Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, December., 1972 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, December 3, 1972 Yankees gra MOSCOW (P) - Like jet-age Yankee peddlers, American businessmen have been flocking to Moscow in the post- summitt afterglow, their brief cases bulging with deals to offer the Rus- sians. "It really is a quantum jump," said an American diplomat of the influx of hundreds of U. S. businessmen since President Nixon's summit talks here last May, "And it's going to get a lot worse." "American businessmen are faddish, whether it be yo-yo's or hula hoops," added the diplomat, whose main job is guiding American executives through Soviet red tape. "The thing to do in '72 is come here and explore to find out the Russians don't have two heads, that the Russian bureaucracy is only slight- ly less complicated than the Chinese." One American businessman in Mos- cow called the increase in U. S. busi- ness activity in the Soviet Union "al- most like a gold rush." U. S. specialists predict the ex- panded Soviet - American trade con- tacts will result in a turnover of $300 million worth of industrial goods this year, not counting U. S. grain sales. This would be a one-third increase over last year, when total turnover amount- ed to slightly more than $200 million. The past couple of weeks have been fairly typical of the wide variety of goods and service the Yankees are b for, peddling: -Pepisco, Inc., says it will set up a bottling plant in the Soviet Union next year to distribute Pepsi-Cola in ex- change for Russian vodka, champagne, wine and brandy; -The New York Stock Exchange chairman, James J. Needham, told So- viet bankers how Wall Street might help bankroll Soviet-American trade deals; and -The Chase Manhattan Bank got So- viet approval to open a representative office in Moscow to explore trade chan- nels and financing opportunities. Despite all the comings and goings and optimistic announcements, rela- tively few contracts actually have been Zllosco U; concluded and signed. Among the big- ger ones are an agreement by Inter- national Harvester to sell the Russians 400 earth-moving and pipe-laying trac- tors; and an IBM deal to barter a third generation 360-50 computer for Soviet chemical products. A reason for the relative sparsity of contracts so far is that doing busi- ness with Russians is generally time- consuming and sometimes a monu- mental hassle with bureaucracy. Many a fast-paced U. S. executive has made the long and expensive trek and spent days trying to get an ap- pointment with a Soviet official. Then he has got the runaround from one foreign trade organization to another- gold most designated by such jaw-crunching acronyms as Soyuzkoopvneshtorg, nef- tefhimpromexport or tekhmashimport. The Russians have acquired a repu- tation for being tough, shrewd and well- informed about U. S. products. "The Russians are the greatest poker players in the world when it comes to doing business," says one American businessman. "They love to bargain, and unless you stay with it, you could lose your head in anger . . . or your shirt." U. S. executives have also been get- ting good marks. According to a Rus- sian economic official, the Americans are proving "cool and capable and pa- tient people to deal with." SKI CHEAP Via - JACKSON HOLilEd M KEYSTONEE " STEAMBOAT SPRINGS " BRECKINRIDGE * VAIL & OTHER GREAT SLOPES Departs Dec. 26, Return Jon. 7 $240-255 for all lifts (I 1 days) All food, travel, and lodging Call Brad, 449-2668; Josie, 769-3718 INFO MEETING: 624 Church 3rd Floor, Mon., Dec. 4-7:30 p.m. Subscribe to The Daily * * CINEMA II PRESENTS * - SUNDAY 3 DECEMBER 7:00-THE 39 STEPS I 9:00- PSYCHO these two films by Alfred Hitchcock are one dollar each, at: AUDITORIUM A--ANGELL HALL -I ~-~OC.'X.Y~ ~ Miy Lai I ease. to be 4 - v ealed WASHINGTON W - After 20 months in house arrest Lt. William Calley Jr. will have a new day in court tomorrow when his case goes before the Army Court of Review here. }-: Calley, convicted of murdering r at least 22 unresisting Vietnamese civilians at Mai Lay in 1968, will , not be present as lawyers argue his conviction and 20-year sentence. Calley's lawyers claim that the U. S. Court of Military Appeals: committed32Ferrors in his first trial held at Ft. Benning Ga. last 4f year. Many of the alleged errors are technical; others are in such areas as adverse publicity, com- of evidence. Denouncing "the most intense. and continued prejudicial publicity ever encountered in the history of the American courts," Calley's lawyers said pictures in newspap- ers, magazines and on television 5 "were so inflammatory and sedi- tious that they removed any chance Calley had of receiving a ICountdowvn , fair trial and created prejudice,I hatred and open hostility world- A member of the International Alliance o wide." Employes prepares for the union's anticip Rcommand ing. The strike could possibly delay the De controland influence of superiors which will rely on the union's workers for Calley's lawyers quoted state- and photographs. ments by President Nixon and De- fense Secretary Melvin Laird when CHANGES, EXPECTED: the My Lai story unfolded in late !Anti-IR law close as Viol ence Amounts { By United Press International steel security barriers the Brit- [ Prominent members of the Irish ish army has erected around the Republican. Army (IRA) went un- downtown area and through which derground yesterday to forestall an shoppers must pass. expected police roundup as soon ras new ati-IRA legislation being The blast wounded persons wait- considered in Dublin becomes law. ing to be searched at the barrier The bill is in the senate com- and damaged several buildings, po- mittee stage before its third and lice said. final reading. Presidenlt Eamon3 de Valera was standing by ready to Two people were killed in later sign the bill into law as soon as incidents. it cleared the senate. .A 26-year-old woman was hit in! The new law would give the