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February 04, 1978 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1978-02-04

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Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 104 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, February 4, 1978 Ten Cents, 8 Pages Plus Supplement
Beicher out:Fifth Ward seat a toss-up
By MARGARET JOHNSON paign hands down, but I think we can pG housing responsibility by construct-
d a SUE WARNER pull an upset," commented Gold- opposed to that," said Cmejrek Goldberg said the city's housing e o it costs have "skyrocketed," but he
With Lou Belcher forsaking his berg. "All we have to do is mobilize a adding, "I think we should have problems are the result of a shortage ing new dormitories. He aso sai said all costs of living have increased
City Council seat in his ill-fated run lot of latent support that's there for part-time city council members, I and the expense of building new units ciborwned lPackard Beakpurchased for the including property taxes and upkeep.
for the mayor's chair, one of two new the Democratic party." don't think we should have full-time in Ann Arbor. He also said the city aborted Pkd-Bk highway "The landlord has to pass these
faces is destined to represent the Cmejrek, a local attorney and lacks "decent" housing for the projec e use or pu ousing. costs along to someone," said Cmej-
Fifth Ward come this April' - University of Iowa graduate, said he elderly. CMEJREK, however, said he rek.
Republican James Cmejrek or Dem- is "planning to get elected." GOLDBERG, who is president of "d 't k ow n ea, sack Both Cmejrek and Goldberg agree
ocratJoelGoldberg. Pine Lake Village Cooperative, a "THEY [SENIOR citizens) can't apatments ow rentahousng" in thle city services such as street repaire
Roughly bounded by Pauline "I'M GOING to do everything I can encity. and garbage collection, police and
Street, First Street and Miller Road, so the next day (after the election) I citye c o'" have to say there are some bad fire protection, should get more at-
the Eifth Ward has traditionally been can say I did everything I could," he landlords in this town, but on the tention.
a Republcan stronghold. said. public housing project, said he feels afford to pay the kinds of rents even other hand, I know some good land-
Cmejrek said his major concern is housing is the "number one topic" in students are paying," said the 27- lords that are trying to do a good job ACCORDING TO Cmejrek the
ALTHOUGH a Democrat has not the reorganization of the city's Ann Arbor. year-old candidate. for their tenants," said Cmejrek. parking situation in Ann Arbor is
conquered the ward since 1970, Gold government. According to Cmejrek "For working people, middle class "You hear these horror stories "There are professional tenants inb"terrible." Hr cited such so
berg, who manages Tice's Men's the issue is "whether or not we people, everybody but the very rich, about people in places like New York this town," he continued. "There are building more city parking struc-
Shop, cmtends he has as good a should change the Ann Arbor city Ann Arbor is not a good housing and Detroit buying dog food to exist some really bad tenants who make it tures and channeling money collect-
chance at winning as his Republican government from a weak-mayor market at all," said Goldberg, who on; that kind of problem does exist an occupation to move from place to ed from parking fines into the
counterpart. system to a strong-mayor system." graduated from Yale and did gradu- for some people," said Goldberg. place and unfortunately they give the parking fund instead of the city's
"I'd be lying through my teeth if I "I think Mayor Wheeler would like ate work in Political Science at the Goldberg suggests the University group called tenants a bad name." general fund as it is now.
said I expected to win this cam- to see a strong-mayor system but I'm 'U'. should pick up more of its share of CMEJREK acknowledged housing See BELCHER'S, Page 2


Labor commission t

o h

The Graduate Employes Organiza- states Spe
tion (GEO) decided Thursday night the emplo
to go along with a Michigan Employ- WHENi
ment R e l a t i o n s Commission present e
(MERC) order calling for a MERC Assistants
judge to hear testimony on whether employes
GEO members are employes, en- Sperka w
titled to contract bargaining rights, continue.]
or students. decided in
In addition, the GEO membership 'At that
voted to instruct its Stewards Council preme Co
to study the feasibility of organizing residentsa
a strike for this spring. employes
IN DEFEATING a Stewards Coun- entitled to
cil recommendation that GEO appeal the Mich
the MERC order to the Michigan
State Court of Appeals, the member-
ship voted 35 to 10 to gather witnesses
for testimony on the student-employe U
question before MERC judge Shlomo
The MERC order was handed down
in late January and stems from a
University appeal of Sperka's August
1977 ruling which found the Univer-
sity guilty of an unfair labor practice
(ULP) charge. GEO filed the ULP WASHIN
charge in November 1976 when the administra
University refused to sign a GEO old nation
contract pending two grievances asking Un
from its previous contract. Arnold Mi
GEO Treasurer Bob Milbrath, who meeting of
opposed the stewards recommenda- cil with (
tion, said yesterday he is "very point. Mil
pleased" with the membership's for Tuesda
decision to take the case back to Miller ha
Sperka. cil yesterd
"THE ADVANTAGE is that if we ations.
can get the case together, the MEANW
University will be forced to tell some the coalfie
pretty good lies or lose the case," yesterday
said Milbrath. day nation
University negotiator Joseph Katu- critical sta
lic said yesterday the administration State tro
"feels it has been important to test
this question and this provides the
opportunity to get a decision."
"Our intent is to have some reso-.-
lution (of the student-employe is-
sue)," said Katulic.
ACCORDING to Bill Simpson, who WASHIN
presented the stewards' recommen- tion's une
dation, Sperka's hearing would be a another n
"major court trial" and a decision cent, its o
can't be expected for over a year. three yea
Katulic said a hearing date has not today.
been set. He also said the process Even n
could be lengthy because of time slight imp
needed to schedule the judge, pre- picture las
pare the cases and carry out the confirmati
actual hearing. prising di

