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January 17, 1978 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-01-17

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Join the Daily
You know, you only go around once in this life - so you might as well
reach for all the gusto you can.. That's why dozens of University students
risk health and happiness to write for the Daily. It's light, yet satisfying
... spicy as a green burrito ... fresh as a cold shower. And you can be a
part of it. We'll be holding informational meetings this week for pros-
pective staff members. At 8 this evening, we'll be in East Quad's Greene
Lounge and Bursley's West Lounge. Tomorrow at 8 p.m. you can find us
in South Quad's West Lounge and the Angela Davi Lounge at Merkley.
Or come to our Thursday meeting - 8 p.m. at the Daily offices, upstairs
at 420 Maynard St. Representatives from News, SPorts, Arts and
Business staffs will be at each of the meetings. Bring your own ar-
Learning about agingx
The Child & Family Service of Washtenaw County is offering a
"group experience" dealing with many of the problems of aging from
Wednesday, Jan. 25-Wednesday, March .l The six evening sessions, to be
held from 7 p.m.-9 p.m. at the-Child and Family Service offices, 2301 Platt
Rd., will examine such questions as Improving Communication with El-
derly Relatives and Emotional Aspects of Aging. Interested? CallAlida
Silverman at 971-6520 for more information.
Happenings ..
begin with a research seminar on "Pre-Ceramic Cultural Adapta-
tions in the Peruvian Andes" with John Rick, noon to 1 p.m. in 2009 Ruth-
ven Museums Bldg. ... Irish dentist Perry O'Donnell will speak on "Cash
and Caries" at 4 p.m. on the Diag ... the Undergraduate History Associa-
tion will meet at 6:30 p.m. in Rm. 25 of Angell Hall ... there will be a
Weight Watchers formation meeting in the Glencoe Hills Club House, off
Glencoe Hills Drive, at 7 p.m. Call 662-6566 for details ... and, finally, at
7:30 p.m. the Washtenaw Coalition Against Apartheid will be discussing
University investments in South Africa ... that is all
Rockin' robins
Ever wondered what becomes of the robin redbreast - our
messenger of spring and Michigan's state bird - during his annual win-
ter vacation? You may not want to know the tawdry truth. Every year,
hordes of migrating robins descend upon Fort Myers, Fla., to take advan-
tage of the sunshine, warm weather and other amenities - and to get
zonked out of their little gourds on fermented Brazilian pepper berries.
According to the Southwestern Florida Audubon Society, the juice of the
berries gets the birds "drunk as coots" - under its influence, they've
been known to perform weird aerial acrobatics, chase each other madly
along the ground, bang into solid objects and stagger happily from bran-
ch to branch. It's enough to make one start thinking about getting a new
state bird.
Homage to Crapper
It is regrettably common nowadays to ridicule our Victorian ances-
tors for their stuffy manners and straightjacket morality without re-
membering the substantial contributions they made to civilization as we
now know it. A case in point: today is Thomas Crapper Day, which com-
memorates (no shit) the British gentleman who in 1874 invented the flush
toilet. Crapper was never knighted for his historic discovery, but he did
live to see his name introduced into everyday English usage - both as a
nomiiative and as an active verb. It is only proper to remember pioneers
of his kind: when passing an outhouse, redolent with fumes and swarming
with flies, one should exclaim: "Three cheers for you, gallant Crapper!
There, but for you, go I."
On the outside...
Well, what do you expect, it's winter. Today will be just like yes-
terday (and the day before, and the day before that) with overcast skies
and scattered snow. The high will be about 230 and the low will dip to 180.
Tomorrow some sunshine is expected, but don't hold your breath.

The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, January 17, 1978-Page 3
Ital's future uncertain

as governmen
ROME-(AP)-tay's 39th gover- democratically in the overnment of and a
nment since the overthrow of Facism 'in ygovrmn f ad
World War LL fell yesterday. Premier their countries. DU
Guilio Andreotti resigned in the midst AS A RESULT of the elections, the Andre
of economic turmoil, political violence
and a Communist drive for power in
this NATO country.
President Giovanni Leone scheduled
talks with political leadersitoday and is
expected to ask Andreotti, 59, the three-
time Christian Democrat premier, to
try to form a new government by Thur-
sday. But long and difficult negotiationsX
appeared certain.

t resigns

9 per cent unemployment rate.
RING THE last year and a half,
otti's government has managed

