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December 09, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-12-09

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See today ... for details

Vol. LXXXIII, No. 77 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, December 9, 1972 Ten Cents

Eight Pages

if you see news happen call 76-DAILY




upholds R
it schools


th opinion

Kleindienst: More years
CAMP DAVID-Although President Nixon announced yes-
terday controversial Atty. Gen. Richard Kleindienst will con-
tinue to fill his post, it was also announced that five top Justice
Dept. officials will be leaving, although Press Secretary Ronald
Ziegler "as usual, avoided saying any of the five officials had
been fired," according to UPI. In another department's shake-up,
Ziegler announced that two Interior Dept. officials-Harrison
Loesch, assistant secretary for public land management and
Lewis Bruce, commissioner of Indian affairs-would be leav-
ing. Interior Sec. Rogers Morton (who will be staying) added
a third name later when he announced the resignation of John
Crow, deputy commissioner of Indian affairs. The three leav-
ing the Interior Dept. were the men most involved with the re-
cent Indian takeover of the Bureau of Indian Affairs offices.
Speaking of Nixon's second-term cabinet, now complete, UPI
announced the obvious: "The 11 officials, like those who served
in Nixon's first term cabinet, are all male and all white."
Dope note
Circuit Court Judge Ross Campbell agreed yesterday to
hear an appeal of the ruling that struck down the city's liberal
marijuana law. The law was declared unconstitutional Sept. 29
by District Court Judge Sandorf Elden. City Attorney Jerry Lax
who is handling the appeal says no date has as yet been set
for the next hearing. Local dope smokers are thus advised to
keep their stashes concealed for the time being.
Sorry, wrong number
Contrary to popular opinion, star Daily sports writer and
noted campus dilettant William "Froggie" Alterman DID NOT
put that classified ad in yesterday's Daily reading "Not nice
Jewish boy needs a date. Cute but no personality." Rather it
was some nefarious (and perhaps frustrated) business staffer
who sought to make fun of poor William's social life. Little did
the culprit realize, however, that Froggie would be literally
flooded by calls from bored coeds with nothing more erotic to
do. Unfortunately, academics being what they were, and Wil-
liam being the chicken that he is, no dates were arranged for
the hapless lad. One lucky person did, however, have the du-
bious distinction of being set up with William's roommate.
. . . Include such things as a sexuality conference for wo-
men and men, from 9 a. .to 5 p.m. at St. Andrews Church, 306
N. Division, where discussion of sexuality on "both a philosophi-
cal and practical basis" will take place. Sponsored by Feminist
House . . . A group of "concerned people" interested in forming
a "non-violent action collective" will meet for lunch 11:30 a.m.
at Guild House ... At Pyramid Gallery, -09 N. Main St., a hap-
pening, labeled "Paint, Space and Energy" will occur around
6:30 p.m., free . . . Another freebie will be The Daily's own
Donald Sosin will give a lecture-recital on "Piano Music for Si-
lent Films," complete with film clips.
More talks
PARIS-United States presidential envoy Henry Kissinger
met yesterday with North Vietnamese negotiator Le Duc Tho for
the fifth time this week to try to iron out difficulties in making
a peace settlement, also spoke with French Pres. Georges Pom-
pidou. The four-and-a-half hour negotiations bring to 15 hours
the time Kissinger and Tho have spent meeting this week. A
news blackout over the meetings remained yesterday.
Dems hassle
WASHINGTON-A badly-splintered Democratic National
Committee continued to slug it out for the fate of the top post
of that committee yesterday. Present Chairwoman Jean West-
wood called her chief challenger Robert Strauss a "Democrat
for Nixon," and Strauss' people answered that he'd raised $1
million for Democrats" this fall. Westwood says she'll step
down if Strauss will, too, in favor of a compromise candidate.
Meanwhile, the Westwood camp claims enough votes to defeat
her ouster; and the Strauss camp claims enough votes to elect
him in an open race between the two. Waiting in the wings as
alternate choices are former chairman Larry O'Brien and for-
mer vice-presidential candidate Sargent Shriver. Also waiting
is Shirley Chisholm, who sources say may become the party's
vice-chairperson if Strauss takes the lead slot.


