Page 6-Friday, February 10, 1978-The Michigan Daily amesmanship ills Sleuth Britain 'S Nazareth By PETER MANIS IF YOU HAVE never seen Anthony I Shaffer's Sleuth, I heartily urge that you catch the current Ann Arbor Civic Theatre version. Their production is an admirable one, and the play is too well- crafted to waste your initial viewing on it on an inferior production. The first viewing is all-important. The play is, among other things, a mur- der mystery of the highest order. Any person caught relating the second act to people who haven't seen the play should be shot, at the very least. Sleuth By Anthony Shaffer Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre February 8:1l, 1978 Andrew Wyke . ................ Beverley Pooley Milo Tindle......................... William Cross Inspector Doppler._............. John Alexander Detective Sergeant Tarrant.......... Fred Rico Police Constable Higgs ....,. . . ...... Ed Lesher Roger Wertenberger, director, set designer; Miriam Marshall, costome designer; Seth Orback, lighting designer Aside from the sheer plot, the play is pervaded by the sense of challenge inherent in playing games. The plot is advanced through verbal warfare, and the dialogue consists largely of con- tinual one-upsmanship. Shaffer's wit is crystalline; there is never a word out of place. THE PLOT BEGINS with a visit by Milo Tindle to the English country mansion of Andrew Wyke, a writer of detective novels. Tindle, a young man of Italian-Jewish descent, is having an affair with Wyke's spoiled wife. Wyke, an aristocratic bigot and games-player extraordinaire, is only too willing to give her up, and concocts a scheme to provide Tindle with enough funds to take her off his hands. To reveal any more would be, well, criminal. The cast's handling of the demanding script is impressive. As Andrew Wyke, Beverley Pooley portrays the haughty games-player brilliantly. He is in com- plete control of the nuances of a monied lifestyle - his manner in handling a simple napkin is a study in refinement. His superb imitations of a variety of stock -detective-novel characters com- pletely steal the first act. Tindle's only purpose here appears to be to advance the plot and feed Wyke straight lines. My only criticism is that Pooley oc- casionally seems to lack the human warmth necessary to persuade =Tindle to go along with the plot. At no point is he sufficiently disarming; his movements are too stiff, too brittle, and his manner of speaking too slipped. There doesn't seem to be enough war- mth to allow Wyke's romanticism to breath. On the whole, however, Pooley is a joy to behold. As Milo Tindle, WIlliam Cross has a relatively dry role. Certainly in the first act, Tindle is almost entirely eclipsed by Wyke. Even here, though, Cross allows us to see Tindle's growing resen- tment at Wyke's overbearing manner and bigotry. As the play progresses, we see this hatred gradually emerge as Tindle becomes more and more openly contemptuous of Wyke. Cross is ex- tremely effective in conveying Tindle's cold fury. At times, though, he seems to be working too hard. This is par- ticularly true towards the end .of his "last things I ever see" speech. Instead of allowing his words to coldly speak for themselves, Cross is too concerned with appealing to be 'choked with emotion.' The result is very forced. Overall, though, Cross' performance is also to be applauded. DIRECTOR ROGER WERTEN- BERGER has done an admirable job of retaining a sense of balance throughout the production. Although Wyke dominates the first act, we are always aware of Tindle's presence, and can feel his growing antipathy. One in- teresting aspect that Mr. Wertenberger introduces is in painting Wyke in a more unfavorable light earlier in the play than in other productions I have seen. Wyke's bigotry and contemptuous opinion of Tindle are brought out vir- tually from the start. The play is equally demanding from the, technical point of view. Mr. Wer- tenberger doubles as set designer for this production, and does a fine job here, too. His cavernous interior is ef- fectively cold and barren and is filled with shadowy corners, all showing Wyke's essentially lonely lifestyle. Miriam Marshall's costumes were un- failingly correct. Tindle looked the fashion-conscious European from his belt buckle to his matching underwear and gold charm. Wyke's dress was also unerring - his second act ascot and jacket were particularly apt. All in all, AACT should be commen- ded for its fine production of an ex- tremely difficult play. If you'd like to take in some exciting theater, this one's for you. raises Cobo roof By TIM YAGLE THE NAZARETH tour slogan (and the name of their latest album) reads "Expect No Mercy." The nearly sold out Cobo Arena certainly did not get any Tuesday night. The loud and proud British quartet blew the place apart. But to prepare ourselves for the band, Sammy Hagar and his band sub- jected us to an unrelenting rock 'n roll assault, blasting us with tunes from his first two solo LPs and old Montrose material. Hagar was the vocalist for Montrose in their early years. Then with vocalist Dan McCafferty sitting on a bar stool due to what ap- peared to be a leg injury sustained just before showtime, Nazareth broke in- to one of their early hits "Razamanaz" which got the audience buzzing. THE BAND THEN stormed into "Takin' Time" and followed with "a song about my reason for being here," as McCafferty put it, "Teenage Ner- vous Breakdown." The group shifted gears to a more soft and mellow tone with a couple of acoustic numbers, including Woody Guthrie's "Vigilante Man" and a song about cocaine during which the crowd yelled "Cocaine!" But the hard rock oriented Detroit fans were becoming a bit restless so a blistering number about the "people truckin' from town to town," Kentucky Fried Blues" en- sued. One