Slit daiitan aani Eighty-two years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan Nixon's Sunday morning positive thinking 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1972 'Last chance boundaries MONDAY NIGHT, City Council finally gave approval to a ward boundary plan over a year and a half after the job was begun. Hassles over the composition of the Ward Boundary Commission and plans and counter plans offered by all sides served to tie up the entire process for months on end. Needless to say, it has not been the sort of spectacle which inspires faith in the ability of our city government to get things done. for does it speak well for the benefits of partisan politics on the local level. The plan pdopted-the so-called Last Chance Plan-is most assuredly a gerry- mander, and no one is really denying that. The intention all along was.not to avoid gerrymandering, but to devise a gerrymander acceptable to a majority of council members. At least the Last Chance Plan accom- plishes that, and barring a successful court suit it will allow us to continue governing ourselves and hold our elec- tions on time. HE LARGER question, however, is whether drawing ward boundaries is a sensible way to provide for truly demo- cratic representation in Ann Arbor. Does HRP'S Nancy Wechsler really rep- resent the interests of wealthy upper- middle class families on the east side of town? Technically she is their City Council representative. Does GOP conservative Bruce Benner truly represent the interests of students living in neighborhoods running between State and Packard Streets south of cam- pus? Obviously not. Then why continue this empty char- ade that council members represent the interests of the districts from which they are elected? That fact is that HRP council members such as Wechsler and Jerry DeGrieck (HRP-First Ward) rep- resent the interests of left-leaning young people all across the city and Republi- cans represent the interests of business- men, no matter what ward they live in. WARDS AS politicial entities simply do not exist in a city of this size. So why not recognise reality and move to a sys- tem of proportional representations? Under such a system, voters could sim- ply vote for the party of their choice. City Council would then be composed of members in each party seated according to the percentage of the vote their party received in the city as a whole. For a student living in a heavily resi- dential ward to vote for the ward's HRP candidate is now a rather empty gesture. Under a system of proportional repre- sentation, however, all votes would be equally significant no matter where they were cast. If Ann Arbor's unique pattern of tri- partisan politics is to be maintained, it is essential that we adopt a system which accepts political reality and attempts to equitably represent the diverse interests of the city. -CHRIS PARKS By JAMES WECHSLER [SN'T IT TERRIFIC to be alive? When you woke up this morn- ing, what did you say to your wife? I hope you said, 'Hooray, it's great to be alive!' "-From the Rev. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale's sermon last Sunday, delivered in the pre- sence of President Nixon and his family. *' * * Mr. Nixon "clasped his chin and listened intently,". according to one press account, as Dr. Peale af- firmed his gospel of positive think- ing. The sermon was entitled "En- thusiasm Sweeps All Before It" and Dr. Peale left little doubt of what he has been saying each morning. "I was born into an enthusiastic country," he declared, "and it. grabbed me as a child. Everybody believed in the future of the Unit- ed States. We were the greatest people under God's sun." His enthusiasm, he added, re- mains undiminished. Mr. Nixon's apparent apprecia- tion of these remarks may explain something about -the great gaps that divide Americans. WHEN I AWAKENED on .Tues- day and turned on the news broad- cast (a reflex action in my own case), the first bulletin reported that U.S. planes had accidentally killed 19 South Vietnamese civilians and wounded 29 others in the course of dropping several 500-pound bombs on a populated area south of DaNang. The U.S. command was quoted as saying that an investi- gation was under way. Despite Dr. Peale's counsel, it is hard to imagine thereupon exclaim- ing to Nancy Wechsler, as my first words of the day, "Hooray, it's great to be alive."- Nor would that joyous outcry have seemed exactly fitting yester- day. The initial news item report- ed that a South Vietnamese emis- sary was in Washington to tell Mr. Nixon why Gen. Thieu wanted a, private audience to punch holes in the proposed peace settlement. * * * INDEED, THE odds on almost any given morning are that any- one who follows Dr. Peale's verbal prescription will be subject to com- mitment by his wife, unless, of course, they jointly throw out the radio and TV andrstop delivery of the morning paper. Some of my journalistic c o 1- leagues occasionally appear to be trying to get into the Peale spirit; there seems no other plausible ex- planation for James Reston's Tues- day .rediscovery of hope in Presi- dent Nixon's pledge not to let his second term go "downhill" and in his Cabinet reshuffle. But