AUTO PRICE BOOST See Editorial Page Y Sir& E3 a abeI WET High-35 Law-18 See today ... for details Vol. LXXX III, No. 73 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, December 5, 1972 Ten Cents Eight Pages today.. I if you see news happen call 76-DAILY 'LAST CHANCE' COMPROMISE City Council passes ward plan Masterful inactivity The LSA faculty reached new heights inactivity yesterday when, after an hour and a half of discussion, they failed to keep their quorum and adjourned. Maintaining a three month tradi- tion, the faculty was unable to take a vote on a proposal to allow students to gain up to 60 hours of credit without attending classes by passing an exam. In other "action" the LSA Joint Student- Faculty Committee presented a proposal on grading reform which may ble voted on in a later meeting if anyone shows up. Study, study, study For those of you trying to make up all the work you didn't do this term, there is good news. The UGLI will be open extra hours during Study and Examination days. Starting Thursday, Dec. 14 the library will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Good luck. Dope notes Fifty pounds of hashish was found by customs officials yes- terday hidden in secret compartments of cages holding two Himalayan bears on their way to California from Napal. Four people were arrested and one bear shot. Meanwhile, a con- gressional panel concluded after an 18-month intensive study that excessive use of sleeping pills and tranquilizers constitutes a major national health problem leading to violence and death. They urge stricter Federal controls. Happenings .. . We could only find two items in our file today. The Oceano- logical Society will show a color film entitled The World of Jaques Cousteau at their 7:30 meeting at room 1040 in the School of Natural Resources. It's free . . . The School of Music Recital Hall will hold a student recital of piano chamber music at 5:00 p.m. Also free . . . If anything else of interest is hap- pening let us know. Another revolution Strongman Gen. Oswaldo Lopez Arellano took power in Hon- duras yesterday after that country's 137th revolution in 151 years, ousting civilian President Ramon Ernesto Cruz in a bloodless military coup and placing him under house arrest. A communique broadcast by, the Defense Council in Tegucigalpa, the Tonduran capital, accused Cruz of plunging Honduras-an impoverished "Banana Republic" whose economy is based on vast banana plantations set up by U. S. companies - into economic chaos. Rumsfeld appointed Donald Rumsfeld, now head of the Cost of Living Council, was nominated by President Nixon for thejob which the Presi- dent was said to regard as "one of the most important diplo- matic posts in Europe." Rumsfeld, 40, a handsome and person- able former Illinois congressman, has had no previous diplo- matic experience. Rumsfeld will get the title of ambassador in the NATO post where he replaces David Kennedy, former Secretary of the Treasury and roving emissary for Nixon in the international economic field. Pentagon phones The largest office building in the world-The Pentagon, with 28,000 employes-was without normal telephone service for 22 minutes yesterday. But the Defense Department headquarters on the shore of the Potomac River across from downtown Wash- ington did not lose its so-called "secure lines" providing links to military installations, a spokesman said. And the Washington- Moscow "hot line" did not cease functioning, the Pentagon of- ficial added. "We still don't know what caused thestrouble," spokesman John McGuire said after the problem was cleared up. "It takes some time to go into all those black boxes and figure out what happened." X-rated motel Guests at Cleveland's Hillcrest Motel who tune in to catch the late movie won't have to settle for a B-flick from the 1940s. Motel owner Owen Kilbane has set up a closed circuit television system that features X-rated movies six times a day through the week and three times on Sundays. Kilbane, 25, bought the Hillcrest six months ago and began his new programming this weekend. Approval given for changes 'in Model Cities organizati By GORDON ATCHESON courts. "I'm sure the ward boun- Clerk Harol and DEBRA THAL daries will go to court," comment- plan is uphe Following an eleventh hour com- ed David Foulke, Republican mem- be no delay promise, the Human Rights Party ber on the commission. Observers But were th and Democratic Party joined forces say there is little chance any court might not h last night to ram a new ward will overturn The Last Chance June or July boundary plan through City Coun- Plan, however, since it has coun- Following cil. cils' approval. dispute, cou Council also passed a controver- "I will at least begin to draft ginning ofa sial resolution which will effect the new ward boundaries contin- legislation th, major organizational changes in gent on court action," said City See CO Ann Arbor's Model Cities program. It further passed on first reading an ordinance which would place Model Cities under the supervisionot yAoissenger, The new ward system-dubbed the Last Chance Plan - passed council by a 6-5 vote with all Demo- crats and HRP council members voting against. An HRP - Democratic coalition By AP and Reuters drew up the plan last weekend in Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho of North V a desperation attempt to prevent terday for a total of five hours, opening what alle passage of the Republican "Green round of secret talks before a Vietnam cease-fii Plan." The Republican council- A restricted morning session of President Nix members did not learn of the Last aierid oras sessbyn furerdtwo Chance Plan until- last night's;adviser and Tho was followed by a further two meeting. noon meeting in which the full delegations - The Last Chance Plan purported- both sides - joined Kissinger and Tho at a nev ly provides no "sure" wards for The Florida White House said the talks willc any political party. The plan The