Page 4-Friday, February 3, 1978-The Michigan Daily Eighty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom * 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 103 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Remember the VA nurses I T WOULD BE convenient to forget the Veteran's Hospital murder case, now that the two former VA nurses, Filipina Narciso and Leonora Perez, have been cleared of all criminal chaiges. It would be a relief to put the two-and-one-half-year ordeal out of our minds once and for all. It would be easy to smile thoughtfully and say, "justice has been served." But justice has not been served. Justice never had a chance in the VA case. Had it not been for the levelheaded- ness of U.S. Attorney in Detroit James Robinson - who studied the documents and improprieties surrounding the en- tire VA murder case and decided the evidence against the nurses was weak and circumstantial - the injustice would no doubt have continued. Even from the moment the FBI was called in to investigate the VA murder in August 1975 - one month after the mysterious breathing failures began at the Ann Arbor'hospital - the case was doomed. The FBI and attorneys for the prosecution, feeling pressured to arrive at some type of conclusion in their in- vestigations, focused their sights on the two nurses. The investigators harassed people, discarded testimony which might have hurt their case, and created the general atmosphere of a witchhunt. Even when defense attorneys were able to uncover enough evidence of im- proprieties by the prosecution to em- barrass then-U.S. Attorney in Detroit Philip Van Dam, nothing really resulted from the discovery. At the trial, prosecution had the ner- ve to tell jurors they would be deciding the case on the basis of circumstantial evidence instead of hard facts. And the attorneys lived upto their promise in a most impress manner. Defense at- torneys prote-svigorously, to both the jury and the judge - but to no im- mediate avail. As Robinson pointed out in his deci- sion to drop all charges against Narciso and Perez, the government never even established a clear motive for the nur- ses to commit the poisonings. The prosecution never addressed the glaring question of why two people with no prior criminal leanings would sud- denly take on such anarchic activities. T HE TRIAL never proved the de- fendents were guilty, as is sup- posed to be the aim in American jus- tice. The event only proved how badly the prosecution wanted to saddle some- body with the VA murders - Narciso and Perez were simply under the har- ness. That the government has finally admitted their case against the two nurses was- deeply rooted in hearsay and gross misconduct on the part of in- vestigators does not undo the trauma which the defendents and their families have had to endure - and have yet to endure in the future. The VA case has been followed by news organizations nationwide. What hospital would hire nurses even remote- ly associated with such an incident? The nursing careers of Narciso and Perez effectively ended, what else will the two women do? Will the former de- fendents ever be able to escape the or- deal which has already occupied two- and-one-half years of their lives? And what of the wrongdoings by members of the prosecuting team and FBI? Will forgetting and forgiving eliminate the chance that such unjusti- fied and overzealous acts will happen again? The happy ending here is that de- spite such miscarriage of justice, and despite all the odds against winning their freedom, Narciso and Perez are now free women. It is a denouement worth celebrating, But the real ending here, that which overshados all, is a sad one. After two-and-one-half years worth of inves- tigations, and trials, the deaths of 11 people at the VA Hospital remain still a mystery, and the murderer - if there ever was one - remains at large. The ordeal may be over for Narciso and Perez, but for this country's system of justice, the trial should just be be- ginning. President Carter recently presented his tax package to the Congress, and opposing forces have already begun to prepare themselves for what may be another long and drawn out struggle between the executive and the legislature. The main point of contention is Mr. Carter's proposal for a $25 billion tax cut, and congressmen who can't agree on how ap- propriate that figure actually is have lost no time in exchanging views. Well, $25 billion is a nice round figure, but its not quite round enough, and Congress would do well to send it back to the White House with just a bit more meat on it. WHEN MR. Carter first prop- sed the tax cut, his intention was one of offsetting new tax in- creases that will go into effect this year, as well as giving the economy an added boost. Mr. Carter acknowledged that, presented alone, those tax hikes would have an adverse effect on business growth, but if coupled .with substantial tax reductions the net effect would be a spur to private investment. Unfortunately, while Mr. Car- ter's intentions may be good, his figures are not, and the $25 billion cut will serveonly to balance this year's revenue raising increases. Foremost among these, is, of 2ourse, the rise in social security ..taxes, a hike which entitles the government to an added $12 billion share of annual business payrolls. On top of that social security bite is Mr. Carter's other tax program-the one everybody has been calling an energy bill-and if that ever overcomes congressional haggling it will ac- count for another $6 billion in in- creased revenues. Finally, there is the effect of inflation, lifting people into higher tax brackets. Tax cuts and crazy math By Rod Kosann think otherwise, such investmen- t is where the future is. and any increased tax benefits which Congess might allocate should give special attention to that sec- tor of the economy responsible Unfortunately, while Mr.. Car- ter's intention