Page 4-Wednesday, February 8, 1978--The Michigan Daily ibe 34irbi toan'IaI Eighty-Eight Years f Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 107 News Phone: 764-0552 ' Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Cutting deep into dorm life WHILE University dormitories aren't the most ideal for living comfort, they do provide something which no other local housing can boast: dorms offer refuge from an im- personal city housing market ravaged by high costs and low quality. But now, even the shelter provided by w dorms is being threatened. Because of budget troubles, the Housing Office may elinimate 24 dorm resident staff positions and charge ropm and board to those staff mem- bers remaining next fall. Resident advisors (RAs) would have to pay nearly $125-the amount of next, year's proposed dorm rent hike-in or- der to live where they work. For students who need them-especially incoming freshper- sons-RAs provide academic and per- sonal counseling. They often act as a friend to talk to when someone is u having difficulties with the big 'U'. Although some are no doubt lazy, g and most have ill-defined roles, RAs and other staff members are what make University- dorms unique as a sanctuary from the harsh realities of the city and University. The problem of inefficient RAs and student staff t does not lie in the positions themselves, but in the fact that the University does not curently have an effective training program for those positions. With RAcuts as a first step, who is to say total RA elimination may not '41 Vy follow? What the Housing Office needs to do is institute a RA training program. This would assure that the University gets the most out of its residence staff. Cutting positions may save money, but it will not improve the existing RAs. Such training seems as though it could be no more than a dream, at least for now.With soaring inflation touching every facet of the University, one can not realistically argue for a project which would actually dd to ex- penses. It is hard to come up with alternative cuts for the, Housing Office to im- plement in lieu of eliminating some RAs. With rising room and board, decreased services, and practically all frills already removed from dorm living, what else is there to trim? The University should examine more closely the significance of the RA and residence staff in dorm organization. The areas currently earmarked by the Housing Office for cutbacks raise serious questions as to the future of University housing. As the budgets get tighter, the University seems to be giving less and less priority to campus housing needs. The University and Housing Office should not consider RAs as expendible as paper towels. These people are the sole force which keeps University housing from losing its most valuable quality-shelter from a sometimes crushing environment. On Monday, January 30, 1978, Michi- gan Senator Robert Griffin cast the sole opposing vote in the Senate Foreign Rela- tions Committee's tentative approval of the Panama Canal treaties. Following are excerpts from a January 26 address before the Committee, in which Senator Griffin, a Republican, explained his reservations about the treaties. I must say that this has been -one of the most difficult issues I havesconfronted in my 21 years in the Congress. I have long recog- nized that a major revision in our treaty rela- tionship with the Republic of Panama is de- sirable and could be in the interests of both countries. I recognize the importance of maintaining close and friendly relations with the people of Panama and with the people of other nations through the hemisphere. I am deeply con- scious of and concerned about the impact that outright rejection of the treaties could have on our relations in the hemisphere. SOMETIMES POLITICAL responsibility imposes upon public officials the necessity of choosing among several undesirable courses of action. That may seem to be the dilemma that we face with these treaties. After months of agonizingnconsideration, I have concluded that I cannot consent to ratification of the treaties before us. I think they are fatally flawed in a number of sub- stantive respects. In my view they do not ade- quately protect the interests of the United States or of other nations which depend upon the canal. I will, of course, be more specific in a statement of my individual views which will be filed with the committee report. I might just point, however, to Article XII, which deeply concerns me. It takes away an option of the United States which I think would be very important between now and the year 2000 to consider the possibility of building another canal, possibly a sea-level canal, in another country. We tie our hands under these treaties and deny ourselves that option, which I think would be a very valuable one and could be a very important one. I AM CONCERNED that too much of the treaty language and in very important areas is full of ambiguities, ambiguities that are so apparent that people representing both coun- tries are telling their respective constituents that the language means different things. If we are concerned about defending the canal now with the troops that we have sta- tioned there, and that seems to be the motiva- tion of many people in considering these trea- ties, I must be even more concerned about what would happen after the year 2000 with the provisions that are embodied in these treaties. I don't find the understanding that was reached adequate to cover that concern. I am very disturbed that between now and the year 2000 we would have a dwindling ndm- An other view on Panama By Senator Robert Griffin ber of United States citizens and a growing number of Panamanian citizens supposedly operating the canal as employees of the United States, but under the laws of Panama, except to the extent that there is other pro- vision made in these treaties. Not in the year 2000, but in 30 months after the treaties are ratified, if they should be, the Canal Zone would be subject to the