4 TRB 14ge £idian Dailij Eighty-two years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Four more years to weaken Congress? 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in ail reprints. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1972 SGC: Reefer madness? STUDENT GOVERNMENT Council, in its actions Thursday night on the proposed Dope Co-op has shown once again why so many students refuse to take their government seriously, rand why SGC is perhaps aptly described as a "sandbox government." The proposal, as offered by Dave Hornstein, would have allocated $2,500 of student government funds to a dope co-op, run by SGC, with the aim of pro- viding free marijuana for students. The farce which followed, as planned by the proponents of the proposal, served to highlight the amount of time and energy which SGC devotes to unconstructive ac- tivities. After almost an hour of circus-like de- bate, lobbying, arguing and general un- ruliness on the part of some members and the gallery of spectators, SGC Presi- dent Bill Jacobs finally brought an end to the foolishness with a decisive "no" vote, canceling a 6-5 majority in favor of the proposal, and bringing its defeat under parliamentary procedure. PANDEMONIUM did not stop there, however. A brief recess follow- ed, during which irate students called for Jacobs' recall and began formulating plans to circulate petitions to that ,effect, charging Jacobs with failure to represent student interests. Furthermore, the national news media have picked up the story and spread the word that, despite other urgent campus problems, our student government busies itself with basically silly business. The idea of a dope co-op is frivolous. Marijuana, like it or not, is illegal. Thus, such a program, regardless of the SGC vote could not possibly materialize on a public level. Furthermore, the Regents would probably put a freeze on the fund- ing required for the proposition. To its credit, SGC has instituted some worthwhile projects, and is working on others. A legal advocate has been hired for student representation, and a pro- gram of low-cost housing for students is in the works. Upcoming legislation looks promising. SGC is trying to get its food co-op rolling, is interested in establishing a day-care center and is looking into better grading systems. CAN SGC accomplish such goals? Not while some of its members are in- terested in playing power politics, dis- playing strict partisanship, and showing interest only in matters of interpersonal intrigue. Individually, the SGC represen- tatives all seem qualified to sit on Coun- cil. Collectively however, they appear un- able to compromise and unite rationally on important issues. Nor does President Bill Jacobs escape blame. To his credit, Jacobs has shown responsibility where needed, such as in his vote Thursday night. Though sincere in his attempts to mold a strong SGC, he has often failed to project the strong leadership and self-control needed for his position. Furthermore, if the matter of a recall campaign is to be taken seriously, it is hoped that its sponsors will have better motivation for such an action than Ja- cobs' vote on the dope co-op. There is such a thing as carrying a joke too far. GC ELECTIONS ended over a month ago. Now it is time for its members to sit down and get to work. A Student Government Circus we don't need. -MARTIN STERN By RICHARD STROUT WE MAY BE reading Mr. Nixon wrong but it seems to us that he's preparing to kick Congress around as it has rarely been kick- ed before. The showdown 'may de- cide if presidential dominance is here to stay. For 50 years presidential power has grown and two-party discipline has shrunk. But you can't run our 18th century system of checks and balances without effective p a r t y structure, short of piling up pres- idential power. And indeed, that's what's happened. Now we may be at a real water- shed. Ticket-splitting couldn't have gone farther than it did in 1972 with Mr. Nixon's lonely landslide. Once more we have two-headed government in Washington. There were six years of divided govern- ment starting in 1954; and n o w there will be another six years, counting forward from 1968 to 1974 (and probably, we guess, to 1976). In more than half of 20 years nei- ther party has been in charge of our government. AT PRESENT Mr. Nixon seems to be preparing, in a nice way of course, to show who's boss. Two days before the election he was so certain of a landslide that he outlined to Garnett Horner of the sympathetic Washington Star-News his plans for a second term (pub- lished after the election); on the domestic front it was a negative mix against permissiveness and welfare. Next came from the White House, again