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February 08, 1978 - Image 1

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i ai1g

See Today for details

Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 107 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 8, 1978 Ten Cents 10 Pages

Were #2!
Big Ten dorm rates compared

1977-78 BUDGET
"Where your dollars are going"

Total Revenue
Room S816.40

per stu.
to if

Inv. Inc

Not only can the University boast of
its position as Big Ten football cham-
pion, the school also carries another
unique distinction: University room
and board rates are nearly tops this
year among Big Ten colleges'
Only Northwestern charges more
than the University for single and
double rooms and board. The Univer-
sity does a bit better with its rates for
triples, trailing Northwestern, Min-

nesota and Michigan State.
SINGLE ROOMS with board now cost
$1,935 at Northwestern and $1,906 at the
University. Northwestern doubles run
$1,716, with University doubles costing
$1,638. Triples, including board, are
$1,610 at Northwestern, $1,533 at Min-
nesota, $1,470 at Michigan State and
$1,445 at the University.
Indiana University ranks lowest of
the Big Ten, with singles costing $1,359,
doubles at $1,229 and triples at $1,097.

Norm Snustad, acting associate
housing director, said comparing rates
can be tricky since services differ
among universities. But, he did offer
several explanations for the com-
parably higher rates at the University.
HIGH LABOR COSTS, according to
Snustad, is the primary reason for
higher room and board costs.
"Labor is more expensive here than
in most states," he said. "Other states
have less need to be competitive with
local industry."
Snustad also said dorms here are
older than at most other universities,
which leads to higher repair costs and
less efficiency. He cited West Quad as
an example of an older dorm that is dif-
ficult to clean because it lacks
elevators. This results in higher labor
IN ADDITION, Snustad said large
windows in many dorms contribute to
high energy losses.
"I'd like to think we have classy
rather than efficient design in our dor-

ms such as Mo-Jo and Stockwell,"
Snustad said.
He pointed to the unlimited food re-
serve policy and dining areas in each
individual dorm as frills not available
at most other schools.
"OUR STUDENTS expect maybe a
bit of higher standards than at other
schools," he contended.
The University, however, provides
only 13 meals per week, while most of
the other Big Ten schools offer 21 meals
per week.
Snustad said since the University has
to compete with apartment sublets in
the summer, it receives little housing
revenue at that time of year. He also
said the University attracts less sum-
mer conference business than most
colleges and has a high rate of dorm
In addition, Snustad said the Univer-
sity is unique in that "we have a dif-
ficulty in getting a large student labor
See 'U', Page 2

(13,675,073) (272.26)
--rs tteREVENUE (06-v
0 ~ADMIN. '.
(173.59) (86g 4.6%
- t$''-'UTILITIES (166.28) (STAFF
-1 9.5% SERVICE p c3 ,

Carter to


aid for



WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Carter will announce a major pro-
gram today to provide a reported $1.2
billion to college students from
middle income families because he
fears a 71 per cent jump in college
costs has put their chances for higher
education in jeopardy.
Hoping to stave off a move in
Congress to give a $250 tax credit to
the parents of all college students,
Carter will propose a combination of
grants and loans for the aid, said
White House Press Secretary Jody
IT WAS announced last month that
Carter had set aside $700 million in
contingency funds in his fiscal $979
budget for the aid, but sources in the
government and Congress said the
aid package will total $1.2 billion.
Nearly $1 billion will go to increase
the government's $2.2 billion Basic
Educational Opportunities Grants
program, which is now targeted at
low-income students, the sources
said. The rest will go in increased
funding for the Guaranteed Student.
Loan program and campus work-
study programs.
The package will raise the family
income limit from $25,000 to $40,000
for students to receive loans with the
government subsidizing the interest
while they are still in school.

Education and Welfare Secretary
Joseph Califano will unveil the
program today.
Powell said the program will be
targeted mostly at the middle class,
but he did not specify what families
Carter would include in the middle
Most basic grants now go to
students from families earning less
thatn $10,000.
THE GRANTS drop to a minimum
of $50 as income and assets increase.
The cutoff point for a family of four
with one child in college is roughly
$17,500 in income.

