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January 28, 1978 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1978-01-28

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8-Saturday, January 28, 1978-The Michigan Doily

Iow buries city, state
(Continued from Page 1)

So far, luckily, emergencies have
en both rare and minor-although
e man had to be rushed to University
spital for an apparent heart attack
d several women "threatened to
ve babies," according to a Red Cross
icial. No extra police shifts have
en called to duty, but'national guard
hicles are being used to transport
al personnel and to rescue stranded
BOTH COUNTY ambulance services,
ntana Taylor and Horne Vinson,
ve been operating at full steam
'oughout the storm. John Fontana,
owner of Fontana Taylor, said, "We
ve a four wheel drive vehicle that
es out with each ambulance and they
rk in teams. It's a lot of extra
rk-most people here have been up
48 hourm"
intana warned county residents to
pect the emergency conditions and
y use the ambulance services if
:essary. "Some people just have to
tto the hospital and when they get
re they find out they have a simple
d. Then they think it's our job to get
m back home... . We're doing
hing but emergency work."
led Cross shelters have been set up
oughout Washtenaw County, and 540
)ple havetbeen housed in them as of
)n yesterday. Shelters 'opened by
er agencies also took in both
torists and local .residents left
hout heat and electricity.
cording to state and county
horities, most county roads and ex-

pressways are either closed or "migi
as well be closed" because of driftin
snow over roadways and exit ramp
Some motorists on state highways ar
having their cars impounded fo
blocking snow removal operations.
"In some respects," Milliken said i
Lansing yesterday, "conditions ar
even worse" than when the story
began on Thursday. The governor ha
requested President Carter to officiall
declare Michigan in a state o
emergency so that-direct federal aid b
the Army Corps of Engineers and othe
agencies could be provided as quickl
as possible.
National Weather Service said amour
ted to 12.6 inches through Thursday
caused the collapse of several roofs i
Kalamazoo and Alpena-including th
roof of a shopping mall i
Kalamazoo-and drifts of up to seve
feet high were reported in Ottaw
County. Winds in the upper half of th
state reached near-hurricane velocit
yesterday morning, and thousands o
motorists were stranded . across th
By yesterday afternoon, all but 300 o
over 10,000 homes left without power i
Washtenaw County Thursday had bee
restored by crews from Detroit Ediso
Co. Heavy snowfall and high wind
caused power outages across the state
and several repair crews were strande
as they tried to fix downed power lines.
Michigan Consolidated Gas Co
reported no particular problems witl
the area's supply of natural gas, bu


phone service was sporadic in many
parts of the county. A spokeswoman for
Michigan Bell called the situation
"very bad."
"Our repair crews are not even get-
ting out on the roads," she said.

were not made again yesterday
because carriers were unable to make
their rounds. A decision about today's
deliveries will be made sometime this
morning, a post office spokesman said.
Ann Arbor public schools remained
closed yesterday, and officials were not
certain when classes would resume.
Because of the harsh weather con- }
ditions, The Daily was the only daily
newspaper in Washtenaw County to
publish yesterday. The Ann Arbor
News, which called off operationsx~Y Y _ - "~-f . A -
Thursday, will resume printing
tomorrow. The Ypsilanti Press had a
team of reporters working Thursday
but were unable to print in time for a
Friday delivery. The Press will cir- F
culate a Friday-Saturday edition today.
The Detroit News did not print a Thur-
sday edition, but was able to get out a
limited Friday paper. 3'.'
Both the Detroit Free Press, which Daily Photo by JOHN KNOX
printed a Friday morning paper, and Slip-sliding
the News are temporarily unable to
deliver any papers to Washtenaw Coun- Not everyone used the weather as an excuse to catch up on school work. Some students took advantage of the four-day
ty. weekend and took to the hills. This lonely cross-country skier decided to take the Arb "in stride."