'Judges order delay
'" s
in cross-busing plan
CINCINNATI uR-A federal appeals court yesterday up-
held District Court Judge Stephen Roth's findings of racial
discrimination in Detroit area schools.
The court ruled, however, that all 52 suburban school
districts involved in the case must be heard in court before
any desegregation plan is implemented.
At the same time, the Sixth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
vacated a lower court's order directing the state to purchase
295 buses for use in implementing the plan.
In a 3-0 decision, the Circuit Court sent the controversial
plan for desegregating Detroit's schools back to Roth.
The court agreed with Roth's fall, 1971 finding that the
Detroit city school system is in fact segregated, and that an

effective school desegregation
plan must include suburbanl
school districts.
But it said Roth erred in not re-
quiring that each of the 52 subur-
ban districts be included in court
proceedings during which the de-
segregation plan evolved. Each
should be given the opportunity to
be heard, the court ruled in an 80-
page decision.
It added. however. that "It will

cras sikills
over 40

Daily Photo by TOM GOTTLIEB
The sellingof St.Yick


His eyes, how they twinkled, his dim-
ples, how merry!
His cheeks were like roses; his nose
like a cherry.
His droll little mouth was drawn up
like a bow,
And the beard on his chin was as white
as the snow.
-Clement C. Moore
Santa Claus sat uncomfortably stuffed
into a small metal bridge chair in the back-
room of Kinney's shoestore at Arborland.
His clean shaven face was intermittently
being filled with Hostess House Popcorn.
His enormous belly rumbled as he laughs
and clearly states, "Kids today are sharp
they aren't easy to fool . . . I don't try
to fool them, but still don't use my real
name in the story . . . just call me Santa."
The Santa at Arborland is among the

A local Santa's happy lot
thousands of pillow-bellied rouge-cheeked
men across the country that are planted in
shopping malls to help drum up business
for the Christmas season. Yet this Santa
seems more real than the rest; he washes
the stray bits of popcorn down his throat
with a gulp of Mountain Dew and explains,
"I dare anybody to say that I am not
authentic . .. just one look at this stomach
and they're convinced." Het reaches his
thick arms around his enormous stomach
and pats it fondly. He weighs 465 pounds
(down from 700), and has just been released
from University Hospital where he was
recovering from a respiratory collapse.
The 39-year-old Santa is presently a resi-
dent of the Whitmore Lake Convalescent
Center and admits that "being Santa Claus
is as good therapy for me as it is fun for
the children . . . I admit that the stores
are out to make money, but I just do it

because I love the kids . . . I haven't
received any instructions to push toys."
Santa retrieves his custom-made suit
(Hollywood Costumes-$125) and starts get-
ting made up as St. Nick. He has been a
children's entertainer for the last 18 years,
specializes in puppetry, and is a member
of Clowns of America. He explains how he
views his role as Santa Claus-simply--and.
sincerely. "Children are my first love and
I wouldn't do it if I thought that I was
hurting them. There is more to being a
Santa than just the costume . . . if you
don't love the kids it will show through
no matter how much make-up you wear."
The toupee tape is secured, the red suit
is fastened in place, and presto-chango
Santa Claus. He grabs a box of balloons to
give out to he children but expl'ains that.
See THE Page 8

not be necessary for the District ! By the AP, UPI and Reuter:
n or n- CHICAGO - A United Air Lines
Court to find discriminatory jtlnenpowd ntaro.o
duct on the part of each school Jetliner plowed ito a raw of
district" in order to justify includ- houses as it came in to land at
ing such districts in a final plan. Midway Airport yesterday, kill-
ing over 40 people in the crash.
The appellate court, in an opin- The twin-engined Boeing 737,
ion written by Chief Judge, Harry carrying 55 passengers and a
Phil, upheld the findings of seg- crew of six, sheared off the roofs
regation in Detroit's city schools. of several houses before it shud-
"The discriminatory practices on dered to rest near 71st Street and
the part of the Detroit School Ridgeway Avenue in Chicago's
Board and the State of Michigan south side.
areasignificant, pervasive and sSurvivors scrambled or were
casually related to the substantial pulled from the twisted wreckage
amount of segregation found in the in the moments before the plane
Detroit school system by the Dis- and a house burst into flames. Ev-
trict Judge;" the court said. ery available ambulance and fire
engine raced to the scene, which is
"The record in this case," the three miles from the airport.
opinion continued, "amply sup- Holy Cross Hospital reported
ports. the findings of the District that 16 persons, including'the
Court of unconstitutional actions by planes's three stewardesses, were
public officials at both the local admitted with injuries from the
and state level." erac1I

