Page 10-Sunday, February 5, 1978-The Michigan Daily The Michigan Daily--Sunday, the 'U'- (Continued from Page 3) class. This year they're finding it very tough and it sure isn't because they're less bright." Students have not objected to the in- creased rigidity. In fact there's been a trend recently toward increasing enrollment in the traditionally difficult classes. "Kids are all of a sudden taking more math and science, and they're doing it because they think they'll need it in college," says Huron senior counselor Jim Zornes. "And they think they'll need it in college because they sense the difficulty of University of Michigan classes." The University's power over what high school students study is not quite that indirect. The University has long been acting in an2dvisory capacity on questions of curriculum. Moreover, by occasionally supplying tutors as well as facilities which the high schools can not duplicate, the University encourages a higher level of study than is found in most high schools. Pioneer brags it was one of the first high schools in the coun- try to offer Advanced Placement (AP) and Accelerated Courses (AC) as well as humanities classes, and nobody doubts where the inspiration for these innovations came frcm. "Over the years there has been a very natural relationship between the high schools and the University," says Sjogren. "We've been working on their programs with them for a long time." The comparatively high retention rate of Ann Arbor-educated students who enroll in the University demon- strates, if nothing else, the abiity of the high school educators to prepare their students intellectually for the Univer- sity of Michigan. And for some studen- ts, that's enough. There is another student, however, who many claim the high schools have run roughshed over in their race to prepare the college bound majority. Although both Huron and Pioneer offer a vocational curriculum of sorts, students and accreditation officials alike have criticized the schools for failing to encourage study in this area and for not accommodating the vocational student by tailoring certain academic courses to meet his needs. "It's a higher education-oriented community," says school board mem- ber Mary Pence, "and because of that the other student is too often left behind." AST MARCH, a team of state educators comprising the North Central Evaluation Com- mittee descended on Huron and Pioneer for several days to study the schools and then offer evaluation reports. The evaluations were con- sistently glowing on almost every count but one: 'Do more for the vocational student.' "The professional staff can be proud of their successes with the academically talented," read Huron's evaluation, "but we note an overall deficiency in program opportunity for those studentsat the other end of the ability continuum." Speaking directly to Huron's in- dustrial arts and vocational program, one committee member listed as a primary concern: "How and why a community of this size with the interest it has in quality education does not sup- port a more developed program in vocational education... With as much industry located in Ann Arbor, there should bea better vocationalfacility." . The assessments of oterdeprtmen- ts in the school were also peppered with complaints about the lack of oppor- tunities for the non-college bound student. Pioneer's evaluation was not quite so harsh on this count, but the school was found to be deficient nonetheless. "The counselors might argue with the premise, but the fact remains that many students and a number of the faculty feel that there is not enough at- tention paid to advising and placing of the non-college bound student," the appraisal read. "Perhaps, too, more course offerings need to be made avail- able to meet the needs of these stu- dents." And fifth on a list of weaknesses of the school staff and administration was this familiar refrain: "Many staff members assume that the task of the high school is in exact relationship to that of a university." Jerry Lanskey, a senior at Pioneer, is a victim of the alleged neglect. Although he has been enrolled primarily in vocational classes since his freshman year and plans to continue the snow removal and lawn care career, which he began five years ago, Jerry complains he has had little or no support from teachers, counselors or friends. Even his parents, though they didn't attend college, "wanted me to go for more school," he says. "They all tell me that I'm not going to get anything out of the welding and auto classes I take and that I should go to college and make something professional of myself," he complains. "But I like doing labor, I like to work, and I don't want to go to school and waste time reading books, because that's what it would be for me-a waste." Jerry, who already owns his own snow removal and lawn equipment, sparkles when he speaks of the trade he has chosen. He brags that he could produce "50 references by tomorrow from my customers," and derives much pleasure from hiring some of the same friends who ridicule his career choice, and paying them "twice as much as they make at their regular jobs." "When I told my counselor that I didn't want to go to college and told him what I wanted to do-that I wanted to make a business-he just