to the sympathetic Star- News, the report of a program for major reorganization of govern- ment "without approval of C o n- gress" (as the story said); it was explained that Mr. Nixon has vast "powers to make major changes in the administration of the bur- eaucracy unless specifically pro- T i A crats are divided and demoraliz- ed. But powerful as he is he has certain embarrassments. He can't run again, and this always dimin- ishes the Executive's power a bit, particularly in the final two "ear i. Furthermore, there is dissension within the GOP between conserva- tives and liberals and it runs pret- ty deep. There is sullen criticism of Mr. Nixon himself by some conserva- tives for not aiding Republicans in Congress; in particular the defeat- ed Senator Gordon Allott of Col- orado who asked vainly for Mr. Nixon's help when he found he was in trouble. The President, how- ever, didn't go; he sensed a land slide and didn't want to give Mc- Govern any openings. Finally, there's that little mat- ter of the Watergate. Where it will lead, knows God, but we will have public hearings come January. Sev- eral of the Watergate White House figures appear to be quietly leav- ing. So now let's look at the unhappy Democrats. On December 3, the Democratic governors and governors-elect from 31 states assemble in St. Louis, and on December 9 the Democratic National Committee holds a post mortem here in Washington. Most press discussion turns on person- alities, and whether Jean Westwood would continue as national chair- man. She is associated with t h e McGovern fiasco and it's human nature to seek a sacrifice. THE REAL STAKES we think, go far deeper. They come down to whether the Democrats can pull themselves together and modernize themselves and thereby reaffirm the system of checks and balances a anst the encroaching W h i t e HIue. It's now :>r never, we think, on party responsibility. Can they a'so modernize procedure in Con- gress? Democrats at Miami Beach ten- tatively voted to set up a 100- nember charter commission to vwrite a formal charter for the party, and to authorize the N a- tional Committee to call i ga ter- ing, or convention, two years hence, "on Democratic organizatioa and pnlicy." This could be the first mia-term convention in history 'rtish political parties ho'd con- ventions every, year. American parties meet for a few days every four yearsand then go back to skep again. Democrats put in far-reaching re- forms on delegate selection pro- cedures at Miami Beach and pro- bably carried them too far, but something had to be done after the Chicago 1968 debacle. Now the question is whether Democrats will simply turn the clock back. Former chairman Larry O'Brien had sapient words at Miami Beach: "What I have seen through my adult life is the deterioration of party organizations at all levels. ' Now, he went on, Democrats are out to reform. They are the oldest party in the Western world. Norm- ally, he said, "parties reach a point where massive reform is neces- sary for political survival. Almost always they have chosen to die - we have chosen to live." Is that correct? That's the real issue to- day. Richard Strout writes the syn- dicated TRB colnia. Reprinted by permission of New Republic. Copyright 1972, Harrison - Blaine, of New Jersey, Inc. hibited by prior act of Congress." Challenge to Congress Number One An earlier and more serious challenge is still on the books: before the election Mr. Nixon let it be known that he would im- pound (withhold) major funds which Congress had already voted. He would move strongly, it was announced, into a constitutional shadowland of authority by apply- ing, in effect, an item veto. Almost certainly this means a fierce bat- tle. Next the President unexpectedly requested the pro forma resigna- tion of presidential appointees down to the commission level, including several thousand top officials. Something of this sort is always done between terms but never, in our recollection, with such osten- tatious brutality. There was also the sudden ouster of Father Hesburgh, for t h r e e years chairman of the US Civil Rights Commission, and the watch- dog of civil rights enforcement. He seemed to be a fixture here and we always supposed he had inde- pendent status; maybe he did; he didn't choose to exercise it. Many and many a time he has seemed to us to be the conscience of Amer- ica; he called busing a "phony issue." Every black in America must get the message of this ouster - with the sinking feeling that fol- lowed Reverend Martin L u t h e r King's death. MR. NIXON is making ever} - thing shipshape while the Demo- Por, and Relations with Cuba THE LACK of diplomatic relations with Cuba is yet another tragic example of