complete news blackout that has been seems to favor HRP in one ward, Kissinger's 21 previous meetings with the Han On d Saunders. "If the ld in court, there will s in April's elections. e plan thrown out we ave the elections until ly," he added. the ward boundary ncil took up the be- a massive amount. of iat must be passed be- )UNCIL, Page 8 Tho taltics ietnam met twice yes- egedly will be the final re is signed. ixon' s national security and a half hour after- about 10 officials on w rendezvous. continue today. n imposed throughout noi Politburo member I Don't bug ine Vice President Spiro Agnew tells reporters he doesn't have time to answer their questions as he leaves the Republican Governors Conference in Scottsdale, Ariz., yesterday. Agnew spoke with the governors during a closed-door breakfast in the morning and left immediately after for Washington. OCAL HEARINGS SET: Supr~eme Court to- act on Conn. tuition case the Republicans in anotheran theRemubcainsinthreeardshe'cldand other Hanoi negotiators continued in force. te to eihr o threeparedsaccourd The North Vietnamese chose the luxury villa of a French indus- ing to many observers, c trialist at Sainte Gemme, about 20 miles west of Paris, as the latest Councilmember Norris Thomas negotiating site. (D-First Ward) moved the Last Administration sources in Washington say the talks are moving Chance Plan as an amendment to to a climax. It has been disclosed that the Saigon administration has the Green Plan. The Green Plan, issued a directive to senior officials to prepare for a cease-fire. approved by council last week, Saigon's chief administrator at the four power Paris peace talks, favored the Republicans in three Ambassador Pham Dang Lam, repeated yesterday that two questions wards and HRP in the remaining Saigon considers crucial remain to be settled: student wards. -Agreement by North Vietnam to pull out what Saigon says are Republicans charged the Last 300,000 troops from the South, Chance Plan was unacceptable be -A clear definition of the role and function of the proposed Na- to t WadrBoundaries ubmis- tional Council for Reconciliation and Concord that would be set up to t e W r o n ais C m i-sion for approval, after a cease-fire. Steve Nissen, chairman of the Lam said South Vietnam cannot accept the proposed national Ward Boundaries Commission and council being described as "a power or governmental structure" an HRP member, worked out the which, he noted is how the present Vietnamese text of the draft agree- Last Chance Plan with Theodore ment has it. Beals, a Democrat on the Com- He said the council should clearly be charged only with the func- n mission. They began working Sat- tion of holding future elections. e urday and completed the details Observers noted, however, that Lam did not say that Saigon g of the plan just hours before last would reject the allegedly imminent ceasefire agreement. to Beals. There is no indication that North Vietnam is willing to go beyond Democratic and HRP members an unwritten pledge to pull back some of its troops. e of the Ward Boundary Commission Meanwhile, South Vietnam's National Security Council met twice h had originally reached a compro- with President Nguyen Van Thieu yesterday in Saigon to consider e mise on the so-called "Black Plan." the latest United States Proposals for a settlement of the Vietnam war. o The Black Plan, however, failed In another development, the U. S. Command reported American to receive the support of Demo-iserviceman strength dropped to 25,000 in Vietnam,. less than the tar- ry'cratic councilmembers Robert Fa- 1 get of 27,000 by Dec. 1 'set by President Nixon. "ber (D-Second Ward) and Nelson U. S. spokesmen did not attach any importance to the drop. Said nMeade (D-Third Ward) and Mayorfo ne: "We just went below it. There is no particular reason." -Robert Harris at last weeks coun- He added that it was possible U. S. troop strength might show :odl meeting., The Republicans made several a gain in next Monday's reporting period because of troop replace- politicalmaneuvers to prevent ments and other reporting factors. By AP and UPI The Supreme Court agreed yes- terday to rule on higher tuition rates for out-of-state college stu- dents-an issue that could have heavy impact on fees paid by all students at state-supported col- leges. The case, accepted for review next spring, comes from Con- necticut. There a' three-judge court held students who had set up permanent residence could not be charged the higher fees for the full length of their academic careers. Possibly riding on the outcome is the $200 million to $400 million collected by the states in non- resident tuition each year. If the justices agree Hartford, all colleges may higher tuition. with the panel ir students in state wind up paying Free school seeks Lloyd lounge home By SUE TRETHEWAY and JUDITH NEWMAN "You can learn from anyone, anything, anywhere," says John Butler, founder and one of four teachers at the Pass-it-on-Freedom School. On the inside. The new Byrds album are reviewed by Harry Ha] the Editorial Page featur life by William O'Neill ...; basketball game are on the The weather ji Today's weather will be excuse this year to skip cla Watch," according to UPI, accumulate changing to ra perature will reach 36 and+ best bet is to stay inside. Since the free school's inception this summer, Butler and his fel- low teachers have made a philo- sophical point of taking their 11 and the new one by Al Kooper students, aged five to 12, out into mmitt are on the Arts Page . . . the community each day. es a nostalgic look at campus For the past two weeks teachers and all the details of last night's and students have been forced to xSports Page. ;follow this theory of learning to a tee. Lacking a suitable building in which to meet and hold classes, )iture they meet at 9 a.m. at such genuinely miserable - the best places as Mark's Coffee House asses. There is a "Winter Storm or the Union and break into groups