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December 02, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-12-02

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See Editorial Page


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Low- 19
See today . .. for details

Vol. LXXXIII, No. 71 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sturday, December 2, 1972 Ten Cents

Ten Pages

if you see news happen caff 76-DAILY
God is alive
God is alive at the University-sort of. The Office of Re-
ligious Affairs says 9,381-or 31 per cent-of University students
indicated a religious preference on their registration cards. Ro-
man Catholicism led the list with 3,053 respondents, followed by
Judaism, 1,752; Lutheran, 689; Methodist, 680; Presbyterian,
556; and other Protestant, 464. Still other students put downj
African Methodist, Agnostic, Apostolic, Atheist, Bokononist,
Church of England, Druid, Humanist, Jehovah's Witness, Pagan,
Pantheism, Pentecostal, Salvation Army, Taoist, Word of God
and Zoroastrian.
Happenings .. .
..what at first seemed like a dull day turns into a veritablej
wealth of activity . . . For early risers, the police are holding
a bicycle auction at 10 a.m. at the police garage behind City
Hall . . . The Israeli Students Union is sponsoring an informal
gathering to sing, eat and talk at 7 p.m. at 936 Dewey .
American Indians Unlimited are feasting and holding a bazaar
from 10 to six at 331 Thompson . . . the Ann Arbor Ski Club is
showing Ski Movie I at 7:30 in the Pioneer High School audi-
torium . . . and today is your last chance to contribute to the
Galens Society bucket drive to benefit children at the C. C. Mott
Children's Hospital.
Mass transit deadlock
LANSING-The State Senate deadlocked yesterday on a pro-
posal to earmark one-half cent of a two-cent per gallon gasoline
tax for mass transit systems. However, Gov. William Milliken
said he is encouraged about the prospects of the package gain-
ing approval when a second vote is taken during the week of
Dec. 11. The second vote was put off a week as the legislature
is adjourning becarse about one-fourth of its members will be
in Miami Beach for national legislative meetings of one sort or
,. McCartney banked in Britain
LONDON-Former Batle Paul McCartney may be flying
high with his new group, Wings, but according to the publicly-
owned British Broadcasting Corp. (BBC), the musicians have
just laid their second egg. First BBC banned the group's release
-"Give Ireland Back to the Irish"-for obvious political reasons.
And now they've banned the Wings' new song-"Hi Hi Hi."
Actually, BBC only objects to one line of the song, which refers
to someone on a bed getting ready for "my body gun." Actually,
McCartney says, "I referred to a pollygan (sic)-though I'm
not sure what that is, It just fitted. But in the transcript it came
out as body gun, the BBC got it and that was it." McCartney
struck back at BBC, though. At a press conference yesterday,
he said there was more controversial material during one eve-
ning of BBC television programs than during his song. On BBC,
he says, "You can see a nude a night-if you're lucky."
I was a teenage vampire
SAN FRANCISCO-If you're still munching on your break-
fast, don't read this. An English professor here claims to have
discovered a genuine, walking, talking, blood-drinking vampire.
The professor, Leonard Wolf, said he found the vampire through
a classified ad he placed in a newspaper. He came up with a
22-year-old vampire called Alex who said he had been turned
on to blood drinking by friends on a drug trip. Shortly after-
wards, Alex got married and, during his honeymoon, Alex
frightened his bride with his blood lust. "It happened by acci-
dent during our love making," Alex told the professor. His bride
left him the next day. Wolf said, "Alex told me he has found
at least 50 co-operative donors here-both male and female--
with little trouble." . . . We don't believe a word of it.
The game of love
ENGLAND-Lonely people in London were disappointed yes-
terday when a neighborhood sex shop was fined 105 pounds
(about $280) for selling a potentially harmful love potion. Offi-
cials say the potion, called libido six, did stimulate the sex drive,
but it also stimulated other body glands causing a hormone im-
balance. Meanwhile, the English town of Derby experienced a
run on herring after a Japanese lecturer said that herrings make
you beautiful, brainy, and sexy. Keiko Smith, who graduated at
Tokyo University, told an adult education class, "Every Japanese
knows that eating herring makes a girl sexier and more pas-
sionate. Take my word, it works." Could fish markets put
Masters and Johnson out of business?