may be good, his fig- ures are not. most well meaning social service proposals. The N.A.A.C.P. adop- ted this line of reasoning when its director recently stated, "gover- nment policy ought to do what it can to stimulate the private sec- tor. Our main thrust is to make certain government policy does just that. The implications of a tax cut that doesn't go quite far enough are becoming both politically and economically apparent' to both parties in Congress. House Speaker Tip O'Neill noted that a $30 billion tax cut might be in or- der just to keep the, economy humming, but added, "we don't intend to go out of here giving the Republicans an issue that we were a high tax Congress." At the same time House Minority leader John Rhodes is proposing a $51 billion tax cut, probably figuring that a $40 billion compromise would suit the economy just fine. The political storm which is brewing over the President's proposal attests to the' far reaching impact it will have. Should Congress balk at in- creasing Mr. Carter's $25 billion figure, they will be assuring the country of a bout with economic sluggishness in the not so distant future. And as those congressmen are painfully aware, a sluggish economy makes for sluggish voters. Rod Kosann is a frequent contributor to the Daily's Editorial page. Estimates of the cost of this hid- den tax rise are running as high as $18 billion for 1978-79.' FROM THIS point on the math isn't exactly tricky, and it becomes evident that a tax cut of approximately $40 billion would do more for the cause of in- creased growth in the -private sector than the figure presently being comtemplated. If that higher cut were implemented it would not only cancel out the new tax burdens, but would leave a good deal of room for investment as well. As much as the detrac- tors of business would like to for boosting production. The idea of a substantial tax cut has been faulted by many for diverting funds from "badly needed" social welfare programs. Soon after Mr. Carter' made his proposal he was scored by the Urban League's Vernon Jordan for thatevery reason. However, a large tax cut is a badly needed step in the direction of providing jobs not through the public sector, but through the private one. The, increased growth it would promote would raise both employment and in- come, effects that are more beneficial in the long run than the LETTERS TO THE DAILY -More than one 'political whore' To The Daily: Your editorial of January 25, unsigned and presumably pre- senting a consensus, demon- strates the serious defects of the press when they relay interviews without the required preparation or critical eye. The subject of the editorial was President Carter's firing of the U.S. Attorney in Phil- adelphia. The Daily related that firing to the dismissal of Philip Van Dam from the same position, in Detroit. And the source of this supposed similarity was none other than Mr. Van Dam who is quoted as concluding that Jimmy Carter is a "political whore." Why couldn't the Daily have asked Van Dam of his own quali- fications and "whorishness"? Didn't at least one editor know that when Mr. Van Dam was ap- pointed U.S. Attorney in Detroit, at the insistance of Michigan Sen- ator Robert Griffin, that his only claim to the position was his job with the Senator as a legislative assistant. He had little trial or other legal experience. Did any- one ask him about the politics in- volved in his own appointment? Didn't one of you ask about Mr. Van Dam's (competent?) hand- ling of the VA nurses trial? Many U.S. Attorneys receive political appointments and have risen to their positions and per- formed outstanding service to the public.' Many have nMt. If the Daily devotes its editorial efforts to such a subject, it should pro- vide the reader with informative opinion. Not the opinion of some- one who captured your attention b because he was fired from his own political plum and now cries foul and dares call someone else a "political whore." How much a "political whore" was the Philadelphia Attorney? Why shouldn't the President re- place such appointees? I wonder what political appointment Mr. Van Dam is now seeking? Michael A. Lewis cars andbodies To The Daily: There'is an existing situation on East University that is always dangerous, always frustrating and usually tolerated by the peo- ple that use East U. East U. is regarded differently by the dif- ferent groups that make use of it. One group assumes it is a street where cars have the right of way; another group assumes it is an extension of the sidewalks to be used in the same manner with the walkers having the right of way. The situation intensifies at the corner of East and South U. where the potential for bodily damage is very high. No where else in the world have I seen so many people walk out into a street without looking at all for traffic coming and going. It would seem such behavior as- sumes that East U. is not an ave- nue for vehicles but an avenue for people only. That is a very dangerous assumption. I see so much hostility on the part of the walkers and the dri- vers toward each other that it is hard to believe no one has been more seriously injured. Both groups assume they have the right of way and can bey highly belligerent if their right are threatened by an oncoming car or a person or persons crossing the street in disregard of any possi- ble oncoming cars. All of these happenings occur daily and are bad enough but when you add the ingredient of deep snow and ice to the road and the possibility of someone really getting seriously injured is esca- lated. Don't people understand that a car cannot stop on ice and snow the same way it can on a dry road - even if a car is going very, very slow and you have to hit the, brakes - hitting the brakes on ice and snow can cause a car to slide violently and pos- sibly fishtail into another car or worse still into some people walk- ing across the street