Women's Frye Boots
Reg. to 75
$40$to 0
by Olof daughters of Sweden
Values to $30
iii "_.. $1690 t$1890
Sport Shoes
for Men & Women
by Bass-Dexter-Rockport
from $1890

d MOST LOCAL businesses were shut
down yesterday-including area banks,
. which are expected to reopen today
h from 11 a.m. to noon. But many grocery
t stores, taverns and drugstores
remained open, and their owners repor-
ted doing an excellent business.
All regular Ann Arbor buses were
functioning on shortened snow routes
yesterday, running about 20 minutes
behind schedule. Three special "flier"
lines were provided to cover several of
the heaviest areas affected by the can-'
cellation of Dial-a-Ride service.
Handicapped service was also discon-
tinued-as were out-of-county
trips-and bus service ended at 6:15
Ann Arbor Transportation Authority
(AATA) officials said they hope to be
able to continue the same service
today. Plans for the next few days are
still unclear, however.
Though Amtrak cancelled railroad
operations yesterday morning, trains.
were running again in the afternoon
and Amtrak officials said they hope to
be able to keep them running all
weekend. Air traffic at Detroit
Metropolitan Airport began "limited
operations" yesterday afternoon after
over 24 hours of cancelled flights.
This story was written by Mike Norton
with files from staff reporters Richard Berke,
Brian Blanchard, Mitch Cantor, Eileen
Daley, Marianne Egri, Margaret Johnson, R.
J. Smith and Barbara Zahs.
SALISBURY, Rhodesia (AP)-The
government yesterday extended new
censorship regulations to cover all.
security-related facts, views and com-
ments in domestic and foreign reports
on the 5-year-old guerrilla war between
black nationalists and the white-
minority government.
Legal sources interpreted the
regulations to mean any article men-
tioning the war-citing, for example,
emigration statistics, the current
majority rule settlement talks or
economic pressures-would be subject
to censorship.
Foreign correspondents estimated
about 90 per cent of their dispatches
would now have to undergo censor-
ship. Previously, they submitted only
reports dealing with military matters.

As Ann Arbor and the rest of
Washtenaw County turned its efforts to
digging itself out of the mounds on snow
mother naru))ture had dumped, many
people found that they wouldn't be able
to do many of the things they had plan-
ned. The following is a list of hap-
penings and not happenings for today:
" Sunday's Faculty Chamber Con-
cert is canceled. It will be held
sometime in February.
* The Women Law Students'
Association Symposium on Money and
Credit is indefinitely postpones.
" Tonight's 9 p.m. UAC New Year's
Eve Party will go on as planned.
* Last night's basletball game again-
st Indiana is rescheduled for todat at 2
p.m. at Crisler. Today's game against
Purdue will be played Monday at 8 p.m.

" All Ann Arbor film groups are run-
ning tonight as scheduled.
" The GMAT test will be given this
morning, 8:15, Rackham Aud.
" All University libraries except the
Bentley Historical Library will be open.
. Interviews for LSA college commit-
tees are rescheduled for next Friday.
" PTP was not sure yesterday about.
today's performances of "My Fair
Lady." Persons wanting refunds for
last night's canceled showing should
contact PTP Monday..
" The Ann Arbor Art Association will
not hold classes today.
" Ann Arbor Amateir Hockey is on
for today.
* The Farmer's Market will be
closed today.

* Pioneer High School has canceled
today's SAT and Achievement testing.
" Washtenaw Community College
will be closed today.
* All Ann Arbor banks will open
today from 10 a.m.-noon-if employees
can make it in.
" The Foreign Language Lab expects
to be open and operating on its regular
schedule today.
" All University recreation facilities
will be opel today.
" The Detroit Symphony's young
people's concert for today has been in-
definitely postponed.
* AATA will be running line busses
rom 8 a.m.-6:15 p.m. today, but Dial-a-
Ride will not be in operation.
" North Campus busses will run
normally today.