I' _





Many University students complain
that LSA academic counseling policies
are archaic - "the same old garbage"
that it's always been. But some small
and unassuming changes have been
made, with bigger and perhaps better
plans in the making for the future.
Charles Morris, appointed last No-
vember as associate dean in charge of
counseling, said his office's strategy
"was to solve critical problems imme-
"We know what the problems are and
we have the alternative solutions, some
of which have already been implement-
ed," he said in describing his office's
activities in the past year.
"We are not really out to suddenly
change the entire face of counseling.
There are some things that are now
being done effectively, and others that

are not. We want to keep what is good,"
he added.
Morris' solutions to counseling prob-
lems have centered on counseling for
freshmen and sophomores. The major
thrust of these changes have been small
experimental programs that do not re-
quire major commitments of funds.
"The assumption is if each one (pro-
gram) is successful on a small run ba-
sis, it is expanded," Morris said.
A dorm-based counseling system init-
iated last year by the Pilot Program is
an example. The system includes a staff
of paid student counselors under the sup-
ervision of a faculty member.
Two similar, but not identical dorm-
based counseling programs, have been
set-up in Mosher-Jordan and Couzens
this fall.
These and other experimental pro-
grams however do not affect the major-

ity of the students using the Underclass
Advising Office.
Student complaints about counseling
deal with the impersonal quality of the
system and its lack of accurate informa-
"It's standardized. The counselors
don't show any real interest in you", one
freshman commented.
"They don't know anything," a sopho-
more stated. "They can never answer
my questions. All they ever do is call
the head of the department. I could do
that myself. The question is, what do
they do?"
Morris' system - wide programs have
centered around eliminating much of the
technical information - giving services
provided by counselors and concentrate
on a more personal form of counseling.
Changes affecting the entire under-
class system have been less obvious. The

emphasis has been on freeing counselors
from some of the more procedural tasks.
For example, advanced classification is
now being done on a group counseling
basis, a change from the former coun-
selor-student sessions.
Mame Jackson, director of underclass
advising, sees these innovations as giving
counselors "more time to talk to those
who want to come in."
"Some of these changes aren't all that
dramatic," she said, "but they free-up
time for individual counseling."
Change has been slower in the junior-
senior counseling office. Morris' office
has only indirect control over the upper-
class counseling. The counselors are fur-
nished by the individual departments
and in many instances are not paid. Be-

Charles Morris:
'Human counseling'




econ. polic
By the Associated Press, UPI and Reuters
KEY BISCAYNE-George Schultz has oeen asked to re-
main as secretary of the treasury in the Nixon administration
and to assume chief responsibility for coordinating all
economic policy, the Florida White House announced yester-
Also keeping their posts are Herbert Stein, chairman of
the Council of Economic Advisers and Peter Flanigan, director
of the Council on International Policy.
Schultz takes on a role in the economic arena comparable
to the high level adviser responsibilities that Henry Kissinger
has in the field of national security affars.
The treasury secretary wll head the new Council on
Economic Policy, which will be made up of secretaries of
labor, commerce, agriculture, ®_ -

q ,
-R- -.-----
AP Photo
Registering to vote
Labor department officials look on as a Kentucky coal miner registers to vote in the United Mine Workers election. The UAW election
is reported to be the most carefully watched in labor history. (See story, Page 2.)
Study shows drug euato

transportation and state, as.
well as the head of the Office
of Management and Budget,
Council of Economic Advisers,
Cost of Living Council and the
Council on International Eco-
nornic Policy.
Presidential press secretary Ron
Ziegler said, "Schultz will be the
focal point and the overall coor-
dinator of the entire economic pol-
icy and decision-making process,
both domestically and internation-

oS tponed
A lawsuit intending to equalize
out-of-state and in-state student
tuition was postponed yesterday

may con tribute

to drug usage

Do students who take drug
education courses increase their
usage of drugs? A recently re-
leased study by a University pro-
fessor indicates they do.

