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February 03, 1978 - Image 1

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See Today for details

Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 103 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, February 3, 1978 Ten Cents 10 Pages. Plus Supplemen


As Fourth !Ward

goes, so goes A2

and R. J. SMITH
Some call it a microcosm of the
city. Others call it the swing ward.
Officially, though, the Fourth Ward
-- the city's largest with some 3,000
more voters than the next biggest one
- includes most of the southeast
section of Ann Arbor. A cross section
of students, professors, wealthy busi-
ness people, and public housing
residents live within the ward's
ASIDE FROM its extreme diver-
sity, the ward also stands out
because it sports this year's only
primary election. OntFebruary 20,
Republicans will go to the polls to
determine whether Earl McIntire or
David Robert Fisher will face Demo-
crat Leroy Cappaert in April.
Liberal Democrat Jamie Kenwor-
thy, who currently represents the
Fourth Ward, decided to call it quits
after four years on Council. The
graduate student's decision only
intensified the scramble by both
parties to win his seat.
Traditionally, Democrats have
controlled the First and Second

Wards, while Republicans have dom-
inated the Third and Fifth. So,
barring an upset in another ward,
whichever party comes away with
the seat will hold the deciding vote on
Council for the next year.
MC INTIRE, 29, is an Ann Arbor
native and a graduate of the Univer-
sity. An employe at University
Microfilms, a firm owned by Xerox,
the Republican is married and has
one daughter. His past political ex-
perience consists of working locally
for his party.
"I've lived here all my life and I've

change his mind, staff members met
with his campaign manager, former
Republican mayor James Stephen-
son, who said he felt the candidate
"could use his time better doing
other things ... The Daily is not the
only way to reach the students."
Cappaert, who served as a Fifth
Ward councilman from 1964 to 1970,
has lived in Ann Arbor since 1952. He
is the principal of Abbott Junior High
School and has remained active in
both local and national politics since
he left Council. Last year he man-
aged the campaign of Mayor Albert
Wheeler - a contest Wheeler won by

capitalize on that which has quite
consistently been brought out."
indicated they planned to conduct
their campaigns primarily by going
door-to-door in the ward, and they
would probably focus on issues per-
taining to city services.
McIntire sees streets as the key
issue this year. "I feel really strong
about it. I think everyone I know feels
really strong about it;' he said. "When
I go door to door and give people my
brochure and they read it and see
'let's fix the streets,' man, they go
"The more I've gotten involved in
it, though, the more I see that there's
a lot more to it than just 'let's fix our
streets.' I mean, everything relates
to money," McIntire said.
ANOTHER ISSUE McIntire feels-
strongly about is transportation, but
he says he's unsure about what
should be done.
"I don'tknow2what the answer is.
In the future, 20 years from now,
See FOURTH, Page 10

city elections '78

'Every one of the prob-
lems facing this cit y is
complicated as hell. But if
you only give complicated
solutions, you nerer get
-Leroy Cappaert

paid attention to local politics," he
said. "I find it exciting and I've
already learned a ton since I've been
Fisher, 33, a professional engineer,
CPA, and ex-Michigan football play-
er, refused to be interviewed by
Daily reporters.
IN AN ATTEMPT to get him to

one vote and one in which the results
are still being disputed.
"I think, quite frankly, that 90 per
cent of a political representatives'
role should be that of a sponge; that
is, sponging off what you hear," he
said. "You don't have to sell yourself
short, you can vote against your con-
stituency on some things, but on the
other hand, you'd be foolish not to

'When I go door to do

and giveI
chure ant
and see

people my bro
d they read it
"let' s fix the
man; theyg
-Earl McIntire


Major arms

hike sought

WASHINGTON (AP) - Secretary
of Defense Harold Brown said yester-
day that the United States must
increase its defense spending by $56
billion over the next five years in
order to keep up with Russia. He said
also that Soviet advances in satellite-
destroying weapons were leaving the
United States with little choice but to
get into a space weapons race with
"Because of our growing depend-
ence on space systems, we can
hardly permit them to have a
dominant position in the anti-satellite
realm," the Pentagon chief said in
his annual report.
THE REPORT was issued the
same day Brown went to Congress to
ask for $126 billion in military spend-
ing for next year.
The total spending authority re-
quested is up $9.2 billion from the
authority voted by Congress for the
current fiscal year. Brown said the
Pentagon is planning for growth to a
total budget of $172.7 billion in fiscal
1983 to keep the United States from
falling behind Russia.
The budget request brought
prompt criticism from a group of
House liberals who appeared at a
news conference sponsored by
SANE, an organization opposed to
what it says is excessive spending on
"I DISAGREE with the concept of
more planes, more missiles, more
tanks and larger bombs," said Rep.
Fred Richmond (D-N.Y.), "We al-
ready have the capacity to defend
"When you come up with a defense
budget like that, you have to look for
other areas that are b e i n g
squeezed," said Rep. Tom Harkin

