The Michigan Daily-
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Thanks for helping...'
Neal Fry, Blood Coordinator for the Washtenaw County American
Red Cross issued a statement yesterday expressing "extreme gratitude"
to 406 University students who braved last week's blizzard to donate blood
to the Red Cross Blood Program. At the height of the storm on Friday and
Saturday students plowed, skiied, tobogganed, and fought their way to-
ward the Michigan Union to donate blood. For those students who could
not make it, the Red Cross will be providing transportation beginning
at 1 p.m. Friday fromn the Michigan Union to the Red Cross at 2729 Pack-
Don 't stop the presses
In the face of the tremendous strains last week's blizzard put on the
Daily's operation, three members of our non-student professional staff
performed well beyond the call of duty. We would like to call attention to
their efforts, without which our paper would have been forced to stop
publishing, along with several other dailies in the county. Advertising
coordinator Pete Petersen filled in as a typesetter and worked long over-
time hours to' handle two jobs at once. Also filling in as typesetter and
paste-up artist was our shop supervisor Arch Gamm who labored fran-
tically late into the evening Thursday and Friday to get the Daily on the
streets. Finally, Earl Kuker, whose regular duties include advertising
preparation, worked overtime to set news copy as well. Thank you gentle-
men. You've got a lot of class.
Warm buns snowed in
Last week's blizzard must have reached as far as MacDonaldland.
Yesterday the Maynard Street MacDonald's ran out of buns because their
supplier is snowed in. Manager Dave Grey closed the golden arches but
five minutes later decided to reopen to sell drinks and fries. But never
fear Big Mac attack sfferers this story has a happy ending. A brave
manager made a quick bun run to Plymouth and within half an hour quar-
ter-pounders were sizzling on the grills again. Ronald MacDonald was
unavailable for comment.
There is no excuse for inactivity today ... the 52nd annual Sale of
the Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor Downtown will begin at 10:00 a.m., all
proceeds are used for the more than 100 club projects for 1978 ... Dr.
Harry Morgan of Syracuse University will speak on "Gerontology: A
Black Perspective" at noon in the CAAS Conference Room 1100 S. Univer-
sity ... AMSA Films presents three films "Intern: A Long Year," "La
Vida," and "Labyrinth" beginning at noon on the third.floor of Medical
Sciences II in the South Lecture Hall ... artist Wystan Stevens will present
an illustrated lecture on historic buildings of Ann Arbor at noon in the
Pendleton Arts Information Center on the second floor of the Michigan
Union ... Professor Donald Noble of the Department of Geology at
Michigan Tech will lecture on "Cenozoic Volcanic and Tectonic Evolution
of the Andes of Peru" at4:00 p.m. in C.C. Little Room 4001 ... Jim Rampe,
a winner of 28 tournament championships, will give two free pocket
billiard exhibitions in the Michigan Union Ballroom at 4 p.m. and 8 p.m.
. Associate Professors Leo McNamara and Mark Pilkington will speak
on the Irish National Theatre at 4 p.m. in the Pendleton Room of the
Union ... Women's Studies is having a get-together from 4:30 to 7 p.m. at
Guild House to familiarize people with the Women's Studies program .
the University Skydivers are holding their first jumping course this
evening 7-10 p.m. in 1042 East Engineering ... Gidon Elad will speak on
"Religion and Kibbutz in Israel" at 7 p.m. at Hillel, 1429 Hill ... Gay
Christians will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Newman Room of St. Mary's
Student Center ... the Computer Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 4108
of the Michigan Union ... a jazz Concert will be presented tonight from
8:30 to 10 p.m. in the auditorium of East Quad as part of a three-day Black
Arts and, Cultural Festival beginning today ... good day!
On the outside..
Mother Nature is still in no mood to play around. Snow will continue
throughout most of the day, but, accumulation should only be an inch or
so. The high will be 16* and the low will be zero. On Friday we might get a
little sunshine but the mercury will not rise above the lower teens. Maybe
you should warm your mittens in the oven overnight.
RABAT, Malta (AP) - U.N. Am-
bassador Andrew Young said yesterday
if guerrilla war continues in Rhodesia
for another year or two, Cuban troops
and South African volunteers might be
drawn 'into the struggle on opposite
Young, America's chief delegate to
the United Nations, said in an interview
with The Associated Press that fighting
could spill over into South Africa and, in
the north, could jeopardize Zaire.
"IT COULD LEAD to the destruction
of southern Africa," Young said. "That
region is the resource basin from which
come most of the minerals that Western
Europe and the United States need to
survive. And for that area to be in chaos
and civil war is to directly threaten the
supply of natural resources, although
more to Western Europe than the
United States," he added.
Cuba's involvement in Africa has in-
creased recently. The island nation re-
portedly is training armies, growing
coffee, running hospitals, building
schools and establishing state security
systems in 16 African countries.
