See Editorial Page
C, r
Sir ~igau
For details, see today
Vol. LXXXIII, No. 75
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, December 7, 1972
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
today. .
if you see news happen call 76-DAILY
Truman condition critical
KANSAS CITY-Former President Harry Truman, hospitalized
With lung congestion and bronchitis, was placed on the critical
list late last night and a hospital spokesperson said his condition
was in "a very delicate and critical balance." The public relations
director for Research Hospital and Medical Center where the 88-
year-old former chief executive was taken Tuesday night, said
Truman had suffered a "temporary relapse" in the evening hours
Wednesday, but his condition had since stabilized. Truman's
situation was "complicated by infection which thus far has not
responded adequately to antibiotics," reports said. Truman was
placed on the critical list at 9:17 p.m. EST, with a condition that
includes the definition "death may be imminent."
Arsonist 'insane,' not guilty
Mark Friesen, who admitted starting a fire in his Markley
Hall room last March, was found not guilty by reason of insanity
yesterday following a two-day trial in Washtenaw County Circuit
Court. Friesen, a former freshman, believes he is "Gob," a super-
human counterpart of God in contact with powers from the planet
Venus, according to a psychiatrist who examined the youth.
Friesen will now be placed in a mental facility where he will
undergo treatment.
Hornstein note
Student Government Council Representative David Hornstein
has apparently set frivolity aside to get down to the serious
business of running a student government. Hornstein, along with
Council members Bill Dobbs and Michael Lewis, plan to intro-
duce a motion at tonight's meeting to establish a Committee
for the Abolition of Laws on Victimless Crimes. The committee,
which would receive $1,000 from SGC, would be concerned with
advancing "sexual freedom, achievement and expression," and
repealing "all laws and penalties relating to an individual's
usage and purchasing of drugs." The proposal also calls for a
student dope co-op to open when current drug laws have been
repealed. Hornstein in an uncharacteristically serious note com-
mented that "this is not a cheap publicity stunt, unlike the dope
co-op last week."
Lawyer, author and University graduate Ann Fagen
Ginger will speak informally this morning from 9:30 to 11:30 in
the Lawyers Club Lounge at the law school . . . City health care
needs is the topic facing the Democrats at their monthly meeting
tonight at 8 p.m. in the Public Library. Panelists will discuss
ways to improve health care delivery . . . Add spice to your life
with a Mexican dinner sponsored by the Ecumenical Campus
Center, 912 Church St. Dinner begins at 6:30 . . . and finally,
Rive Gauche is having a tree decorating party tonight at 9 p.m.
More cabinet appointments
CAMP DAVID-President Nixon announced yesterday that
Earl Butz will remain in the cabinet as agriculture secretary.
Butz made headlines this fall when Democrats accused his
department of selling out farmers by causing them to sell grain at
low prices before the recent giant Soviet-U.S. deal. The President
also said that Commerce Secretary Peter Peterson is leaving the
cabinet and is being replaced by Frederick Dent, a textile manu-
facturer. Presidential Press Secretary Ronald Ziegler refused to
say if Peterson had resigned without pressure-leading to specu-
lation that the President had eased him out to make room for
Boggs' fate
WASHINGTON-House Democratic leaders have decided that
the House should declare vacant the seat of Rep. Hale Boggs
(D.-La.) resolving a legal dilemna caused by Bogg's disappear-
ance on an airplane flight over Alaska Oct. 16. This action opens
the way for a special Louisiana election. Boggs, the House
majority leader and Rep. Nick Begich (D-Alaska), who also
disappeared on the flight, were both re-elected in November.
Court proceedings have already begun in Alaska under that state's
presumption-of-death law, to determine the status of Begich's
I seat. The proposed House resolution, however, would include a
finding that Begich's seat is also vacant, sources said.
Prostitute unionization
IZMIR, Turkey-Turkey's prostitutes have formed their own
trade union-the Personal Service Workers Union-and have
announced plans to open branches in all big cities. At the
inaugural meeting Health Officer Ruknettin Halulu said Turkey's
estimated 17,000 prostitutes provided an important safety valve
in society's sexual life. He said the union would fight for the
independence, human rights and dignity of its members, many of
whom were unjustly treated.
On the inside ...
Staff writer Kathy Ricke discusses the plight of state
mental hospitals on the Editorial Page . . . A review of
the Austral String Quartet appears on the Arts Page . . .
and sports writer Bob McGinn previews the Big Ten basket-
ball race on Page 6.
The weather picture
Better button up more than your overcoat before leaving
home today. A cold wave wafted over the area last night
sending temperatures way down. Today's high will creep
up to 13, tonight's low will descend to 7. A minute chance
of snow flurries and imperceptible winds are forecast.
