Page 4-Tuesday, February 7, 1978-The Michigan Daily ~bc3irimjn 1Bai Eighty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Vol. LXXXV11I, No. 106 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan AXing RAs for doper " ARIJUANA USE ought not be a highly of Arnson's performance as an matter of police concern. It RA: should be a matter of personal choice, One RA summed the case up well: not of public policy. "It just wasn't a fair way to deal with it Ann Arbor voters endorsed this view at all." of marijuana use when they voted in the But Eric Arnson's firing is more $5 fine ordinance in April, 1974. than an individual tragedy. It is also Rules or statutes making pot use il- one piece in the picture of a dorm direc- legal do much harm and no good. The tor trying to crack down on the personal recent firing of Eric Arnson from his ' behavior of dorm residents and silence job as resident advisor in Bursley Hall the student voice in staff selection illustrates this well. decisions. Building Director Tod Hanson axed According to numerous resident staff Arnson after receiving reports the RA members and applicants for future RA arranged for a minor drug transaction positions in Bursley, director Hanson between two dorm residents. The tab has cut back on the student voice in RA came to $4, on which Arnson made no selection and has taken over much of profit at all. the process himself. We fail tosee how the charges made In addition, Hanson seems to be against Arnson merit the drastic action carrying out a crack-down on. staff which the dorm director took. Arnson's marijuana use. This will have the effect conduct had no real bearing on his per- of either isolating RAs from other formance as a resident staff member. students or forcing them into secrecy In fact, Arnson's job record seems to and deceit. be quite good. Arnson was a vocal opponent of He really brought the floor these policies. Now, based on a.flimsy together," one student said of him. pretext, that dissenting voice has been Other residents on Arnson's floor and silenced. The losers are the residents of other Bursley staff members also spoke Bursley. Seafarer haunts the U.P. The other bigots on campus As well-rounded and worldly university students, we like to think of ourselves as somehow more enlightened, less narrow- minded than the average clod-in- the-street. Not a day goes by around here that somebody doesn't thankhis lucky stars he's in liberal Ann Arbor, far from those dumb rednecks, back in Escanaba or Alpena. That's hardly fair, however. And hardly true. Nobody - and no place - has a monopoly on bigotry. The University com- munity has its own strictly ob- served set of "right" and "wrong" opinions, and those who disagree with the accepted view of things do so at their peril. WE'VE ALL witnessed instan- ces where some poor devil has had the bad judgment to suggest in a classroom discussion that abortion might be immoral, or that capital punishment should be reestablished. At best, such remarks are likely to be greeted with patronizing smiles or frozen silence - at worst, they can bring ridicule and social ostracism.. Last Tuesday, during a Univer- sity-sponsored "Forum on Cor- porate Investments in South Africa," a representative of the white minority South Africa gov- ernment was heckled and abused by University students,attimes to the point where he was unable to make himself heard. A group calling itself the "Ad Hoc Committee Against Debate with Apartheid Murderers" took credit for having planned and ex- ecuted the disturbance. With the smug satisfaction of people who know with absolute certainty that they - and only they - are in the right, the members of this group took it upon themselves to deter- mine what the students of the University of Michigan were going to listen to. IT IS BAD ENOUGH that such an act 'of wanton imbecility should be committed anywhere at all. But that it should take place on the campus of a great university, where tolerance and free discussion are still supposed to be held in some esteem, is both tragic and frightening. To be sure, intolerance has raised its scaly head on college campuses before; dozens of sim- ilar incidents from the antiwar years, for instance, come readily to mind. But there are certain, By Mike Norton for a Militant Graduate Em- ployees Organization. and the Washtenaw County Coalition Against Apartheid) are the vic- tims of their own simplistic ideol- ogies, in which everyone is either a Good Guy or a Bad Guy- and only Good Guys have the right to express their opinions. (They're not alone, either; it is an attitude ruefully common these days.) But when the world is divided between Us and Them, when some people are given the right to speak while others are denied that right, democracy is reduced to a pious and meaningless catch- word. The mentality demonstra- ted by the Ad Hoc Committee is that shown by the Nixon White House when it lashed out blindly at theslightest hint of disagreement; moreover, it is the mentality of the present govern- ment of South Africa. What, after all, did the Ad Hoc Committee have to fear from Deon Erasmus? Were they afraid he would somehow mesmerize the students of this university in- to supporting his heartless re- gime? That is hardly likely. As John Milton observed some 300 years ago, the truth is a tough old girl; she's never been beat yet in a fair fight. And silencing free discussion of the situation in South Africa would in no conceiv- able way serve the interests of that country's oppress~d black majority. PEOPLE SILENCE other peoplefor only one reason - because they find disagreement of any kind unbearable. Such people cannot stand to think that others have not Seen The Light as they have; in every voice of dis- sent they hear a challenge to the validity of their own beliefs that drives them wild with rage. Quite simply, that is just not a reasonable and sane way of coping with reality. We're probably all intolerant to