$100 tax (Continued from Page 1) gesting that reinforcement of exist- ing aid programs may be more effec- tive. "Students are being priced out of an education," said Vaughn, the bill's sponsor. "Any plan you come up with, I'm sure someone can show you what is wrong. "I don't want people to be penal- ized because they find themselves in Egypt bac The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, January 25, 1978-Page 5 reak Osed a higher income," he added, refer- The bill does not specify whether a ring to financial aid programs avail- rebate would be given to eligible able on the basis of financial need, taxpayers whose tax falls below the The bill, which applies only to xpyrwhstxfasbewth Thdergbdll, whuaplestonlsytomaximum credit. "I'm not sure on undergraduates, would establish an that one," admitted Vaughn, adding income tax credit for students at- that the question would be clarified. tending in-state trade schools, col- Michigan Student Assembly last leges, or universities in the follow- night passed a resolution in favor of ing amounts: for fiscal 1978, $100; the tax credit and several members 1979, $150; 1980, $200; 1981 and each are planning to organize a lobbying year thereafter, $250. effort to promote the bill. Assembly member Howard Feldman appeared before the Regents last week and S Q -urged them to support the tax credit. b. State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) said he supports the bill but fears in its present form the bill may "oversubsidize" the rich. discouraging potential opponents from He noted that a bill in Hawaii pro- trying to seize power. vides for progressively lower tax "Nobody in his right mind would credits as income rises. He said he want to take over Egypt right now. She would support an adaptation of is flat broke," he said. "Who wants a Vaughn's bill to a similarly graduat- country like that?" ed form. When guilish eyes are smilingA It was a big day yesterday for CIA director Stansfield Turner; President Carter's intelligence community reorganization left him with his influence considerably expanded. But the Detroit News reported Monday that Zbigniewski Brzezinski (left), Carter's national security adviser, was leading a move to have Turner dumped. A Brzezinski aide said the report could be "completely discounted." Must be true; that brotherly smile on Brzezinski's mug could convince a sparrow that a cat wasn't interested in lunch. City reacts to new drinking law (Continued from Page]1) standard of living. THE RELENTLESS rise in Egypt's cost of living has been blamed for the bloody riots of January 1977 when nearly 1,000 persons were killed or in- jured in violence that Sadat claimed was Soviet-inspired. The steady increase in population puts pressure on housing and job markets, but economists say significant progress has been made recently with the help of massive injec- tions of aid from the United States and oil-rich Arab countries like Saudi Arabia. "As long as Sadat keeps the people fed, the only danger is from the army, but who really knows how they feel?" a political analyst said. WESTERN DIPLOMATS say the Egyptian army, one of the few organized groups with national political clout, so far has lent full support to Sadat's peace initiative despite the un- certain status of negotiations. "The broad ideological spectrum supporting Sadat is astonishing," said a Western professor of political science. Sadat's abrupt move last week recalling his foreign minister from the Egyptian-Israeli political talks in Jerusalem was met with disappoin- tment by the Egyptian ;man-in-the- street. But the Egyptian public directed its anger outward toward Israel and agreed with Sadat's statements ac- cusing Israel of undermining his peace drive. "A FEW DAYS ago I thought peace was a step away," said Osman Khalil, a Cairo optician. "Now it may be years away. You can see (Israeli Prime Minister Menachem)V Begin doesn't want peace because when we offered it to him, he turned away." Some scattered opposition to Sadat has surfaced, however. Egypt's small leftist party, which has opposed Sadat's initiative from the start, called for cutting contacts with Israel and the United Statesafter the Jerusalem talks broke down last week. In addition, Arab hardliners within Egypt vigorously opposed Sadat's ef- forts. On the conservative side, the right- wing magazine El Daw called on Muslims to unite and retake Arab Jerusalem by force. But there was no war fever within the country and the call went unheeded. THE EGYPTIAN professor said the troubled economy was actually 1 i i L (Continued from Page 1) someone else he can pick him up." "If you see a guy wandering down the street, do you let him stumble along his merry way?" Krasny asks. "Once we take him in to the patrol car, we are bound by law to take him to a detoxifi- cation center." Krasny predicts there could be up to a 50 per cent reduction in the number of drunks actually picked up by police. "They'll be able to make it from the bar home now," he says, "unless they start busting up signs along the way. We'll get them for that." Local bars see potential problems in getting drunks home, since the police are no longer responsible for it. "If the police can't act until the per- son commits a crime, they should be allowed to give that person assistance," contends Mike Messersmith, manager of the BLue Frogge. "The police are supposed to both enforce and protect. Tying their hands negates part of the law enforcement's duty to protect."' SAID MESSERSMITH, "What is go- ing to happen here now is that when- ever. anyone is in a questionable state, we will approach that person and offer a cab or offer to drive home. "We're going to do everything the police can't do, because of this new law," Messersmith says. "I, feel we have to, since we're part of the con- tributors to this so-called problem." Dave Rogers, manager of Second Chance; agrees. "It's probably going to put more responsibility on us," he says. "We will try to get cabs for people." ROGERS ADDS he likes the new law. "I don't think that just because you're drunk you should be locked in the clink. Neither do I think you should be left alone." "I really don't like the new law," said Jim Mills, manager of Dooley's. "I think it's a bad thing for the area." Mills says police should be able to arrest potential troublemakers before they actually break laws, like smashing windows on their way home. "The people who walk around sober don't cause the trouble," he asserts. BUT GENERALLY the new law is greeted with a resounding cheer. That is, except for veteran drinker Edward Halish, a junior in the Engineering School, who says the law "has little consequence for two reasons." "If you're drunk, you're likely to be obnoxious," Halish maintains "And in Ann Arbor, there aren't enough bars to get drunk at anyway.'' When informed that he could still be picked up by police if drunk and creat- ing a disturbance, and that he must then by law be taken to University Hos- pital's emergency room, Halish said, "Hospital? My God, I'd rather spend the night in jail!" Treaties backed WASHINGTON (AP)-Two of the nation's top military leaders denied yesterday that their support for the Panama Canal treaty was the result of pressure by the Carter administration. Adm. James Holloway III, Chief of Naval Operations, told the Senate Ar- med Services committee he personally would prefer a treaty permitting the United States to keep full military con- trol over the canal. But in an "imper- fect world," he said, "we need to un- derstand realistically that this is a responsibility that we must share with Panama." Holloway and Gen. Louis H. Wilson, the Marine Corps commandant, were grilled intensively by committee mem- bers as to whether they, along with their Air Force and Ar'my colleagues on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, truly endorse the treaty. The White Shark has a unique disten- sible stomach which allows it to swallow anything from a license plate to a horse, as the stomach lining expan- ds with the load. An Equal Opportunity Employer/ Male & Female a =. . . ; , r s'! y' % '.: " : ", 1." . >> MEET LLEN GINSBERG I FREE DELIVERY OF PIZZA Starts at 5 P.M. 7 Days a Week from n Beautiful Make Hap o We cordi and your A .the previ "Bridal Fa Tuesday, Jan Maynard T I Ibeginnings... py-ever-afters. . ially invite you guests to attend ev showing of shions for 1978" nary 31, at 7:30 P.M. Street Entrance R.S.V.p. 769-7600 Mary Kay Keenan ridal Consultant ANN ARBOR 44 I. at Centiore 2-3 p.m. BELL'S i __ . - m m - Wed ., January 25 I. ,I Cnr 4rra L ki 1eaai.....&i a r