America's misguided "ping-pong" di- plomacy. This island, a mere 90 miles from our nation is all but neglected in V. S. foreign policy. Close parallels can be drawn between Cuba and other nations in which the United States has sought to quell the "Red tide of Communism," while at the same time suppressing real nationalistic movements. Fidel Castro was, more or less, pushed to embrace Communism. He has said that "the American reaction to his agrarian reforms of May 1959 made me realize that there was no chance to reach an accommodation with the United States." America's intervention and consequent T oday'sstaff: News: Penny Blank, Dave Burhenn, Linda Dreebes, Debbie Knox, Nancy Rosen- baum, Paul Travis Editorial Page: Arthur Lerner, Eric Schoch Arts Page: Jeff Sorenson, Gloria Jane Smith Photo technician: David Margolick manipulation of Cuban internal affairs merely caused unnecessary antagonism. Later, a long silence between the United States and Cuba followed the missile crisis, interrupted only by sporadic hi- j ackings. Castro is truly lionized in his country. Unknown to many of us, he has made exceptional progress building on the state of affairs left by his predecessor. Formerly landless peasants now own farm plots, illiteracy is all but eliminated and the 20 per cent unemployment un- der former dictator Batista has been erased. What will it take to normalize rela- tionships with other nations? Terrorism? The specter of nuclear destruction? Or a worldwide holocaust of pollution? OUR NATION must remove its one-way eyeglasses and regard nations from a much less selfish point of view. We should take this opportunity to answer Cuba's "ping" about outlawing hijackings with our own "pong" of normalizing dip- lomatic relations. -BILL HEENAN By ROBERT WILSON A NUMBER of weeks ago I re- solved to make my last semes- ter of exams and study a memor- able learning experience so I would have some basis of truth in telling my children what a fine and uprighteous student their father had been. -My early entnusiasm ror a terma paper due in two months was re- warded as I found that all-too-eva- sive volume which by coincidence follows one's proposed outline fair- ly closely. I studiously took some rather general notes, not bother- ing to be precise in the recording of page references, and I marked out a number of those concise, sometimes eloquent passages which tend to fit so nicely into t e r m papers. "Why should I waste time copying all this stuff out," I won- dered innocently, "I can always refer back to the book during the typing stage." A FEW DAYS before the book was due, I visited the bustling lib- rary office and asked if I could renew it for another three weeks. I was greeted with a cheery smile that camouflaged a negative re- sTnonse. After clearing the h o I d files, the due date was noticed and I was told I must wait until then before requesting an extended per- iod of grace. This struck me as~ little more than a slight inconven- ience and I gave the prospect of returning two days hence barely a grumble. The prescribed day arrived and I dutifully strode into a situation which, upon later reflection, clear- ly bore ominous tones of an ordeal. I was informed that since my last visit the book had been placed on call and before I could acknowledge the turn of events, the volume was } { ';. 1 ' I S 1 vI a -w 'i { t r t '. , terr, the desk and asked for the three- dimensional version. My anticipa- tion know no bounds and my ex- pectations grew hard with smold- ering suspense. But the anxiety was not yet to end. "It's out on grad-reserve right now but if yolu want, we can have him bring it inand you can pick it up in five days or so." Somehow, this did not sound all that bad at the time, so I agreed and shufled my disheviled spirits out the door. I decided to allow a few days extra so I did not return to the scene ofhthe book exchange for at least eight days. My second inquiry ended like the first. This time I encountered t h e head matron of the library who grimaced at my motley appearance (not from lack of grooming, I miy add, but from the rigors and ten- sions of academic life) and correct- lv deduced that I was an alien to the Tapoan and Monroe Street do- main. She contemplatively perus- ed her files, pausing intermittent- ly to transmit a rueful glance or two. She informed me that it had been out for just two weeks and it was only right to'allow the present hold- er the minimum of three, "like in laced the grad library. And by the way, name. don't they have a copy over there"' lit of The mere suggestion of that oth- eficial er place telegraphed a tremble ie for through my nerves and a quiver d and of my skin. "No", was my mealy- spira- mouthed reply