one degree or another, of course. But we must take great pains to recognize bigotry for what it is: the defense of feeble and fos- silized minds. Moreover, we must recognize the members of the Ad Hoc Committee - andd althose who would stifle free debate - for what they are. features about the South African situation that illustrate the - stupidity of last week's fiasco particularly well. The most outrageous act of the South African government, after all, has been its ruthless sup- pression of political dissent. Those who have dared to challenge the policies of the white regime have been hounded, jailed, tortured, even killed - and it is this naked, brutal use of power to silence opposition that has horrified the civilized world and made South Africa an outlaw among nations. BUT LET US BE as honest as we can, if only for a moment. What is the difference between the South African government's efforts to destroy free speech in Soweto or Johannesburg and the attempts of a gang of hoodlums to suppress open debate in Ann Ar- bor? Surely it is a mere differ- ence of degree - for the same ut- terly contemptible principle is involved in both cases. To be sure, the disruption of last week's discussion is not quite the same thing as the cold-blood- ed murder of a black leader like Steve Biko. Yet it clearly springs from the same twisted motives and, left unchecked, can lead only to the same terrible end. The young crusaders who booed and chanted when South African representative Deon Erasmus stood up to speak have short memories. They forget, for instance, that during the Forties, Fifties and early Sixties it was leftists and civil rights agitators who were jeered from the podi- ums of many American universi- ties. They forget that free speech is a right guaranteed, to everyone - even those with unpopular views. IN A WAY, the Ad Hoc Com- mittee and its member organiza- tions (the Spartacus Youth League, Clericals for a Democratic Union, Committee THE CITIZENS of Michigan's Up- per Peninsula have a lot to worry about. The Navy's infamous Project Seafarer has made its way into news again, this time because of yet another reversal on White House policy by President Carter. During his campaign for President, Jimmy Carter gave his word that a multi-million dollar communications system would not be constructed in the U.P. if the residents up there didn't want it. But last week, ,viewing the Project under new light in his role as President, Jimmy Carter "qualified" his pledge, saying that while he is "very committed to be sure -that nothing is done to disturb the quality of life of the people there," the huge communications system would, in fact, be a pet project of his administration. The obvious point here is that Carter has once again compromised on a vital promise. This has come to be expected of the man in recent months, unfor- tunately, and it has become passe to get upset about Jimmy's broken cam- paign pledges. Another point which is quickly falling from popular espousal is that projects like Seafarer bloat an already overbloated defense budget. It is tiring People to charge Carter with reversing 1's pledge to cut defense spen- ding-and apparently it is useless to nake this charge, as well. The Carter hdministration has announced that the J.S. needs more defense now, not less. The question too, of whether or not Seafarer is really needed seems to be forever sitting in the laps of military knen. They are lobbying successfully in Washington to keep the project alive. And the debate continues over Whether or not extra-low frequency . radiation from the specially-powered Seafarer cables (which would criss- cross the U.P.) would be harmful to the delicate environment there. Acco'rding to U.S. Congressman Phillip Ruppe, who represents people in the U.P., the Navy has ignored much of the data linking the Seafarer Project to ill heath effects on animals and people. So, truly, the people of the U.P. are in trouble. The Navy has broken promises, the federal government has broken promises and even President- Carter has broken promises on the question of whether Seafarer should be developed. No statements have officially come out yet which pinpoint Michigan's U.P. as the ultimate location for Seafarer-but Seafarer is now a very viable project. Carter has allocated $40.5 million in 1979 for its develop- ment. The fact that Seafarer was on its way out before Carter became President and now appears to be back on its way in as a renewed initiative doesn't say much for the President's pledge to follow what the people of the U.P. say. Mike Norton managing editor is a former of the Daily. LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Sadat attempts to bully Israelis zhe mt-rhigtttt atttlv EDITORIAL STAFF Editors-in-chief GREGG KRUPA DAVID GOODMAN Managing Editors EILEEN DALEY............. ............University LANI JORDAN .................................... City LINDA WILLCOX .......................... Features/Projects BARBARA ZAHS................................. Personnel KEN PARSIGIAN Editorial Director BOB ROSENBAUM Sunday Magazine Editors PATTY MONTEMURRI TOM O'CONNELL To The Daily: In response to your editorial of January 20, I believe it is of the utmost importance that the press not be taken in by Egyptian President Sadat's rhetoric about alleged Israeli intransigence as the Daily has been. Mr. Sadat's raving about an Israeli "obsession" with land is just that: raving. Contrary to what Mr. Sadat may claim, and the press accept, the Israelis have not displayed an uncompromising position on the return of land during the negotia- tions between Egypt and Israel. , Israel has offered to return all of theSinai andrthe West Bank with very minor modifications. All this despite the experience of 1956 when Israel returned to Egypt the Sinai, from where ter- rorists launched- attacks against the civilian population of Israel, for foreign guarantees of securi- ty. When the time came for those