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January 24, 1978 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1978-01-24

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The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, January 24, 1978-Page 9


Bucks boo

'T CI lV7*fti f)IT/f

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Special to The Daily
COLUMBUS-It was St. John's feast
day here last night, at least for 13,489
fans who packed St. John's arena and
witnessed a spirited Ohio State team
defeat Michigan, 86-71.
S"I was very happy with one thing,
that is the enthusiasm we played with
tonight. I'll take the mistakes if we play
with enthusiasm," said Buckeye coach
Eldon Miller.
The home town crowd, time and
again proving its value in Big Ten com-
petition this year, rallied the Buckeye
squad and razzed the cagers from Ann
Arbor repeatedly during the game.
Meanwhile a young Ohio State team
dominated the boards on both ends of
the court and took advantage of the
open lane to score most of its points
from within ten feet.
The men in the maize and blue, on the
other hand, found a slid on the rim,
shooting only 38.8 percent from the
field-33 percent in the second half.

"Our problem was we couldn't make
the open shot. We had plenty of them,"
said Michigan coach Johnny Orr.
Michigan jumped out to a quick lead
in the opening emoments of the game,
scoring on the Buckeyes' man-on-man
defense. But Miller quickly shifted his
squad to a zone defense, which the
Wolverines' cold shooting couldn't
Immediately after the move, the
Bucks popped in ten consecutive points,
giving them a six point lead which
Michigan failed to recover from.
The Wolverines closed to within two
late in the period after Buckeye center
Herb Williams collected his fourth per-
sonal foul. But a pair of buckets in the
last minute sent Ohio State to the locker
room six points to the good.
Michigan continued to use a zone
press in the second half which Orr
went to early in the game to combat
State's offensive strength. But while the
press caused 22 turnovers, the
Wolverines committed 20 of their own

g ie pas
and. found themselves fouling in the
When Williams fouled out with 5:36
remaining, allowing Mike McGee's two
free throws to cut the margin to five, it
appeared as if the momentum was tur-
On the resulting inbounds pass again-'
st the zone, McGee, the Wolverines'
best shooter for the evening at 39 per-
cent, bumped Ohio State center Jim
Ellinghausen. The foul was McGee's
FIFTH, sending him to the bench as
Michigan's high scorer with 19 points.
Michigan took 17 shots in the next two
and one half minutes-only one of them
fell. Ohio State's luck didnt prove much
better, but the few that did pass through
the net put the Buckeyes out in front, 74-

bungling Blue

63 with 2:51 remaining.
Ohio State could not, however, put the
Wolverines away for good. Michigan
continued to press, and sophomore
guard Mark Lozier began to drive to the
basket instead of the outside shots his
team could not connect on all evening.
Still the shots didn't fall but the Bucks
began to foul, putting the burden of
Michigan's comeback hopes at the
charity stripe. Lozier and forward Alan
Hardy both missed the front end of
bonus one-on-one free throws. And Ohio
State's spread out, delay offense found
men under the basket three times in the
last two minutes, fanning' the flame un-
der the crowd and-sealing the victory.
"When we needed the free throw or
the basket, we couldn't do it," said Orr,

"when you don't do it, you lose."
"I know it (the crowd) helped
motivate our team," said Miller amidst
the noise, "but it didn't hutt theirs. How
can it affect the University of Michigan,
having gone to the tournaments four
years in a row?"
Orr however, felt the crowd may
have affected his team. "When you get
on the road," he said, "you don't know
what is going to happen to ypu."
But the victory was the team's
doing-not the crowd, and Orr was
quick to point that out.
"I don't take anything away from
Ohio State. They called on a lot of
players and they all responded very
Indeed the Bucks employed the

resources at hand. Miller sent all 14
players into the game. Eight of them"
found the scoring mark, with four it
double figdres. Freshman Ken Page hit
18 while guard Kelvin Ransey chipped,
in 15.
The loss dropped the Wolverines from
sole possession of second place in the
Big Ten into a tie with Purdue and Min-
nesota. The league leading Michigaf
State Spartans will put its two game-
lead on the line against these same
Buckeyes here Thursday night.