THE UNITED STATES has strongly
opposed entry of the Communists in the
government where they would share
military information of the Atlantic
If a cabinet cannot be formed, elec-
tions for anew Parliament would have
to be held, but all parties oppose this.
Opinion polls indicate elections would
further polarize the country, in-
creasing support for the Christian
Democrats and Communists at the ex-
pense of the smaller parties.
In the past three years, 27 persons-
including four this year-have died in
political clashes. 'Most of the victims
were youthful members of extremist
groups, including the pro-fascist Social
Movement on the right and urban
guerrilla groups such as the Red
Brigades and Armed Proletariat on the
ANDREOTTI, WHO led a one-party
.minority government for 17 months,
resigned after it bacame clear that the
largest Communist party in Western
Europe, supported by Socialists and
Republicans, would no longer allow his -
government to continue.
To avoid the prospect of new elections
that could aggravate the political
crisis, the SChristian Democrat Party,
which has ruled Italy alone or in
coalition since 1945, must find a solution
acceptable to the left-cabinet posts for
Communist-approved independents, a
coalition including the Socialists, policy
concessions that would meet concerns
of the working class or some other for-
mula not yet aired publicly.
The Communists, led by the
Eurocommunist Enrico Berlinguer,
gained 34 per cent of the popular vote in
1976 elections, just four points short of
the Christian Democrats. Italian,
Frence and Spanish Communists in the
Eurocommunist movement avow they
are free of Kremlin domination and
claim they would participate-

of payments, $1 billion in the red in 1976,
recorded a $2 billion surplus in 1977,
helping to stabilize the lira.
These gains, however, were made
partly at the cost of stagnation and
rising unemployment, with nearly 2
million persons currently out of work.
The high incidence of unemployment
among youths-75 per cent of the
total-has contributed to the level of
political violence.
The Communists and their
parliamentary allies contend a
threatened breakdown of public order
makes it necessary for an "emergency
government" to be formed that would
include Communists.
THE U.S. State Department last
week restated American opposition to
any participation by the Communists in
the Italian government and urged a
reduction in their power. The statement
brought a wave of protests from the
leftists, who accused the United States
of heavy-handed intervention in Italian
international affairs.
The Soviet news agency Tass said
yesterday that Italy's political crisis
has been "aggravated by the overt in-
terference of the United States." And in
the Netherlands, the independent Rot-
terdam Daily Algemeen Dagblad also
accused the United States of interfering
in the internalaffairs of Italy. It said it
an editorial that without the Coin-
munists, Italy "would already have
been on the dangerous road to a new
fascist dictatorship."
Dictator Benito Mussolini was over-
thrown in July 1943. Since then Italy has
had 39 governments, 35 of them since
the end of the war.

^r rnm
talian Premier Guilio Andreotti brushes past reporters on his way to present
the resignation of his 17-month-old government yesterday. Andreotti's
resignation once more casts doubt on the future of the troubled Italian state.

Italian Communists won the presidency
of the Chamber of Deputies, the lower
house of Parliament, and kep posts on
parliamentary commissions, then
gained the backing of other paries to
force the EAndreotti government to ac-
cept their collaboration in the for-
mation of government polkicy in return
for abstentions in Parliament,
But the Communists, dissatisfied
with the government's implementation
of programs and worried about possible
loss of popular support, decided last
week to end their cooperation with An-
dreotti's government and try for their
long-sought goal of a "historic com-
promise" that would allow them to
share power with the Christian
Democrats. Two smaller parties, the
Socialists and the Republicans, backed
that strategy.
In addition to political turmoil, Italy
also is faced with economic troubles,
including industrial stagnation,:
frequent strikes, a high cost of living

to make some gains economically. The
rate of inflation, which had climbed to
22 per cent early in 1977, was down to 14
per cent by December. Italy's balance

the nn aoer fflm coo
TONIGHTI-Tuesday, January17
(Stanley Kubrick, 1968) 6:45 & 9:30-AUD. A
If not the "ultimate" as in the advertising, 2001 is certainly the ultimate cinematic
experience and the most original, mind-blowing vision to hit the big screen.
Less than 46 of the film's 141 minutes are taken up by dialogue; the rest features
the stunning, much acclaimed special effects. One year and many million of
dollars make this a movie that can't be seen too many times. Keir Dullea,
HAL. Cinemascope.
Truly a classic horror film; CABINET OF DR. CALIGARI was the
* first film of the German Expressionists. The distortive, angular-
sets intensify a 'simple' story of a county fair, and one of its I
attractions-a sonambulist.
1.... m..... .....m m. m.. m..mm.m. . mmmmmm. ..m. .

