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January 27, 1978 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1978-01-27

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Starts at 4:30 P.M.
7 Days a Week

Page 2-Friday, January 27, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Wicked blizzard
bites East, Midwest
(Continued from Page 1)

stay inside? Snow way!



them out.
"If you go out, even for an
emergency, you are on your own,"
said Vic Gherke, traffic chief for the
Dodge County, Wisconsin, sheriff's
department. "You can expect no
"ranged from uncomfortable to unfit
for habitation," according to the
weather service. Blinding snow far
outpaced the plowing ability of
Chicago area road crews, leaving
expressways and main thorough-
fares drifted over. It was 11 years
ago yesterday that a blizzard drop-
ped 23 inches on the windy city in one
Screams from a man and his wife
stranded on an ice floe off Lake
Michigan's shore were heaid on the
19th floor of a high rise, and the
couple was rescued with the help of
policemen forming a chain with their
leather belts. Gregory and Beverly

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Mastalerz, both 31 and married only
six months, told rescuers they went
for a "romantic stroll in the snow"
Wednesday night along the lake's
shore in the Godl Coast area. They
wandered onto the ice by accident,
and a chunk of it broke off and
started drifting. The Mastalerzs
were on it.
"I WAS A ROMANTIC fool, you
know, taking my new wife out for a
walk," said Mastalerz. "What can I
say? You couldn't see the difference
between the concrete retaining wall
and the lake. So there I was on the
ice. I said,'Damn, it's the lake,' and I
tried to jump up and grap the ledge. I
missed and fell back in . . . We
climbed out onto the ice and started
to scream."
In southern Illinois, roads were
glazed with ice and snow and travel
was almost impossible. State police
said visibility ranged from zero to ten
feet in some places. A 175-mile
stretch of Interstate 57 was closed.
Snow-laden winds of up to 75 mph
rammed across Ohio from the rolling
countryside of the southwest to the
industrial northeast. Cleveland, Co-
lumbus, Akron, Cincinnati, and Day-
ton were paralyzed. Governor James
Rhodes, calling the storm "the worst
blizzard in Ohio history," declared a
"state of emergency" which enables
him to activate between 600 and 700
National Guard troops to aid strand-
ed motorists.
THE STORM caused tempera-
tures to drop by as much as 30
degrees in four hours. Power went
out across Ohio and thousands of
residents stayed inside without heat
or electricity.
"The entire state of Ohio is at a
standstill," said the Ohio Highway
Patrol in Columbus.
State police in Kentucky closed all
state highways in the western two-
thirds of the state, and some resi-
dents in eastern Kentucky were
forced to leave their homes when
heavy rains forced creeks to over-
flow their banks.
SIX INCHES of snow fell on
Indianapolic, closing Indianapolis
International Airport. Airport offic-
ials said they didn't expect to reopen
the airport until today.

Protesters call
Seafarer suicide'

(Continued from Page 1)
school," said one of the organizers,
"that's good enough reason to have a
beach party."
Another pair of snow lovers wanted to
lend a hand to some weather service of-
ficials trying to measure the snow drifts
near Angell Hall. And what better way
tohelp than to dive into the drifts head
"WHERE'S a St. Bernard?" yelled
one. "I want a St. Bernard!" Confused
bystanders wondered whether to help
him find one or extract his friend,
whose feet were all that stuck out of the
next-door drift.

(Continued from Page 1)
end?" asked Naroski.
"Putting the future of a nation in the
hands of one submarine commander is
the height of human irresponsibility.
We (U.S. citizens) are allowing that to
happen. We've got to say 'no' to bombs
we've got. As soon as we say 'no' to
bombs asnd 'yes' to life we've made
that step," he said.
THE PROTESTERS also expressed
concern over the effects the project
would have on inhabitants of the upper
"To think that you can cover 25 per
cent of the upper peninsulawith a cable
and not think that you will harm the en-
vironment is very naive," said Roma
Ziarnko, one of the protesters.
"We're concerned the Seafarer will
hurt a lot of people. It's just insane,"
she added. "I understand they're going

to lay a grid underneath the water, and
I'm concerned about what that will do
to the fish.
"I'm also concerned because these
submarines will be used for warfare.
That's suicide. Nobody really wins, and
everybody just gets hurt."
AMID THE swirling snow the
protesters explained that they were
rallying yesterday afternoon to call at-
tention to another protest going on at
the same time. Twelve lower Michigan
citizens, calling themselves the Great
Lakes Life Community, planned to en-
ter Sawyer Air Force Base in the upper
peninsula in protest of Seafarer, said
Despite incessant chants of "Flowers
yes, Seafarer no, people yes, Seafarer
no" and "First strike, shut it down,"
the protest drew sparse attentionon the
nearly deserted street.

