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September 09, 1972 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1972-09-09

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On Sept. 19, 1969, University President Rob-
ben Fleming spoke to an antiwar rally at
Hill Aud. He labeled the Vietnam War a
"colossal mistake", and called on the U.S.
to withdraw.
He was unaware that his words were being
monitored by army intelligence agents, and
would eventually end up in an intelligence
data bank in Fort, Monroe, Va.
Fleming, Mayor Robert Harris, Sen. Phil-
ip Hart (D-Mich.), and Rep. John Conyers
(D-Detroit), are only four of the hundreds
of Michigan residents listed in army intel-
ligence files for the year 1969, it was re-
vealed yesterday.
The information was released by the Sen-
ate subcommittee on constitutional rights,
which is currently investigating military sur-
veillance of civilians.
The subcommittee, headed by Sen. Sam



Ervin (D-N.C.), released the Continental
Army Command's (CONARC) intelligence
files for a 14-month period starting January,
1969. The files contained over 250 incidents
in the state.
Harris and a former city councilman were
monitored for addressing an antiwar rally
at City Hall on Nov. 15, 1969.
Hart and Conyers were watched as they
spoke against the ABM (anti ballistic mis-
sile) at' a demonstration at the University
of Detroit on July 10, 1969.
None were aware that they were under
army surveillance.
Harris said yesterday, "This kind of gov-
ernment surveillance is bound to have a
chilling effect on freedom of speech. If
the, government can scare people from coni-
menting about the government, it makes it
pretty clear who's running whom. And it's
not the people who are running the govern-

Harris said that he knew nothing about
his being watched until he was informed by
an Ann Arbor News reporter early yester-
"Was my phone being tapped during that
period?" he asked. "I don't know. This
raises a lot of important questions."
Fleming was attending services in Illinois
for his mother who died here Tuesday, and
was unavailable for comment.
While Fleming and Harris may be the
two most prominent Ann Arbor citizens in the
disclosed files, by no means are they the
only ones.
It is widely known that government agents
frequently attend local antiwar gatherings.
The disclosed data included an FBI infil-
trator's report of an SDS meeting he at-
tended in 1969 on the University campus.
Most of the data in the, CONARC f i 1 e s

was obtained by the FBI, local police and
military intelligence agents.
City Police Chief Walter Krasny admitted
that "Army people are sometimes assigned
to the area and work in liason with us."
He said he "could not recall" the last time
he saw a military intelligence agent in the
city, and does not know whether one is as-
signed to this area.
He said when agents do come to the Ann
Arbor area they are usually assigned from
Detroit or Chicago.
Col. Roderick Kennedy, CONARC's inform-
ation officer, said yesterday that the army
no longer conducts surveillance on civilians
and has destroyed files on them.
But Sen. Ervin said last week that while
monitoring may have stopped and some re-
cords destroyed, "many others undoubtedly
have been hidden away."
See ARMY, Page 8




President Robben Fleming and Mayor Robert Harris

See Editorial Page



Sunny, cool,
and pleasant

Eight Pages

Vol. LXXXI1I. No. 3

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, September 9, 1972

Eight Pages









WASHINGTON (R)-The government revealed yesterday
that wholesale prices have risen faster under President
Nixon's economic controls than they did the year before the
measures were imposed.
According to Bureau of Labor Statistics figures released
near the anniversary of the wage-price freeze, wholesale
prices have risen 4.4 per cent over the last year as opposed to
four per cent the ear before.
The statistics cover a broad range of items including
food, industrial raw niateria s and manufactured goods for
retail sale.





