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ol. LXXXViii, No. 96 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, January 26, 1978 Ten Cents 12 Pages
Israeli proposal
on principles may
help revive talks'
CAIRO (AP) - Egyptian Presi-
dent Anwar Sadat said yesterday
that he is in "constant contact" with
President Carter and that behind-
the-scenes negotiations were under
way to reopen talks with Israel. But
he said he does not know when or if
talks will resume.
Israel, with U.S. help, reportedly
has drafted a proposed declaration of
principles aimed at restarting politi-
cal talks in Jerusalem, which had
begun to deal with the Palestinian
and qther issues before Sadat broke
them off last week.
ISRAELI officials said their coun-
try was awaiting a response from
Cairo on the proposed declaration.
The officials also predicted that the
Israeli cabinet this weekend would
decide to renew the parallel military
talks in Cairo, which the cabinet last
Sunday chose not to rejoin.
Assistant U.S. Secretary of State
in line-.
f or L aw
University Law Prof. Terrence San-
dalow will be nominated for the Law
School Deanship at the Febr ary
Regents meeting, Vice Presidert for
Academic Affairs Harold Shapiro an-
nounced yesterday at a faculty lun-
If the Regents approve the appoin-
tment; Sandalow will succeed Theodore
St. Antoine, who has been dean for the
past seven years. St. Antoine asked to
return to teaching at the end of the
current fiscal year and will be on leave
next year.
A UNIVERSITY professor since 1966,
Sandalow said if the Regents approve
his appointment he will "have to deal
with increasing the quality of the Law
School's programs," during his five-
year stint as Dean, beginning July 1.
See 'U', Page 9
Alfred Atherton has been trying to
mediate a dispute over wording of
the declaration.
IN TEL AVIV, deputy Prime
Minister Yigael Yadin said Israel
made an informal offer to Egypt for
an exchange of territory to solve the
dispute between the two countries
over Jewish settlements in the
Israeli-occupied Sinai Peninsula. Ya-
din was the first senior government
official to confirm an exchange of
land had been proposed.
Yadin said on television the pro-
posal was raised in "feelers of an
informal nature" but Egypt rejected
it. Sadat has said Israel's insistence
on keeping Jewish settlements in the
Sinai caused him to break off the
peace talks last week. Israel has
about 20 settlements in the Rafah
Salient in northeastern Sinai.
Yadin said the Rafah area covers
only one half of one per cent of
Egypt's land area and that if an
exchange were agreed upon, Israel
could not give up more than one half
of one per cent of its territory.
BY YADIN'S calculation, Israel
would give up 40 square miles of a
sparsely populated section of the
Negev Desert. Prime Minister Mena-
chem Begin has publicly rejected the
idea of changing the accepted Israeli-
Egyptian boundary.
King Hassan of Morocco called on
Arab countries to rally behind Sadat,
saying such support would put pres-
sure on Western leaders to persuade
Israel to withdraw from occupied
Arab territory.;
In an interview published today in
the Cairo daily Al Gomhouria, Has-
san said if the breakdown in negotia-
tions leads to a new Mideast war,
Morocco would be "the first to fulfill
its national obligation.
SADAT also received support from
President Tito of Yugoslavia, who
said in a seven-page letter to the
Egyptian president he supports the
peace moves with Israel, the semi-
official Cairo newspaper Al Ahram
reported in Thursday editions.
Tito reportedly said all non-aligned
nations should support Sadat to
prevent Israel from exploiting Arab
See ISRAELI, Page 6
grabs loot
on Wheel
of Fortune'
LSA senior Larry Caplan is a
Caplan turned a California visit
over Christmas break into a winning
streak on the NBC game show
"Wheel of Fortune" - a streak worth
"IT WAS too much. I couldn't
believe it," exclaimed Caplan, a
history major. The show aired Tues-
day, yesterday, and will air again
today at 11:00 a.m. on Channel 4.
Caplan's loot includes a 1978 Buick
Skylark, a man's mink coat, trips for
two to New York, Acapulco, Russia
and Scandinavia, carpet tiling, "a
crazy lamp," $300 worth of gift cer-
tificates, a'nd an antique water
buffalo elephant horn box.
See 'U', Page 2
Daily Photo by CAB3LE
History major Larry Caplan looks at life differently after winning $12,700 on the NBC game show "Wheel of Fortune."
His booty includes trips to New York, Acapulco, Russia, Scandinavia, and a spanking new auto to drive to the airport.
HHH's wife accepts Senate seat
- Muriel Humphrey, who says she
wants to "help complete" some of
her late husband Hubert's unfinisfied
legislative business, was appointed
yesterday to his vacant seat in the
U.S. Senate by Minnesota Gov. Rudy
Mrs. Humphrey, who will be 66
next month, becomes the only wo-
man in the Senate. She will serve at
least until a special election is held
next November to fill the remaining
four years of her husband's term.
HUMPHREY died of cancer at his
lakeside home in Waverly, Minn., on
Jan. 13. He was 66. The couple had
been married 41 years.
Mrs. Humphrey declined to say
whether she would run in the special
election. "That's a long time away. I
have no idea," she told reporters.
She said she had never discussed
with her husband the possibility of
serving out his term. "I think that
Hubert never once said that he was
going to do anything but go back to
the Senate.
