Page 4-Saturday, January 21, 1978-The Michigan Daily r 3irbi4an ailj Eighty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 92 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan POP A PeROMj WHO PMFCR5 A V$MO- X6K A tV G- t 5v IUf AwD me I&MIE 5a AS A B651 R ; kl " 1 0 f r2-r s A~SITESEX AS A WOVEFR- M Z' O FTu SCW Z E5 A 65 o v kYFIE R 5A ipo ' V A U A es &)e .a w ~ rw . 1' 0 4HAEV/OU NECK ?THE 5'RTSj 0A Life is no cabaret for U. S. GIs in Europe The State ofthe Union L OOKING AT THE text of Thursday ness community. L evening's State of the Union Ad What Jimmy Carter called fbr in his difnig'sSatefcutt o nfirst State of the Union message listed dress, it becomes difficult to remember exactly the same priorities Gerald Ford exactly who won the Presidency in 1976. ennunciated in his last: Limited tax re- The President who delivered the ennmcabancesug mi are-o State of the Union enunciated goals so form, a balanced budget, a harness on modet ad initiatie srervd that; runaway inflation. And it boggles the modest and initiaives so reservedta rwy memory trying to recall who won and he bears little if any resemblance to the who lost two Novembers ago populist reformer who electrified the wh lostewo Novemben o 1976 Democratic convention with the The Daily reluctantly endorsed Car- rallyingcrti"yocanvdpendion .it., ter over Ford on the lesser of two evils rallying cry "you can depend on it." rnilhpn ha tlatwt h What ever happened to progressive principle, hoping that at least with the candidate of 1976, who promised the help of a Democratic President a Con- delegates in New York and the tele- gress with the initiative would be able" vision audience across the country "a to pass much needed reforms like complete overhaul of tax system," national health insurance. which he referred to as "a disgrace. ' Judging from Carter's haphazard Andchhenrteretwastheaprise.first year, during which he seems to And then there was the promise of have dedicated himself to winning the universal voter registration and the confidence of business even at the ex- committment to "a nationwide compre-c hensive health care system for all our pense of the people who elected him, it people." is difficult to discern the advantage of The President who delivered the Carter over Ford. State of the Union message was hardly Perhaps Carter's first year and his recognizable, and the discrepency was shotgun style of government are =-not due totally to the lines of age etched merely indicative of his inexperience with the subtleness and compromise of on his face. The change was one of em- Washington politics. But if Thursday's phasis, with cautious pragmatism re- speech is any indication of his new placing campaign rhetoric, and far too speech ,i anygindicai oinew -much emphasis on appeasing the busi- gbals, it's going to be a disappointing three more years. Editorials which appear without a by-line represent a con- sensus opinion of the Daily's editorial board. All other editorials, as well as cartoons, are the opinions of the individuals-who sub- mit them. ".. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ......... .... ...J: A p LEsW4&N HOMELAWD -- ALWA JUSrO 14E NwX DUNE - rr -.. By JOHN STEWART Pacific News Service The 8,000 additional soldiers that President Carter has pledged to Europe will join some 315,000 GIs already there, many of whom are given to long hours of wondering why they are here and wishing they were back in the States. For despite the seeming attractions of a European tour, despite the pride and satisfac- tion among officers here, and despite the talk of the need to strengthen the NATO defense, the average American GI in Europe is broke, bored, skeptical and homesick. He is beset by a mounting plethora of problems: the declining value of the dollar; an inability to speak the language and to socialize with the native populations; outright German racism against blacks; general resentment against all GIs; alcoholism and drug abuse. OFFICIAL ARMY statistics on what are called the "morale indicators" suggest things have improved since the early 1970s, when, drug usage reached epidemic proportions both here and in Vietnam. Reenlistments in the U.S. Army Europe (USAEUR), have almost doubled between 1972 and 1977 (though this is partly due to the end of the Vietnam Wa and the introduction of the all-volunteer Ar- my). AWOLS have fallen off by almost 400 per cent since 1972, down to 1.2 per thousand a month today. Special courts-martial and Article 15s (ad- mhinistrative discharges) are both down about four per cent