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February 12, 1978 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1978-02-12

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The Michigan Daily, Sunday, February 12, 1978-Page 7

(Continued from Page 1)
And as the campaign begins to take
form, now that Milliken is an announ-
ced candidateand his record of incum-
bency a fair target, the charges are not
likely to lighten.
SPECIFICALLY on his record,
Milliken's weakest front will be the
PBB issue. The poisoning of Michigan
cattle by a fire-retardant mixed in with
cattle feed has hung like an albatross
around the governor's neck since the
controversy erupted.
Opponents are claiming Milliken
mishandled the affair from the start,
and they accuse him of negligence in
not adequately compensating Michigan
farmers affected by the disaster.
Milliken will also be forced on the
defensive amidst charges he has not
helped the state's economic base. All
challengers produce their own hefty
statistics on how many businesses have
left the state since the governor's
State Senator Patrick Mc-
Cullough is waging a cam-
paign against the "typical
Milliken," while his Senate
colleague William Fitzger-
ald is lambasting the in-
cumbent's "cosmetic ap-
proach to problem solving.
THE INCUMBENT may also be in
trouble with his own home base, the
traditionally Republican out-state
areas, which are upset with Milliken
both for the PBB issue and for his policy
of state aid to Detroit.
With Detroit, Milliken is in a no-win
situation. If he had failed to provide
state help for the city, he would have
risked isolating 'himself from the
populous and voter-rich tr-county
region of Southeastern Michigan,
where the Traverse City Republican is
still seen as an outsider.,t
But by his consistent policy of
urban development, Milliken has
succeeded in alienating the rural and
up-state Republicans, who generally
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Milliken's record

take umbrage at helping Detroit out
of its financial woes.
BY CHOOSING Brickley for a
running mate, Milliken may be
strengthening his support in tradi-
tionally Democratic Southeastern
Michigan, but he may need help
more in the out-lying areas, unless he
can reconcile his aid to Detroit and
his handling of PBB with the up-state
Milliken does have a lot in his
favor, however. His popularity with
the voters is unquestioned, although
his critics claim this is more smile
than substance.
The governor may also launch a
campaign of incumbency, portraying
the image of the hard-working gov-
ernor aloof from the hustle-bustle of
partisan politics.
THIS FAMILIAR technique was
used unsuccessfully by ex-President
Gerald Ford in 1976 when he cam-
paigned against Jimmy Carter as
"President Ford" and restricted his
campaigning to the White House
Rose Garden.
The technique was used successful-
ly, however, just last year in Detroit
Mayor Coleman Young's landslide
victory over challenger E r n e s t
Browne. Young campaigned as
"Mayor Young," and aired spot
radio ads which told listeners "You
put him there, keep him there."
At any rate, Milliken has already
given indication that this is the
course his non-campaign campaign
will take by telling reporters, "There
is much work that must first be
completed in the Capitol" before he
starts stumping the state.
LASTLY, Milliken may be helped
by the fact that four candidates have
already lined up on the Democratic
side, and two - Fitzgerald and
McCullough - are from opposite

ends of populous Detroit.
In other words, a Democratic pri-
mary campaign may split Detroit
down the middle between the east
side and its suburbs, where Fitzger-
ald is better known, and the west
Detroit downriver area, McCol-
lough's constituency.
If Detroit is effectively split, a can-'
didate without the popular support of
the state's Democrats could be nom-
ALSO, Detroit Mayor Young may
be the political kingmaker. As a.
national leader in his own right,
Detroit's popular incumbent could,
well swing the Democratic primary
to either of the candidates merely

with his endorsement. But the whis-
pers are getting louder that Young is
upset' with both McCullough and
Fitzgerald for not supporting him in
his mayoral bid.
Young is also in a touchy situation
in endorsing any Democrat over
Milliken, who, by all accounts, has
been generous to Detroit. The mayor
may withhold any endorsement at
all, or make it cool at best, since he
does owe Milliken a political favor.
Milliken may also benefit from the
traditional pattern of political sci-
ence, that the party controlling the
White House does-not fare well in the
off-year election. In other words,
Jimmy Carter may become a cross
for state Democrats to bear.

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Daily Photo by JOHN KNOX
Standing here in breathless anticipation are a few of the 5,500 students who
showed up Friday for the newly revived University tradition, Michigras.
New Orleans' Spirit
lives on at Michigras

(Continued from Page 1)
shows. But the atmosphere was no
less festive Friday night at the first
all-campus carnival in a decade.
THE UNION lobby was decked out
with streamers and packed with
people. Some came wearing painted
faces and costumes.
In one corner, a jazz combo played
to a small but enthusiastic audience,
while behind them, others waited in
4 line for $1 million in play money.
Straw-hatted carniva) barkers ca-
joled the "rich" patrons into trying.
their luck on the roulette wheel and
similar games of skill and chance.
Merrymakers found something dif-
ferent in every alcove of the Union: a
clown doing acrobatics, a caricature
artist and a popcorn and candy
Booths of various student organi-
zations lined the second floor halls. A
N "
(Continued from Page 1)'
niggers home. Commies go home."
"It was too political, too commun-
istic," said another student.
Two students managed to get into
the bookstore before the protest
started and talked to the Nazis. "It
was 'business as usual'," said one
student. Another overheard one Nazi
say, "If they start throwing punches,
we'll just go in there and wipe 'em

potpourri of groups was represented,
from a British folk dancing troupe, to
an East Indian group displaying
waterpipes and other exotica, to
"Green Peace," which sold balloons
saying "Save the Killer Whale."
BEER WAS served in the ball-
room, where there was barely
enough room to dance as crowds
thronged around the bar. The over-
flow spilled out into the hall, causing
an enormous traffic jam rivalling
those at the beginning-of-the-term
book rush.
Larry Pulkownik, chairman of the
University Activities Center (UAC)
committee tha t sponsored the event,
said celebrants polished off 43 kegs of
beer. The beer was allowed only in
the ballroom, and there were some
students willing to forego the rest of
the party for it.
"It's too much hassle going
through the crowd every time I want
a beer," said junior Tim Karsten. "I
can stay here and listen to the band
and drink beer all night for less than
what the cover charge is at most
But the evening was not without
incident. One small fistfight broke
out at the conclusion of the event, but
the participants left when asked, Pul-
kownik said. Also, campus security
reported an "extremely small" fire
of undetermined origin on the fourth
Summing up the carnival's other-
wise successful comeback, Pulkow-
nik said, "Our objective was not to
make a lot of money - we knew it
would take 3000 people just to break
even. What's more important is that
the party got people into the Union,
and they learned that it's a viable
building for students on campus."


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