Relations between University film
organizations and national film dis-
tributors have become so strained
that unless steps toward licensing are
taken locally, the companies may
refuse to deal with campus groups.
This situation has prompted the
Student Organizations Board (SOB) to
draft a proposal requiring all groups
showing films in University facilities
to obtain a license from Student Gov-
ernment Council. The proposal will be
considered at tonight's SGC meeting.
Dave Schaper, SGC treasurer and
member of SOB, said the proposal
was necessary because of several in-
cidents of film groups "ripping off"
Schaper said that University film
groups have acquired a bad reputa-
tion and are currently having diffi-
culties procuring films.
Implicated in recent incidents is
a now defunct group called the Uni-
versity of Michigan Film Society. The
society, active last summer, ran up
bills with several distributors.
Last week, Maurice Rinkel, auditor
u s proosed
wary of dealing with University film in its place.
groups in the future. Newsreel spokesman Glen Allvord
for student organizations, received a
letter from one such distributing firm,
Films Incorporated of Skokie, Ill. The
letter asked for Rinkel's help in re-
covering $1,024.69 of debts that the
Film Society had run up with the
Another distributor, New Line Cine-
ma of New York has had similar
problems with the Society. Michael
Harpster, sales manager of the com-
pany said yesterday that the Society
had not paid a $700 debt incurred over
the summer.
Both companies said they would be
Films, Incorporated identifies a co-
operative known as Friends of News-
reel as the "former University of
Michigan Film Society."
According to Peter Wilde, super-
vising projectionist for University
films, "Newsreel is rather in doubt
as an organization." Wilde says that
films booked for the fall under the
name of the University of Michigan
Film Society had that name crossed
off and Friends of Newsreel written
denies any connection with the Uni-
versity of Michigan Film Society.
Wilde describes Newsreel's reports
to film distributors of ticket money,
which is usually the determinant for
the rate charged for the film, as
"erratic estimates."
"I thought Newsreel was starting
over with a new name and that they'd
make an attempt to get out from un-
der suspicion by behaving honestly
See FILM, Page 8
negotiate for 512
hour s in
By AP and Reuters
PARIS-Presidential envoy Henry Kissinger and Hanoi
emissary Le Duc Tho held a five and a half hour negotiating
session here yesterday as they continued talks on the war in
At the end of the meeting, the negotiators and their
aides shook hands before parting-the first time they were
seen to do so after a bargaining session.
The two peace negotiators maintained their agreed
news blackout. There was no comment from either side on
rumors that agreement might be imminent.
The White House announced Kissinger and Tho would
meet again this afternoon. Their scheduled Tuesday
meeting was canceled without
care group
Seventy Was htenaw County citi-
zens are working to put public
health care in control of the com-
munity. They are members of the
Washtenaw Community Hospital
and Health Care Corporation (WC-
HHC), a newly formed nonprofit
WCHHC was started "by indi-
viduals who came against St. Jo-
seph's plan to move to southeast-
ern Washtenaw County," Ron
Spears, temporary treasurer of
the group, said. "We want to make
alternative plans. We want to give
control of health care to the com-
munity instead of St. Joseph's ad-
The group decided upon a five
point program at a meeting held
Tuesday night at the Ann Arbor
Community Center. They hope to
find a way to meet the health care
needs of all the people of Washte-
naw County and establish com-
munity controlled health care fa-
In addition, WCHHC plans to lo-
cate government funds allocated
for community health services and
use them to provide better serv-
Lastly, the organization plans to
inform and involve more citizens
in health care matters.
Membership is open to all citi-
zens of the Washtenaw County
area. Although there is no fee,.
members are encouraged to sup-
port the corporation with volun-
tary financial contributions.
Daniel Ringler, Chairman of the
Corporation's Outreach Committee,
(unaffiliated with the university),
said hetexpects several thousand
citizens to join the corporation.
"Right now people aren't fa-
See CITY, Page 8
The negotiators met here Mon-
day for five hours at the start of
what appears to be the final round
of the search for a Vietnam peace.
They unexpectedly cancelled
Tuesday's scheduled meeting and
held intensive negotiations with
their governments and allies.
Yesterday's talks were at the
horse of a Paris Jeweler in the
fashionable western suburb of
Neuilly. After a brief lunch, Kis-
singer and Tho were seen taking a
short stroll in the garden before
resuming their discussions.
Kissinger and Tho, who reached
a basic nine-point peace agree-
ment here last October, were busy
drafting clarification clauses and
tidying up loose ends, diplomatic
sources said.