Res- ton usually relapses into reality before many days pass. If I find Dr. Peale's morning eunhoria difficult to emulate, con- sider how it must sound to many who do not awaken in well-heat- ed, middle-class sanctuaries. In that "other America" where 25,- 000,000 live under the official no- verty level, it would surely require more than organized cheerlead- inq to produce the recommended "Hooray" etc. at the dawn of each new day. Such places could be found not too many blocks from Dr. Peale's church. These remarks may indicate that I rise onthe wrong side of the bed. Nevertheless I suspect that the harshest verdict history will offer on the Nixon era is that it was a time when the comfortable and complacent were given a steady diet of supportive Administration therapy. In one of his final campaign sneeches Mr. Nixon presented an elaborate series of self-ijstifica- tions for those who feel they have made it and prefer to forget about those who are left out. That was essentiallv the theme of his pre- election interview in which he lik- ened the American people to child- ren who can be easily "spoiled" by generous attention. What more hanal rationale could be offered for turning our backs on human dis- tress? IT MUST be acknowledged, how- ever, that there is an apparent ambivalence in Mr. Nixon's choice of spiritual counselors. For even while he seemed entirely respon- sive to Dr. Peaple's optimistic en- thusiasm, he is also known to lean heavily on the guidance of the Rev. William Franklin Graham. v Yet it is a persistent theme of Dr. Graham's preachments t h a t "the last days are coming," pre- sumably regardless of who inhab- its the White House. Indeed, the proposition that life is primarily a preparation for an approaching uni- versal doomsday intrinsic to the Graham crusade. I am admittedly at a loss abo=!t how these rival doctrines are re- conciled during periods of reflec- tion at the White House. In a sense, of course, they have one unifying element. When Dr. Peale tells us the United States is the greatest show on earth and Billy Graham warns that the apocalypse is imminent, both are disparaging any effort to change things here and now; the first says we a r e thriving as we are, the 'second that we had better work on im- proving our individual credentials for the day of reckoning. Skeptics may allege tat Mr. Nixon values both men's constiti- encies and is playing it safe. Per- haps he is groping for a middle of the road between these prophets of happy days and doomsday, but I am damned, if the phrase will be forgiven, if I can imagine where he will find it. James Wchider is edfwrial page editor of the New York Post. Copyright 1972, The New York Post Corporation. * 1 Apollo launch TV spectacle TELEVISION HAS crept into, every facet of American life. We buy what we see and we see what the networks want us to see. Sporting events are played at the whim of some executive in New York. So should the space pro- gram be any different? Tonight will be the first and last prime telecast' of an Apollo launching. Num- ber seventeen in the somewhat success- ful series of moon explorations, the cov- erage of this one was obviously planned by the tri-network coalition to attract Today's staf f: News: Prokash Aswani, Mike Duweck, Tammy Jacobs, Judy Ruskin, Ted Stein, David-Stoll, Ralph Vortabedian Editorial Page: Arthur Lerner, Kathleen Ricke Arts Page: Herb Bowie Photo technician: Rolfe Tessem Editorial Staff SARA FITZGERALD Editor rAT BAUM ...........Associate Managing Editor GINS$AT CHANET ............. Editorial Director MARK PZLLEN ................. Magazine Editor LIDA DDEEBEN ........ Associate Managing Editor TAMMY JACOBS ................. Managing Editor ARTHUR LNER .. ............ Editorial Director ROBrRT SOMEINER ............ Editorial Director GLORIA JANE SMITH ................. Arts Editor ELP SuEYov3LL ...... ............... Books Editor PAUL TRAVIS .........Associate Managing Editor NIGT EDITORS: Robert Barkin, Jan Benedetti, Di- *no Levick, Jim O'Brien, Chris Parks, Charles Stein, Ted Stein. more viewers to a boring and repetitive event. Astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harri- son Schmitt will gain immortality as the last Americans to touch the surface of the rock we call the moon; at least for a long time to come. They will be traveling to a place called Taurus-Littrow, which sounds like it has more possibilities as an astrological corporation than as a geo- logical gold mine. They will be back December 19 in time for Christmas which is NASA's gift to their families. INTEREST IN this final shot will be limited as in the past. Such adven- tures have become so commonplace that unless something goes wrong, nobody cares. Television ads for the launch are selling hard. "If you miss this one, you'll miss them all," or "See America's last space shot - there'll never be another one!" Still, there is something about watch- ing a rocket flame toward the heavens that holds the interest of millions of Americans. It's much like the crowd watching someone standing on the ledge of a building. Somewhere deep in our hearts is the fear and thrill of disaster which Apollo has already experienced. Moreover, just watching