laws of Panama, to the about the merit of these treaties. Although he finally decided on balance to support the treaties, he made a very profound and per- ceptive point in his testimony before this committee. I would like to quote him: "If we say yes to these treaties in a grudging way because we think we have painted ourselves into a corner and we have to get out, that would be unfortunate and just as wrong, and in some respects a greater mistake than to say no in the spirit of saying no because it should be done right, because we don't want to have to come back in 15 or 20 years and have to do it all over again." Under the Constitution, of course, the Senate's role is one of advice and consent. In- stead of consenting to these treaties, I believe it would be a wiser course for the Senate, preferably acting through the committee, although I am very conscious that the con- sensus of the committee is otherwise, to exer- cise only its advice authority. In other words, without rejecting these treaties outright, I believe we would be wise to advise in this in- stance the President to send the negotiators back to the drawing boards with instructions to persist until a more acceptable treaty can 'Instead of consenting to these treaties ... I believe we would be wise to advise in this instance the President to send the negotiators back to the drawing boards ... - Sen. Robert Griffin (R-Mich.) police of Panama, to the courts of Panama. I think that is a situation that would be fraught with great difficulty. There is no mechanism, no machinery-in these treaties to resolve the disputes that would arise. FURTHERMORE, I believe that the de- fects - and I have only focused on a few of them which concern me - are so basic and so serious that they cannot be remedied by try- ing to rewrite the treaties on the Senate Floor. Although these treaties should not be rati- fied, I believe that there is a course open to the Senate other than outright rejection. Despite all of his knowledge about the history of the canal, or perhaps because of it, David McCullough, the distinguished author of "The Path Between the Seas" acknowledged before the committee that he had experienced great difficulty in reaching a personal decision be fashioned. I want to say in all sincerity that I salute my colleagues and the two Leaders who have come to a contrary conclusion and who in their own minds are convinced that these treaties represent what is in the best interests of the nation. To the extent that you have the courage of your convictions, I think that is in the best interest of the Senate, because I believe with Edmund Burke that a senator owes his constituents his judgment and should not sacrifice it to public opinion alone. However, I also believe that when the call on the merits is as close as I think this is, or as I perceive it to be, I think the judgment of the people ought not to be taken lightly. Very honestly and frankly, I have come to the con- clusion that in this situation, as is often the case, the people are right. tion c Willia of the Excel we th WE "toug who Amer Webs what tions crimi W preve tool. bers his si are i and it the m ces' w the bi Bt bothe Ti eral bers. Fresh start for the FBI [ SENATE Judiciary Committee son to label thenominee a racist - yesterday approved the nomina- Webster in fact says he has attempted of Federal Appeals court judge to integrate two of the clubs - ap- am Webster to be the new director pearances do play a large role in gov- Federal Bureau of Investigation. ernment. If the Director of the FBI is a pt for a few minor reservations, member of clubs which have no black ink Webster is a good choice. members, it appears that the federal ebster has pledged himself to be a government is condoning segregated ;h guy" in dealing with FBI agents club membership. The nominee should violate constitutional rights of withdraw from the questionable clubs. icans. As a former federal judge ter would have a good sense of Secondly, Webster brings little ad- actions are justified and what ac- ministrative experience to the FBI. As are not in the pursuit of society's a federal judge and a private attorney nals. Webster has had no experience dealing ebster has also promised to with a bureaucracy like the 2,500-mem- ent use of the agency as a political ber FBI. He has said he will contact mem- Carter has appointed other federal of Congress if he feels the orders of judges to high offices in his administra- uperiors in the executive branch tion. Attorney General- Griffin Bell is rregular. This is a fresh approach one such case, and as recently as this t will no doubt breath some life into week, evidence has surfaced that Bell is gusty concept of checks and balan- having trouble coping with the bureau- vhich is supposed to exist between cracy of the Justice Department. ranches of federal government. Whether or not this is attributable to ut there are two things that are Bell's limited administrative experi- ?rsome about William Webster. ence is still being debated. he first is his association with sev- The soon-to-be confirmed FBI direc- clubs which have no black mem- -tor will, hopefully, not experience the Although this certainly is no rea- same difficulties. LETTERS TO THE DAILY Give MSA more priority coverage To The Daily: I am greatly disturbed by the wide discrepancy between Daily reporting of the upcoming city election and the campus student government election. Voters have been able to follow the Daily coverage of the city election closely. The stories are comprehensive and detailed, and begin with a historical analysis and description of the political history of that ward. In contrast Iread with alarm Thursday's story on the up- coming MSA elections. The reporter told of significant changesrthat MSA voters will be asked to consider as if they oc- curred in a vacuum. In fact, both changes would be a return to the old Student Government Council (SGC) format. There were reasons that a group of concerned students from SGC and from many schools