which for some rea- itv son, did not seem to adequately -t a masquerade my inner feelings. n an After dodging any discussion of ndant my immediately past experiences, logic. Iconsidered what she hid said r has initially. I weighed the notion that Sad the other fellow probably had run the reserve desk I marched in (not quite sure of what tactic to employ) and settled myself for a brief moment before approaching the balustrade of bat- tle. I asked a pretty young miss if Economic Concentration had check- ed in yet, but after rummaging through her files she nodded nega- tively. I fidgeted only the time of a camera click as my whitened knuckles on the counter top stead- ied my involuntary sway. I main- tained a calm exterior and ques- tioned in a plaintive voice if she had any idea of when it might be returned. Her nose dissolved into the files and when it reappeared a smile of discovery underlined the proturber- ance. "It came in Monday and someone checked it out already..." EVERY LIFE force withia me froze as what composure I had pasted on my face a moment be- fore became unglued and melted away. My eyes swam through a sea of red and the tremor of my hearthsent seismic waves through that heap of tile and mortar on i Tappan Ave. The normally placid environment of a place of study and meditation bellowed- menacingly in my ears. My voice sputtered forth in inco- herent protestations as my- mind erupted in what is commonly term- ed a rage, but what I prefer to call an inhuman explosion of primitive emotions, a display of unmitigated violence, a destruction of all ra- tional norms of behavior. As I stalked from that depository of bedevilment, a staccato v o i c e trailed after me: "I'm szrrv but I only work here and I agree that this system n t I stumbled into the fresh air, Y f" yam' ' 4*u4G, f*TL - TS.- Sr dl- If God were a library, Adam and Eve could not have even "taken out" the apple. whisked from my grasp, stamped, codified, re-issue and promptly de- posited on the reservedshelf. "But", I mumbled, out of lack for anything else to say, "I should at least have it for the rest of the day " "I'm sorry, it's too late now,' was the rejoinder. With plenty of time left in tale semester and term paper dead- lines seemingly as remote as tulips and the Stanley Cup, I simply shrugged my dissenting shoulders and moved over to the reserve Letters: Dope c o-op To The Daily: IT IS TOO bad that in its article Dec. 1 about the SGC vote on a dope co-op The Daily did not explain the real moti- vating force behind some of the people supporting the idea. It was difficult to do so because of the bizarre nature of the meeting, so I will try to explain it now. Many of us who spoke in favor of the dope co-op agreed with the position of Marcia Fishman as expressed in yester- day's Daily about better Rises for SGC funds. I would prefer to spend t b e money on hundreds of other more worth- while problems. In the past, with only 25 per cent of the budget SGC now has, we did just the things that a r e now being suggested. And SGC should continue to support these activities. How- ever, the present middle of the road ma- jority on SGC is unwilling to work on this type of project, and prefers to deal with increasing the size of the SGC bureau- cracy and wasting money on adminis- trative activities. In the eleven months since GROUP have been four new vice presidents add- ed to the SGC executive board since GROUP was first elected, at a salary of 480 dollars per year. When serious and substantive propos- als are brought to SGC, they are often very sloppy and show very little thought. It would be nice to go back to the time just a year and a half ago when SGC ran a moderately funded (around $100) free film series for a number of weeks. When the motion to support the series was brought up, every penny that was to be spent was itemized and explained so that there would be no waste. It was possible to hold rational discussions be- tween people of differing political view- points on whether to support the plan. Now the middle of the road majority has made this imposible because they try to railroad things through without a n y thought. The University Housing Council prob- lem with the OSSPB student members is just one example. The GROUP-Integrity power block on SGC rammed the idea .through with no real discussion, and if pops bure co-op. David Hornstein did an excellent job of pointing out the absurdity of the GROUP-Integrity position on SGC by writing up a proposal for a dope co-op that was more sensible than anything that the Bill Jacobs regime had accomplish- ed. Jacobs rose to the occasion by de- veloping his own rules of order when Robert's Rules of Order violated what he wanted to do; he