The rise for the month of August
H ar~ R~twas .2 per cent-seasonally ad-
justed to .6 per cent to account
for the fact that farm products
ch rusuallytake a sharp drop duringw
Carged 11 the' month.
It has been the nearly steady in-
crease in food prices-according
assa71ce se to. the bureau-which has caused
the overall wholesale price rise.
By CHRIS PARKS "Frankly, we are disappointed,
County Prosecutor William Del- in the trend in wholesale prices,"
hey announced yesterday his office Dr. Ezra Soloman, a member of
will not issue a warrant against Nixon's Council of Economic Ad-t
Sheriff Douglas Harvey for alleged- visers said.
ly assaulting a photographer and He said, however, the adminis-
destroying a quantity of his. film. tration still hopes to .achieve its,
The photographer, Larry Mason goal of getting consumer prices;
of Ann Arbor, said he was attempt- under a three per cent annual rise Jr. Walker, of Jr. Walker and the All-S
ing to take pictures of Harvey and by the end of the year. . at the first concert of the Ann Arbor Bli
several sheriff's deputies distribut- George McGovern's campaign
ing "Re-elect Harvey" campaign chairperson Larry O'Brien took the
literature from a county truck opportunity to attack the Nixon RECENT POLL HELD:
when the sheriff accosted him and administration's economic pro-
destroyed the film in his camera. grams. "The average American
Harvey is seeking re-election on family," O'Brien said, "is the un-#
the American Independent Party willing and unhappy victim of these N ew fau lty
ticket against former sheriff's disasterous policies: wages are;
deputy Fred Postill, a Democrat, frozen, profits are zooming and
and Undersheriff Harold Owings, a: prices are rising faster than ever."
Republican. A major component of the price f vf nua I ]
Mason said he was taking the rise-grain prices-have risen 3.6
pictures on assignment from Pos- per cent in August and 7.5 per
till. cent over the year. By EUGENE ROBINSON i the fac
Delhey, in a prepared release, The prices of such raw farm The current status of the Uni- can be!
cited a lack of evidence in his products are exempt from the versity faculty is being challeng- recogni
decision not to recommend war- President's controls. While Nixon ed by a newly-formed organiza- faculty.
rants against Harvey for either earlier this. summer placed con- tion of professors who urge the Thus
assault and battery on Mason or for trols on them at the wholesale adoption of collective bargaining effect,
malicious destruction of the film. level, wholesalers can still pass tactics to increase their influence draw a
The assault warrant, Delhey along increased farm prices to on University policy. ship.
See DELHEY, Page 8 consumers. Almost 70 per cent of those fac- The1
ulty members responding to a re- filiated
cent poll indicated they are dis- tion. A
satisfied with current methods of feld sa
tv'u s sch ed u les 1negotiation with the administra- the me
tion. Almost half outrightly favor- run a
1io ed a collective bargaining system. tion,"
a Spurred on by these results, a The
itss C5 s group of professorshas formedsthe
University of Michigan Associa-
By CINDY HILL the Fuller Bridge is out. "There's tion for Collective Bargaining,
New commuterand north cam-$no better route at all right now. which hopes to become the facul-
pus bus routes have been institut-; This is the only way we can go." ty's main liaison with the ad-
ed, and according to one junior However, sources in the admin- ministration.
resident of Bursley Hall, they take istration have indicated that the The group was formed over the
"too long to get nowhere." University Transportation Depart- summer, according to its presi-
The routes, planned to avoid the' ment may retain theunola dent, economics Prof. Daniel Fus-
Fuller Bridge - which is pres- !routes even after unpodg rpuar feld, because of a "feeling that the
ently undergoing repairs - with aaremcomplete because they find gacuity needs the power in bar-
Plymouth Road detour, have irri- them more efficient. gaining that such an organization
tated a number of north campus At present the faculty, through
students returning for the fall See map on page 8 its official representative body d
term. Senate Assembly, can only hope to A
Students have complained of 12- , While Transportation Depart- play a consultative role in shaping
mile detours and overcrowded ment officials decline to comment University policy, including issues w
rush-hour buses. on whether the new routes will be in which they are directly affect-
Among the angriest of those af- permanent, department manager ed.

estival opens
tars, sends out some fine m
ues and J azz Festival '72 (f
O r 411R
ulty has joined UMACB; it
gin the fight to become a
zed bargaining unit of the
the group will have little
Fusfeld says, if it cannot
large and active member-I
UMACB is currently unaf-
with any other organiza-
ny future affiliation, Fus-
ys, will be decided on by
fmbership. "We intend to
very democratic organiza-
he says.
University has lagged be-

By The Associated Press
Hours after vowingrven-
geance for the massacre of
Israeli athletes in Munich,
the Israeli air force hit deep
into Lebanon and Syria with
bombing raids.
The raids were the deepest into
Syria since the six-day war in
1967and the deepest ever into
A Palestinian spokesperson said
14 persons died in Syria and 15
in Lebanon.
The Israeli military command
said the raids hit ten guerrilla
bases in the two countries.
"If I were asKed it this were a
reprisal for Munich," the spokes-
person said, "I couldn't answer
Daily Photo by TERRY McCARTHY you. I don't know any answers for
Munich except to kill every ter-
rorist involved."
usic on his saxophone last night Asked if Israel would attack
or review, see page 2). Egypt next, he said, "There's an
old Arab proverb: Everyone in his
A Syrian military spokesman
said populated regions on the Me-
diterranean coast and near the
Ii o seek s Golan Heights were hit. Both the
L1 1I see is Syrians and Lebanese alleged that
civilians - including women and
children - were killed in the
r p r fs The strikes came on the usually
festive eve of Rosh Hashanah -
the Jewish New Year - which
hind mostother college faculties Israelis are celebrating in sorrow
in the state in its push for collec- bcueo h lmi ilns
tive bargaining. Most community because of the Olympic killings.
colleges, Central Michigan Uni- But many Israelis are demanding
versity and Oakland University actions against Arab guerrillas,
have begun such programsddand and the news of the attacks gave
haI beu uhprgas n the New Year spirit a boost for
Michigan State and Wayne State someN
are currently in the process of or- me.
ganizing. Meanwhile, both sides went
The entire New York State high- about the solemn business of hon-
er education system function un- oring their respective dead.
der a collective bargaining sys- David Berger, an Israeli weight-
tem. lifter slain in the fracas, was bur-
"The merits of collective bar- ied in his parents' home of Cleve-
gaining," Fusfeld says, "can be land with prayers that "the wea-
See FACULTY, Page 8 pons of war be buried forever."