a rocket dis- appear into the sky is on the same excit- ing level for many of watching a golf ball soar through the air. So if you want to see a good American show, tune in to any network around eight or so. If this doesn't interest you, maybe you can catch the late show on Channel 9. -CHUCK BLOOM Letters To The Daily: I HAVE WITHDRAWN from my position as member-at-large of the Student Government Council and announce my resignation from RAP (Responsible Alternative Party). Admittedly, I've been the m o s t silent member, but not because of apathy. I attempted, rather, to lis- ten objectively to all sides of an argument before forming my own opinion. SGC, to me, is not the matire decision-making body it should be. To be more precise - it's a circus. Meetings have become a time to trade witticisms, exchange sar- cast, insult opponents, and see who can "screw the other guy the most." I'm not placing the sole blame of the chaos on the members of my opposing parties; much of it can be attributed to members of my own party. I feel that RAP has been just as narrow-minded as Group and Integrity on many is- sties. I formerly supported the RAP platform because I believed they were an answer to the dishonesty on SGC, but have since come to realize that they themselves were a contributing factor. RAP is not the "responsible alternative" it claims to be, but instead merely another party echoing promises, coining slogans, and is just as cor- rupt, if not more so, than the other parties. In short, my resignation is be- cause of my disgust with the con- duct of the Student Government Council. SGC could more appro- priately be titled KGC (Kiddie Gov- ernment Council), since meetings are a time for members to mimic the wheeling-dealing techniques of the "big time" politicians. To the many students who voted for me -I thank you. But by maintaining my position on the council and as SGC a member of RAP, I feel I would only be supporting the corruption. -Valda McClain, '75 Dec. 4 Ecology reply To The Daily: THERE ARE a number of points of fact, assumption, and analysis in Willard Miller'sarticle on "Rad- ical Ecology . . ." in Sunday's is- sue that I feel are in desperate need of rebuttal, or at least of questioning. In the first few paragraphs of his article, Miller aptly points out the obvious fact that businessmen use advertising to influence the con- sumer. This advertising comes in three basic types. First of all, there is the simple, fact-giving, test re- sults-/reporting, honest s o r t of commercial. While these may be few and far between, they do exist and they serve a useful, healthy function. Theisecond sort of commercial is the downright, out and out lie or misrepresentation. This sort of ad- vertisement, when discovered, is quite rightly driven off the air- waves. The third type of commercial is the sort which Miller said "played on insecurities and anxieties . ." of the public. His solution for this sort of commercial is the same as that for the outright lie, name- ly - take it off the air through the use of governmental powers. This approach can only lead to more and more governmental in- tervention and censorship. A little later on, Miller a 1 s o quite aptly points out the ill ef- fects of governmental interference in the economy. Each day we are all screwed by the government and the screws, in the forms of wage- price freezes and a tax rate which tember A presently takes out almost 50 per cent of the average person's in- come, are getting tighter and tight- er. Unfort-nately, for the ad-ane- ment of logic and reason, in the verv next naragranh, Miller s'vs that what we should do is "to nlace industrv in the hands of the govern- ment." I don't know about vo'i, b>t I'd just as soon Richard Nixon, Maurice Stans, and John Connllv et al kent their greasy, little hands olit of the e !ono-nv and as much as possible, oat of my life. What we need is not the com- plete merging of State and Econ- omy, byt their complete and total separation. Miller then goes on to support a policy of "no growth" in t h e economy. A few words seem to be in order here: No growth (sug- gested substittion: stagnation) was what was going on in the D a r k Ages, and, even more gloomy, the only way for no growth to occur is for the government to forcibly suppressall new ideas and inno- vations in production which might lead to that ghastly crime of rais- ing productivity. THE AUTHOR spends a great deal of time on "private property" and his contention that the free en- terprise advocate's ideal of "pri- vate property" must lead to en- vironmental desecration. This is simply not so. While the, true ad- vocate of free enterprise does in- deed advocate allowing all people to do as they please with their own lives and their own property, he always adds on the important clause so long as they are not in- terfering forcibly with the lives and property of other people." Herein lies Miller's biggest er- ror. It has been governmental in- terference (strip mining permits etc,) or inaction (allowing internal combustion engines to continue pol- luting etc.) which had led to the most harm to the environment. What government should do is to step out of the economy and only interfere when