and several inches of snow will to explore the community. in later in the afternoon. Tem- A permanent home is the one dip to 29 in the evening. You're state requirement the school lacks for accredition. With both quali-, fied teachers and a curriculum ap- proved by the Ann Arbor School STUDENT GRADERS District, they are desperately se=rching a suitable building to achieve accredited status and have' inquired about the use of Alice Lloyd Hall's Klein Lounge. But although Lloyd's government has approved the plan, University officials have proved a stumbling block so far. A meeting between the free school directors and University housing officials yesterday was ex- pected to decide the issue, but Vice President for Student Services H-enry Johnson told the school's supportershe had no authority to rule on the plan. Johnson said the proposal will be discussed at a meeting of the Uni- versity executive officers a week' from Thursday. In the meantime, the school faces a crisis situation, since its stu- dents have been declared truant. Early efforts at finding a home for the free school began in August at the Memorial Christian Church. "We planned to move into the church," stated Martha Wade, mother of one student, "but one' week before school was to start in September, the church board re- fused us, saying that some mem- bers didn't approve of free schools as the means of changing the edu- cational process." Failure to find another building led them to meet in basements belonging to students and sympa- thetic friends until Friends of Sostis offered daytimeruse of a b'ilding owned by Solstis, a free form school at 706 Oakland. Butler Meanwhile oral arguments ar scheduled to beginnext week it a class action suit against the University of Michigan which seeks to eliminate out-of-state tuition for students registered t vote in Michigan. The suit, filed by six University students, contends students whc are registered voters in Michigan should not be considered out-of state residents and be required t pay higher tuition. If the suit is decided agains the University, it could cost then $12 million dollars in lost fees. I1 could also affect all state col leges and universities whicf charge higher tuition rates fo non-residents. Arguments in the case wer slated forDec. 14th in WashtenaA County Circuit Court. Of the complaintants in th University suit, five are marrie men studying law at the gradu ate level. The sixth, Caryn Miller is an undergraduate student. They are natives of states a far away as California, but say they have chosen to becom( Michigan residents and are in n way dependent on their parents. The Connecticut tuition system on which the Supreme Court wil rule was challenged by two stu dents. One married a Universit of Connecticut student and move into the state from California The second was a graduate stu dent who moved from Ohio. The fees, established by th state legislature last year, alloy localresidents to attend the uni versity at Storrs for $175 a year but charge out-of-state student $975. The three-judge court in Har ford, in striking down the system last June, said that even ifr higher tuition is reasonable at th start it is wrong to charge thi higher rate throughout the stu dent's academic career. Connecticut appealed. It tol the Supreme Court the Constitug tion gives states "a wide rang( of discretion in enacting law: which affect some of the resi tL it -1 :h r e e d , iel -d r, ; s ty o m ill U- ty :d a. u- e w ii- s .t- al el is u- ii 5d is ' ,-_ passage of the Last Chance Plan. Councilmember John McCormick~ (R-Fifth Ward) moved to defer a vote on the plan charging "The Last Chance Plan amendment to the Green Plan causes significant changes in the ordinance." After lengthy and often heated debate, the motion was defeated 6-5. The vote was along partisan lines with the Republicans casting the five affirmative votes. The Republicans are expected to appeal council's decision to the The latest official U. S. strength summary gave the breakdown: Army 14,600, Air Force 8,000, Navy 1,600, Marines 1,200and Coast Guard 100. This does not include the 100,000 men stationed at air bases in Thailand and on warships of the 7th Fleet. At the same time Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) said yesterday in Washington that South Vietnamese refugees have increased at an alarming pace since presidential adviser Henry Kissinger's "Peace is at hand" statement on Oct. 26. Kennedy, who headsthe Senate Judiciary Subcommittee 'on refugees, said in a statement that the four weeks since the Kissinger statement civilian war victims by official count total some 72,300, a daily average of nearly 2,600 and a weekly average of more than 18,000. 'They sure play a mean pinball' By DAVID GROSSMAN A conglomeration of b e 11 s, buzzers and flashing lights pierce the hazy smoke filled room. One unyielding face is focused in in- tense concentration on a box of disguised relays and solenoids. An awe inspired audience is crowded silently around the cen- ter of fusion as if witness to some clanestine ritual. This tradition-pinball-is "as American as baseball and hot dogs," according to an in:crip- tion on Gottliebs' "Sunshine," a pinball machine of 1959 vintage -only the second model nmade to employ the use of flippers. This machine among others was used in the championship ~ K Who marks your papers? By RALPH VARTABEDIAN Who graded the last paper you submitted in a literary college course? Was it your professor, a fourth year doctoral candidate, a first year graduate student, or how about an undergraduate senior? At the University, all of these are possibilities. As literary school classes grow larger, some I know of no conceivable way I could read all the papers myself." When asked what class size justifies using a grader, professors pegged the limit anywhere from 41 to 200 students. The low figure was quoted by English Prof. Cecil Eby and the high number by anthropology Prof. Joseph Jorgensen. I LN