Doily Photo by TOM GOTTLIEB
Book rush
Book buying is a necessary evil, and these students seem to have
accepted their fates graciously. For the procrastinators, however,
a question may remain as to where to buy those required texts.
A partial answer may be found on Page 8.

ity seeks solution to high
It can happen to you

crime rate
How good is
ID system?

fected, however, are the medical John Ellsworth said yesterday
students, who have found that the "All I can tell you is that if we'
new routes on the Northwood buses make any changes, we'll publish
have eliminated the medical cen- them."
ter stops during the day. Originally, repairs were to be
"It's frustrating," said Doug- completed by September 1, in timer
las Feldman, a biochemistry grad- for the fall term according to city
uate student who claims that 100, traffic engineer Thomas Urbanik.j
and sometimes up to 300, students In May, a five-ton and five-
are left waiting for commuter miles-per-hour limit was put on
buses at 5 p.m. the bridge.
The majority, he claims, walk According to Howard Russell of
from the Washtenaw shelter to the Department of Public Works,j
the medical center. "It's going to further work on the project was
be crummy in the winter," he stalled while waiting for antici-
said. pated f'mding from the Penn Cen-
"We can't help that," said Rob- tri Railroad and a new federal

" 4

Senate Assembly can only make
recommendations to the adminis-
tration. Fusfeld says that by the
time an issue is resolved, the fac-
ulty's viewpoint invariably be-
comes watered down.
After being weakened in admin-
istration channels, Fusfeld claims,
"When something gets to the Re-
gents it contains only five to ten
per cent faculty input.'
The newly-formed UMACB hopes
to circumvent this procedure.
The new group will spend much
of the fall semester in an organi-
zational drive. They intend to dis-
tribute material to the rest of the
f Of,-,r t I n.....rroPc


When it comes to the dubious
istinction awards in crime, Ann
rbor takes a prize.
For this once tranquil city -
where students could leave their
oors open without a second
hought - has managed to beat
ut almost every city in the state
xcepting Detroit in recording,
ear after year, steadily rising
Losses vary from the $2,500 lost
y four students in South Quad
arly yesterday morning, to the
,000 or more bicycles a year that
anish from the campus.
Crimes range from nocturnal
old-ups on the Diag, to the more
ubtle tricks of those who knock
t dorm or apartment doors ask-
ng to "use the 'phone," only to
'hip out a pistol and rob their
ost or hostess blind.
According to the city police de-
partment's annual statistical re-

10 per cent last year. In a way
this was something of an improve-
ment, since it rose even more the
year before.
For thieves, everythingtis fair
game, and the casual attitude of
students who feel that "it can't
happen to me," only helps the
crooks in their schemes.
Ann Arbor police chief Walter
Krasny attributes much of the ris-
ing crime rate to narcotics use.
He explains that heroin addicts,
many of whom must support nar-
cotic habits of hundreds of dol-
lars a day, must resort to theft to
pay their pushers.
Consequently, most of the crime
increase has concentrated in two
areas: Burglaries and larcenies.
Krasny feels that one way to
bring a halt to the increase in
crime is to attack the fences,
those who buy the merchandise
stolen by the thieves.
"When someone is offered a $50

One of the police department's
favorite "solutions" to the rising
crime rate is a scheme they call,
"Operation Identification.
Consisting of an engraving tool,
much like that your jeweler uses
to inscribe your name on the back
of a watch, and backed-up by win-
dow stickers proclaiming, ."We
have joined Operation Identifica-
tion," the program is designed as
a deterrent to would-be thieves.
The idea is that users engrave
their drivers license number on
items of value, and then pastes the
sticker on the door of their apart-
ment or dorm. room to warn
thieves that items can be identi-
fied if they are recovered.
The engraving tools and stickers
are available free at the police de-
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