Alabama 78, Kentucky 62


Blue gymnasts

stumble at MSU

-- L - If- I

Blue snowoauea

t. Bodna

8/20 2/3
7/18 5/6
n 2/8 5/6
2/5 3/3
5/12 0/0
in 0/0 0/0
3/5 0/2
1/4 0/0
0/0 0/0
iar 0/0 0/0

12 0 3 18 J.Smith
4 0 5 19 Page
10 1 2 9 Williams
2 6 4 9 Ramsey
3 5 4 10, Cline
0 0 1 0 Poole
3 3 2 6 Ellinghausen
1 1 1 2 Burris
1 0 0 0 Scott
0 0 2 0 Penn
4 Hetz
40 17 23 71 Team
Score by Periods
OSU 43
Attendance: 13.489

6/7 2/2 5
8/19 2/3 6
3/5 0/1 9
7/15 1/4 5
2/6 3/4 2
0/0 0/1 3
0/3 5/6 4
5/8 0/0 7
1/1 3/4 1
0/0 0/0 1
0/1 0/0 0
32/65 16/25 47

0 5
0 2
2 5
7 2
2 3
0 1
0 0
1 1
0 0
0 0

28/72 15/20




ame grapplers limp
hru a painful season
By BOB WARREN in collegiate wrestling. You have to li
Sacrifice, frustration, fatigue and weights, run and build up endurance.
in each describe the lives of a collegi- get disappointed and frustrated wher
te wrestler, especially the young un- am finally healthy and I get hurt in in
tied freshman or sophomore. At Michi- first match and am out again.
an the story is not any different. From "It's a very individualized effort
the moment the wrestlers begin cutting Some guys say we all care about eac
weight in early autumn until the last other's welfare, but you can't be friend
practice in March, their lives are cen- ly with the guy you want to beat out. It
tered around what they call the "rough- very hard."
est of all sports." For sophomore Dennis Bauer, a wi.
"It's tough to say if you'll go on," ner in last Sunday's 29-14 victory again
commented sophomore 142 pounder Bill st Indiana, the season has made up fo
vashevski., "Every season I say this is the painful days of the past. "I was'
oing to be my last one, but after I wrestling varsity as a freshman ar
ake it through the cutting down, the then I got injured in a practice. I had
practices, the running and matches, I have knee surgery and rehabilitate
feel like I've accomplished something this summer. I had to use wrestling as
reat, so I give it another try." motivation to come back. When I can
Evashevski like many others on the back it was 'like my freshman yea
ichigan team has been periodically again because I wasn't wrestling unt
injured this season. "We all feel down Bill Petoskey got injured. Now I cal
when we're hurt, but now I feel up be- reach my goal of getting a varsity lette
cause I know I have a chance to wres- in my sophomore year."
tie, which makes up for the coach's bit- "I was proud of these kids who neve
hing and the pounding and razzing we wrestled before Indiana," commente
et from the older, better wrestlers." coach Bill Johanessen. "Some kids like
Evashevski at least has wrestled sev- Emerson Baty got beat badly, but tha
ral times this season. Some freshmen is expected. It's very tough wrestlin
ave not wrestled competively and just out of high school. They should ge
robably won't for the remainder of the confidence against Purdue on Fridal
eason. because they're the worst team o
"I haven't been hurt like most of the paper in the Big Ten,"
earn, so I don't get that kind of frus- And if Michigan does get blown out,i
tration," said 167 pound freshman would just be another unpredictabl
honor student Bob Mrozinski. Yet, I frustration in the life of young colleg
have to make a decision if it's all worth ate wrestlers.-
it at the end of the year. If my grades
slip, I might not want-to put up with the
fatigue, pain, sacrifice and lack of tour-
nament wrestling. However, it hasn't
taught up with me yet."
"I think it's been very frustrating and
a lot different than high school," added Alpha Kappa Psi and the
freshman Bob McNamer. "I'm in engi- born Campus are sponsorin
neering, and when I come home I am to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, M
wiped out for three, four hours. I have FREE BEER PR
to study until three o'clock, and that is a
big sacrifice." For Details Get Brac
Sevral sophomores who have been Reserve Space Soon!
through the disappointment of not
wrestling much as freshmen or because
of injuries, still have a fire that keeps
them going.
"My injuries have kept my morale
down, but I want to wrestle at all
costs," asserted Lou Joseph, the man
Bill Evashevski competes with in chal-
nge matches for the 142 pound spot.
You have to do extra things to make it


