Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY I Wednesday, December 6, 1972 Nixon appoints Lynn new chief of HUD Paris peace negotiations temporarily discontinued (Continued from Page 1) progress toward meeting these goals lie in the years ahead. I look forward to devoting my full energies to meeting this chal-' lenge." Lynn declined to answer specific questions on his plans pending Sen-I ate action on his nomination. In reappointing Morton, whotis 58, Nixon said he had provided the Interior D e p a r t m e n t with the strong, vigorous leadership it needs to carry out its responsibilities in preservation and conservation. (Continued from Page 1) long attack by communist troops retained in those positions. Vietnam's National Security Coun- against a government base camp Nixon's Cabinet shake-up - in cil to consider the U.S. position at in the central highlands Monday which he has brought in three new- the Paris talks. after smaller probing assaults on comers and moved Elliot Richard- The negotiations between Tho Sunday. son to Defense from the Depart- ment of Health, Education and, Welfare- is still apparently not! complete. White House press secretary Ronald Ziegler would not comment on the reported Commerce Depart- ment switch, but said further an- nouncements on second-term Cab- inet shifts could come today. I - . - Morton, a former congressman Besides and Republican Party chairperson, partment took over the Interior Department tentions a two years ago. on three C He resigned his seat in Congress general,a to become interior secretary after transporta Nixon fired Walter Hickel. Richard He is the third Cabinet officer to be reta Nixon has announced will serve in and Earl a second term. Last week the but John President disclosed Secretary of retary, is State William Rogers and Treasury the Cabin Secretary George Shultz will be to Italy. the top Commerce De- post, the President's in- are yet to be announced abinet positions-attorney agriculture secretary and ation secretary. Kleindienst is expected ained as attorney general Butz as agriculture chief, Volpe, transportation sec- believed slated to leave et to become ambassador! and Kissinger began Monday with A military spokesperson said Ngo South Vietnam insisting on specific Trang Base camp, six miles north- guarantees before it would be party west of Kontum City and jutting to an Indochina peace accord. into the communist held moun- South Vietnam's President Ngu- tains, was still in government yen Van Thieu's key demand was hands after two days of fighting. a written guarantee that North Below the Demilitarized Zone, Vietnam withdraw its troops from South Vietnamese marines and the south. paratroops continued to be hit by Percy, a member of the Senate communist a r t ill er y barrages, Foreign Relations Committee, said which together with heavy rain after meeting Lam and senior gov- and mud has stalled their attempt ernment officials during 48 hours to recapture lost territory for more in Saigon that he was optimistic than a week. South Vietnam and the United States finalize a peace settlement. He also hoped the peace nego- tiations would be completed this at month and the first steps of the agreement implemented. The South Vietnamese Military Folletts Command yesterday reported a day for Iext Books Ligan Daily Roam and Board i o on North Campus and Central Campus Places for Men and Women Winter term 1973 Apply 3rd floor Michigan Union Room 3-N or call 662-4414 4 4 Subscribe to The Mich L AP Photo Little (?) dog lost Ms. Richard McHenry compares a photograph of the St. Bernard puppy stolen from her yard three years ago, with the full grown dog she found chained to a tree in front of her home. Though the McHenry's are certain the beast is their's, they are giving it away. They're not certain how the animal will react to their infant children. 6-3 VOTE: High Court forbids sex shows in bars (Continued from Page 1) ers, not explicit sexual entertain- ment. "We would welcome t h e ABC to come in and view o u r shows," he said. "Any time they want." "Nude entertainment per se is on its way out," declared Pet- er Sexton, deputy director of the California ABC in Sacramento. He said his agency would inten- sify its efforts to enforce rules against nude shows in bars, fil- ing accusations that c o u l d strip nude bars of their liquor licenses. "I think the whole thing is ridi- culous," said Carol Doda, the statuesque dancer who originated the topless in 1964 and n o w earns $700 a week as a nude danc- er. She predicted the nude clubs would continue even if refused liquor permits. "If we have to, we'll serve fruit juice and nuts," she said. IVA Attention M MEN Semi-Annual Banquet on Wednesday, Dec. 6 6:30 p.m. at %*tie' &ee Suffet I .I ii TOYOTA $ 1956°° ' TEST PRICE A TOYOTA SEE HOW MUCH CAR YOUR MONEY CAN BUY ram -rMly !'9 !*S r r_.._i_ ." ._ . _-- _ .__ . c_..:G: / 4'Couoon limited to one''oer item 'and ' oer fna I