Page 4-Friday, January 20, 1978-The Michigan Daily 341 FEighi v-Eight Years ofjEdtoj 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbo Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 91 Edited and managed by students at the U :43 ~atIr )ril F reedomfI r, MI 48109 News Phone: 764-0552 niversity of Michigan BANNED S. AFRICAN EDITOR PREDICTS: West will crush apartheid r _ c~i i 0a i f dr Yp :iv an .th "nc Time'su in the Midea st ANY HAD PREDICTED an ap- recall of negotiators informs Begin in proaching breakdown for peace the strongest terms that Egypt will not egotiations between Egypt and Israel, be a party to such strategy any longer. at no one could have predicted the The Egyptian President's action imactic and electrified manner in also spared the pride of Egyptian citi- hich the breakdown presented itself zens and rebutted all those who sus- isterday. pected Sadat would be willing to sellout President Anwar Sadat, in a move the Arab world for peace with Israel. hiaracteristic of his boldness, with- Sadat's move could have very well rew Egypt's foreign delegation from saved the overall peace campaign from eace talks in Jerusalem upon hearing tumbling into a fatal round of vicious ;at Israel was still determined to hold accusations and denials. rto portions of territory obtained in The surprise and shock that the re- ie 1967 Arab-Israeli war. The recall of call produced will not only remind Is- egotiators to Cairo was also said to be rael of the original purpose of Sadat's result - at least in part - of sharp peace initiatives = that of compromise ublic exchanges between the Egyptian - it will give the two sides a chance to oreign Minister and Israeli Prime let escalating diplomatic hostilities sub- [fister Menachem Begin at a dinner side. 'uesday night. Despite the dramatic breakdown, much has been accomplished in the One can only speculate on what Mideast since November. The simple adat meant to achieve with his newest agreement that both Egypt and Israel ecision, but itis becoming clear that sincerely want peace, and the start of e did not intend to permanently aban- discussions to achieve such peace was on his peace efforts. Only hours after not an achievement to be made light of. he recall announcement, Sadat as- Negotiators have had difficulty ired President Carter that other nego- keeping the momentum of talks ations with Israel - specifically mili- growing toward peace because of the iry- talks - would not be affected by unfortunate uncompromising position ecent events. being maintained by Israel. Efforts by Considering Israel's unmoving Begin to test Sadat have been of no help :and on major Mideast questions, it either. ppears that the Egyptian President When Egypt and Israel meet again >ok the best possible action for the at the negotiating table, it will be ake of his own political future. Prime crucial for all parties -, particularly [mister Begin had adopted a stragegy Israel - to begin making substantial f pushing Sadat as far back into a cor- concessions. Otherwise, any momen- er as possible with Israel's unwilling- tum gathered from the past few months ess to compromise on borders or will go not toward peace, but toward alestinian self-determination. Sadat's war. By LUCY SHEPERD Pacific News Service EAST LONDON, South Africa -"They could ban me in five minutes, but they prefer to get me on a legal technicality," said Donald Woods in an interview early last summer. "Maybe be- cause I'm so well known here and overseas." But Woods, for 12 years the out- spoken editor of the East London Daily Dispatch, underestimated the South African government. WOODS WAS BANNED in Oc- tober for five years by the South African government. The ban- ning order - the first issued against a white journalist here in several years - followed Woods' editorial campaign for an investi- gation into the jailhouse death of his friend, black consciousness leader Steve Biko. reporters because "I want to try to break down a lot of prejudice along the color and sex lines." In an interview at his home a few months before he was ban- ned, Woods discussed a broad range of topics, including his role as the leading white press critic of the government's apartheid policies; his views of his friend Steve Biko; and his hopes and fears for the future of his coun- try: Q.: How have white readers reacted to your editorial policy? Woods: East London is a very conservative city. When I took over as editor I would say that 95 per cent were against our edit- orial stance. Today I would say the majority are in favor of it. They might not like the tenor of it, they might not even admit it, but we can tell from letters - not all of them for publication - that the right circumstances. Preju- dice can go in one personal en- counter with someone of another race. I always say that if every white man made four black friends, within 30 days