someone's r i g h t s have been violated (eg - pollution of a lake, fraudulent advertising, etc.) Miller then makes a distinction between "private" and "personal" property, and says that we can have the latter without the former. This is blatantly untenable: if I can't own the property on which my house is standing, how can I be said to own the house?; if I don't own the land on which my garden is located, then how can the flow- ers I planted be said to be mine?; and if neither of the above are mine then the government can tell me to move out of my house, what to plant in my garden, and ulti- mately how to run my life. Also, it seems to me to be pain- fulynhvisninc tat wme is vrnnc ference in any form, except where the Human Rights of life, liberty, property, and pursuit of hanviness are being infringed upon." -Alan Klein '75 Member, Libertarian Party Dec. 3 Salary hassle To The Daily: ON THURSDAY, November 30, The Daily printed an article about the Legal Advocate program spon- sored by Student Government Coun- cil. The article stated that t h e legal secretary, Vic Gutman, re- ceives a salary of $4,000 a year and yet has no legal background. Because I have suffered s o m e embarrassment from this mislead- ing. information, I feel that I should clarify the facts regarding my job with SGC. I was hired as a ful time employee to work for only one semester at a salary of $1,800. My duties are "to spend as much time demanded by the legal advocate in researching information pertinent to his cases, sipplying information about the various University offi- ces and student governments on campus, and helping his clients muddle through the tiresome Uni- ve'sity bureaucracy. The other half of my time is spent on several major projects re- garding student organizations be- ing sponsored by SGC and Organi- zational Services. On November 31 The Daily at- tached an editor's note to the end of a letter written by Bill Jacobs, president of Student Government Council, stating that "Jacobs is cor- rect that SGC has so far allocated only $1,800 for Gutman's salary. However, the per-hour wage is based on a $4,000 annual salary". This is also not true. The legal secretary position, as budgeted by SGC is to be a half-time job with a salary of $2,000 per semester. I am working full time at a salary of $1,800 for one semester only. -Vic Gutman Dec. 2 Harassed Arabs To The Daily: I)RAGNET INVESTIGATION, in- terrogation, and surveillance of Arabs living in the United States, by federal agents, is an outrage. It is an intolerable invasion of the rights of those Arabs, and a threat to the liberties of every citizen. The American Civil Liberties Un- ion is doing, at the national level, all that we can do to bring such activities to a halt, and to cause the attorney general to give puulnc assurance that they will n")t be re- commenced. Terrorist incidents abroad create genuine concern in this country fOr all persons. Jews and Arabs es- have a clear obligation even to avoid creating the impression in the Arabic community that public statements of support for the Ara- bic position in the Arab-Israeli dis- pute will be reason enough for fed- eral officers to take an official in- terest in the spokesmen of those views. Instances of such harassment or intimidation, deliberate or inad- vertent, should be reported locally to the American Civil Liberties Un- ion. (See ACLU telephone listing.) Official acts which, however in- tended, chill the political atmos- phere and cramp free discussicn are damaging to us all. -Carl Cohen Chairman American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan Nov. 30 Prostitution To The Daily: IT WAS interesting to notice that the criticisms of Michael Castle- man's article on prostitution came from males. It is also interesting that most of the anti-abortion speakers I've heard have been men. As a woman, prostituted in many ways, I find many good and sal- ient points in Michael's article - points that many men seem to fiud it in their best interest to miss. -Kathleen Cook, Grad. Nov. 28 Housing Policy Board To The-Daily: THERE WAS one interesting sidelight to the debate by the O.S.S. Policy Board as to whether the University Housing Council (the re- presentative student body elected directly by students) or the exist- ing Housing Policy Board (con- taining only non-residents of Uni- versity Housing) should make pol- icy for the students living in Univ- ersity Housing. One member, in fact the chair- man, of the Housing Policy Board is an appointee of the Tenant's Un- ion. This member opposed letting the residents of University Housing set policy on matters concerning U Housing tenants, and went one to say that neither he, his board, nor the Tenant's Union favored tenant control of housing. This incident not only shows the extent to which the organizational shell known at the Tenant's Union has abandoned all its original prin- ciples, but also the unfailingly way the University manages to fill un- elective students seats on Univer- sity committees with Uncle Toms. This, of course, is the best of reasons why the non-elective Hous- ina n- fnrr ohnnlA ha ranlnr. IcClain resigns 11 / II i . _d l ' *Q ZAIZge"A - .7' C' - & - / - ~ IL- 1-7