The court affirmed the authority
of the district court to effect "a
feasible desegregation plan," and
ruled that "in this case the only
feasible desegregation plan in-
volves the crossing of the boundary
lines between the Detroit School~
District and adjacent or nearby
school districts."

A U.S. District Court judge in
Los Angeles said yesterday he
would declare a mistrial in the
Pentagon Papers case against
Daniel Ellsberg. The judge in-
tends to dismiss the present jury
and recruit another. See story,
Page 8.


linking film g


show improper dev

to to

the inside . . . By TERRY MARTIN
Herb Bowie reviews the new Jesse Winchester Further evidence has been found
se, on the Arts Page . . . Day Editor Terry Martin bringing into question the business
res the relationship between film group Friends of practices of a campus film group
reel and other organizations on the Editorial Page called Friends of Newsreel--includ-
Direct from Madison, Wis., sports staffer Frank ing added substantiation of a link
between Newsreel and a defunct
o reports on last night's hockey loss by the Wolverines, group called the University of
the sports staff produly introduces its new feature Michigan Film Society.
ay in Sports" on Page 7. Earlier this week The Daily dis-
e weather picture 1covered information linking the
oday . . . is often wrong about the weather, and, Friends of Newsreel with the Film
luck, this will be one of those times. What we have Society. The Society during its ex-
l you is the usual: freezing snow and/or "fizzle" itencdisran up delinquent bills with
weather bureau's word, not ours), temperatures e e e cutors tota ing $ , f.
ing from 22 to 32, and definitely, snow tomorrow. lThe evidence came in the form
of a letter from Films, Inc., a dis-
g further out on a limb, the bureau predicted colder- tributing company, to student or-
more-snow weather for the last days of class. triutin anyto tuen
ganizations auditor Maurice Rinkel.
The letter referred to the Friends
'Life' magazine to die Dec.

of Newsreel as being "formerly
University of Michigan Film So-
At that time, Newsreel spokes-
man Glen Allvord denied anycon-
nectionwith the old Film Society.
But further findings substantiate
the link, and bring into suspicion

reel with misleading advertising.
A particular example, according to
Bernardi, was some advertising forj
the Newsreel movie, Mysteries of
the Organism, which was unsigned.
(Allvord said that the advertising
could have been an "oversight.");


va~c. a aaL'., au a
Roth's desegregation order, de-1 Congressman George Collins D-
layed earlier by the Circuit Court, Ill.) and CBS newswoman Michele
would have meant the busing of Clark were among those aboard
40,000 students this school year. the plane.rCollins' body wasriden-
In Lansing, the attorney gen- tified by Chicago police.
eral's office indicated yesterday Flying in mixed snow and rain,
u the Detroit case will be reviewed the jet apparently missed runway
carefully and after consultation 13 at the airport, cruised over a
with the governor and other parties neighborhood of bungalow homes
a course of action will be an- at an altitude of between 500 and
nounced next week. 1,000 feet, and then, with its nose
11in g sYesterday's decision apparently up and its tail down, tore into the
rs means an indefinite delay in court- dwellings.
mandadted busing to desegregateI One of the survivors, Marvin An-
ance figures are the basis for the Detroit's public schools. derson said "The last wordsrthe
rent charged by distributors, and .Proceedings leading to the de- 4,000 feet and everything is going
thus determine the amount of cision began in April 1970, when well,' and then a few seconds later
profit made. I the Detroit Board offEdu i Iknewhsomethingtwaswrongbe-
adopted a plan to effect greater' eb gt e gtee
The New Line Cinema agent said integration of black and white stu- cause
he knew of no connectiontbetween dents in attendance zones including C
Frindsof ewsee an th Fim sme12,00 upis.Cindy s"Sladewski was inside her
Society, but added that he was as. house when it was struck by the
"1,000 miles away, and it's very That plan was thwarted three airliner's wing. The impact ripped
easy for these campus groups to months later by the Staae legisla- the front of the building off, but
form." ture, which passed a law delaying she scrambled to safety.
its implementation. Sladewski told newsmen: "I was
New Line had no complaints IThe four Detroit school board lying on the couch in the front
with Friends of Newsreel, said a e r o s o room. When there was a rumble as
company spokesman, except that plan later were removed from of- I waited for my daughter to come
their reports of crowd attendance fice through a citizen-initiated re- home from school. I heard a crash
were always late. "They do such call election. The newly elected'and looked out the window and I
saw the plane sliding across the
good business, though, that we board rescinded the desegregation street and it smashed into my
don't .complain," he said. I plan. house."

