NAZI MARCH See Editorial Page r~ir Wan 1 ti A LITTLE BETTER High-24 Low-7 See today for details Vol. LXXXVI, No. 98 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, January 28, 1978 Ten Cents 8 Pages azis can carry swastika in march By AP and UP tiny group of Nazis who want to march refused to stay the modified ban. Nazi holocaust and hundreds of sur- the order to allow the Nazis to march "Use of the swastika is a there as an exercise of their con- vivors are among Skokie's 40,500 but enjoined them from "intentionally SI-ifSkokie officials had sought to ban the residents of Jewish ancestry or displaying the swastika on or off their symbolic for m of f ree ing Nazis have a right to march brough Nazis from marching both by court or- religion. It argued such victims will be persons, in the course of a demon- a predominantly Jewish suburb of Skokie officials and Nazi leader der and by adopting three restrictive moved to violence by the painful stration, march or parade." speech entitled to First Chicago even though residents fear Frank Collin could not be reached im- ordinances, one requiring that the memories that marching by Neo-Nazis The issue before the high court was Amendment rotections violence will result, the Illinois mediately for comment, but both sides group take out a $350,000 insurance would evoke, whether the appellate court order en- A Supreme Court ruled yesterday. had said they would appeal to the U.S. policy before conducting its demon- "While the particular four-letter joining the use of the swastika violated (It cannot be banned) "The display of the swastika, as of- Supreme Court if they lost. Justices of stration. word Nazi... being litigated here is the First Amendment rights of the that diply fensive to the principles of a free nation the nation's highest court already have "... Use of the swastika is a symbolic perhaps more distasteful than most Nazis. solely because thatdispay as the memories it recalls may be, is considered the case twice on form of free speech entitled to First others of its genre, it is nevertheless of- JUSTICE WILLIAM CLARK filed an may provoke a violent symbolic political speech intended to procedural grounds. Amendment protections," the court ten true that one man's vulgarity is unwritt is to the o inion. convey to the public the beliefs of those On June 15, the Supreme Court or- said, ruling that it cannot be banned another's lyric," the court said. The court noted the impact of the reaction by those who who display it,"thecourt said inanun- dered a village ban on any demon- "solely because that display may Skokie officials first brought suit to' issue on the suburb but said the view it."-Illinois Supreme signed opinion. stration by Collin's group lifted or provoke a violent reaction by those who block a planned Nazi march last sum- swastika does not constitute "fighting reconsideredby a state court. The ban view it." mer. The circuit court issued an order words" nor is it so "offensive and peace Court ween officials of Skokie, a village along was modified, and on Aug. A Supreme THE VILLAGE contends that prohibiting them from marching. threatening to the public that its display the northwest edge of Chicago, and a Court Justice John Paul Stevens thousands of relatives of victims of the THE APPELLATE court modified can be enjoined." University State staggers under snowfall CLASSES RESUME TODAY struggles f back to life BULLETIN President Carter signed an emer- gency disaster declaration for Michigan last night, clearing the way fora mas- sive infusion of federal aid to help the state in clearing roads of towering snow drifts left by Thursday's deadly, historic blizzard, the United Press In- ternational reported. In Ann Arbor, Mayor Albert Wheeler declared a state of emergency throughout the city yesterday morning, warning local residents to stay in their homes. The city is not expected to return to normal for as long as a week, officials said, and some city streets may not be passable until Monday at the earliest. IN THE MEANTIME, snowplows, patrol cars and national guard trucks rumbled through the city's main ar- teries without much competition from private cars. "We're in bad shape," Police Chief Walter Krasny told the Daily. "Most of the side streets are almost im- passable." Though patrol cars have been equipped with chains, Krasny said police would face "real problems" get- ting into some parts of the city in the event of a major disaster. See SNOW, Page 8 Food, bus services normal Classes were cancelled yesterday for the second day in a row, but the rest of the University is struggling to shake off the snow and get back to business-as- usual. All classes scheduled for today will be held, and most University ser- vices should return to regular schedules. University officials have not yet determined if the two days of cancelled 1u1letin The Blood Bank-open from noon until 3 p.m. in the Union today-is the only Red Cross group supplying blood; for hospital use in five southeastern counties