over the past two years. Hard drug usage, says a Seventh Army commander, is down 25 per cent over two years, from a high of eight per cent of all USAEUR soldiers to six per cent today. Yet use of marijuana and hashish (by far the most available and popular drug) still runs around 19 per cent of all GIs in Europe. "To be honest," he says, "we've tried very hard to convince, to coerce, to educate, to change the thinking of these young folks about grass and hash. We just haven't had much success. They just don't see anything wrong with it." Whatever the validity of the statistics, in- terviews with scores of GIs here at USAEUR headquarters and at other bases throughout Europe tell a different story. , TAKE DAVE BRIGGS, for instance (not his real name). Briggs is a Spec. 4-as are the majority of GIs-1 8years old and serving three years with the 26th Signal Corps at Heilbonn near here. "I joined up and got into the Signal Corps," says Briggs, "because I didn't want to pump gas the rest of my life. So now what am I doing? Digging ditches, mostly, cleaning up some farmer's field after training maneuvers. I haven't learned a damn thing I can use on the outside." Briggs admits to frequently smoking hash and claims everyone he knows does, though he's never been detected. He has gone through the localCommunity Drug and Alcohol Assistance Center (there is at least one in each of the 33 military communities in USAEUR), but that was for alcohol abuse. "And it was a damn joke," he says. "As soon as the meetings would end and everybody would head straight for a bar." BUT BRIGG'S $450-a-month gross pay, minus about $90 in deductions, doesn't buy, him many nights of revelry here, where a glass of beer costs a dollar and a moderately priced dinner can cost $15-$20. For GIs living "on the economy"-off-base in rented apar- tments-the situation is even worse. While the mark, with which they pay their rent and buy their food and clothing, has held steady, the dollar, with which they are paid, has dropped dramatically. Some GIs, like Briffs, make up the differen- ce by dabbling in black market American cigarettes and liquor. What does he think of the Army? "It stinks," he says in the proverbial reply of GIs everywhere. "I don't know what we're doing here. If the Russians ever decided to come across the border we've had it. There's nothing we can do except start throwing nuclear missiles at them. So believe me, when the balloon goes up and my commander says 'Let's go,' I'm gonne jump in my car and go to Switzerland." If Brigg's attitudes and experiences are not typical, they are not uncommon, either. Others fare much worse. A COLONEL IN USAEUR's community life support division explains that "today's Army is a married Army. Over half the GIs over here have families. That's a real problem for those below the officer level, because the Ar- my doesn't give them any allowance what- soever for bringing their families over here or maintaining them. They either pay it out of their own pocket or just kiss their 17-year-old pregnant bride goodbye for three years:" Apart from the GIs financial problems, which are only getting worse, there's the acute sense of dislocation and isolation in foreign communities, where their sheer num- bers and ignorance of customs and language tend to make them the objects of resentment. In Heidelberg, particularly, an ancient university town, the GI stands in sharp con- trast to the relative wealth, education and politization of the 35,000 university students with whom he shares the town. TO THE STUDENTS, who tend toward ac- tive radicalism, the GI-so easily discernable by his short hair and American-style dress-is a permanent, if accepted, evil, a symbol of the capitalist militarism to which so so many German students are opposed. In- deed, as the graffiti that cover the university buildings attest, there may be more sym- pathy here for the remnants of the Baader- Meinhof Red Army Faction than for the U.S. Army. Even an American student, showing a reporter around town, is careful to patronize only those bars displaying the ubiquitous "Off Limits to GIs" sign over the door. The signs, say Army officials, are perfectly legal in Germany. And in most cases, they admit, they are not there to keep out all GIs-just the black ones. "The black soldier has a much better chap- ce of getting into trouble over here than his white counterpart," says an Army official. "They face great problems with the Ger- -mans. And naturally incidents occur. A black GI will go to a Gasthaus (inn) six times and get turned away, and