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January 29, 1978 - Image 8

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-01-29

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>. 978 e Michigan Daily

uity proposal seeks
to end discrimination

(Continued from Page 1)
demonstrated an almost universal
desire for a cleaner, tougher ordinance.
Only Councilman Roger Bertoria (R-
Third Ward) opposed the widening of
its scope-he suggested, in fact, that it
be pruned back considerably. Widening
the categories of the law, he argued,
would ultimately weaken it.
His fellow Republicans, however,
seem generally favorable to the new
restrictions; Wheeler, moreover, has
said he will not compromise on the
essential meaning of the proposal
merely to get it passed.
STILL, A, NUMBER of important
questions about the new ordinance

remain unresolved. What specific
provisions will the law have, for instan-
ce, against such practices as redlining
(when landing institutions refuse to
lend money to homeowners irk certain
sections of the city), or blockbusting
(when real estate agents scare whites
into selling cheap with warnings of a
"black invasion" and then sell to blacks
at inflated prices), or racial steering
(when agents, simply refuse to show
certain homes to people because of
their color)?
And how will the city solve the thorny
problem of requiring minority em-
ployment "goals'' of contractors who
work for the city-without being ac-
cused of setting quotas? Obviously,
much work remains to be done.'
The suggestions and amendments of
the Jan. 9 meeting have been incor-
porated into a new draft of the ordinan-
ce now being prepared by Marshall and
Acting City Attorney Bruce Laidlaw. It
will most likely be presented to council
at its Feb. 13 meeting.
"I'd like to think this draft coming
before them will satisfy everybody,"
said Marshall. "We're just trying to
reach-an equal balance and still have a
strong and enforceable ordinance."

of the 4
1306 S. University
our NEW Salads:

. ,, ,f

Is there a family
doctor in the house?
Family doctors are alive and thriving in Ann Arbor-almost.
In March, the University Medical School's new Family Practice
Department will take over the Chelsea Medical Clinic, giving the sorely
needed residency program a permanent home, and easing the area family
doctor shortage.
"There's a great need for places to train family doctors," said Dr.
Michael Papo, clinic co-founder, which is why the Chelsea Medical Center
has invited the department to locate its residency program there.
PAPO SAID residents won't actually move into the clinic until 1979,
when the family practice program is in full swing. Until then, the clinic
will maintain a family care unit for patients in the Ann Arbor and Jackson
Heading the Family Practice Department will be Dr. Terence Davies,
presently a professor and associate chairman of family practice at the
University of Southern Alabama College of Medicine.
Family practice is a relatively new field, according to Joseph Owsley,
medical information spokesman, and schools have only offered it as a
specialty since 1970.
The modern version of the general practitioner, family practice spe-
cialists must go through three years of comprehensive residency training.
FOLLOWING THIS, Papo.said, they must be re-examined every six
years to keep up with medical progress. In between those six year in-
tervals, 150 hours per year of medical education must also be completed.
According to the latest American Medical Association reports, only
3.2 per cent of present active physicians are certified family doctors. This
shortage, Papo said, has made many Americans go to specialists and dif-
ferent doctors for various symptoms.
"If you had a headache, you'd go to a neurologist, hemorrhoids would
send you to a surgeon, and a heart attack, to a cardiologist," Papo said.
"It created a lot of problems."
He said that family practice physicans can act, diagnose, and treat
97 per cent of the problems they encounter. The remainder are recom-
mended to specialists.
Not only can a family practice doctor treat the entire family, they can
cut costs, according to Papo.
"If you went to a neurologist for a headache, you would pay $25, while
a family practice doctor would charge $10," he said.
Housin g proposals
spark controversy
in coming election

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Register Your Wedding Party of 5 or more
During the week of Jan. 30 thru
Feb. 4 we'll give the Bride..and
Groom a $50.00 Savings Bond on
their Wedding Day.
Don't get married
till you visit
Campus Tux Shop
3382 Washtenaw, Ann Arbor

Baloney? APPh0o0
No, it's a salami ... the world's largest! Constructed Friday by six workers at
the La Ron Meat Co. in Cosby, Missouri, this beefy delight weighs in at 457 pounds
and measures 18 feet, 10 inches long, and 28 inches in circumference. One hog
and one cow are enjoying their second lives as salami, which is 80 per cent beef.