Irish the head by shots fired through herl government sweeping powers to 1 kitchen window in predominantly are st suspevience thmemberstae- Protestant East Belfast, police said. ment of any senior police officer Her death came only hours af- that an accused person belongs to ter police discovered a Roman an illegal organization. Catholic man's naked body in a Belfast street. They said he had Early this morning in Dublin, been tortured and branded with the anti-terrorism bill passed thethiniasote Senate, after some 10 hours of IRA. debate. The Michigan Daily, edited and man- aged by students at the University of Michigan. News phone: 764-0562. Second Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues- day through Sunday morning Univer- sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by carrier (campus area); $11 local mail (in Mich. or Ohio); $13 non-local mail (other states and foreign). Summer Session published Tuesday through Saturday morning. Subscrip- tion rates: $5.50 by carrier (campus area); $6.50 local mall (in Mich. or Ohio); $7.50 non-local mail (other states and foreign). -1- - i7 i ! ,, s' ' I i+ A i h- The ARTS CHORALE, It conducted by MAYNARD KLEIN "1PRESENTS A ""CHRISTMAS CONCERT Wednesday, Dec. 6th Hill Aud. 8 p.m. . ~FREE ! MARI LYN MASON-Organ RALPH HERBERT-Cantor Bloch's Sacred Service Christmas Carols DISTLER BRUCKNER ! f "Y " " . f "Y 4 F f0 " : . . of Theatrical and Stage ated strike against Boe- c. 6 launch of Apollo 17, processing information During the day police and army bomb disposal experts checked out more than a dozen bomb warnings in Dublin. After evacuating t h e main post office on O'Connell Street, a few yards from the scene of Friday night's blast, the army! blew up a Volkswagon which had been left parked near the building. Army units were on standby alert, troops guarded public build- ings, police leave was canceled and extra police were drafted in from the provinces. Police and army commanders met to map out an emergency security system to deal with the possibility of more bomb- ings. Meanwhile, in Northern Ireland, terrorist activity continued to plague the city of Belfast. A bomb exploded near a crowd of people waiting to go through a downtown Belfast security bar- rier yesterday, injuring 22 persons. The bomb, estimated at about 100 pounds, exploded in an alley- way 20 yards inside one of the Shop at Folletts Paperback Books :' 5:1 .i Ka:°l W_ i:.7T . s. _i:.t r a 7:177" ": a':/77 1:/1P + : 7+R i. l '" l . + i:r " i" "^s CITY OT CE 1969. "Any fair reading of the state- menits' of the superiors," said the defense brief, "leads to an Ines- capable conclusion that It was the policy, dictated from on high, toI try .to convict and punish the par- ticipants in the alleged My Lai in- cident. In order to cleanse the Army of any guilt.." Calley's lawyers also claim that the conviction of Calley was prompted by the need for a scape- goat. Although the Army had charged. 25 men in connection with the My Lai killings only six were court-: nartialed. Of the six, only Calley was convicted. Should the review court affirm the conviction and sentence, Cal- ley can petition the Court of Mili- tary Appeals - and he has onej other ace in the hole, President Nixon. Within hours of the sen- tencing on March 31 last year, Nix-. on said he would conduct a final review - and he ordered the house arrest, rather than allow Calley to be transferred to the military prison at Ft. Leaven- worth, .Kan. Labor Party wins Australian elections By the AP, UPI and Reuters CANBERRA - The Australian Labor Party (ALP) after 23 years in opposition, was swept into of- fice yesterday on a "it's time for a change" platform, oust- ing the ruling conservative coal- ition. With 70 per cent of the v o t e counted, the ALP, led by Ed- ward Gough Whitlam, was as- sured of at least a majority of 10 seats in the 125-member House of Representatives. whittam defeatea Prime Min- ister William McMahon, leader of the conservative Liberal-Coun- trv coalition. The coalition has controled the Australian government since 1949. The Labor victory in Australia comes one week after the Labor party in nearby New Zealand swept into power. "The new government w i 11 have a very good mandate to car- ry out all its policies," Whitlam s id. Some major changes are ex- pected in foreign policy. Whitlam has said Australia will recognize the People's Republic of China, which he has advocated since 1954. He also said he would pull Aus- tralia out of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, already weakened by the recent defection of Pakistan and the inactivity of France. But it is in domestic policies that the most sweeping changes are expected. The Labor Party has promised a new era of open gov- ernment, by means of some 20 boards and commissions dealing with education, fuel, hospitals, conservation and taxation. It has also promised to abol- ish military conscription, fix pen- sions at one quarter of average weekly earnings, and introduce a nationalized health insurance scheme. Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at 7:30 P.M., Mon- day, December 4, 1972 at the Council Chamber, City Hall, for the purpose of hearing all persons interested in the adoption of a new plan for the di- vision of City Wards; the so called "Green Plan"-said plan and other plans having had consideration, being posted in the Lobby of City Hall with sup- portive data and descriptions available for public examination at the City Clerk's Office, 2nd Floor of City Hall. ' t off 'Ai "" :i74 $C.t..h x UAC-DAYSTAR PRESENTS the allman brothers band / ~4~y &' SAT. SUN. TALES OF MAN HATTAN Dir. Jules Duvivier. 1942 Series of episodes in the manner of "Grand Ho- tel," some comical, some sad. With Charles Laugh- ton in a great perform- ance. An extremely popu- lar film in its time, it de- serves a revival. MON. Charley Chaplin feature TWV DII I.DIkA r ... ...... . . ...... . .....:...... y .: . .......... ., ::: :: ..... I