Happenings and Not Happenings

'U' begins campus di


619 E. Liberty-bbl-0266
Open Friday Nites 'til 7:30

(Continued from Page 1)
Security officers were busy Thursday
night delivering food and blankets to
eleven power plant employes stranded
overnight in the Main and Hoover
Street buildings.
Stevens added there had been no
national guards on campus to help.
"I'm sure there are ROTC people
around and there's one person here for
a job interview but they have not been
here in any capacity to help in the snow
tragedy," said Stevens.
National Guard Lieutenant Glen
Ruch confirmed that no national guards
had been on campus but they have
helped in parts of Ann Arbor. "We've
had exactly nine pregnant mothers to
help get to ambulances where they can
get proper care. We've made several
runs to U. Hospital and we're mostly.
helping with transportation problems,"
Ruch said.
Though the graduate and un-
dergraduate libraries were only open
until 5 p.m. yesterday, a few students
decided to study on their unexpected
day off.
"There's pretty many people here,
but they're not exactly busting out of
the walls," remarked a library student
assistant at the UGLI:

Although the emergency and main
clinics were open, specialty services,
such as gynecology, and ear, nose and
throat care were shut down. Doctors
are requesting that only patients who
need immediate treatment come in.
Those with "long standing" ailments
are asked to make appointments for
Emergency services continue at local
hospitals, but out-patient care and less
serious cases are being postponed, ac-
cording to officials. The University
Hospital is "at full staff" and able to
rush victims to the facility with four-
wheel drive vehicles, said a spokesper-
son. St. Joseph's employes, many of
whom are working double shifts, are
working with Red Cross volunteers, ac-
cording to a spokesperson.
The storm has closed all but one blood
bank in five southeastern Michigan
counties, limiting blood supplies to
area hospitals. Red Cross volunteers
will be working in the Assembly Room
of the Michigan Union from 12-3 this
afternoon to take blood donations for
the hospitals, the volunteers said.
The blizzard conditions posed no
serious problems for University
Security, Assistant Security Director
Walter Stevens said. "We're trying 'to
help people out and get things moving,"
he said, "but no more than usual."

3P oucc cJouk
T~Cap vgtth (A~
O CUal~cnt tsle ay
Call: 764-0557
DEADLINE: Noon, Feb. 13th

Both libraries will be open usual
hours today.,
Most University buses were running
yesterday. 'U' transportation spokes-
woman Norma Hurst said buses
would run on the regular schedule
today "unless the weather takes a turn
for the worse."
Dorm food services operated without
difficulties as weekend food shipments
arrived last night and this morning.
West Quad food manager Rosa Davis
said, "We've got the weekend supply
like we usually do but that's as far as
th t goes." Davis said West Quad would
have food, provided "we can get people
to work."
No colleges or universities in the
state held classes yesterday. Eastern
Michigan University classes are
meeting today, and the University of
Detroit will announce their plans for
Saturday classes this morning. Wayne
State University, Michigan State
University and Central Michigan
University will reopen Monday.
The University has bowed to winter's
worst only three times over the last half
a century-for one day each in '46, '74,
and now for two in '78. Students retur-
ning from winter break in 1946 were
given an extra 24 hours to negotiate the
swirling snow that blanketed the cam-
pus that year.
On the Monday following
Thanksgiving vacation in 1974, 18 in-
ches of snow brought the University to a
one day standstill. Last January, on the
first Monday following winter vacation
a foot of snow closed Washtenaw Com-
munity College and Michigan State
University, but University students
trudged to classes until 3:00, when ad-
ministrators finally called a halt to
University business.
Most University students were over-
joyed with the prospects of a two day
surprise vacation, and took advantage
of the time to catch up on studies, tray
and toboggan in the Arb, and play foot-
ball in a frozen Mudbowl.
Several students, 35mms in hand,
plowed across campus, snapping frozen
momentos of snow covered trees and
buildings. Among them was junior
Anita Lamour. "I'm a photography

Yes, you too can come and stomp
your feet to a
WHERE: HILLEL, 1429 Hill St. (A block from the rock)
WHEN: 8 Midnight, Saturday the 28th of January
$1.00 Donation-Refreshments & Munchies


O 9 O



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