Three main subjects were un-
der discussion in the current talks.
One was the question of the with-
drawal of North Vietnamese troops
from South Vietnam, which Saigon
insists should be "inscribed one
way or another" in the proposed
ceasefire agreement.
Hanoi will never admit it has
troops in South Vietnam,and Nixon
is not forcing this issue. But well-
informed sources here said the U.
S. President might settle for a
tacit agreement whereby North
Vietnamese forces would regroup
in three main areas and begin to
return home as South Vietnamese
President Nguyen Van Thieu de-
mobilizes part of his army.
Saigon claims there are 300,000
North Vietnamese troops in the
South, while American estimates
put the figure at 145,000.
Nixon is reported to be satis-
fied that Thieu, with his one mil-
lion-strong armed forces, will be
capable of defending his country
from any North Vietnamese in-
terference pending elections and
a lasting peace.
Thieu will make no decision on
whether to accept or reject the
ceasefire until the end of the cur-
rent Kissinger-Tho talks here,
South Vietnamese officials said.
Saigon newspapers predicted a
cease-fire agreement by Christ-
mas. But in Hanoi, the official
newspaper Nhan Dan said there
can be no peace until the Saigon
government agrees to release its
political prisoners.
Photo by NASA
APOLLO 17 stands on the launch pad as technicians work out problems last night at Cape Kennedy. The mission was delayed for more
than two hours before final lift-off.
Delayed for more than two hours
by a computer problem coming
within a breath of a flawless lift-
off, Apollo 17 vaulted toward the
moon early this morning, pro-
pelled by a fiery rocket on what
could be man's last voyage to
another world.
The last flight of the historic
Apollo series began at 12:33 a.m.
EST as a thundering Saturn 5
rocket thrust Navy Capt. Eugene
Cernan, g e o1 o g i s t Harrison
"Jack" Schmitt and Navy Cmdr.
Ronald Evans away from their
home planet on a scientific ex-
pedition to fill in missing chap-
ters of moon history.
Hundreds of thousands of per-
sons jammed viewing sites in the
Cape Kennedy area to bid fare-
well to Apollo and to watch the
blazing departure in the first
after-dark launching of an Ameri-
can manned space flight.
They all had to wait two hours
40 minutes beyond the planned
liftoff time while experts trouble
shot the problem with a com-
puter-driven device called an
automatic sequencer.
17 lift
more than 3,000 rockets have
been fired in 22 years.
The Saturn 5 flashed to life
with the brilliance of the sun and
sent a cascade of flame rushing
like a waterfall over its launch-
ing pedestal.
Earlier in the day, the three
astronauts slept until noon and
underwent a brief physical ex-
amination. They had an early
evening steak supper, donned
their bulky white spacesuits and
then boarded a van for the trip
to the launch pad, where their
o ff after delay
36-story-tall rocket was bathed
in floodlights.
Schmitt pretended that he was
reluctant to , go and, laughing,
made a move to leave the van
after he entered.
Schmitt, a profesisonal geolo-
gist, is the first scientist to fly
in space, and will add a new
dimension to lunar exploration.
With his trained eye and Cer-
nan's nearly two years of geology
training, these two adventurers
hope to find rocks that will tell
scientists about the early and
late history of the moon, filling
in missing gaps in lunar evolu-
Cernan, the articulate com-
mander of Apollo 17, has dedi-
cated the mission to awakening
the world to the fact that this
"is not the end of space flight.
It is just the conclusion of the
beginning. We're not putting our
rockets in the barn and closing
the door. We're just beginning to
understand and accept the chal-
lenge that the universe has for
SGC absurdity' warms
Emperor Hornstein's soul
News critic accuses media of
blandness, blames govt. coercion
"The perfect addition to Homer Heath
Lounge (home of Student Government Council
meetings) would be a gigantic sandbox in the
middle of the floor. When an SGC member
lases isk temner Awhich is 1alvs lmnnenin-g
party backing did not however, prevent him
from garnering what he calls, "an overwhelm-
ing mandate of 500 votes."
Since that time Council member/Emperor
Hornstein has gained considerable notoriety
for his nronnwpd SGC done co-op. The plan
Government attacks on journalists and the news
media in the last four years have "coerced" them
into being "bland and timid."
This assessment of the national news scene was
oiva x~p,ar vby1Bn naodikian. media critic
"Richard Nixon, like all presidents, would like to
be Editor-in-Chief of the United States."
"Inhibitions on the freedom of the press have
resulted from administration hostility to media
criticism," he said. He cited the federal court
restraining order to the New York Times and
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