we would have total communication within South Africa. Q.: Are you anti-white? Woods: No, I see myself as a reconciliator between the races. I don't idealize blacks. Steve Biko, for instance is a friend of mine and a remarkable man, but I don't agree with his attitude of fostering black consciousness. I see a danger there that they don't see - it can so easily become an- ti-white. I know these black lead- ers, and they're not anti-white themselves. But they're going to going to change as they confront reality. And the changes are going to be far more far-reaching than they believe to be adequate now. I believe they privately think they can change the whole social structure so long as they hang on to the white vote, and this hasn't got a chance. When they finally realize that, we're at the beginning of a solution. I don't think they're such complete fools that they'll cling through warfare and destruction to that belief. Q.: They're pretty stubborn, though, aren't they? Woods: They appear to be more stubborn than they really are. I think that the realization will come, and it will come in a pretty rough way. Once Vorster 'One good thing you can say 'about prejudice is that it takes a long time to create but a short time to destroy. Prejudice can go in one personal encounter with someone of another race. O / // -I The ban means that "Woods cannot be published (or even en- ter his newspaper office), leave his home town, go out at night, or talk to more than one visitor at a time. And he must report to the police once a week. Woods had been editorializing for years against the Nationalist government's racial apartheid policy, ceaselessly walking a tightrope between plain speaking and law-breaking. After the death of Biko - whom Woods re- garded as a "remarkable man," even a possible prime minister some day - Woods devoted an entire issue of his paper in tpibute, and was quoted as saying "This is the big one - the one they can't get away with." BIKO HAD privately told Woods that should he ever die in jail, it would be murder - and Woods had promised Biko to make this public. Woods ,43, is an amiable,.enter- tai-ning father of three, who speaks in calm, measured tones. He himself is quick to point out that he is a political moderate who seems "radical" only in the context of his country's political climate. Woods grew up among blacks in the Transkei, where his father ran a trading store, and he learn- ed to speak fluent Xhosa, the local native language. His family background was conservative, however, and it was not until he went to law school that he began to question his country's racial policies. LATER HE entered jour- nalism, joining the East London Dispatch, he said, because he "liked its gutsiness." He rose from rookie reporter to become, at age 31, the youngest editor in South Africa. Though small, the Dispatch un- der Woods became the most out- spoken newspaper in the country. It was the first white paper to publish a native-language supple- ment for the many blacks in the area. His staff in half black and half white, with an equal pay scale for all - usually found only in foreign-owned companies here. He employs black women there's been a massive drift in white feeling, a general realization that our warnings about the injustices we've been pointing to are valid, and that things can't go on as they are. Which is new in South Africa. Whether it's in time or not I don't know.. Q.: What do you think arccounts for this change? Woods: The evolution of events ... observation ... the use of people's common sense. But the paper must claim credit for push- ing day after day.rBecause we have always seen this as a matter of urgency. We haven't written editorials about non-political things. When people complain about tfiis, I always say "If a house .is on fire, you don't start pointing to how beautiful the gar- den is, or how the gate lock needs mending. You keep pointing to the fire." Q.: Why do you stay on such a small paper? Woods: Because it's the most important paper as far as blacks are concerned. We have the highest black readership of any white paper. And right now, al- though I am talking to conscious whites, I am also' talking at blacks too, to say "There are white who care about what's hap- pening to you, so don't be com- pletely anti-white. Because not all whites are racist swines." My care now is for blacks, although I can foresee how later it will be for whites, when they become the un- derdogs. We're lucky enough to have closer contacts with black leaders in this area, so we are able to tell our readers more about what really counts in this country, purely because we know a little of what blacks who count are feeling and thinking. It's probably a very inadequate amount we do know, but it's more than the other papers.; Q.: Do you think the Afrikaner mentality will ever change? Woods:-One good thing you