Page Twelve. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fridoy, September 8, 1972 Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, September 8, 1972 Nixon pledges no higher taxes WASHINGTON 'A) - President Nixon pledged yesterday that he will not seek a tax increase if he wins a second term but left open the possibility that he will propose revisions in America's tax struc- ture. The President's views were re- layed to newsmen by two Repub- lican congressional leaders and by White House press secretary Ron- ald Ziegler. Responding to questions, Ziegler said he could not predict whether the President might propose re- visions in the tax structurewhich could involve an increase in some Changes in the tax system Nixon has declared should be low- might be proposed, Ziegler said, ered. "if there are ways to bring fur- At the same meeting in which ther equity . . ." He said he had Ziegler made hisremarks Senate no specifics on such changes be- Republican leader Hugh Scott (R.- ause decisions have not been Pa.) and House Republican leader made.Gerald Ford (R-Mich.) blasted The presidential spokesman ac- Senator George McGovern's (D- knowledged that the administra- S.D.) economic proposals. tion is still studying the value- added tax, a form of national "A vote for McGovern is a vote sales tax. But, he said, a value- for higher taxes, higher, spending, added tax "does not equate to tax higher unemployment, higher ev- increase." erything," said Scott. The value-added tax has been, C mentioned as apossiblehmethod He added that McGovern's pro- of bringing reductions in proper- posals would necessitate a 100 per BILLIARDS BOWLING Michigan Union OPEN 11 a.m. thru 12 mid. Mon. thru Thurs.- 11 a.m. thru 1 a.m. Fri. and Sat. 1 p.m. thru 12 midnite Sun. FOOSBALL TABLE TENNIS r U of M STUDENTS Buy USED TEXTBOOKS AP Photo Pitching for Michigan votes President Nixon, an avid sports fan, shakes hands with the pride of Detroit, Tiger pitcher Mickey Lolich. hen. Robert Griffin (R-Mich.) adds his congratulations also. TWO IMPLICATED: Congress probes wheat pact WASHINGTON (A)-A congres- July, the White House announced a flict of interest if you want." sional subcommittee plans to in- three year credit arrangement Later, announcing plans for the vestigate how the Nixon adminis- with the Russians, involving $750 subcommittee hearing, Purcell' tration handled business with the million. said farmers and consumers are taxes and a lowering of others. I ty taxes - local levies which cent tax increase.I GA Y IS GRAT f you're gay or think you might be, or if you'd like to meet some gay people and talk with them about your life style or ours, or problems you have, or whatever-we'd like to hear from you. GAY HOTLINE-761-2044 anytime, day or night, 24-hour, 7-day service GAY AWARENESS WOMEN'S KOLLECTIVE (GAWK)-763-4186 9-5, Monday-Friday GAY LIBERATION FRONT-763-4186 9-5, Monday-Friday Come to 325 Michigan Union, SouthWingC INFORMATION about ANN ARBOR'S GAY SCENE: Meetings Dances Coffee House Potluck Dinners Homosexuality Program of UM Office of Special Services & Programs (unique in the U.S.) COME OUT! JOIN THE CROWD! We'll talk with you on the phone or in person, rap in your classes or with you on problem-solving or whatever-you name it. ANN ARBOR GAY LIBERATION FRONT, 325 Michigan Union, 763-4186 Subscribe to The Mi chigan Daily SAVE O AT FOLLETT'S MICHSGA 0-KSTR 33'/3% State St. at North U. f private grain trade in te muiti- House Democratic leaders sup- million-dollar U.S. Soviet wheat port a full-scale congressional in- interested in thes deal. vestigation to determine if there because of "the r Secretary of Agriculture Earl were any improprieties on the part of grain involved, Butz is expected to be called as of the government officials or pri- cies of the federal lead-off witness next Thursday vate firms "which participated in the large grain c when a House Agriculture Commit- the negotiations for the U.S.-Soviet tee subcommittee headed by Rep. grain deal," House Speaker Carl handle the transa Graham Purcell (D-Tex.) begins Albert (D-Okla.) told reporters yes- Sources close t the latest in a series of probes terday. also said conflict prompted by disputes in the grain- Asked if he meant possible con- would be studied. sale case. - flict of interest, Albert responded:f-- --- A separate investigation, expect- "We're talking about whether ed to take several months, is under somebody did something that is way by the General Accounting not proper, you can call that con- P Office at the request of Rep. Pierre duPont (R-Del.). Program for Recently Clarence Palmby and CORRECTION and Socia Clifford Pulvermacher quit the MASS k Agriculture Department to work In yesterday's ad f o r for firms involved with huge grain Michael T h o r y n Speed Tues., S sales to the Russians. The Justice Reoding, the phone num- 7:30 Department is studying possible Roig h hn u-73 improprieties by the two. ber was incorrect. The Paimby quit the government in correct number is 769- Alice Lk June. He had headed a group to 5034 100 S. Ob Moscow for farm trade talks. In sale to the Soviets massive quantities the internal poli- government, and ompanies used to ction." to the committee of interest issues SC Educational l Change EETING iept. 12 p.m. oyd Hall bservatory $4.00 per month 2.3 cubic feet purchase for $79.50 f rom 336 S. STATE - 769-4980 (formerly Sater's Books) __ _ _ f jl'! 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