Newsreel's own business practices. " A statement by Peter Wilde,
The new evidence includes the University supervising projection-
following: ist, indicates that a sizeable dis-
" SGC Treasurer Dave Schaper crepancy existed between News-
said that Allvord and former Uni- reel's estimate of crowd attend-
versity of Michigan Film Society ance at their recent showing of
leader George de Pugh are both "Reefer Madness" and estimatesI
listed as officers of a corporation j made by Wilde and an agent from
called Community Media Projects New Line Cinema (the company

29; Publishers blame television

Inc. The trade name of the cor-'
poration, according to Schaper, is
New Morning Bookstore.
(Confronted with this informa-
tion, Allvord admitted it was true.
He said he founded the corpora-
tion in March, 1972, and that it
was presently in the process of
being "reorganized." He claimed
no "direct" connection between
Newsreel and the corporation. But
New Morning Bookstore and News-
reel share a common phone num-
* A letter sent by the controll-
ing board of Cinema II to SGC
described a m e e t i n g betweenj
Cinema II and Friends of News-
reel. The lett. r contains a discus-
sion of the "geneology" of Friends
of Newsreel. "References to ARM
(a film group formerly headed by
de Pugh), the University of Mich-
ivn Film S ocietv. Consniracv (an-

NEW YORK (UPI) - "Life" magazine, an
American journalistic institution which for 36
years provided its readers with an unprecedented
panorama of the world's people and events, will
publish its last issue Dec. 29, its publishers said
yesterday, the victim of an advertising market
forever changed by television.
Hedley Donovan, editor-in-chief of Time, Inc.,
and Andrew Heiskell, chairman of the board, said

"Though we did not plan 'Life' as a war mag-
azine, it turned out that way," the late Henry
R. Luce, founder of "Life" and head of Time,
Inc., once said.
"Life" unsparingly gave its readers images
of death, violence and destruction. In 1969 it ran
the faces of 242 Americans killed in Vietnam
during the single week of May 28-June 2-a
photo story that had far-reaching impact.

Burns guards,
By REBECCA WARNER t':°°°":.:::t.:." n.
Half a year after being hired by the Uni-
versity, guards employed by the Burns Ag- - * .
ency claim they are getting a "raw deal" in necessary,
a wage dispute. we have
Most of the guards are students from the
University or other schools. Spearheading
their discontent is the issue of a salary in-
crease stipulated by their union contract to
go into effect the first of last month. ries, supervisio
Local Burns guards were getting paid at tions, overhead

which supplied the film). News-
reel's estimate, according to Wilde,
was roughly 600 people off. Attend-


.f...........1h . A~r YJ.Y }:1:: ::."ti:: s......-...........f.ii"tti.....f . A.....
we find that one group is getting paid more than
, we cut it back. There's no reason to pay more than
to. Otherwise we might as well not be in business."
-a Burns Agency official

.face wage...t...n.VVwW. .V.~lW.A.

figh t

on, training, personnel func-
and profit.

has been in contact with guards here. "The
premium was strictly between the company

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