More than fifty percent of the world is starving.
Another twenty percent, just plain hungry. And yet, in the
face of starvation, .they have hope. Hope that the rains will
return to the African Plain. Hope that the Asian rice crop
will be bigger this year. Hope that someone, anyone, with
anything to offer will come to help them fight the battle for
life. Someone in the Peace Corps. They'd like to stand up
for themselves, these prisoners of fate, but they're just
too weak to stand up. But with the Peace Corps a flame
begins to flicker. They've seen other like you before. Seen
the changes you can bring. Two thousand wells on the
parched earth of Sahel. Seen how their knowledge helped
reduce the grain losses. Who are they? They're people
pretty much like you. People with commitment and skills
who've assessed their lives and decided there must be
more than just having a job. They looked into themselves
and knew it was time for the talk to end and the work to
begin. They're very special people, these people. Totally
prepared to give everything they've got. And getting back
even more than they give. That's the beauty of the Peace
Corps. The work is hard and the pay is
lousy, and the progress comes a drop
at a time. But the rewards are infinite.
Join the Peace Corps and then
take a good long look in the mirror.
You'll never look the same to
yourself again.
The Peace Corps is alive and
well. Call toll free:
800-424-8580. Or write: The
Peace Corps, Box A,
Washington, D.C. 20525

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12 'm*lion
(Continued from Page 1)
women-and six-tenths of one percent
of all husbands-or about 280,000
men-are victims of severe physical
abuse by their spouses. Writing in a
new journal called "Victimology"
which is published in Washington, she
says the background of husband-
beaters "is often characterized by
violence and trauma."
Dr. Steinmetz cites these "examples:
a wife who felt responsible for her
father's suicide which occurred when
she was 10, and a wife, who as a teen-
ager slept with weapons uner her pillow
and lived in constant fear of brutal
beatings by her alcoholic father."
MEN SOMETIMES don't act to
protect themselves for two reasons.
"The first, based on chivalry, con-
siders any man who would stoop to hit a
woman to be a bully. The second,
usually based on experience, is a
recognition of the severe damage which
a man could do to a woman."

(Continued from Page 1)
realistic, a lot of tenants are screwed
in this town. . . with the availability of
(the revised city booklet) and advocacy
agencies there is already a fair number
of resources for tenants who need in-
Ken Latta (D-First Ward) also has
reservations about the Fair Rental In-
formation Act.
"Forget it," he declared. "It's crazy.
We have enough trouble getting people
to read the (tenants' booklet) we
already have."
GREATER SUPPORT can be found
for the Truth in Renting Proposal.
"It's a very clear-cut issue," said
Susan Greenberg, a Democratic can-
didate in the first ward, who urges sup-
port for the Truth in Renting referen-
Earl McIntire, Republican candidate
in the Fourth Ward, also supports the
Truth in Renting referendum. "How
can you say no to something like that?"
he questioned. McIntire claims,
however, that both issues were initiated
for political reasons, hinting that the
pro-tenant issues would bring out a
larger Democratic vote.
JONATHAN ROSE, co-author of the
referendums and attorney for the
Michigan Student Assembly Housing
Law Reform Project rejects McIntire's
"We wrote the proposals for the sole
purpose of improving housing in Ann
Arbor," he said. "The Democrats
didn't know about them until they were
The Truth in Renting act proposal
comes at a time when the legality of
some clauses in housing leases has been
questioned. An October study by the
Public Interest Research Group
(PIRGIM) revealed that of Ann Arbor
leases examined all were found to con-
tain "illegal, unenforceable, or abusive

ROSE SAID the PIRGIM findings
show there is a great need for the Truth
in Renting referendum.
"It is not redundant to make it a
law," Rose maintained. "If an illegal
clause case goes to court, it won't be
upheld, but not all cases go to court.
Tenants don't know some clauses are
invalid and landlords would use that
fact to intimidate tenants."
Opponents of the Fair Rental Infor-
mation Act claim that the present
tenants booklet adequately explains
tenants rights and landlord obligations.
MAYOR ALBERT Wheeler has not
taken a firm stand in support of either
referendum, and says he is not sure the
booklet under the charter amendment
would be an improvement over the
current one.
"I frankly believe (the present
booklet) is . . . good for landlords and
tenants," Wheeler stressed.
Councilperson Leslie Morris (D-
Second Ward), an advocate of pro-
tenant legislation, said it would be a bit
confusing to have a booklet containing
three separate sections.
the city should not be spending tax-
payers' money on this booklet.
Tom Moran of CBH pointed out,
however, that the booklet will not add to
city taxpayers' financial burden.
Moran said the referendum only calls
for "a change in authors" of the
booklet, not added expense.
"the latest compromise book is as
good a compromise as the Democrats
could get and they did good work," said
Rose. "But even so, every word by a
tenant advocate was censored, fought
over, and compromised with landlord
advocates : . . the result is that bad ad-
vice is given with good; excellent ad-
vice is omitted and bad referral agen-
cies are mixed in with good."
"Tenants must know the truth about
their rights and they'll only get it from
tenant advocates," Rose concluded.

.M. F


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