rka mus
yment s
s (GSAs
, at the
would n
He said
iurt rule
at Unive
as wel
igan Pt

ob status case
order specifically Relations Act. its members.
Thursday's memb
st hear evidence on GSAs who favored taking the case was marked by de
status of the GSAs. through the appeals court reasoned stewards presented
ity lawyers tried to that the method would bring a resolu- callng for the Counci
Graduate Student tion of the issue sooner and force the izing for a strike thi
) are students, not University back to the bargaining GSAs argued the me.
e August hearing, table. not vote to support a
ot allow them to MILBRATH, however, said Thurs- endum was called.
the issue had been day that the chances of winning the- Instead, the memb
appeal were "zero. have the Stewards
the Michigan Su- Milbrath also said by following gate the ossibilit
d that interns and through the MERC procedure, GEO gti p ssgbilcay
rsity Hospital were could win increased organizational strike pdgCoucar
[1 as students and strength: He said by gathering to study how many G
n collectively under testimony from witness, GEO could to sign the pledges b
ublic Employment secure definitive job descriptions for feasible for GEO to o

ership meeting.
bate when the,
asecond motion,
i to begin organ-
s term. Several.
mbership would,
strike if a refer-,
bership voted to,
Council investi-"
of. circulating
was instructed
3SAs are needed
efore it would be
rganize a strike.-

-r -.



nIon halts strike talks
after Carter's request

Ar rMto
Dr. Daniel Ringler examines one of the seven baboons to be used in a crash-impact
project. The experiments subjects baboons to impacts up to 40 miles per hour.
Group protests auto
tests using baboons

NGTON (AP) - The Carter
ation stepped into the 60-day-
.wide coal strike yesterday,
ited Mine Workers President
iller to postpone a scheduled
f his union's bargaining coun-
contract talks at a critical
ler rescheduled the session
ad planned to brief the coun-
ay on the status of the negoti-
(HILE, violence erupted in
lds of Alabama and Indiana
as negotiations to end the 60-
nwide coal strike reached a
oopers used tear gas in Oak-

man, Ala., to quell a mob of some 200
striking United Mine Workers mem-
bers, who responded with a barrage of
dynamite, small arms fire, rocks, and
firebrands from bonfires.
The strikers had held seven non-
UMW miners captive in a house and
had threatened to kill them before the
state police moved in and rescued them
member was shot to death during a dis-
turbance at a non-union mine. Police
said John Hull, 32, of Patoka, was killed
after about 35 vehicles carrying armed
men pulled up to the mine.
Police said, however, they did not
See COAL, Page 8

Calling it "a waste of animal life"
and unnecessary, a local group is pro-
testing the use of seven baboons in an
University auto safety experiment
which already has killed one animal.
The "Committee to Save the Baboon
Seven" is distributing petitions and
selling bumper stickers in an attempt to
halt the crash-inpact experiment.
THE PROJECT, conducted by the
Highway Safety Research Institute and
funded by the United States Depar-
tment of Transportation, could subject
anesthetized baboons to impact con-
ditions simulating crashes up to 40
miles per hour.
Results from the experiment are to
be used to design more accurate crash

If the animals do not die in the
simulated crashes, they will later be
given lethal doses of anesthesia and
dissected so their tissues may be
REVEREND Ervin Gaede of the Fir-
st Unitarian Church, one of the commit-
tee members, is confident that with the
help of local citizens his committee can
halt the experimentations before the
next baboon is killed. According to
Gaede, the group has already collected
over 100 signatures and is working to
collect 1,000 by next week.
"We object (to the experimentation)
on the grounds that it's a waste of
animal life, it's redundant, and it's un-
necessary," claimed Gaede. "It's a
flagrant type of thing, and of course it's
See GROUP, Page 8


ibless rate falls, again,
NGTON (AP) - The na- December, to 6.4 per cent from 6.9 in January, as the overall jobless
mployment rate dropped per cent the month before, was not rate for this group of workers re-
otch in January to 6.3 per the fluke that some economists had mained at 12.7 per cent and for black
owest point in more than feared. males and black youths, jobs became
rs, the government said THE LABOR Department said an even more scarce.

nore important than the
provement in the jobless
st month'was the report's
ion that the big and sur-'
rop in unemployment in

additional 270,000 persons found jobs
in January, raising total employment
to 92.9 million. The number of unem-
ployed persons remained at 6.2
million, about the same as in
The 0.1 per cent drop in unemploy-
ment last month meant the Carter
administration already is near the
upper end of its goal to reduce the
nation's jobless rate to between six
per cent and 6.25 per cent in 1978.
However, the job picture for blacks
and other minorities remained bleak

The 'Labor Department said the
jobless rate for black adult men rope
to 9.8 per cent in January, up from 9.1
per cent in December, while the rate
for black youths rose to 38.7 per cent,
up from 38 per cent in December.
There was an improvement for black
adult women, whose jobless rate de-
clined to 10.8 per cent from Decem-
ber's 11.5 per cent. The Labor De-
partment gave this additional break-
down on unemployment of various
categories in January.

'U' warns
move if no
new roads,
The University is threatening
to move its hospital elsewhere
if local citizens and planners
don't recognize "the reality of the
automobile" and build three
miles of new road to carry neonle

Proposed bill to cut

state pot
A proposal to lower the penalty for
possessing sma'll amounts of mari-
juana - identical to a measure Ann
Arbor Representative Perry Bullard
failed to get through the State House
last year - will come up for
consideration in the State Senate this

41-58 vote after an emotional debate
climaxed by Bullard taking a round-
house left, delivered by Rep. Rosetta
Ferguson (D-Detroit), who hit him
with an ash tray.
The two Senators said the debate
this year is not expected to cause any
sparring matches, and are confident
the hill will receive annrnvai

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