and colleges got together and pushed to change the format of the pre- 1976 SGC. Those students wanted a studept government that was strong, representing all of the University's students, with direct ties to each school and college. They wanted the officers to be responsive to the council, and so they introduced the system of electing officers from the assem- bly body, and not from the student body at large as was done before. Both these proposed changes would be a move back to the old SGC system. There were good reasons that so many students fought to form a newMichigan Student Assembly. The Daily has a responsibility to inform studen- ts of the background of student government elections, as well as city elections. I am sure the Daily reporter was unaware of the MSA history. (As I am sure many of the city reporters were unaware of the history of each ward.) I would be background. Further, the MSA offices hold scrapbooks of all ar- ticles written pertaining to SGC and MSA, as well as copies of minutes and documents from all previous meetings. If the student body takes a greater interest in city elections than in campus elections, the Daily may be partly responsible. If the student government keeps chasing its tail in circles, the Daily must share the blame. It's difficult to have an informed student body without an infor- mative student newspaper. -Debra Goodman SGC President 1975-76 ---- Health Service Handbook By Sylvia Hacker and Nancy Palchik QUESTION: What is tennis elbow? How long would I have to stop playing before it got better? ANSWER: Welcome to the large club of people who have a chronic inflammation in the elbow region! Rather uncommon before the age of 18, this is an occupational hazard, not only of tennis players,' but also of carpenters, garderens, den- tists, and even of politicians who shake too many hands. It does not, as sometimes thought, come from poor tennis playing because outstanding professional players sometims suffer from it too. Tennis elbow could also be called "tennis forearm" because the symptoms often involve the extensor muscles of the forearm. However, the point of greatest pain and tenderness is at the elbow, and activities which cause quite a bit of discomfort include shaking hands, turning a doorknob, using a screwdriver, or carrying a briefcase. According to respected medical sources, it may not be necessary to abstain from the activity that produced the condition. Although tennis elbow is likely to persist or recur, the most painful stage is self-limited and usually lasts no more than 6 to 12 months. After this initial stage, although some minor discomfort may persist, the severe pain of shaking hands or turning knobs generally becomes minimal or disappears. Most tennis players at this stage find that the pain is greatest when they begin to play but becomes tolerable or non-existent after a few minutes. Some people report that the initial pain can be minimized by warming the forearm and elbow. This can be accomplished with warm water, a heating pad or by vigorous rubbing. Tennis players with moderate symptoms have also suggested placing a band several inches in width around their forearms near the elbow or even using a second band worn just above the wrist., The bands should not be so tight as to interfere with circulation and in fact, since the arm usually swells somewhat during play, the bands should be loosened accordingly. It may also be helpful to change to a lighter racket (not too tightly strung) or one with a larger grip. Use of anti-inflammatory drugs should only be taken under a nhysician's care because many can QUESTION: How much sleep does a college-aged person need? I seem to be able to get along on much less sleep than a lot of my friends and not feel tired. Are there differences in the kinds of sleep that different people get? ANSWER: The amount of sleep that an in- dividual requires to feel rested does vary from person to person and, incientally, also varies with age. Young adults, for example, usually need about 8 hours of sleep. Infants and young children require considerably more, and elderly people need considerably less sleep. Some individuals like yourself, however, seem to be ab'le to get by on much less sleep (6 hours a night or less) and suffer no harmful con- sequences. To understand why, one must realize that how you sleep (i.e., your pattern of sleep) may be as important as how long you sleep in determining how rested you feel. Essentially, sleep is -divided into two major categories: rapid-eye- movement (REM) sleep characterized by a fairly high level of arousal (sometimes even higher than during your normal awake period), and nonrapid-eye-movement (NREM) or quiet sleep. NREM sleep is further divided into stages 1, 2, 3, and 4. Stage four is the deepest sleep and stage 1 is the lightest. According to sleep researchers Kales and LKales, in a paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine (February 1974), in a typical night of sleep the young adult initially has a brief period of stages 1 and 2, followed by a lengthier interval of stages 3 and 4. S/he then passes back through stages 3, 2 and 1 which, in turn, is followed by an interval of REM sleep. This cycle continues to repeat itself throughout the night at 70 to 100 minute intervals with the total number of cycles (including REM periods) varying between 4 and 6 nightly, depen- ding upon the length of sleep. As sleep progresses, REM periods tend to lengthen and the descent of sleep may only reach stages 3 or 2. In all age groups REM sleep constitutes about 20-25 per cent of total sleep time. In young adults, the remainder of sleep consists of stage 2, 50 per cent, stages 3 and 4, 20 per cent, and stage 1, 5-10 per cent. Studies have shown that people like yourself, who sleep far shorter periods of time, seem to get the same amount of REM and stage 4 deep sleep as persons who sleep for 8 hours a night or more. This means that although you may sleep for a i 1 %%%%%%%/ %%% /// %O%%%%///%%%%%%%%%%/ I I