At present, some 2.4 million stu-
dents attending college next fall are
expected to receive basic grants av-
eraging just under $900 apiece.
For fiscal 1979, Carter has pro-
posed $4 billion for existing programs
to help college students and has
proposed raising the maximum grant
from $1.60 to $1.800. He also has
proposed making more students eli-
BETWEEN 1967 and 1975, Powell
said, college costs have increased by
about 71 per cent, putting the
average cost of tuition, room and
board for each student attending pri-

vate school at more than $4,000 a
For each student attending a
public college or university, the cost
has climbed to about $2,000 a year,
Powell said.
"For lower- and middle-income
families," the press secretary de-
clared, "the ability to send their
children to college is in jeopardy."
HE'CALLED Carter's program a
"response to the President's concern
and concern expressed in Congress
that middle-income families are. not
in a position to receive aid under
See CARTER, Page 2

New law dean vows not to be a




Late date Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
Delayed by the storm which stranded her band in New York, Patti Smith
reached Ann Arbor several hours late for her performances at Second Chance.
Long waits in freezing temperatures prompted many disgruntled patrons to
demand refunds. For full story see Arts, Page 5.

The University c o m m u n i t y
shouldn't expect any drastic changes
in policy or sweeping reform when
Terrance Sandalow takes over the
reins of the Law School next July.
"The role of the dean isn't one of a
dictator as many people believe"
Sandalow said. "My role will be to
act as a chairperson of the faculty, a
person who can call their attention to
issues at hand."
IF APPOINTED by the Regents,
as is expected, Sandalow will become
the 12th dean in the Law School's 118-
year history. He was nominated for
the position by a search committee
headed by Law Prof. Francis Allen.
"Prof. Sandalow is particularly
capable of giving both intellectual
and educational leadership to the
position," Allen said. "This gave him

urges program
a great attractiveness for the job." he might run
Sandalow received his Juris Doctor for me to im
degree from the University of Chi- backs of alum
cago in 1957. He taught on the staff of "He's alwa
the University of Minnesota from
1961 to 1966 before joining the Univer- See SA
sity's law faculty. Sandalow also
served as law clerk in the U.S. Court
of Appeals for the Second Circuit in
New York, and as clerk to Justice
Potter Stewart of the U.S. Supreme
"HE HAS AN extraordinarily ana-
lytical mind," said present Dean
Theodore St. Antoine. "Sandalow
knows how to ask the right questions
and come up with good, sound
conclusions. He'll sit down on July 1
as a highly qualified dean."
One of Sandalow's law students
remarked that he had "no com-
plaints" about the appointment, but
added, "If fund raising is important S

into trouble. It's hard
nagine him patting the
ni at cocktail parties.
ys prepared for class,"
NDALOW, Page 10



Kenworthy's had
By GREGG KRUPA Colburn was a man of unremitting
Second in a Three Part Series political aspiration. He talked openly
In 1974, Ann Arbor's Fourth Ward about wanting to be mayor. Republi-
)emocrats faced a nearly impossible cans speculated that he had his sights
hallenge. In a district long known as set on the Republican nomination for
he city's swing ward, they were the House of Representatives from
>resented with the task of unseating his congressional district.
ne of the area's most popular THE DEMOCRATS struggled to
republicans - University Speech find a candidate willing to undertake
>rofessorWilliam Colburn. a campaign destined for failure.
poacSeveral candidates w e r e ap-
proached, but the nomination was un-
filled. Finally, Jamie Kenworthy, an


unknown precinct captain, stepped
forward. "If no one else is going to
run, I'll give it a shot," he said.
In a stunning political upset, the
orange mop-headed graduate student
was elected. But now Kenworthy has
announced he will not seek a third
Four years after his election, his
style remains unpretentious: the
unkempt hair, the cackling laughter
See KENWORtTHY, Page 10


First state case of
Russian flu identified

Czech blasts
force, butality
in E. Europe
Appealing for an end to Soviet repression of human
rights in Eastern Europe, former Czechoslovakian dis-
sident Peter Vlcko said yesterday he believes the Western
nations "must repudiate those who make a
slaughterhouse of humanity."
"We must form a common spiritual front to oppose
brutal force in Soviet dominated countries," Vlcko said
yesterday afternoon at Rackham Amphitheater, during
part of the week long symposium on human rights in
THE SYMPOSIUM is co-ordinated by AKTSIA (Action
ft for Soviet Jewry and Human Rights) and sponsored by

ANN ARBOR (UPI) - Michigan's
first case of Russian flu has been
identified in a 20-year-old Lenawee
County man, University researchers
reported yesterday.

side the Rocky Mountain area," said
Dr. Arnold Monto, director of the
Tecumseh program. "It was found in
the midst of an outbreak on Tecum-
seh caused by the Texas strain of flu

has been a clear consen-

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