"I HAD NO guidance at all from
'I had no guidance at all
from him (Humphrey) in
the decision. I hope that
he is guiding me today,
along with a good many
other people, in this deci-
sion . .. I do not take it
not as a caretaker
- Senator
Muriel Humphrey
ss~mammmamassa~e~mmmmasammMENEEEE;m'.. ;,.EE
"We cannot let this opportunity for
peace escape our grasp. We must
seize the moment or we may lose it
from the United States, Israel has
continued to establish settlements in.
the Sinai, occupied territory which
Begin has indicated Israel would be,
willing to return to Egypt as part of a
peace agreement.
Humphrey linked his appeal for
Israeli flexibility on the Sinai settle-
ments to his view that there also is a
need for Arab compromising on the
Palestine issue.
MRS. HUMPHREY'S appointment
was announced at a news conference
in the lobby of an apartment complex
in Hillsboro Beach, a suburb of Fort
Lauderdale, where Mrs. Humphrey
is vacationing.
Minnesota law requires the gover-
nor to make a temporary appoint-
ment until a special election. Perpich
had flown to Florida late. Tuesday
night and spent about two hours
conferring privately with Mrs. Hum-
phrey before the announcement.
While earlier speculation suggest-
ed that she would be a "caretaker,"
See MURIEL, Page 9
him in the decision," she said. "I
hope that he is guiding me today,
along with a good many other people,
in this decision, because I felt it was a
very, very difficult decision to make
and a very responsible one to make. I
do not take it lightly, not as a care-
taker job."
Mrs. Humphrey said she was in
excellent health and plans to tackle
Senate duties "in a vigorous man-
Recalling campaigning with her
husband for senator, vice president
and President, her six trips to the
Soviet Union and a visit to China, she
said: "I feel I have a good bit of
background for this position."
HER HUSBAND commanded wide
respect in international circles. Two
days before his death, Humphrey
appealed to Israeli Prime Minister
Menahem Begin to be flexible in his
negotiations with Egypt, particularly
on the issue of Jewish settlements in
the Sinai.
The late senator wrote to Begin, "It
is time for all parties to show toler-
ance, a spirit of give and take, and
compromise while the time is still
Changes likely for
By STEVE GOLD In the past,
ed the distrib
The Literary College Executive Com- the attitude of
mittee will act today on recommenda- have to do?"a
tions from the LSA Curriculum Com- fied Plan Cv
mittee to alter the College's distribution cording to C
requirements. LSA Academic
The recommendations include the BECAUSE1
elimination of Plan B - which requires be "more dem
students to take courses in the analytic, & Committeec
empirical, moral, and aesthetic modes he believes it
of learning - and raises the number of take other opi
courses required by Plan C to three said he hope
each in the areas of humanities, social couraged to "
sciences and natural sciences. liberal educat
IN PL 'CE of plan B the committee is Judge said h
proposlig an independent distribution cause a heavi
plan to be supervised by a specially department b
designated committee of counselors.
Plan A, which calls for learning in the
areas of humanities, social sciences, 1 a
natural sciences, creative expression
and math and logical analysis, will re-
main virtually unchanged.
Subcommittee chairman Paul Cloke
said he doesn't expect considerable dif- By MAR
ficulty in getting the proposal passed by
the Executive Committee today, but An optional
says he has no idea how the faculty will Quad, begunl
react when it goes before them. Theby the Housin
Executive Committee reports to the requests by Q
governing faculty of LSA which makes has attracted
the final decision. morning riser
from East Qua
students have approach- it if it meant discussing educationa
bution requirement with goals with students.
f "what's the minimum I LSA-SG appointee Carolyn Rosen
and so have usually satis- berg said she is "very excited" abou
without much effort, ac- the proposal. She agrees that it wil
huck Judge, director of "encourage students to go to the othe
c Counseling. plans," adding that the independent ap
THE revised plan C will proach will probably appeal most ti
nanding," Associate Dean very highly motivated students.
chairman John Knott said THE PROPOSAL has been in formu
will "induce students to lation since early last term when a sub
tions more seriously." He committee of the curriculum commi
es that they will be en- tee began seeking input from student
think about the aims of a and faculty about the distributiv
ion." plans. By mid-December the subcom
he realized that this might mittee had reported its findings an
er load for the counseling suggestions to the whole committe
ut said he would welcome See CHANGES, Page 9
Daily Photo by CABLE
Beside helping foreign students cope with the cultural differences they encounter in the U.S., counselors at the International
Center also help Americans going abroad. Counselor Marcia Shelton points out one of the world's most delightful spots,
southern France, to potential travelers.
I'elp with an international lavor
t Quad breakfast'
n draws criticism'
J breakfast plan at East
last week and dished up
ng Division in response to
Quad residents last term,
d only two hungry early-
rs and has drawn criticism
ad's student government.
students in dorms were taking advan-
tage of the early meal.
East Quad's Assembly passed a
resolution. Monday night asking the
Housing Division to guarantee that the
Halfway Inn will not lose money on the
breakfast deal.
"I'm for a breakfast plan but not this
hraactna ,, ta on na
From Thailand and Tunisia and
r naea in htwedun over 2 .000
for a good grade.
SOMETIMES, however, the cultur-
al differences aren't always as great
"Most foreign students are con-
cerned with immigration laws and