laughed," recalls Jerry. VEN HIS teachers in the voca- tional department, he says, have discouraged him and tried to route him through college. "My welding teacher is always trying to tell me how rough it is without a college degree. He says we oughta 'get a degree first and just use a trade as something to. fall back on. But I don't think that way. I like my work. When I get outside in the summer or when the snow's -really deep the exercise makes me feel great. My friends, they're all going to college and they think this is a passing fancy. But I'm going to stick with it." Roland Schwab, a counselor at Pioneer, says it is rare for an Ann Arbor student to be as candid as Jerry about non-academic career goals. Schwab says he has even heard students lie about plans to attend college just to ward off peer pressure, which he claims is some- times vicious. He adds that the elitism, which some school officials defend as "sophistication", extends not only to non-college-bound stu- dents, but occasionally to non-Uni- versity of Michigan-bound students as well. B ehind every Daily Photo by WAYNE CABLE "Some students here think the University is the only place to go," says Schwab. "Because of that snobbery, places like Washtenaw (Community College) really get the shaft. They have some excellent courses, but some students who belong there won't consider it be- cause it isn't prestigious enough." Jill Sonstegard, a Pioneer senior, has fought the battle of prestige for several years now. The daughter of a University professor, Jill says family pressure to attend a quality college after graduation has been applied for as long as she can remember. So when Jill, a model student (vice president of Student Council, an honors student, member of the Parent, Teacher, Student Organiza- tion) decided to drop out of Pioneer last November to sort out her academic goals, the action caused more than its share of debate. "My dad was angry, the teachers couldn't understand it, and neither could other students," recalls Jill. "People look at you and say, 'My God, you must be stupid,' but I'm not stupid. They think, 'There must be something wrong with you,' but there's nothing wrong with me." Because of the pressure on Jill to attend a prestigious university, the pressure to perform well academ- ically in high school became the natural accompaniment. Living in Ann Arbor, she reasons, didn't make matters any easier, and now Jill longs for the "small, friendly, non- college town" in New Jersey where she lived until the fifth grade. "Just living in this city puts a lot of strain and stress on students, a lot of demands are made. High school becomes too competitive - competi- tive in a way that's not healthy. "Before I dropped out I spent a lot of time in AP classes and they all became a race to see who could get the 'A's. The teachers would decide on a curve at the beginning of the term that allowed only five students to get 'A's and nobody in the class could really become friends because you were all competing for the five 'A' positions. And since the Univer- sity is the reason we have AP classes to begin with, the University be- comes the reason for the pressure. It takes a while to see just how influen- tial that school is." ILL SAYS she doesn't hold any- thing against the University itself -"I use the University's libra- ries, I've used its microscope, I go to its concerts, I go to its plays" - but she is bitter about the competi- tion and academic elitism it subtlely nurtures at Pioneer. "People frowned upon my decision to leave school for a time and they all figured I must be a juvenile delin- quent or something. But I'm a good student," Jill insists. When she decided to return to school this term, she said she considered enrolling in Community High "because I thought I would be too embarrassed to go back to Pioneer. When you drop out of school, even if it's only for a while, students conclude you're either stu- pid or a burn-out. But I finally de- cided to go back and screw them all." While Jill was out of school last. term she decided to apply to college. That first decision pleased her father, "who believes it's the only thing to do." Her second decision, to apply to Kalamazoo College, fulfilled his quality requirement. But Jill's not sure if a student with a "black mark" on her transcript will be granted admittance, and she doesn't know yet if Kalamazoo will let her enroll next winter term, allowing her time to complete her high school credits. "I'm going to talk to the U-M director of admissions to see if he can help me get into Kalamazoo in the winter;" she says. "And if not, I'll apply here and end up going to the University of Michigan. Doesn't everyone?" high lurks the Big ' -schooler By Ann Marie Lipinski HE NORTH WINDOWS at Pioneer High T bare an ominous view: Out past the school parking lot, just across Main Street, the University sports kingdom rises out of the ground like a midwestern Taj Mahal. Gold painted gates guard the football stadium, the palace of fall, and just behind the concave structure, Crisler Arena lurks like a red brick sentry guarding passing into the Univer- sity community. Pioneer High, old, decaying, is small by com- parison and rests squarely in the shadow of the sports complex. On the other side