Skiers outnumbered all others on the
streets near campus, and made far bet-
ter time than both walkers and the scat-
tered motorists who had trusted their
Die-Hsrd batteries and Tiger Paw tires
to get them around the snow-crammed
Bivouac employes reported they had
rented all their skis for the weekend by
1:30 yesterday afternoon.
"I THINK most of them are going to
use them around here," said employe
Steve Dettinger, who confessed that
most of the skis had been snatched up
by 10:30 a.m., an hour after the store

Ca rter administration
vows co-op funding

administration changed courses
yesterday and announced it would sup-
port legislation to provide federal loans'
to non-profit cooperatives formed by
consumers to provide themselves with
groceries or other retail services.
Ann Arbor food co-ops, such as The
People's Co-Op and the Fourth Avenue
Co-op, would benefit. from the
The administration's endorsement of
the proposal greatly increased its
chances for approval by Congress. The
administration opposed the bill last
year when it passed the House by a
single vote.
THE LEGISLATION would establish
a federal bank to extend loans to con-
sumers that band togerher to establish
a nonprofit grocery store or other type
of retail service.
at the
1306 S. University
our NEW Salads:
potato-cole slow
4 oz. serving-normally 39C
NOW 19$ with any sandwich
(Good through Feb. 1)
"ALWAYS FRESH, 7 days.
Expert in Tray Catering"

Assistant Treasury Secretary Roger
Altman, who had testified against the
bill last year, told a Senate banking
subcommittee, "The administration
now has a better appreciation for the
needs of consumer cooperative than we
did last April."
He proposed authorizing $300 million
for the government to buy stock in the
bank and $75 million for a self-help
development fund for co-ops in low-
income areas.
Altman said the new position came af-
ter administration officials visited a
number of cooperatives around the
country to find out about their financing
Supporters of the bill say co-ops are
the only way consumers can provide a
retail service themselves if private en-
terprise refuses to do so; such as in in-
ner-city neighborhoods abandoned by
grocery chains. Opponents say the
federal aid would amount to unfair tax-
payer-supported competition to
businesses trying to make a profit.
Twenty-five per cent of the state
legislators in the West North Central
region of the United States, which
includes the Dakotas, Iowa, Kansas,
Minnesota, Missouri and Nebraska,
are from the field of agriculture. The
leader is South Dakota with 47 per

had opened. "If people are planning to;
go out in the country, though, I'd say
they're asking for real trouble, because
when the wind picks up, that weather
could kill people."
Parties of bundled-up studentsi
flocked to the Arboretum dragging
toboggans, cafeteria trays, cardboard,
and even inner tubes to confront the
challenging slopes. The hills became
more and more crowded as students
heard classes had been cancelled.
FOR MANY, the celebrating was not
to end when they left the slopes. "And
then we'll be off to Dooley's!" shputed
one group of girls as their makeshift
tray-toboggan careened down the hill.
phil Kreitner, a graduate student in
natural resources who was handing in
his dissertation yesterday, cleared the
steps of the Dana Building when most
steps across campus hadn't been
touched. His reason? "Because
someone's gonna bust their ass on
them, that's why," he said as he poun-
ded the ice witha two-by-four. "Sure as
hell isn't union labor," he muttered.
Summing up the city's mood best was
Yellow Cab driver Al Estes. Asked why
he was even on the road, he looked up
and said, with feeling, "Because I'm in-
(Continued from Page 1)
a willing printer was located in Wayne,
Michiga. The Daily'susual 11 p.m.
deadline was forced up to 6 p.m.
Ann Arbor News editor Herbert
Spendlove and business manager Ralph
Schweitzer decidid to suspend
publication for the day at 10:00 ,a.m.,s
and later decided to cease operations;
completely until Sunday, January 29.
ALL 23 OF THE News' delivery
trucks have four-wheel frive, but, as
one employee put it, "We didn't want
the drivers to risk their lives out there."
According to News managing editor
Dave Bishop, yesterday was the first
time the paper has been "snowed out"
in its history.
UNDERSTAFFING at the Detroit
News forced a shutdown of the nation's
largest afternoon daily. News general
manager made the decision to shut
down at 9:45 yesterday morning. The
newsroom operated with a skeleton
staff of 15, as opposed to the usual 80.
The Detroit Free Press reported a
full staff, made yesterday morning's
delivery and had no plans to cancel its
Friday morning edition. Some 40 Free I
Press reporters were assigned jull-time
to the blizzard.
The _Battle Creek News and the
Jackson Citizen-Patriot mANAGED TO
PUBLISH Thursday editions but asked
subscribers to come down themselves
to pick it up.
The three area television stations
reported a deluge of phone calls about
closings. Out of frustration WJBK-TV
in Southfield simply began telling
callers that everything was closes.
The stations also complained of
camera crews and reporters stuck in
the snow. "We've been trying to get our
hands on a four-wheel drive vehicle."
said Jack Huron in the WWJ-TV
newsroom. "There's none to be found."
It all adds

. cI


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