the seventh time he's just had it and he's liable to go in and smash windows and wreck the place. "IT'S A PROBLEM that we're very aware of and we're doing everything we can to solve it. It used to be that we could lean on them economically, threatne to take away all the American business. But that doesn't count for Amuch anymore." If the sense of alienation is bad .in Heidelberg, where there are at least thous4n- ds of other young people and dozens of off- base watering holes, it is near-ridiculous in an area like Ramstein, headquarters of the Allied Air Force and a part of the sprawling Kaiserslautern military community. There, in what is claimed to be the largest U.S. "community" outside the United S- tates, some 50,000 GIs live and work 24 hours a day in what amounts to garrison conditions. Aside from a few small, scattered villages that offer little or no recreational facilities, there are no real cities within 50 miles or more. Officers at Ramstein sit around a country club-like officers' mess and speak en- thusiastically of the great opportunities this winter for skiing at Berchtesgaden and other military resorts. But they admit that they see few enlisted men there. RECENTLY IN NAPLES, the U.S. sailors and Marines who clog the so-called "Gut", or prostitute area, were nowhere to be seen. The city's cab drivers had virtually encircled the landing area of the NATO Southern Command to prevent any American GI from leaving the ship. The blockade held until an American sailor was arrested for the murden of a cab driver the night before. But even a week later the resentment shown toward GIs in Naples was nearly palpable. In fact, despite claims by commanders that today's Army in Europe is the most professional and ready for action that has ever existed, there are few enlisted men who would not trade in their USAEUR patch for a ticket back home. Generally speaking-and there are, of course, many exceptions-they feel cheated, deprived, dislikes and uncertain of their own military role or capacity. An Army public relations officer, over :an off-duty drink at a Heidelberg bar, looks over the dozens of young American faces guzzling strong, expensive German beer and says, "It's not right that soldiers should be made to pay for the privilege of serving in NATO. But they are. They suffer, and not just finan- cially." Jort Stew'art, editor specializing in fil jiir politics, has just com pleted a tour of 1,. NA T( in stallatioms in Euro>pe. Letters to The Daily. tenure Td The Daily: A letter in the Daily urges the abolition of all faculty tenure rights, holding that they were merely a protection of incom- petence. The idea, however, calls for second thoughts. The origin of tenure was the protection of professors from political and economic pressures from the out- side. That the danger was, and still is, a real one can be proven from the numbers of the Association of University Professors bulletins which have detailed over the years hundreds of cases of professors who have got into hot water for things said valuable (though temporarily unpopular) truths might be lost. Remember the Scopes trial and the Joe McCarthy era. Intellec- tuals are always at the exposed point, dealing with controversial questions, and advancing un- familiar ideas. We might lose the services of a "professor" Socrates, a "professor" Luther, or a "professor" Galileo. Lest anyone might think I am pleading in my own interest, I might say that my half century of teaching, here, there and yonder, though frequently involving criticism and controversy (history is an exposed area), never seriously endangering my bread. After all, I was a typical -*A~l~nln a n; .-...vcf - country who are lonely and bored, and wouldlike to establish meaningful corres-pondence with anyone willing and interested. Many of these prisoners have lit- tle or no family, and letters are their only contact with the out- side world, and with the freedom they so sorely miss. Although it is our policy not to run these requests in their entirety, periodically we print the names and addressed of all those prisoners who have written us. If you would like to correspond with an inmate you may write to any of the following: Dan Stennett No. 143-765 Box 45699 Lucasville, Ohio 45699 Marty Noah No. 92266 Box 97 McAlester, Oklahoma 74501 Stan Lyles No. 89751 Box 97 McAlester, Oklahoma 74501 Mike Lay No. 87932 Box 97 McAlester, Oklahoma 74501 Tim Patterson No. 92015 Box 97 McAlester, Oklahoma 74501 Steve Brannum No. 30167 Box 1284 ch 446 Eddyville, Kentucky 42038 :111 ~ 4. 0 vm-loo. IMF:""- -