during the storm. classes will have to be made up. Vice- President for Academic Affairs Harold Shapiro said, "We should know by Monday or Tuesday." University Health Service was operating, although road conditions made it impossible for many staffers to show up for work. "We're operating with a skeleton staff," said nurse Janet Newton. See 'U', Page 8 This unidentified Volkswagon owner had a tough job ahead of him as he tried to get into his car which Mother Nature and city snow plows had buried beneath a mound of snow on ob- Daily Photo by JOHN KNOX servatory yesterday. Motorists throughout the Midwest had similar problems as the dig-out from this week's blizzard began. FINAL APPROVAL SOUGHT: Senate panel studies canal pact WASHINGTON (AP)-The Senate Foreign Relations Committee debated yesterday how to incorporate a tighter guarantee of U.S. defense rights in the Panama Canal treaty without risking its being rejected by Panama., Officially assured the State Depar- tment had no objection to such an ad- dition, the panel was expected to adopt the language of a statement of'under- standings made last fall by President Carter and Panama's Gen. Omar Torrijos. THE ACTIONwould formalize within the treaty itself their unsigned agreement that after Panama took con- trol of the canal in the year 2000, the United States would retain rights of priority passage in emergencies and could use military force, if necessary, to defend the waterway against threats. Senate leaders say that clarification is crucial if the treaty is to have any chance of ratification after it reaches the Senate floor, probably within the next two weeks. A total of 22 proposed amendments, reservations and understandings were before the committee but Minority Leader Howard Baker (R-Tenn.) said only a small number of those likely would survive. UNDER A DEAL worked out by Baker and Majority Leader Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.) the panel was to make no amendments but simply recommend thefn-thereby giving all senators a chance to act as co-sponsors, and possibly gaining the two-thirds vote needed for approval. In a related development, the White House announced yesterday that President Carter will address the nation next Wednesday on the question of Senate ratification of the treaty. The time was to be determined later. TWELVE OF the committee's mem- bers endorsed the treaty on Thursday. Chairman John Sparkman (D-Ala) who along with Stone had withheld his view, said yesterday he will r sup- port the pact. But Sen. Robert Griffin (R-Mich.) repeated his view that it should be renegotiated because it is "fatally flawed" in several respects. Byrd, Baker and other treaty backers say the Panamanians evidently would consent to having the Carter-Torrijos statement added, however, because its contents had been fully aired to the public there before the vote. Carter replied in the statement that ratification of the treaty "should not be viewed by any power as signaling a retreat by the United States in Latin America. Our country will continue to play a visible and dynamic role in Western Hemisphere affairs. "In particular, it has been and will continue to be the policy of the United States to oppose any efforts, direct or indirect, by the Soviet Union to establish military bases in the Carib- bean necessary to the defense of the Panama Canal and the security of the United States and its allies in the Western Hemisphere," Carter said. Lefties not left out anymore By STEVE MIL. 7 Libby Westie does the best she can to reach the Diag despite somebody's best effort to seal the Engine Arch with a snowball. CARTER ANNOUNCES SUPPORT: June Gittleson has the right idea. Or maybe it's the left idea. Gittleson, of New York, thinks lefties are being left out in the cold. And that, she says, ain't right. So Gittleson is combatting what she calls the "over- righteousness" in the world. Since 1970, she has operated a small shop and mail order house which caters to lefties. It's name, appropriately enough, is "The Left Hand." "IT MAKES ME mad the way everything is designed for right-handers," says Gittleson, a southpaw herself. "So I decided to to something about it." What Gittleson did was compile a catalogue which in- cludes scissors, kitchen utensils, rulers and other items designed expressly for lefties. But she didn't stop there. She soon realized that the "left" minority was in "desperate need for more com- mon, everyday things." The 1978 catalogue includes such unexpected southpaw products as ice cream scoops, thermometers, seed sowers I t-op 0 By JUDY RAKOWSKY Local co-op representatives say they are pleased by President Carter's decision to back legislation funding 11 ilplease private business to provide better ser- vices and help to solve many of the economic problems facing consumers and the country." Klein added. locals kind of program that goes on forever. The money is paid back and eventually the loan bank is owned by the co-ops tha t have been navine interet monv." I I .