Page 6-Sunday, January 8, 1978-The Michigan Daily a CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING POLICY AD deadline is 12 noon the day before publication (4 P.M. Fri. for Sun.) including corrections and canceflations. The Daily is not responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an ad. Advertisements may be removed from publication but will be billed according to original number of days ordered.I This policy is also applicable to ads requiring pre-payment, i.e., no refunds. Information regarding content of classified ads cannot by disclosed prior to publication. Advertisers' names may never be revealed. Number, of lines in advertisements is determined by total number of words- 7 words/line. "Help Wanted" ads cannot discriminate on the basis of sex, color, creed or national origin to. any extent (i e. "preferably" is still discriminatory). "Found" ads are run free-of-charge to aX maximum of 3 lines for 3 days. :55 > Untontracted Classified Rates FEMALE ROOMMATE to share furnished 2-bed- room apt. in Village Green North. Grad, profes- sional or working nonsmoking preferred. 995-4863 persistently. 84C114 ROOM AVAILABLE in co-op house for woman on State near Packard. 668-6402. . 89C108 SHARE OWN ROOM in 2-bedroom apt. for $150/ mo. Call 663-2797 after7 p.m. 90C111 FALL '78 CAMPUS AREA APARTMENTS AND HOUSES WELL FURNISHED UNITS IN MODERN BUILDINGS & UNIQUE OLDER HOMES STOP BY SOON FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION AND BEST SELECTION CAMPUS RENTALS S. UNIVERSITY AT WASHTENAW 665-8825 cCtc ROOM A ND BO ARD FRIENDS INTERNATIONAL CO-OP-Meal mem- berships for graduate and professional students. International home cooking, fireplace, ping pong, laundry facilities. 1416 Hill St. 761-7435. 53E11l LIVE IN A FRIENDLY COOPERATIVE HOUSE. One space available. Karen, 995-3185, 665-6295. 74E01 12 NEW TO U of M? Meet friends. Student co-op housing. Share work, savings, fun. Inter-Coopera- DELI-Each Sunday night at Hillel, 1429 Hill. $1 per plate. Israeli-style this week. New York-style rest of the time. cF08 LOWE ST COST COURSE PACKS * COLLATED " STAPLED BOOKLETS " QUALITY BOND PAPER COPIES 2.750a Copy ANN ARBOR'S LOWEST COURSE-PACK PRICES (Compare Albert's St/copy) COPYMILL LOW COST COPYING 211-B S. State St. and 522 E. William St. Words 0-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 INCHES 1 2 3 4 5 1 1.15 1.40 1.65 1.90 2.15 2.40 2.65 2.90 3.15 3.15 5.65 8.15 10.65 13.15 2 2.30 2.80 3.30 3.80 4.30 4.80 5.30 5.80 6.30 6.30 11.30 16.30 21.30 26.30 3 3.05 3.70 4.35 5.00 5.65 6.30 6.95 7.60 8.25 8.25 14.75 21.15 27.90 4.301403 4 3.80 4.60 5.40 6.20 7.00 7.80 8.60 9.40 10.20 5 4.55 5.50 6.45 7.40 8.35 9.30 10.25 11.20 12.15 6 5.30 6.40 7.50 8.60 9.70 10.80 11.90 13.00 14.10 add. .75 .90 1.05 1.20 1.35 1.50 1.65 1.80 1.95 1.95 3.45 4.95 6.45 8.95 10.20 12.15 14.10 18.20 21.65 25.10 26.20 31.15 36.10 34.20 40.65 47.10 42.20 50.15 58.10, EXPERT TYPING specializing in dissertations, theses. Rackham Quality. 769-2255 preferably 4 to 8 p. m. 45JI111 PROFESSIONAL TYPIST NEEDED to assist in my job search. $3.00/hr. 763-1620 after 5 p.m. 61J 110 ADVERTISE FOR LESS iirough the 'Michigan Daily contracted classified ads. Call 764-0557 for more information. dJ121 THE SECRETARIAT Typing, Copying, Binding Editing. Drafting, Lettering 812 South State Street 11-6,.7 days/week 994-3594 cJtc WRITERS AIDE SERVICE INC. Professional edit- ing and writing. Expert directional assistance for papers, theses. 