of Nazareth's biggest hits "Love Hurts" and a tune from Expect No Mercy "Gone Dead Train" with a chug-a-chug rhythm followed. THE NEXT SONG, "Expect No Mercy," a loud, strident rocker gave us no mercy. In the middle of this song, the sound was so brazenly loud that the temptation was to cover the ears and seek shelter. The crowd, charged with the zesty emotions of the evening, loved it. The band left the stage carrying McCafferty aloft, but were summoned back by the enth1isiastic and appreciative crowd for a rousing encore. Although extremely loud and often unintelligible, the quality of sound was acceptable. Though many of the tunes were melodically and rhyth- mically repetitive, the song selection seemed appropriate considering the tenor of the evening. Patti offers fine rock 'n roll trip Don't Be Bashfull TAKE OUT A DAILY CLASSIFIED AD FOR VALENTINE'S DAY!1 By MIKE TAYLOR and BRUCE YOUNG :.T'HEN WE DO 'Radio Ethiopia' Wa V sometimes it goes to different places," said guitarist/bassist Lenny Xaye late Wednesday night, after a vigorous evening of rock 'n' roll with the Patti Smith Group. Departure point for Wednesday's expedition was Second Chance; the hundreds of people on hand were not disappointed with the trip. New York's blizzard had stranded Patti's band, leaving her alone on Mon- day night, but they were in great form 'two days later. Also appearing was Sonic's Rendezvous Band, a group that always seems to be improving. 4 Fred "Sonic" Smith opened his band's set by blowing his nose on the Daily's review of Monday's show. "As long as those squares are writing shit --like this, I know we're doing all right," .,he sneered. From that, Sonic's laun- ched into a tight and energetic set, highlighted by a superb "Sweet Nothin' ". Intriguing rhythms and nielodies forced their tough attitude toward the world into the waiting brains of the throng. AFTER A SHORT break, the Patti Smith Group burst onto the stage, bringing with them Lou Reed's "We're' Gonna Have a Real Good Time Together." The song, one of their stan- dard openers, gave the first indication of the band's capacity for loud but highly musical rock. Patti wore a large tweed coat over a vest, shorts, and dark tights. She spent the rest of the concert removing her Piedal. Just for the health of it. Get moving, America! March 1-7. 1977 is National Physical Education and Sport Week Physical Education Public information American Alliance for Health. Physical Education and Recreation 1201 16th St, N W. Washington. D C 20036 coat and putting it back on, announcing "Hi, it's America's sweetheart." She played a few tunes from her two albums, Horses and Radio Ethiopia. "Pumping (My Heart)" and "Ask the Angels" had even more punch than the studio cuts. But "Kimberly" differed most from the recorded version; Patti changed the beat and melody, just as Bob Dylan has done with some of the classics. THE BAND ALSO played some songs we hope to see on Patti's forthcoming album, which she wants to call Rock 'n' Roll Nigger. She's been playing one of these, "Set Me Free," for a couple of years. It's a stunning number filled with quiet rage. Another, "Pick Up the Night," is a relatively new song. This one is a punk love song which builds to an orgiastic climax. Sensing many sniffling noises, Patti responded to the outbreak of Russian, Flu by- saying, "This is a very American town and you're not gonna let some commie flu get you down, are you?" While recovering from our disease, Smith showed us her fine sense of golden oldies, performing them with flourish. She treated the crowd to an anarchic "Time is on My Side," and a sweet, soulful "Be My Baby." Patti has no plans to make a future album with Brian Eno; instead, she said, "I'd like to do one with Brian Jones." In addition, she visits Delaware twice a year to write poetry, explaining "It's one of our original thir- teen colonies." She also likes to write all her tunes in Spanish, she said, because "Spanish is the loving tongue - it's our most Christian lapguage." After the evening's "Radio Ethiopia" broadcast, the band closed with their signature song, "Gloria." The song opens and closes with the potent rebelliousness of the line, "Jesus died for somebody's sins but not mine. Unfortunately, there was no encore, for someone had stolen Patti's tweed coat, hurting her sister in the process. We ended the night stranded without rock'n'roll, just as hours earlier Patti's band had been stranded in New York. .VALU4ft. . vif. dZQr 1 ? d i Patti Smith WALT DISNEY'S 1941 RISING STAR The New University Poetry & Translation Magazine Submissions now being accepted for Marc/h issue in 444 Mason and the HOPWOOD ROOM DUMBO/ FANTASIA EXCERPT/ MICKEY The amazing adventures of a flying elephant and his friend. The masterful mouse represents Disney animation at its height in imagination, technique, and popularity. Also featur- ing two classic cartoons. Sat: GONE WITH THE WIND (at 1 & 7) Cinema Guild TONIGHT AT 7, 8:30 & 10 OLD ARCH AUD. Admission $1.50 I I CINEMA II Angell FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10 Hall-Aud. A i LUST FOR LIFE Director-VINCENT MINNELLI (1956) Film biography of the tortured life of Vincent van Gogh based on the novel byIrving Stone. Poth the script and the performance of this picture possess striking and dramatic intensity. KIRK DOUGLAS portrays a magnetic van Gogh. ANTHONY QUINN, adept as always. 789:15 $1.50 ******* ****/********** * *** * * ** * *** ** Saturday Night: ANDY WARHOL NIGHT- "LONESOME COWBOYS" and "FLESH" ** *************** HOURS Sunday Brunch 12-4, Lunch 11:30-4 Dinner M-Sat 5-12, Fri & Sat 5-1, Sun 5:30-12 fl8w. lbgrt ,aunarbor,ml.665-5r33 "HIGH VOLTAGE ENTERTAINMENT!" -William Glover, Associated Press Sfqhren tonz (rosby R~ussel ame broadway's smash hit comedy Bernard slade POWER CENTER FEB. 17, 8pm, 18 8pm, 19 2 &88pm