CUBA'S FIRST involvement in Af-
rica was in Angola, the former Portu-
guese colony where a force of 19,000 Cu-
warns of Africa
ban soldiers and 4,000 civilians is now
backing the Marxist government, es-
tablished in 1975, against two guerrilla
nationalist movements. Cuba reported-
ly has troops in Ethiopia, and Western
diplomats say Cuban military advisers
are training black Rhodesian guerril-
INTERVIEWED as British-Ameri-
can talks with black Rhodesian guerril-
la leaders ended here, Young said a
"terrible burden" is being borne by
black states in southern Africa that
provide base facilities for the national-
ist fighters.
"More people have been killed in Mo-
zambique by the white-led Rhodesian
forces than were killed by the Portu-
guese in the whole struggle for inde-
pendence," Young said, adding that
thousands have died. "That is the
threat to Mozambique's stability. The
Zambian economy also has been weak-
ened. If the civil war were to carry on
another year or two, and especially if it
is escalated by white Rhodesian Prime
Minister Ian Smith, it could bring big
Patriotic Front guerrillas waging
war against Smith's regime already
have Cuban advisers, but so far
Mozambique and Zambia have resisted
the presence of Cuban troops, Young
"IF YOU DID have an escalation
with Cuban troops joining in, you face
the possibility of South African volun-
teers going in too," the ambassador
Young made it clear he believes
South African volunteers would aid
white Rhodesians if Cubans fight with
guerrilla forces.
Young was asked whether Joshua
Nkomo and Robert Mugabe, joint
leaders of the Patriotic Front guerrilla
movement, had agreed during the 2%-
day Malta conference to negotiate a
Daily Official Bulletin
The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication
of the University of Michigan. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN FORM to 409 E. Jefferson,
before 2 p.m. of the day preceeding publication and
by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday. Sunday, and Monday.
Items appear once only. Student organization notices
are not accepted for publication. For more informa-
tion, phone 764-9270.
Daily Calendar
Music School: Univ. Philharmonia, Choirs, Hill
Aud.; Contemporary Performance Ensemble, U. of
British ColumbiaSM Recital Hall, 8p.m.
Guild House: Poetry reading,, Carolyn Gregory,
John Reinhard, 7:30 p.m.
summer placement
3200 SAB 7634117
Peoples FGas Light/Coke Co., Chicago, Ill. An-
nounces summer intern program for students
majoring in engr., acct., computer science. Further
details available.
Camp Ohiyesa. Metro. YMCA. Will interview
Mon., Feb. 6 from1to 5. Openings - cabin counselors,
waterfront (WSI), tripping, unit director. Register in
person or by phone.
Camp Sea Gull, Mi. Coed. Will interview Mon.,
Feb. 6 from 9 to 12 and 1-3:30. Openings include ten-
nis, arts/crafts, nurse, gymnastics, guitar. Register
by phone or in person.
Volume LXxxVIII, No. 102
Thursday. February 2, 1978
is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class
postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning
during the University year at 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates:
$12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published Tuesday through Satur-
day morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor;
$7.50 by mail outside Ann Arbor.
Experience gour first Califo
From Koty Mofatt.
Like a first kiss, of any kind, this one will warm an
Katy Moffatt is a brash...and tender singer with-
music background.
Her music has earned her a place with the current'
Waylon Jennings/Jerry Jeff Walker tour...
and everyone in the business who hears her can'ts
talking about her.
You'll fall in love with Katy from the first time sheI
on her new album.
"Kissin' in the CoomloSun"is the"K gMo
On Calumbia Remids and Yapese
Produced by Glen Spreen n Los Angeles and Johnny Sandlin in Macon Managemen Chuck Morrisa
Appearing at U. of Michig
on February 8, 1978
-Thursday, February 2, 1978-Page 3
n strife
cease-fire in Rhodesia.
THEY HAVE SAID they could not
stop their military struggle until they
are sure the political process was not
rigged against them," Young replied.
Mugabe and Nkomo have been press-
ing for. a larger role in governing Rho-
desia when Smith's government yields
power to the country's black majority.
A BRITISH-American plan for ma-
jority rule calls for a British commis-
sioner, Field Marshal Lord Carver, to
head an interim government from the
time Smith leaves office until Rhodesia
is legally recognized as being an inde-
pendent state by Britain. Rhodesiaui- -
laterally declared its independence
from Britain in 1965.
Young said British and American
delegates tried to assure Mugabe and
Nkomo that "there would be free and
fair elections under United Nations
supervision" when Smith leaves office.
'nia kiss.
d excite you.
a country
Willie Nelson!
seem to stop
kisses you
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AFROTC 2 Yr.-Cadet
Senior-Natural Resources
University of Michigan
jop -
As a senjor, faced with the reality of a job-starved market, multiplying
government loans, and the futility of a B.S. degree without further con-
centration,.I become attracted by the benefits of AFROTC. I found the
opportunities for graduate study, the possibilities of foreign career
placement, and even the military adage of "exciting travel" too
appealing to overlook. I plon to enter the public relations or advertising
area next year with several potential career options. This past term,
I have met many friendly and interesting people involved in the corps.
I '
- Awomm k