It was a double dip Sunday for Michi-
4 gans gymnastics teams, but the results
18 left a bad taste in their mouths' as both
6 teams dropped meets to Michigan
is State. The bad news for the men was
7 206.65-200.7, while for the women it was
10 Neither team performed up to expec-
5 tations in the double dual meet. From
0 the beginning they were overpowered
0 by the Spartan tumblers and the en-
80 thusiastic partisan crowd.
"HITTING FLOOR exercise started
the ball rolling," said Spartan coach
_ George Szypula. "The crowd got behind
us, the momentum kept building and we
hit steady on everything. It's a great
thrill beating Newt (Loken). We go
back a long way."
The MSU victory was the first over
Michigan's men in a dual meet since
1966 and was the result of consistent
high scoring by the Spartans in all
ft events. Several events found a
I Michigan man on top with Spartans
I bunched in the three or four places
y directly below him.
In this manner they were able to out-
t. score Michigan in pommel horse, con-
h sidered to be the event in which
d- Michigan maintained the greatest ad-
*s vantage over the Spartans.
Costly breaks and falls from the hor-
n. se gave MSU a three-point edge follow-
n- ing two of Michigan's strongest events,
r and the Wolverines could never catch
't the fired up Spartans.
d SPECIALISTS provided the only
to bright spots for the Blue's tumblers.
it Brian Carey topped a quartet of Spar-
a tans on the horse with his 9.1 score. Carl
e Badger's 9.4 vault left a trio in the dust.
.r Bob Creek captured first place in high
iA bar with his 9.3, while John Corritore
n awed a knowledgable crowd with a 9.45
r after successfully hitting his double
back sommersault dismount.
r Darrel Yee on rings and Jim Varilek
d in floor exercise also gave strong per-

formances for Michigan, while fresh-
person all-arounder Marshall Garfield
scored a highly respectable 49.6 in his
first collegiate meet. Jeff Rudolph of
MSU topped the all-around with a 52.45.
Michigan coach Loken looked for-
ward after the meet. "The guys were
shocked into realizing they've got to
work harder to end the season with a
respectable record," he said. Our work
is cut out for us, but when Nigel (Roth-
well) comes back we'll be a consider-
ably higher scoring team."
WHILE DEPTH and momentum cost
the men's team their meet, it appeared
that the women's team was psyched out
by the defending state champion Spar-
tans. Both teams turned in season low
scores, in the meet. For MSU it was the
lowest score in several years.
The difference appeared to be con-
centration as the Michigan women
were plagued by falls on bars, beam
and floor exercise which caused them
to score well below the 128 point level
that they reached twice last week.
The Spartans, minus the services of
top performer Pam Steckroat who suf-
fered a minor injury during warm-up,

turned in ragged performances in all
events, but remained in complete con-
trol of their routines and consequently
avoided the falls that hurt Michigan.
"We're a better team than this. We
should have scored better than last
year (122)," said assistant coach Don
McElreath. There were too many shaky
routines. The women weren't as
dynamic as in past meets.
the beginning," McElreath continued.
"They didn't have their usual drive, no
pizazz in the routines. They were just
putting in time."

Sara Flom provided most of the
bright spots for the women. She gained
a first place tie on the uneven bars
along with MSU's Mary Beth Eigel, and
she and Ginger Robey took second and
third, respectively, in vaulting.
ances enabled her to place second all
around to Eigel, 33.65-32.7.
Hopes remain high for the remainder
of the tumblers' seasons as they return
to action next Sunday in a double dual
meet against Indiana.
"We'll get back on the road to victory
next week versus Indiana," chorused
Loken and McElreath.

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