(D-Iowa), "Look at the farmers who
have been here asking for a little
income for the products of their
farms, and yet we can't squeeze
anything out of the budget for them."
Rep. Ted Weiss (D-N.Y.), ex-
pressed concern about urban prob-
lems being shortchanged, saying, "If
our cities fall apart, no amount of
military spending 'is going to com-
that the budget was a violation of
President Carter's statement during
the 1976 presidential, campaign that
defense expenditures could be re-
duced by about $5 billion to $7 billion
per year without danger.
At a House Armed Services Com-

mittee hearing at which Brown
outlined the budget, Rep. Ron Del-
lums (D-Calif.), said the budget
raised the "very alarming" possibil-
ity of both the United States and the
Soviet Union having the ability by the
mid-1980s to launch a first-strike
nuclear attack.
Brown replied that this was "the
other side of the coin" from criti-
cisms he said were voiced by others
maintaining that the budget did not
provide enough in the way of protec-
"IT IS NEITHER too much nor an.
insufficient amount," he said. He
added, however, that "the range of
uncertainty is very high.
"What it takes to deter an attack on'

us is what it takes to deter the Soviet:
leadership and that is very hard to
tell," Brown told the committee..
In his 375-page annual Defense'
Report, the secretary said the main
objective "must be the maintenance
of an'over-all balance with the Soviet,
Union no less favorable than the oneO
that now exists."
He described this balance as "a
standoff or stalemate," adding that
the Russians had the edge in some,
areas and the United States in others:
He also expressed concern a6o4,
what- he' described-as "an'-inereasl-
ingly precarious conventional bal-
ance" between forces of the Nortit
Atlantic Alliance in Europe and thos
of the Russian-led Warsaw Pact.

Beatin' State!
Panel urge 'U' to
cult S African ties

Four speakers out of a panel of five-
intended to be a synthesis of local
community opinion-strongly urged the
Regents to divest all University
holdings in corporations operating in
South Africa.
University President Robben
Fleming was among the 75 people
listening to the panel in Rackham
Auditorium. Last night's event marked
the end of the University Forum on
Corporate Investment in South Africa.
INDIVIDUALS representing each
viewpoint were allowed to explain their
position at the panel discussion. Spon-
sored by the Committee on Com-
munications, the seminar was open to
those previously participating in the
forum and members of the University
The panel consisted of Tim Smith,
director of the Interfaith Center for
Corporate Responsibility (ICCR);
Prexy Nesbitt, a representative of the
American Committee on Africa; Don
Alexander, a representative of the
Washteniaw County Coalition. Against
Apartheid (WCCAA); Denis Ondeje,
vice president of the African Students
Association (ASA); and Len Suransky,
a doctoral candidate in education at the
University. Each member was permit-
ted to speak for ten minutes.
Smith, while not discouraging
University divestment, urged the
University to make a public statement
saying that "U.S. corporations should
withdraw fromnSouth Africa."
SURANSKY, a white South African,
said his remarks wereihn ennsnenus of

"We had. . . people working together
to call for divestiture of U of M funds,"
he said. "This is blood money which
turns into bullets and tanks."
Suransky said although U.S. cor-
porations consider their role in South
Africa as constructive, in reality they
have had a destructive influence.
"THEY'RE NOT there to effect
change," he declared. "They're there
for profits." He argued that the huge
See PANEL, Page 10

Regent may joinrace
for Senate nomination

The race for the Republican U.S.
Senate nomination may be gaining a
new contender and losing the first-
- announced and best-financed can-
University of Michigan Regent Deane
Baker is expected to announce his can-
didacy sometime this month, and
Hillsdale College President George
Roche III may be withdrawing because
of ill health.
"THERE'S BEEN no declaration of
candidacy," Baker said. "But we're
looking at it very seriously."
Baker is looking at it so seriously in
fact, that a campaign committee will be
forming "withina couple of days."
"I'll have an announcement within
thirty riidu "he c aid

early next week.
However, some political pundits
think the Hillsdale College president
has already withdrawn in effect, and is
only waiting to make the formal an-
nouncement. This contention is suppor-
ted by the fact that campaign workers
are talking as if Roche is already out of
the running.
"This is unfortunate because we were
going really dynamite," said Roche's
campaign manager Mark Barnes. "The
bucks were rolling in and we had
thousands of volunteers. I didn't think
anybody was going to touch us on it."
BARNES SAID the Republican
nomination would have been 'a
"We're in a holding pattern," he said.
"The first of next week it's either go or

Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
BARGAIN-SEEKING hombres will be able to find hundreds of items at the Kiwanis Club Sale this weekend, including
this sombrero worn by doorkeeper Ernie Laetz.
Charity to reap benefits of sale


It looks like bargain city. Where else can you buy a
black-and-white TV for $5, a full-size refrigerator for $20,
a sweater for 50 cents, or a best-selling novel for a quar-
ter? You can find all this and more at the Ann Arbor
Kiwanis Club's 52nd Annual Sale today and tomorrow.
"Its terrific," said one happy customer. "Some of the
bargains are so great I'm gonna talk my friends into
coming back on Saturday."
with another facet of the sale. "I just like to come down
and watch the people," she admitted. "It's a lot of fun,,

Jaeger. "We've worked hard all year picking up donated,
items and storing them in this building. Honestly, if it
wasn't for the help of all toe members and their wives this
event wouldn't be possible."
THE PROCEEDS OF THE SALE are donated to vari-
ous service groups including the Kiwanis Foundation of
Michigan, the Career Camp for Young People, Operation
Drug Alert, and the YM-YW Learn-to-Swim Program.
"All of the money goes back into the community,"'
said Jaeger. "By law, we're allowed to take ten per cent of
the proceeds for expenses, but we don't even take that
Last year the three-day sale netted more than !#35A)OO


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