can say about prejudice is it takes a long time to create but a short time to destroy. You know, preju- dice can go in one evening, given be dealing with the masses, and there's the danger. Q.: What do you think is going to happen in South Africa? Woods: My views on this are not shared by most of the editors or most of the politicians. I be- lieve that within five years the West will have to act against the government. Most white South Africans believe that as the com- munist threat grows, the West will come in with them against communism. I believe the opposite, that the West can't afford to appear to sympathize with white racism, so someone like Carter's going to have to say that a UN peace- keeping force, or something like that, must come in. And there- fore, to save the West's credibility in Africa, they're going to have to increase pressure against the govern- ment. I think they will support trade sanctions - embargoes - and if that fails they will support something structured like a UN invasion to stop escalation of dis- aster. South Africa still thinks the West will see the light and come in with them against commu- nism. But they won't. White South Africa is on its own. Q.: What makes you optimistic in a situation like this? Woods: I believe that the atti- tudes the Nationalists hold are BANNED SOUTH AFRICAN editor Donald Woods is shown in a earlier photo with one of his employees at the Dispatch. Woods, whose half-white, half-black staff is paid on an equal salary scale, can no longer enter his' newspaper office or have his wor- ds published as a result of the ban. V realizes just how deep the West's resistance is, that will be the first crunch point. Then you can mul tiply-all the pressures that will come thereafter. You will get in creased bu ildups along our bor ders. A state of war. Internal un rest -, which they keep kidding themselves is manufactured by incitement, which itisn't. There may be some incitement, but most of it is spontaneous. There pressures will finally make them face reality. ,Q.: Do you think the National- ists must fall in a changeover? Woods: They will have to fall to the extent that, with all the power they hold now, even they cannot change everything and stay in power. In fact, when you look at the future, the five-year banning orders people are getting are not so terrible because I don't think the government will be around in five years. They are too tainted. Q.: Do you think, after man- agement has been white for so long, that blacks will'be ready in five years to manage the eoun- try? Woods: Yes. Because sure as hell we've got no whites capable of managing this country. They're making an unholy mess of it. But in any case, you don't really need too much training. Running a country is easier than running a grocery store. You've got a certain amount of built-in infrastructure in any country. You would have a complete peas- ant taking over a country and oing nothing,- and the country wouldn't grind to a halt. Q.: One of the standard Nation. alist objections to majority rule is that they say the stronger Cribe will just use their power syste niatically to wipe out the weake ones, as has happened elsewherE in Africa. What do you think? Woods: It has happened ir other countries, but in more tha a couple it hasn't. Look at Zam bia, Kenya ... The evidence point away from it in South Africa provided the struggle isn't so pro tracted that you get the extrem ist elements winning out. Q.: How would you solve Souti Africa's problems? Woods: If I were given a magi wand now, I'd abolish any law t do with race and try to get rid o as many racist attitudes as could. I'd have a five-year perio :under qualified franchise, allow ing matriculated (high-schoo % %// r /OIST. FIEftO NEWSPAPER SYNDICATE, 197! ,THE MILWAUKEE JOURNAL 'Welcome to January!' 4ot far enough with Japan i - '' i L AST WEEK'S U.S.-Japanese trade agreement is a step in the right di- rection but leaves many troubling issues unsolved. Both sides concur that the agree- ment is not likely to put an end to ten- sions which have surfaced concerning U.S./Japanese trade relations during this past year, and negotiators are plan- ning to meet, again before the end of 1978. The agreement calls for a Japanese commitment to reducing their annual trade surpluses through a program of for agricultural products such as citrus fruits and meats. This is the agree- ment's strongest advantage. But the agreement fails to extract any real concessions from the Japanese in the form of increased imports of manufactured goods - the root of the problem. Such purchases help create jobs in other countries and would help quell what U.S. chief negotiator Robert Strauss termed "the raging fires of pro- tectionism" in Congress. Although the Japanese pledge to take "all appropriate steps" to increase the overall volume of imported manu- -v ) _______ 4 imm