1-557-2755. cJc EDIGRAPH EDITORIA L & PUBLICATION SERV. Editing * Writing * Design " Translation manuscripts, reports, articles pick-up & delivery . 66-8899 cJ4 16 A PROFESSIONAL TYPIST is your best bet. Dissertations, manuscripts, papers, etc. Reasonable/guaranteed/references. 434-9027. cJ209 NEED HELP with your Holiday cleaning? We do a variety of chores expertly done by grad student. References if requested. Call 995-2388. dJ TYPING-Professional/student rates. Fast, reliable service. Ask for Barbara, 6654286, 24 hours. cJtc TYPING-Any kind of Manuscripts. IBM Selectric. 663-59'i79. 411114 'N.B.: Each group of characters counts as one word. Hyphenated words over 5 characters count as two words (this includes telephone numbers) 8 lines equals 1 inch 7 words per line 662-3969 cF110 DOG GONE: Small shepherd collie mix, black. Call 763-2883. ' dA 112 TWO SWELL CATS, each ten months old, female, one black and the other calico, lost in vicinity of Packard and Arch Sts. just before Christmas break. If found, please call 662-7799 or return to 806 Pack- ard dA0II FOUND-PEACE OF MIND. Phone ENERGY LINE. 663-5366, anytime. cAtc FURNISHED ROUM wit hkitcnen pirvileges, very close to campus, $100/mo. Call 769-8520 days. 66B112 MOVING--Everything goes, washer, dryer, bureau, tables. etc. 973-0626. 47B110 LEASE IN BAITS HOUSING-Contact Nancy at 763-2839. - 39B113 FOR RENT Female ,needed to share room in spacious, mod- ern 2-bedroom apartment near campus. Kim, 761- 6400. 99C111 SHARE THREE BEDROOM townhouse with pro- fessional woman and child. Rent $110/mo. or nego- tiable with housekeeping. 662-6230 or (1) 494-7411, Plum. 51C108 ROOMS FOR RENT at Trigon Fraternity. Single room, 19 meals/wk., some kitchen privileges, goes for $200/month-other arrangements are possible. Call 761-5145,1617 Washtenaw. 37C113 PRIVATE ROOM-Double bed in Georgetown con- dominium, everything furnished, $140/month, fe- males only. 97i-3313 eves. 38C112 FEMALE GRAD STUDENT-wanted to siare-fur- nished home, fireplace, yard, 20 minutes from cam- pus, $165/mo, split fuel. 663-4838. 42C112 ANSWER TO' PREVIOUS PUZZLE C H A P S C 0 F S W 0 M AR E ST A B OV I S PER F E C O M0 S E F F A S E F A I R S S T R AI T UNSTOP HAT R A Z A N T H ODE 0 DOSE OAR P E N M A N CALL U P A G I L E R A Z O R E N L C C X ENO UGH N U T H A T C H BI R UD N E T U L A S N C R Z D E L E H A G E N HEB E DAILY CROSSI Edited by Mars 01978 LOS ANGE A.F.S. MEETING-Tuesday, 8:00 p.m.-629 S. Divi- sion-769-3634 88F1 10 Smoking withdrawal clinic is now beginning at Hillel, 1429 Hill St. $25 for 12 sessions plus follow- up. Prior registration required. 9-5 weekdays or by phone (663-3336. cF1Il SECOND CHANCE-Music and Meal.Deal. Eat in restaurant Sun-Thurs between 4 and 9 p.m. and enter night club free. cFtc, HAD YOUR THIAMINE TODAY? Available at the Village Apothecary vitamin department, 1112 S. University. cF108 ELF ELF ELF PLEASE . . . PLEASE . . . PLEASE ACCEPT THE HEARTFELT THANKS OF ALL OF US HERE AT ELF FOR MANY HUNDREDS OF CALLS YOU PLACED TO (313) 663-5366 FOR OUR HUMBLE MESSAGE OF HOPE AND ENCOURAGEMENT ... KEEP THOSE CARDS AND LETTERS COM- ING WON'T YOU? PERSEVERE ... PERSEVERE ... PERSEVERE ... IF YOU GET AN ELF BUSY SIGNAL PLEASE? OUR EQUIPMENT ELEC- TRONIC CAN HANDLE 520 INDIVIDUAL CALLS' IN A 24 HOUR DAY-IF YOU ARE BUSY-IED CALL AGAIN AFTER A LAPSE OF 3 MINUTES (ENDLESS LOOP TAPE DURATION) AND WE'LL. BE GLAD TO SHAKE YOUR HAND WITH LOVE!! DIAL TODAY DON'T DELAY TO (313) 663-5366. SHALOM-PEACE. cF108 OPEN HOUSE AT HILLEL-Sunday 8:30-10:30. Lots of people and info. Free refreshments. 