behind the car. Another factor that has to be considered is that if a car doesn't keep going down a street covered with deep snow and ice, the car will become stuck - if the car loses its momentum - forget it, you are stuck and you can just hope some of those people that walked in front of you causing you to stop, will come to your rescue. I'm sure this letter will do little to alleviate the situation. I'm sure it will continue. I have n idea what will help people"under- stand the seriousness of the mat- ter - does someone have to b killed before we recognize the need for change in ourselves an in others? The walkers and th drivers should both be able to us this space - and use it withou competing for it in such a danger ous manner. - Dorothy R. Melnyczuk Editorials which appear without a by-line represent a con- sensus opinion of the Daily's editorial board. All other editorials, as well as cartoons, are the opinions of the individuals who sub- mit them. . . . . . .. . ..- .: .'.'::..:.:':: : :: : ::.::': : --.:'.':.:.....~:: o 25 : 4 :: 5 : :: : : :U E :: 5 : :: : : :: : : :: : : Submissions to the Daily's Editorial page should be typed and triple spaced. They wil be returned to the author only if a request is made to do so. Publication is based on con- ciseness, clarity of thought and writing an overall appeal. The outer space satellite war has begun By John Markoff When Energy Secretary James Schlesinger told a congressional com- mittee last week that there was little the U.S. could do about nuclear- powered Soviet spy satellites like Cosmos 954, he contended, "We have no way, I think, of effectively monitoring - what may be aboard these vehicles." But the U.S. has for some time been desperately trying to learn how-as part of an arcane intelligence war being fought in space by Soviet and American spy agencies. "SECRET-SENTRY" satellites like Cosmos 954-which supply military in- telligence gleaned from high-powered cameras, radar, infrared sensors and radio "ferrets"-have become potential targets of anti-satellite development projects carried out by both American and Soviet scientists. Both the U.S. and the USSR are spen- ding millions of dollars each year to develop the capability to monitor, cap- ture and even destroy enemy satellites such as the illfated Cosmos 954 which tumbled out of orbit and spread nuclear debris over Canada's Northwest Territories on January 24. Space defense spending, according to the U.S. Defense Department, will iumn from MA millinn in fisca 1!17R In have advanced anti-satellite warfare programs in the works. The Soviet program is so far advanced that two years ago they were able to blind, an American spy satellite-at least tem- porarily-by "illuminating" it five times with a powerful laser beam. American leaders are worried dbout the new Russian anti-satellite because the U.S. has come to rely on satellite- supplied information to "verify" Soviet compliance with the Strategic Arms Limitation Agreements. Hundreds of American and Soviet secret sentries back a continuous stream of intelligen- ce information about the military ac- tivities of the other side. NOW, HOWEVER, this intelligence, which provides instant confirmation of troop movements as well as the deployment and firing of ICBM missiles, is threatened by develop- ments taking place in space-based laser guns and particle beams-high- energy beams of sub-atomic particles. A classified Pentagon report made public last March revealed that the Pentagon had advised Congress it is working on a secret anti-satellite program to develop an interceptor within the next five years. Dr. Richard Garwin, a former Defen- in a nuclear warhead. THE DEFNSE Department is also developing the capability to capture satellites in space. The space shuttle, scheduled to become operational in '1980, will have "revival" capability. The space shuttle is designed to ferry astronauts and space experiments back and forth between space and earth. A spokesman for the Air Force Space and Missile System Organization in El Segundo, Ca., said in an interview that the shuttle would experiment with the retrieval of an orbiting American satellite during its first six flights. "It would be nice if you had the capability to run around and pluck up all these dead things that might be a safety hazard or radiation hazard," he stated. American and Russian spy satellites now gather intelligence with extremely powerful cameras capable of resolving from outer space features as small as the headlines of newspapers. American Big Bird reconnaissance satellites now process photographs on board and then transmit data to earth, which are then reconstituted by computer. OTHER American satellites now provide early warning of Soviet missile launches, police the U.S.-Soviet nuclear satellite tests-using weapons known as "satellite killers"-beginning in 1963 and 1964. The American test projects were originally code-named "Early Spring" and "SAINT." U.S. INTEREST in anti-satellite war- fare dropped during the mid-'60's, but picked up again when the Russians began conducting their own satellite killer tests. U.S. intelligence sources report that tht Soviets began conducting anti- satellite tests in 1968. Most of the Soviet tests have been accomplished by launching a target satellite and then at- tempting to destroy it ,with a satellite killer. Since late 1975, however, intelligence sources have been reporting that the Soviets are experimenting with laser- and particle-beam satellite killers. Cosnos 954 was one of a pair of satellites used by the Soviets to track the movements of the American Navy with spaceborn radar. At the end of their missions, these Soviet ocean surveillance satellites are designed to be broken into three major segments; the nuclear fission reactor that powers the satellites is then sup- posed to be boosted into an 800 mile- high ciruiar nrhit In nuiure for cen- .ama ms .' manmmmmmamm Un a