of town, Pioneer's pretty sister, Huron High, enjoys a freedom from the physical suggestion of the University. Sufficiently distant from North Campus, Huron is the lone proprietor of a healthy stretch of Fuller Road. Like Pioneer, however, Huron cannot escape the reach of the shadow. The umbra cast by the stadium and the powerful university with which it is associated spans the distance from Pioneer to Huron. It creeps into the homes of the 4,375 students who are the concerns of those high schools, influences PTA meetings, falls over teachers and, most significantly, colors the schools' curricula. Huron and Pioneer Highs, some have suggested, are merely appendages of the University. And for Huron and Pioneer students, the effect is obvious. "Ann Arbor kids are born," said one Huron Ann Marie Lipinski is a former co-editor of the Daily. HE BIGGE Ann Arbor pressure a and-surpi tend college after g is to be expected, sa the students come parents have atten even teach here or colleges in the area ted by staffs that University. Further tion is ultimately u board with a histori bound student. If these circum pressure, these stai a national average seniors go on fo: graduation. Howeve of last year's Pionee learning institution cent of Huron's sem "The pressure to Huron counselor R year it becomes evi had kids who scored my office and say terrible.' I guarant terrible, but how c react when he lives has one parent who and another who's a Recently, the acai Arbor high school s like the University Huron and Pioneer rampant grade infl just last term ado system, which son suggest was institut grading systems w minus approach the 1975. Whatever the fen competition a students. NIVERSIl Cliff Sjo sees app cedures b Arbor students who year, has complaint Ann Arbor classi severe inflation wh Arbor high schools rated in the top th high school teache listened "There's no dou "Teachers here are ago my students history had practi See politics (Continued from Page 5) N THE meantime, Graham deals with individual cases of homo- sexuality "just as any other prob- lem would be handled. "I speak of it as a problem just because our society has not accepted it yet," she adds quickly. "These people are still a minority no matter how you look at it." Students at Pioneer and Huron con- firm that their high schools are harsh environments for gays. "If you go to Huron High and you say you're gay, you're called a fairy, you're called a fag, you're laughed at and made fun of," says Robin Hunter, who is active in the Huron Student Council. And Steve Bennish, a January grad of Huron, says, "They wouldn't be foolish enough to come out. A gay would probably be beaten up. The ridicule that person would undergo would be so vicious and so damaging it wouldn't be worth it." In the '60s and early '70s high school activists gleaned much of their in- spiration from such outside influences as the radical Rainbow People's Party. Today, while lesbian and gay liberationists around Ann Arbor would like to help high school homosexuals assert themselves, they are inhibited by visions of legal entanglements that are often by-products of such con- troversial association with minors. Tom Brown, a University junior and Gay Hotline counselor, explains, "There are a lot of things that are legal that high school students just can't get involved in. It may be technically legal, but the administration and parents would exert so much pressure against it that it's almost impossible to do it. "With the Gay Hotline, the students have somewhere else to go where they don't have to get into the trouble they'd have to face in the schools." And still, while young gays are liberal users of the faceless telephone hotline, says Brown, his attempt to organize a meeting at the Ozone House last sum- mer failed. People promised, but no one. came. What's more, Brown'wasn't really surprised. See POLITICS, Page 12 counselor, "with big, black 'M's' branded right in the middle of their foreheads." The subtle, but almost symbiotic relationship between the University and Ann Arbor's two traditional high schools is a dubious one. On the one hand, city high school students are a privileged class: they are welcome in the University libraries, can borrow University computers, and have been lent evenings behind the University's electron microscope. The University's Matt Mann pool has been used for their swimming meets, Fisher Field handles their baseball games, and the first time Pioneer and Huron fought over pigskin was at Michigan Stadium. For $1.50 they, too, can see Casablanca one more time, for a cold morning in line they can purchase the Ella Fitzgerald seat right next to yours, and for those who are 18, or at least have ID that says they are, Dooley's is an easy retreat. The suburban high school lament-"There's nothing to do here"-is easily quieted in this kinetic college town. Frederic Wiseman's high schoolers never had it so good. But there's a flip side to this cheery tune, a pic- ture that-reflects the necessary evils of playing house with an institution as large and as power- ful and as influential as the University of Michigan. There is a cost to pay for the proximity to the Harvard of the Midwest that for some students renders the benefits negligible.. Daily Photos by WAYNE CABLE ,a