1429 Hill (near Washtenaw). cF108 MAKE LOVE!-NOT WAR (It's good forour business) Austin Diamond 1209 S. University 663-7151 Specializing in custom engagement & wedding rings cFtc ISRAELI DANCING resumes Sunday, 1-3 p.m. at 1429 Hilt Instruction and advanced, 25t. cF08 HAD YOUR ZINC TODAY? Available at the Vil- lage Apothecary vitamin department, 1112 S. Uni- versity. cFlO7 fORD PU1UL garet Farrar ELES TIMES ting 11 Fashionable ads footwear s concern 12 Country place 13 Depart offerings 14 Fallacy in logic: ., Lat. friend 15 Siberian 20 Nails mount 21 Current ate 23 Confession of faith n with: 24 Word of mouth 27 Burdened 28 AAA concerns 29 Free from ed domination modiste 30 Algerian rday cavalryman 31 Superior ability 32 Warded off 's task 34 Roil ing 35 Docs 36 Unique 38 Personage of tter 28 Across s 41 Like very much: Colloq. aris's 42 See 11 Across 44 Second in a series 45 Mail term: Abbr. rices 47 Cry's partner favorite 48 Musical syllable OPEN FOR BREAKFAST at 8,a.m. ROUND HAUS CAFE, 618 Church, across from Blue Frogge. 995- 5095. CF416 PRIMAL TRAINING and/or supportive counseling at the Personal Growth Center 403 Miller, Ann Arbor, MI 48103. (3131 971-0102, Est. 1972. c-F416 LOWEST COPY PRICES THE COPYMILL 211S. State (near Olga's) Copies, course packs, while yOU Wait! 662-3969 Our prices really are the lowest cFtc SECOND CHANCE-Music and Meal Deal. Eat in restaurant Sun-Thurs between 4 and 9 p.m. and enter night club free. ecFt MALE, 31, Michigan Law '75 interested in music, sports, theatre and languages, seeks female com- panion, 25-35. Reply to Michigan Daily Box No. 7. 43F113 JAZZ AT THE UNIVERSITY CLUB with the FORCE. Vincent York featured alto sax solosit with the Duke Ellington Orchestra, Ned Mann bass, Kevin Gibbs piano and Kenneth Bolds former drummer five years with Lionel Hampton Drums at the University Club cocktail lounge each Friday and Saturday evenings 9:30 p.m.-1:30 a.m. throughout the Fall. No cover charge, free trial membership available from the hostess. cFtc TUTORIAL PROJECT SEEKS ENERGY & COM- -MITMENT. .Like working with youngsters or ex-, perience in schools and day care? Come to Project' Comrimunity4for credited. placement. 204t ich. union, 763-3548. 59F113 ENERGY LINE can help with HOUSING, JOBS, OR ANY PROBLEM. Phone 663-5366 24 hours any day. cFtc INMATE PROJECT offers you the chance to share your skills and learn about the criminal justice system. Course credit available. Call Project Com- munity, 763-3548, 2204 Mich. Union. 59F113 PREVIEW SHOWING of action movie "OPERA- TION THUNDERBOLT" one time limited seating performance of the most. expensive, powerful, and exciting Israeli movie ever made. Sun., Jan. 15 1 p.m., Fifth Forum, $3.00 reg., $2.00 student. Con- tact Beth Emeth, Hillel or Chabad House for tickets. 55F115 PREGNANT? Need help? Call Problem Pregnancy Help, 769-7283. Pregnancy tests available.cFtc 76-GUIDE FOR 24-HR. PERSONAL COUNSELING and RE- FERRAL call 76-GUIDE. For University phone num- bers, events, and movies call 764-1817, for student phone numbers call 764-2330. cF416 SECOND SERVE 1978 Michigan Rose Bowl T-Shirts 406 E. Liberty cFtc LIGHT MOVING $10 local van load 663-2669 cF416 THE SECRETARIAT Typing, Copying, Binding Editing, Drafting, Lettering 812 South State Street 11-6,7 days/week 994-3594 LOWEST COPY PRICES IN THE MIDWEST! Accu-Copy. 514 E. William, 769-8.338 NONSMOKING FEMALE-Own room, furnished, exc. location. 