Otterbacher to seek
Gr'iffin's Senate seat

Daily OffTicial BSUlleti n

(By United Press International)
GRAND RAPIDS-State Sen. John
Otterbacher (D-Grand Rapids)announ-
ced yesterday he will seek the U.S.
Senate seat being vacated by retiring
Se. Robert Griffin.
Otterbacher, 35, told a 9 a.m. news
conference his campaign will tap the
collective spirit of people wotking
"We were politically weaned on the
idealism of John P. Kennedy, recruited
by the likes of Martin Luther King and
Robert Kennedy, tested by a war we did
not believe in and a president we
couldn't trust . . . It is our turn now,"
the six-year legislative veteran said in
a prepared statement.
Otterbacher was planning a week-
long, 11 city campaign swing. From
Grand Rapids, Otterbacher plans to

travel to Lansing, Detroit, Warren,
Flint, Bay City, Cadillac, Traverse
City, Sault Ste. Marie, Marquette and
to please
Long or Short
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Director-MfLUS FORMAN (1968)
The firemen of a smallCzech village stage a ball in honor of their aged
chief; but the old man is quickly forgotten as the affair gives way to a torrent
of catastrophes. Foremost among the evening's disasters is then funniest
and the most wonderfully demoralizing beauty contests ever conceived. By
the director of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Czech with subtitles.
~ 7,830 od 10$1.50


Tuesday, January 17, 1978
CEW: "New Research on Women III: Family
Roles and Support," Rackham, 9 a.m.
WUOM: National Press Club, Griffith Bell, Attor-
ney General discusses the Korean Hearings, the FBI
Directorselection, and more, 10:05 a.m.
Physics/Astronomy: S. Gregory, Cornell U.,'
"Magnetic Properties of Adsorbed Oxygen," 2038
Randall, 4 p.m. /
Bio-Engineering Program: Spencer BeMent,
"Quantitative Studies of the Peripheral Nervous Sys-
tem with Biophysical Implications," 1042 East Eng.,
4 p.m.
Population Planning: Sol Gordon, dir., Institute for
Family Research and Education at Syracuse U.,
Thomas Francis Aud., Public Health I, 7:30 p.m.
Friends of Earth: The Last Resort, documentary
on the occupation of New Hampshire Nuclear plant,
Kristie Conrad, Clamshell Alliance, Anderson Rd.,
Union 8 p.m.
Music School: William Malm, lecture concert on
ancient Japanese Noh plays, Rackham Aud., 8p.m.
3200 SAB-763-4117
ATTENTION! Announcement 414, Summer Fed.

Service booklets have arrived. Deadline for applying
is January 27. If interested Hurry - Hurry - Hurry.
IBM, Minnesota. Summer Intern Program an-
nounced. Must have completed sophomore year in
elec., mech., chem., computer, physics, math engr.
courses. These summer positions very competitive
Mail resumes, apps., etc. as soon as possible.
Camp Tamarack, MI. Coed. Will interview Mon.,
Tues., Jan. 23, 24 from 9 to 5. All positions open at this
point. Waterfront, arts, crafts, sports, nature, etc.
Register in person or by phone.
Volume ILXXXVIII, No. 88
Tuesday, January 17, 1978
is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class
postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning
during the University year at 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates:
$12 September through April (2 semesters); $13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published Tuesday through Satur-
day morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor;
$7.5o by mail outside Ann Arbor.

Poet and Novelist
Marge Piercy is the author of the highly acclaimed and widely read novels
lished a new novel this month with Harper and Row which takes place in
Detroit, her home town, entitled
"The High Cost of Living
Her very successful books of poetry include BREAKING CAMP, HARD LOV
ING, TO BE OF USE and LIVING IN THE OPEN. Marge is a graduate of the
University of Michigan and winner of four Hopwood Awards for creative
7:30-8:30 PM-ensaJan. 18



Breakfast All Day
3 Eggs, HashBrowns,
Toast & Jelly-$1.55
Ham or Bacon or Sausage
with 3 Eggs, Hash Browns,
Toast & Jelly-$2.15
3 Eggs. Rib Eye Steak,
Hash Browns, Toast &

Home-made Soups, eef
Barley, Clam, Chowder, etc.
Home-made Chili
Vegetable Tempuro
(served after 2 pm)
Hamburger Steak Dinner
Fresh Sauteed Vegetables
with Brown Rice
Baked Flounder Dinner




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