t
in Wa4
the pi

fort that individuals hns
Ha reol.i us party rshouI ldIhe
ntuthm-1iemnnetthey nsIc
6. The draw inq
individuials netive in the
set out their activities
eighiborn and the parents
effort, of forcing the Pns'
7. Aunnymous 1t
fnaclty scemhors and grad'c
infititnttosn of lcsenin-
The a t iv) tics and arfo'
not out. Anon'ymous nnili
officials, members of the
Regents., and to the presr,
"A Concerned Alumni" or"
8. Whoneve Sw
a,-tivil ie on el:o e.'s:'.
r1.5 o l" brcll'irmnrged isc
olentn -on t itute omi
represent the ;onvictiu,
demand nnimiodinte sundo
question. Innsmlleb n sIt
is nut n, : ivo in New ILett
technique, ursed in car ci
cod to lengthy denon-: tri
tn New Lot t elcmnnta.
0. There 1:. a
other t~m.,ILetft g,-o'cp- tow
(SlIP) the Young SO' I n 1d
Progrc e:v'Labnor Par ty(
eyplotterd whorovor pu-i11
1n-, The fieldm
Irul, are attemI~tinig to
bon n . sordeoritoini l
Wher erthesecof fe.hous
be alerted to them and ti
drugs, much an mrijuanan
individuna running thec
Local law enforcement mu
whenever you receive and
You are remindc
action is to be taken wii
this Program is assigned
knowledge of both, New Le;
be approachod with imngii
As an economyi
should be used on all cog

In this two-page memo, dated July 5, 1968, FBI headquarters suggests possible maneuvers wh
to subvert the anti-war movement. The memo went to all 59 field offices but was addressed
betical list. Former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover scrawled his initials in the bottom middle of I

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _-_-_-
15 49 23 67 91 129 147 108 166 179 111 118
26 116 35 186 161 51 70 138
27 172 144 82 100 106
101 5 45 81 149 93 38 104 135
7 112 122 17 65 139 94 133 159
59 85 75 160 177 168 102
28 11 24 33 171 86 150 46 187
44 64 99 31 140 163 137 174 132 183
10 18 29 42 63 80 87 110 156 162 176 185
25 146 4 126 173 96 61 73 157
22 66 89 142 117 105 170 9 30

pages of Cointelpro-New Left docu-
ments, only two-thirds have been
released for public scrutiny. Coll
maintains that the withheld docu-
ments "contain classified informa-
tion exempted (from disclosure)
under provisions of the Freedom of
Information Act, such as information
which in and of itself divulges names
and operations currently being car-
ried 'on by the Bureau and might
endanger lives."
"Every file has not been released,"
said the Assistant Special Agent in
Charge of the Detroit FBI office, H.
Ernest Woodby. "That's the type of
thing that makes the Freedom of
Information Act very incomplete,
and how can you really know if it's
complete . . . all you get is bits and
pieces of information and that's why
it's very difficult to work from an
historical perspective."
E VEN IF the agency bares all,
the FBI's seemingly haphaz-
ard filing system precludes'
piecing together enough frag-
ments for an accurate portrait of the
second line, stolen from an earlier,
failed Chopin poem: Sheering to
The writers who responded to Tur-
ner's inquiry generally manage to
overcome the handicap of her mundane
questions, and their often provocative
answers transcend the term paper
organization of the book. A more
thoughtfully conceived and executed
work could easily have bordered on the
superb, but the unique insights that 50
Contempoaivy Poeti' protides makes it
v rtHvdhile-readi ngr nonefhleles's.

that the FBI disclosures may be only
scratching the surface. George Gro-_
setti is an attorney representing a
statewide consumer group suing for
full disclosure of the activities of the
Detroit and Michigan "red squads".
These two police intelligence units
conducted their own covert disrup-
tion campaigns against political
groups in the state and aided the FBI.
"According to documents made
available to us through the suit,"
Grosetti said, "the (Michigan) "red,
squads" worked intimately with the
FBI. But many . . . (of their) docu-
ments which were turned over to the
(Continued from Page 6)
"Articulate" is another word for
joining together words and other
such things. "Comprehend" means
"to hold together." "Cogent" means
to "drive together." "Harmony" is a
"fitting together", a "joining." "Jus-
tice" - from Latin and Greek all the
way back to the Sanskrit "yu" -
says the same kind of thing.
"Reconcile." That means "to call
all the pieces back together with the
voice" - with words.
WORDS. As a very young man,
Yeats wrote that "Words alone:
are certain good." They are indeed
good. Language is our first knowl-
edge as humans, the source and
record of our humanity. Language
tells us, over and over, to love each
other: to come together, to be radical
and wise, to entertain ourselves and
create the universe. ("Entertain?"
- 'Universe?', G-o (look them' -cp!-)
'Wondrfully, Dickens tells -me allthis

their (
a rec
Post I
ing has
for 15,0
ts whi

- - - .

with hi
So w
So f
And t
find n
the se
the hig
ing G:
be - t

e,1f+6a 1 l t -cc 'a-at:' * . k ..a ;,!
. { :. - ..: .z . ' a .'a ' .!.k~y a " ar. ri ,. - a ast '+ - t



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