761-1003. 65U1112 LARGE ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT, until May 1st, Golfside Apartments. $210 plus utilities. 483- 5582. 73U0108 1 MALE NEEDED to fill 4-man modern Carriage House Apts. Close to Diag and CCRB. $98/month. 668-6091. 83U0110 ROOM IN HOUSE-.$105/month plus utilities. 663- 3555 92U114 PRIVATE PILOT GROUND SCHOOL Thirteen-week course meets Monday nights 7:00- 9:30 P.M. beginning January 16, Room 3080 East Engineering. $45 course fee includes test. Sponsored by Michigan Flyers. 98M115 Yoga/meditation class. Including relaxation and concentration techniques. Starts Wednesday. Janu- ary 18. 7 p.m. Concourse Lounge, Markley Hall. Certified instructor. 994-0984. 96M115 QUALIFIED EDITOR of papers, theses, articles, books. No ghost writing. Call 663-1369 aftr 5 p.m. 63M119 VOICE LESSONS All styles. Call 662-1214. 52M112 H ELP W ANTED CLEANING PERSON-for professional couple with no children, 4 hours/week. $3.50/hour. 995-2560. 94H108 Computer-type, part-time, temporary, Washtenaw County Community Mental Health Center is looking for a person with advanced experience in using MICRO STDS or other relational-type data base system in MTS. FORTRAN programming skills de- sirable but not r-equired. Call David Clifford at 994-2601. p70H 115 EXPERIENCED ENTREPRENEUR, going back to school is going to establish several retail businesses near the campus area. Will consider sponsoring the involvement and organization necessary with trained ambitious individuals who might like to end up owning the business as a consequence for good stewardship when I leave four years from now. Please reply at Michigan Daily Box No.8. 64H112 BABYSITTER-Three days/wk. 3-5 p.m. 769-2658 after 4p.m. ___40H108 ECOLOGY CENTER of Ann Arbor seeks full-time writer/advocate, $600/mo. Call 761-3186. E.O.E. 41H110 MEAL JOB at sorority. Enjoy great food and company. Call769-4472. 46H113 MR. TONY'S now hiring counter help and drivers. Apply in person at 1327 S. University after 5 p.m. 68H113 DISHWASHERS AND BUSPERSONS wanted. Call Jim at Chi Psi, 761-6281. 67H113 EXPERIENCED WAITING HELP WANTED-Con- tact Peter Dilorenzi at the University Club in personlp.m.-3 p.m. week days. cH416 DELIVERY HELP WANTED MUST HAVE OWN CAR. CALL: ROUND HAUS CAFE 995-5095 cHIl13 CLEANING PERSON NEEDED for private home S10 hrs./wk. Experience required with references. Call between Iland 3p.m. 995-1025. 54H113 TENNIS PROS AND ASSISTANT PROS-Seasonal and year-round clubs; good playing and teaching background. Call (301) 654-3770, or send 2 complete resumes and 2 pictures to: Col. R. Reade, W.T.S.. 8401 Connecticut Ave., Suite 1011, Chevy Chase, MD 20015. p16H120 BLUE FROGGE is now accepting applications for waiters and waitresses. Apply between 2 and 8 p.m. at 611 Church. 62H113 $140WEEKLY FULL-TIME PERMANENT POSITION We have an excellent opportunity for several aggressive and dependable people who enjoy talk- ing on the telephone. We contact residents through- out the state of Michigan and we need several people, 18 years of age or older to explain our pay as you read plan. No experience necessary. Call 487-5051. 