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February 01, 1978 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1978-02-01

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Page 2-Wednesday, February 1, 1978--The Michigan Daily
Carter's FBI designee says
'bureau is not above the law',

Webster, the Carter administration's
choice to head the FBI, pledged
yesterday that under his leadership
the nation's chief law enforcement
agency will obey the law.
"The bureau is not above the law. I
accept that 100 per cent," Webster
said in response to questioning by the
Srnate Judiciary Committee, which
seemed poised to urge his speedy
confirmation by the Senate.
"THAT'S A good starting point,"
rieplied Sen. Howard Metzenbaum,
(P-Ohio), who expressed concern
tat the FBI might still be gathering
ipelevant data about the sex lives,
oinking habits and family affairs of
members of dissident political
No committee members expressed
any opposition to Webster during two
days of hearings which concluded
ysterday. And a number of law-
ibakers said they would recommend
1t3s confirmation.

But Webster's record as a federal
judge on the Eighth U.S. Circuit
Court of Appeals in St. Louis was
denounced by several witnesses.
Ted Glick, head of the People's
Alliance of New York, which claims
to represent 80 minority organiza-
tions, cited court decisions by Web-
ster which he said showed a disre-
gard for civil rights.
QUOTING a St. Louis attorney,
Kenneth Tillson, Glick said the judge
upheld a 60-day contempt sentence
for an individual who cursed a
federal marshal outside a courtroom.
Glick also accused Webster of
failing to demonstrate a strong
enough commitment to ending racial
discrimination because Webster re-
fuses to resign from four all-white St.
Louis social clubs. Webster has said
the clubs do not bar blacks in their
bylaws and that he has worked for re-
form as a member.
Webster, 53, generally responded
cautiously when asked about his spe-





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cific plans for the FBI. He said, for
example, that it's hard to judge in
advance what information about in-
dividuals would be irrelevant.
Webster has said he would favor a
proposed FBI charter drawn up by
Congress that leaves the bureau
some room for discretion in certain
cases. He has also endorsed recent
guidelines adopted by the Justice
Department that are designed to
prevent a recurrence of past FBI
abuses of individual rights.
teeter on
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - President
Anwar Sadat warned yesterday that
despite the resumption of Egyptian-
Israeli military talks, "everything
will collapse" unless the two nations
agree on self-determination for the
Palestinians living in the occupied
The Egyptian leader predicted that
future negotiations would be a
"heavy and difficult job." He urged
the Carter administration to take "a
clear position" on the Mideast.
SADAT MADE his remarks to
reporters a few hours before the
resumption of joint military talks
focusing on an Israeli pullback from
the Sinai Peninsula. They are the
first direct negotiations between
Egypt and Israel since Sadat broke
off political talks in Jerusalem Jan.
"Without solving the Palestinian
problem we can't establish perman-
ent peace in the area," Sadat said
after meeting with a "Friendship
Delegation" of American Jews and
Christians led by Rabbi Joseph
Ehrenkrans of Stamford, Conn. The
group is on a four-day visit here.
Earlier in the day, hopes for
another Mideast breakthrough grew
dim when Egyptian Foreign Minister
Mohamed Ibrahim Kamel refused to
accept an Israeli-American draft
declaration of principles on the
"THERE ARE many points on
which we don't see eye to eye,"
Kamel said after meeting with U.S.
Assistant Secretary of State Alfred
Atherton, who worked out the draft
with Israeli leaders last week.

Daily Photo by ALAN BILINSKY
Selby Semela, a 20-year-old exile from South Africa, told a Modern Languages
Building audience that the University should withdraw its investments from
corporations doing business in the race-torn country. Semela appeared as part
of a week-long series of presentations dealing with the investments issue.
Protesters disrupt.
investm ents foru-m

New Wo
on WCB
(to ben
to 1 a.
In live c
all Mon
at the

(Continued from Page 1)
mus claimed South Africa is the stabil-
izing economy in Africa. "in any place
where you have a stabilizing economy,
you will have improvement in the quali-
ty of life," he added.
Erasmus continued by saying: "A
boycott of South Africa at this stage is
totally irresponsible," adding that
blacks and "coloureds" would suffer
from a boycott.
The audience became attentive when
Dubey began his presentation. Dubey, a
black South African, claimed, "We're
still under the colonizers."
HE SAID Americans, British, West
Germans and the French were in South
Africa only because of the high return
on their investments.
He quoted a representative of Gen-
eral Motors as saying, "We are cap-
italist. We don't believe in morality. We
believe in profits. Now you know why
they are there. Apartheid helps to get
the profits."
Dubey said, "We have been avoiding
bloodshed," but "there will be blood-
shed (in South Africa)." He said the
violence which is imminent "compared
to Viet Nam, will look like a picnic."
DUBEY CONC UDED his remarks
by saying, "There is nothing as worse
as a racial war; there is nothing as
worse as a religious war - in South
Africa we have both of them."