guarantees to be honored, they were simply not lived up to and Israel was forced to take action to defend herself in June 1967. Israel has gone out on a limb and is dealing with Mr. Sadat in good faith despite the fact that certain other parties in the area, such as the Palestine Liberation Organization and Syria, not only refuse to deal with Israel as Mr. Sadat has, but also have con- demned Mr. Sadat and his negoti- ations with Israel as treasonous. And in return what has Israel been offered? Mr. Sadat has "shook the world" by meeting face-to-face with Israel, some-. thing Israel has been asking for for the last thirty years. Mr. Sadat has declared that he has given Israel "legitimacy and security." First, lest Mr. Sadat forget, Israel's legitimacy does not depend on his acceptance of the reality and right of the existence of the State of Israel. Israel's existence was legitimate before Mr. Sadags recognition of Egypt and Israel to simply fur- ther their struggle against Israel. For sure Mr. Sadat has made a major step towards real peace in the area. But his recent attempt at bullying Israel into an agree- ment is not the kind of diplomacy needed to solve the Mideast con- flict. His act of calling home his delegation was not an act of bold- ness; as the Daily portrayed it, rather it was an act of impatience - very foolish and dangerous im; patience with a process of deli- cate negotiations which must, and will, take time. - Victor Allan Kay " the Israeli role To The Daily: Storms and sickness have pre- vented a prompt response to your editorial of January 20th dealing with the breakdown in the Middle East peace talks. While being responsive to current events, the editorial neglects to mention sompe very relevant concerns. For thirty years all the political leaders of Israel, including fac- tions of the left and the right,, desperately strove for peace with their Arab neighbors. No one credited Israel for her peace ef- forts. The Arabs, on the other hand, maintained their hard line, and therefore President Sadat's brave words were truly a pleasant surprise. Yet his con- ditions for a peace agreement did not depart from the traditonal Arab stance. He insisted on the return of all the 'occupied' ter- ritories, captured by Israel dur- ing the 1967 War. These territories are an issue which was created by Arab aggression, namely the Egyptian blockade of Sharm el Sheik and the Jordanian bombardment,, of Jerusalem, events which led to the 1967 War. Territory for the Palestinians is an issue which could have been resolved when the occupied territories were un- -- sA --, - - - I -.?n v recently brave and progressive approach but as a part of Israel's continuing quest for peace. There are differences among Israelis regarding the con- cessions that it should make in order to achieve peace. In any case, Prime Minister Begin's proposals subsequent to Sadat's initiative were more generous than those of previous Israeli governments. He suggested a return under certain conditions of the whole Sinai peninsula, the only area directly concerning both countries, and also suggested granting self-rule for the west bank as an interim five year solution for the Palestinian problem (which leaves to the Palestinians the decision about their own self-determination problem). These suggestions have been considered generous by even some doves within Israel and elsewhere; some experience politicians claim that Begin ex- pressed his willingness to give too much too soon, leaving almost nothing for further bargaining. Though everybody in Israel is glad about the Sadat initiative, one must bear in mind that when he first declared his wish towisit Israel, he also stated that the only differences between him and Syria's Assad are tactical. We all know what the PLO and Syria want as a comprehensive set- tlement: they demand Israel to agree to its self-destruction as a precondition for any negotiations. Thus it is most astonishing to read your com- pliments of Sadat, and criticism of Begin, when it was Sadat who was slow to arrive at a willingness to negotiate peace and hasty to break off negotiations. While much is 'gained by Sadat's dramatic action, perhaps it is time for 'him to lay aside- drama and allow time for a natural healing process, enabling both nations to develop a firm traditinn of mutual trust which Daily's newspaper carriers who actually got the paper "on the street." Furthermore, they had to "labor frantically," not in a well-heated building, but out in the snow that confounded the Ann Arbor News, the city plows, the National Guard, and the Army. My special thanks go to Bob Abbott, who had to make the bulk deliveries by car to the Post Of- fice, merchants, University buildings, and all the dorms; and I would also like to thank every frostbitten carrier who slogged it through the snow on foot. -- John R. Leonard Daily Circulation.Director AMArepr To The Daily:-AMA report I was horrified and shocked to read in the Daily that the Ameri- can Medical Association is strongly opposing the report of the Senate Committee on Nutri- tion. The study, "Dietary Goals for the United States," recom- mends a decrease in consumption of processed sugars, eggs, salt, and animal fats, and an increase in consumption of fruits, vegeta- bles, and whole grain. The AMA maintains that there is no proof that diet is related to disease! It seems to me to be the height of medical and human ir- responsibility to counsel people not to improve their diet because insufficient"proof" exists. We all know instinctively that if we ate better we would be healthier. Does the AMA want a nation of better fed, healthier people, or a nation of people needing the help of professionals to overcome dis- eases like cancer, heart disease, and hypertension? The AMA said that changing American eating habits might lead to economic dislocation. So might changing smoking and drinking habits. So might chang- ing energv consumntion habits. r I4 h