On the inside
Sports writer Art Feldman advances today's Michigan-

Notre Dame basketball game . .. Daily guest writer Robert A recent experiment with 935
Wilson describes the trials, tribulations and frustrations of Ann Arbor junior high school
attempting to take books out of the library on the students shows that the students
Editorial Page . . . RC Player's productions of "Miss given a ten week drug education
Julie" and "The Dumbwaiter" are reviewed by Night course increased their use of
Editor Jan Benedetti on the Arts Page. marijuana, LSD, and alcohol.
The number of students who sold
The weather picture marijuana and LSD also in-
Weather watchers tell us to look out for snow late this creased after the course.
afternoon, -and there's a 50-50 chance they may be right. The study, conducted by Social
The afternoon high will be 33, the evening low, 19. Aren't Work Prof. Richard Stuart, indi-
you glad football season ended last week? cates that with more knowledge
about drugs, the students lost
many of the fears that had pre-
Students at U of D demand
reinstatement of fired faculty


viously scared them from taking
The students were divided into
two groups. Two-thirds of the
seventh and ninth graders re-
ceived an extensive drug educa-
tion course while the other stu-
dents had no drug education at
The study was based on ques-
tionnaires filled in by the stu-
dents before the course, immedi-
ately after it, and again during
a later follow-up.
The results showed that those
students who had participated in
the drug program were less con-
cerned about drug usage now
than they had been before the
program and were more inclined
to try drugs than those who did
not receive drug education.
According to the reports use
of grass went up 36 per cent,
use of LSD went up 22 per cent,
and use of alcohol increased 22
per cent among seventh graders
following the education program.
Among ninth graders use of
grass went up 30 per cent, use of
LSD went 20 per cent, and use
of alcohol increased 14 per cent.
The group that received no
drug education showed only a
slight increase in drug consump-
The drug education course also
had an effect on the number of
students who sold drugs. The re-
port shows that the number of
students who admitted selling
marijuana increased from about
nine per cent to about 14 per

At least 24 states require some
form of drug or alcohol educa-
The city's own drug education
program in the schools is not
highly organized. Bill Stuart,
public information officer for *he
schools, said each school runs its
own program according to guide-
lines that were set up about two
years ago.
Ted Heusel, president of the
Board of Education, said that de-

spite the study he still believes
drug education should be a viable
part of the education curriculum.
He maintained, "I think the more
knowledge kids get about drugs,
the better off they are."
He did say however that the
current system of education
would be investigated and would
probably be renovated. He stress-
ed a need for instructors that
are better educated in the drug

The 51-year-old cabinet official until Dec. 14. Under present tuition
will become one of the most power- scales this would cost the Univer-
ful men in government during sity over $12 million.
President Nixon's second term. The class action suit was filed
The new council will weigh, sift againstathe Regents last spring on
and ruminate about economic is- behalf of the University's 7,604 out-
sues to provide the President with of-state students. The suit's intent
the widest possible variety of view- is to force the University to stop
points, Schultz said. charging higher tuition to out-of-
He said it will also try to "be state students.
creative and put together pieces In court, yesterday, University
in a new way." Attorney Roderick Dane and Ar-
"When it comes to matters of thurCarpenterkattorney for the
moment," Schultz reminded report- students, agreed to limit the case
ers, "it is the President's decision to only the Ann Arbor campus of
that is the final and real decision." the University.
Before entering the Nixon cabi- Carpenter also decided to focus
net, Schultz was dean of the Gradu- his case on the University policy
ate School of Business at the Uni- of prohibiting those entering the
versity of Chicago and he is an University as non-residents from
expert in the areas of industrial ever becoming residents while at-
and labor relations and economics. tending school.
In other administration news, Out-of-state students pay $2,260
Sen. Robert Dole (R-Kansas) who a year in tuition while in-state stu-
See SCHULTZ, Page 8 dents pay only $680.

About fifty students and faculty of the Univer-
sity of Detroit picketed a U of D Law School
alumni dinner last night to protest the unexplained
firings of four sociology department faculty mem-
Despite bad weather, the demonstrators carried
signs and handed out leaflets for almost two
hours outside Cobo Hall,. where former Supreme
Court Justice Arthur Goldberg crossed the picket
line to speak to a $30 a couple fund raiser attend-
ed by 300 guests. Protest spokespersons said the
Admonstraionwn intended tn he "informativ ."

In a related action, Smith went to court yester-
day morning to try to obtain an injunction against
his demotion.
At issue was Smith's contention that since his
contract with the U of D names his position as
"assistant professor and Chairman of the Depart-
ment of Sociology and Social Work," the demo-
tion represented a breach of contract.
U of D attorneys argued that an injunction was
not appropriate after the fact of the demotion.
The defense also claimed that university pro-

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