Page 4-Sunday, February 5, 1978-The Michigan Daily The Michigan Daily--Sunday, 4 rs_ Your radar range is out to get you By Stephen Selbst r THE ZAPPING OF AMERICA By Paul Brodeur W. W. Norton and Co.: New York $11.95 T HOUSANDS OF people who use the University Library system each day may be encountering a health hazard capable of affecting their be- havior and inducing cancer. The threat comes from microwaves, high- frequency electromagnetic radiation that can penetrate human bodies and cause a spectrum of health problems. Library patrons are likely being irradiated-or zapped, as it is called-by the display screens of the microfiche system, which have been found in other locations to leak small but significant levels of radiation, and are suspected to have caused cataracts in workers who used them daily. That example illustrates how abun- dant microwaves are in an urban en- vironment; they're literally everywhere, from the radio-television transmitters found in most cities tothe microwave ovens in homes and restaurants. Paul Brodeur, a staff writer for The New Yorker, has written a book entitled The Zapping of America, which describes the public health dangers of microwaves and advances his theory as to why the public isn't alarmed at being exposed to this hazard. Although microwaves have a variety of domestic uses, Brodeur argues, by far the largest user of microwave technology is the military, whose entire communications and radar network employs microwave devices. Brodeur argues that the radiation leakage stan- dard used by the military is unsafe, but because the military has such vast sums invested in microwave equipment it is unwilling to replace that equipment. Moreover, he writes, the cost ofnaking existing communication systems safe is high enough that the military wants to continue using equipment that is demonstrably unsafe. For that reason, Brodeur concludes, the military has systematically tried to suppress infor- mation about the true dangers of microwave radiation, in the process ignoring an accumulating base of scien- tific data that indicates microwaves are capable of causing chromosomal damage, cancer, sterility, cataracts,. and a host of emotional disorders. Stephen Selbst, a former Daily editor, is a first-year University law student. Brodeur's anger is honest, but in the long run it gets in the way of his book, and I think it also distorts his con- clusion. In the book Brodeur isn't con- tent to merely present the data for his audience and let readers draw the inescapable conclusions. His style is almost prosecutorial; it fairly screams "See, see, see, this proves what I've been saying." Granting him the legitimacy of his anger, it's still an annoying stylistic device. Brodeur has done an admirable job of marshalling data to support his conclusion; the evidence is sufficently self-explanatory that his annotations are unnecessary. I THINK Brodeur's anger made him see a conspiracy where none exists. Brodeur reached the answer to the question of why the military doesn't want to use safe equipment; it's simply economics. It would cost too much money, such enormous amounts of money that the Defense Department would be faced with the choice of scrapping its communication system or finding an alternative to it. As far as suppressing data goes, Brodeur does show that the military has cancelled and interfered with studies in this, country on the effects of radar and other defense-related communication systems using microwaves, but there's a significant literature .in this country understood as trying to exonerate the defense community. It's hard to ignore the conclusion that the government has tried hard to obfuscate the facts con- cerning its own microwave operations, but to say it has tried to quash other scientific inquiries seems to be overreaching. Brodeur's book begins with a section I found particularly well-written and in- teresting. In it he describes briefly the CRMATCHED INTO THE painted steel frame of the front door, the words "to hell with this" provide a striking contrast to the carefully painted mural in an adjacent vestibule of a boy stretching up to a mountain range. Taken together, the graffiti and the artwork hint at the suc- cesses and failures of Community High, the city's alternative secondary school. Wedged into a generation driven by the relentless drum of convention, Community students retain a warmth, a spontaneity and a questioning spirit that seems lost on their peers in more traditional in- stitutions-at times they seem to have almost bypassed their era. But of course that is not possible. Despite the long hair and frayed jeans taken from their older brothers and sisters, the people of Community High, and the school itself; are vastly different from what they were six years ago when the school first opened its doors. Faced with a decreasing enrollment and a student body which many believe is less academically prepared or motivated to cope with the flexibility of a non-traditional school, Community High students Elaine Fletcher is an Associate Editor of the Sunday Magazine. find themselves smack among the dominant educational problems of the decade. Meanwhile, a moral controversy surrounding one teacher, who is fighting an administration charge that she maintained an unprofessional relationship with a student, has put a tear in the fabric of carefully woven human ties which hold the school intact. Just how far can Community go in its search for alter- natives-both in the realm of education and human relationships-before being called on the rug by a system which expects teachers to assume the role of society's moral templates? It is a question left unan- swered for the moment. * * ** Opened at the beginning of the decade in a conver- ted elementary school near the center of town, Com- munity High served a two-pronged purpose: to accommodate a flood of baby boom students so severe it was already bursting the seams of the newly-built Huron High, and to satisfy the demand for a school which would fit the needs of bright but alienated youngsters spawned by the unrest of the '60s. One wonders if the school's founders would have dared dub it "Community High" had they been able to foresee the future. But as the name implies, the school grew up around a structure designed to give students, teachers and community people an equal' a~ voice in the educational machinery, and to create close personal bonds between those same three entities. ,- HE SCHOOL 'community' is centered around "forums" of some 20 students led by a teacher responsible for everything from personal and career counseling to the co- ordination of leisure-time activities. The catch phrase, 'every teacher is a counselor' is frequently heard. In a broader sense, the 'community' of the high school extends out to local volunteers. Under the auspices of the Community Resources (CR) Program, these people meet with students in- dividually or in groups to give instruction in such areas as dance choreography and psychology. Wiley Brownlee, former Dean of Community High and now Assistant Superintendent of Schools, says the two in- novations are both the strengths of the school "and the things which-are probably giving it the most problems." A heavy blow was dealt to the Community Resour- ces Program last year when the- district ad- ministration decided that a student who paid for some sort of private instruction should not be able to receive credit for it. "It wiped out one-third of our CR courses just like that," laments one student, See COMMUNITY, Page 11 . 'Library patrons are likely being irradiated - or zapped-by the display screens of the microfiche ' system, which are sus- pected to have caused cataracts in workers who use them daily. ' Brodeur describing Brodeur lucidity, gi Brodeur regrettabl: Seafarer, grid of ele der the soi the purpos submarine plan woul affected ir tromagnet grid wouk and othe Although ] data about tric fields periment animals e) fields of produce h motivation tion with n E FFEC aren't into effect grants tha suasively always an, ignorance radiation i level of im. our envir greater U II. on the adverse effects of microwaves in domestic settings. There also exists much research on the effects of microwave radiation done in foreign countries, particularly in eastern Europe. Indeed, the relative ease with which Brodeur was able to find material to docun:t the assertions in his book undermi ! his thesis. Although I thi! ,'rodeur overstates his conclusion a oit the degree to which the military has tried to sup- press information, I don't want to be rise of radio technology in this country, defines microwave radiation, and laun- ches into some case studies of how doc- tors initially began to suspect microwaves of causing cataracts and sterility in workers who had been ex- posed to radar during World War II. Scientific journalism is a notoriously difficult field, for it entails explaining in simple English highly. sophisticated ideas and technology. At this, Brodeur excels; in contrast to the section on the alleged conspiracy of silence, in Indeed, plea for hazard o irreparaU G f M 3 t r'a i.- i 2,.i t'! 1' . , i ; ! . a? }'i :e+1 d i 1 l't' l' ..'!'d'i. '1 .L't' i 3 ' r)'. '': da :'t :,, ,'d.'lrhi tt"a'j')rj l'j' .'t; o o . .r :P 2. .. .. a2 , :Y'A < .. s i ., . C. a,"+ .. ' r ti _ _ F.