prompted the SGC treasurer to lie to a question that had been asked by Bill Dobbs; and he threat- ened to "beat the shit out of" various people who disagreed with him. When Jabocs finally voted against the dope co-op to cause its defeat, the "boist- erous crowd" immediately= started the spontaneous chant of "Recall, Pecall, Re- call." This was not a completely serious plan for a recall, but rather an expres- sion of disgust at the way Jacobs and GROUP-Integrity as a whole had been acting in the past year. When we started filling out the forms to begin a student organization to Recall Bill Jacobs we were really trying to mag- - i<> - -" _m +$n> e ty[ :a - aucracy? resources. One example is the proposed SGC term paper co-op which will help students in their research projects and will run the term-paper-for-hire compan- ies out of business without encouraging plagarism. Another is the reviving of the plan to build low cost housing units for students with federal subsidies on North Campus, an idea which has already been well received by various offices in Wash- ington but which was caned by a mid- dle-of-the-road and conservative alliance on SGC late last year. -Jay Hack, '73 Dec. 1 Editor's note noted To The Daily: I AM SORRY to see The Daily stoop- ing to editorial cynicism and a personal attack on the president of SGC. Neither is it the proper space for an editorial editors note, nor does it exhibit proper journalistic objectivism. I hope The Daily realizes that a "Let- ters to the erditor" column is inst that: desk. I requested a hold be Ip on the literary gem in my n optimistically figuring a wa: three weeks might be ben in the long run, allowing tim me to digest what I had rea provide an opportunity for in tion to fill in my cranial cav! "I'm lorry, you can t pi call on this", the patient atte explained with unswervingl "As of right now the compute your identity number on fil it won't make sense for the number to have it on hold.1 back in a couple of day, afte 42-0156 (or was it 65? . canz remember names.) has picked and wiped you from the reco "I 'see, I think", I said. Despite the unpleasant met of the picture of myself be wiped from anything, I re an agreeable, if perhaps c ed, demeanor and resolved to back in a few days. Which But I wish I hadn't. "Ye book has been checked out I'm sorry, someone else ha it on hold." I LEFT the depository somewhat empty state of min the prospect of waiting sixv until I could retrieve the k rejuvenation for my now lan ing essay began io fill my ce void with gloom. Sometime during the next or two, as I began to- once harbor worries over the tw grades of my jeopardizing r er card, I organized my thought enough to plan an explorator cursion to the Business Ad tration Library in search of them copy of the elusive volu Partially because I had ne visitedathisbestablishm,;nt b and partially because I felt a ed of myself for not thinki such an ohvious course oft same Come r 391- never it up o.cls." aphor e i n g rained onfu,- come I did. s, the it but is put in a d, but weeks ey to guish- rebral week again uilight p o r t s long ry ex- mnMis- f ano- me. ~v e r before sham- ng of nction "Every life force within me froze as what comnpusure Ihad pasted on my face a moment before became unglued, and melted away. My eyes swam through a sea of red and the tremor of my heart sent seismic waves through that heap of tile and mortar on Tappan Ave." into some of the same difficulties I had, so I , thought, "Okay, he should keep it for the full three week period. It's only fair. Upon coming to what I consid- ered an eminently equitable decis- ion (of Solomon-type logic), I voic- ed my intentions to return follow- ing Thanksgiving vacation, allow- ing for yet another vigil If seven days. The not so eagerly responsive book clerk did not warm to what appeared in my eyes to be such ultimate wisdom and equanimity. She wiggled into a non-comrm.ttal pose and the words "I'll try" or "We'll see" dripped from the cot p- ers of her lips. In the interest of peace and in accordance with mny the furious activity of my mental and physical faculties subsiding into a chronic sense of dissatisfac- tion, a stupor of frustration. The despairing factor was that I could think of no one individual involved in this minor personal ordeal who was deserving of a punch in the nose or at the very least, a wail- ing of vocal fury. Just to complete the saga, I checked once more at the grad library and found out Economic Concentration was next due in on the 13th of December. And you guessed it, that's not the only thing due on the 13th. While I sit here lamenting my fate, I grimace when I picture my good professor puzzling over my paner in honest bemusement as he