48H111 WORK STUDY STUDENT NEEDED to type tapes of interviews in pyschology/psychiatry project. Must have good typing and transcription skills and a flare for the dramatic. Twenty hrs./week at your conven- ience, $4.00/hr. Call 764-6168 and leave name and number. 56H113 C9 FORD ECONOLINE VAN 1972-Excellent condi- tion, V-8, automatic, AM, 2 heaters, asking $2,500. 769-4831. 43N106 68 CUTLASS, good shape. Call Mark. 663-1916. 86N0113 Join The Daily F The DAILY'S PHONE NU ABERS: Billing 764-0550 Circulation 764-0558 Classifieds 764-0557 Display 764-0554 News & Happenings 764-0552 Sports 764-0562 11 6' 10 11 13 16 17 18 19+ 20 21, 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 ACROSS French story Snakes H-istoric penin- sula of Luzon Thieve: Colloq. Phrase used in enumerating Diminutive suffixes Like some plants Depot: Abbr. Oriental ruler Tendencies Demonstrative Popular vehicle Coarse Famous sculp- ture in Rome Certain British: Abbr. Esteem Homeowner's need Sight from the Kremlin "Little Rhody" and others Loosen Physicians' org. 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 49 50 51 52 1 2l 3' 4 5 6l 7 Designa some roa Lawyer' Colloid "Local"o Proceed Rover'sf Pronoun Extra an Particip To begin Phrase German. Rears Esteeme Notable of yeste DOWN Director Fish-eati mammal Seizes Greek le Implores Rams One of P XEROX AND OFFSET FAST, LOW COST DUPLICATING COPY QUICK 1217 S. University MINORITY PEER COUNSELORS Needed for Minority Counseling and Information Center. MC.I. is staffed by minoritylstudents nwho are trained to do informal supportive counseling, to run groups concerning issues of special interest to minority students, and to dissiminate informa- tion about the University and the Ann Arbor com- munity. M.C.I. Peer Counselors are trained by a professional staff in the Counseling Services Office. 15 hours/week, $2.80/hour. Applications available, Counseling Services Office, Third Floor Michigan Union. Deadline: Tuesday, Jan. 10, 5 p.m. 93H108 MEAL JOBS AVAILABLE. Delta Sigma Delta dental fraternity, 761-6616. 87H110 COMPUTER-TYPE, Part-time, temporary, Wash- tenaw County Community Mental Health Center as working for a person with advanced experience in using MICRO STDS or other relational-type data base system in MTS. FORTRAN programming skills desirable but not required. Call David Clif- ford at 994-2601.- 70HO108 250 INVENTORY CLERKS needed for local department store Jan. 12th, 6:45 a.m.-12 noon. No experience necessary. No fees, Call Kelly Services, 973-2300. 35H111 OZONE HOUSE needs you;to provide temporary housing for young people iir crisis--one day to 2 weeks-a comfortable cotich is all you need. Call Jan at 662-2222. cF1211 PROFESSIONAL EDITING " DISSERTATIONS " BOOKS " ARTICLES T PAPERS RUTH GLADSTONE-769-2931 a t 3 B U C e e 8 ;5 . 1 Try Daily Classifieds L 33 34 1 airports 8 Century 9 Cut, as p 10 Juvenile 4 5 0 Got the talent? Then all you need is The Book! THE FIRST CAREER GUIDE TO THE ENTIRE FILM INDUSTRY. Complete rundowns on 75 jobs in films - Interviews with people now in the business - Training pro- grams - How to get started - 75 behind-the-cam- era photos - Much, much more! 11" x 81/2". $6.95 at bookstores. A Public Service of this' newspaper & The Advertising Council We're counting Ony ou. F°1' I 8 I9 I 1--'r- -n-'r- -i i i i i i 13 16 19t 14 !/ -i 7 X24 23 26 7R . 24 .... PFTTIIII! m= m= I I I 12 29 I m m