Michigan Union
m (more on this later)

and o whole host of other despicobfe and wonderful talents.


After Dubey concluded his remarks,
the members of the WCCAA surroun-
ded the stage with signs, announcing
that further debate with Erasmus was
futile and invited interested people up
to the amphitheatre for a discussion.
GOP says
tax plan
is fiscal
time bomb
WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Carter's economic proposals were
criticized in Congress yesterday as a
fiscal time bomb for inflation and as
a program that will "clobber the
middle class."
A staff report for the Joint Econ-
omic Committee said the President's
proposed $25 billion tax cut in 1979
won't do enough to sustain an econ-
omic recovery. Top House Republi-
cans accused the administration of
writing a budget that is a "fiscal time
bomb" that will greatly increase
inflation in the future.
Administration officials say the
economy is basically in good shape
and will continue its recovery
through mid-1978 although the tax
cuts are needed to sustain healthy
growth beyond then.
But the Economic Committee re-
port said: "If the economy weakens
in late 1978, President Carter's
proposals will prove inadequate un-
less they are accompanied by a
sharply more expansionist monetary

S. A frican
In an emotion-charged speech, a
20-year-old black South African exile
yesterday condemned University in-
vestments in his country and painted a
vivid picture of repression, violence
and abysmal living conditions-the
daily fare of South African blacks.
Selby Semela, a leader of the South
African Student Movement, (SASM)
implored a crowd of about 100 in the
Modern Languages Building to
pressure the University to pull its
money out of firms operating in South
"EITHER YOU support the just
people of South Africa or you support
fascism, and the steps which will be
taken by this University are what will
determine which side you are on, not
just what you say," said Semela.
Semela also described his life in
Soweto, the black suburb of Johan-
nesburg, and his efforts as a member of
SASM to bring about freedom in what
he called "the struggle for natural
rights" in the white minority-ruled
Theystudents' complaints, said
Semela, centered on a government
regulation requiring black-only schools
to teach Afrikaans, the language
spoken by a powerful white minority in
South Africa.
protest: "Our demonstration was a
peaceful one," he said. "If we were
violent we knew anything could happen
to us."
During the march to a Soweto
stadium, the students were confronted
by heavily armed police, and in the en-
suing struggle, 20 unarmed students
were shot to death.
"THEY HAD tear gas, dogs, and
loudspeakers, but their first com-
munication was with guns," Semela
said. "We knew then that we had to use
violence to fight violence, so we armed
ourselves with rocks and stones and
threw them at the system."
Semela described another bloody in-
cident which took place during then-
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's
"We locked the school gates and
organized pickets inside the campus,"
he said, "but the police broke the gates
down and opened fire on the students,
some of them who were just sitting in
their classes."
DURING THE funeral for two of the
students who were killed at the school,
the police entered the cemetery and
again opened fire on the students.
"We couldn't believe it," lie said. "It
was even more than insane.
Semela also talked at length about his
home life and conditions in Soweto in
"WE HAVE eight people in my
family living in a small, four-room
house. My mother has been unem-
ployed since 1974 and my father makes
about $18 a week," Semela said. "Out of
that money, we have to pay $3 per week
for rent, $2 per week for his father's
transportation costs, $5 per week for
me and my brothers and sisters to get
to school, and then what's left over has
to pay for food and clothing.
"My father has never even been in-
side a bank, because he has never had
anything to bank. We spend our whole
lives on credit," he said.

Nevertheless, Semela called himself
lucky compared to many others in
Soweto. He spoke of the fact that there
were more entertainment facilities in
the town than schools or medical
facilities and that too much money was
squandered on alcohol because "the
bottle store is the first thing you see
when you come out of the bus station."
BECAUSE IT is illegal in South
Africa for blacks to demonstrate, he
appealed to the audience to help him by
making the University divest itself of
the stocks in question.
"If you want to make friends with the
African people, do it now. The Univer-
sity is students, and without you, it
wouldn't be here. It's your money that
they're investing, so don't
ask-demand that they get your money
out of South Africa."
volume LXXXviII. No. 101
Wednesday, February 1. 1978
is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. News phone 764-0582. Second class
postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning
during the University year at 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates:
$12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published Tuesday through Satur-
day morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor;
$7.50by mail outside Ann Arbor.

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