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December 01, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-12-01

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See Editorial Page




See today. .. for details

Vol. LXXXIII, No. 70 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, December 1, 1972 Ten Cents

Ten Pages

if you see news happen call 76-DAILY
St. Joe's: Still holding
St. Joseph Mercy Hospital still has not received permission
to move out of Ann Arbor. The Greater Detroit Area Hospital
Council (GDAHC)-which must approve plans to build a $46
million new facility-may not reach a final decision until mid-
December. According to GDAHC Associate Director Robert Tell,
"a decision to send the plans back to committee was virtually
unanimous. We realize that this is a very controversial issue
and needs to be closely reviewed." Meanwhile, St. Joe's won a
final extension until Dec. 18 of the option it had on a Superior
Township site.
Lottery numbers
Okay, folks, it's that time again. Check those lottery tickets
of yours and if you have either of the lucky numbers (this
week they're 070 and 850), you're a winner. For the rest of us
unlucky gamblers, just remember-there's always next week.
'State of the Cosmos'
You know that winter is a 'comin' in when University
astronomer Hazel "Doc" Losh sends out her December "State
of the Cosmos" report. Things to watch for this month include
the year's longest night on the 21st-although it may be too dark
to see it-and the dogstar Sirius. Sirius, the "Star of the East,"
is supposed to be the one seen by the legendary "Three Wise
Men." It outshines all other stars in the December sky.
Spare change?
Those people in red ponchos you'll be seeing all over
campus this morning aren't doing imitations of elves-they're
members of the Galens Society. They are conducting their an-
nual bucket drive today and tomorrow to benefit children at
the C. S. Mott Children's Hospital. Contributions will pay for
presents and a Christmas party for the patients who must spend
their holidays in the hospital, as well as for year-round activities
program involving some 3,000 children. Take note, you people
with enough money to care about such things: all contributions
are tax deductible.
Happenings . .
. . . are almost nonexistent. You may have to stay home
and watch television. The Center for Russian and East European
Studies will be presenting a Russian festival tonight, complete
with three original plays and music. It's in the School of Edu-
cation Bldg.'s Schorling Aud. at 7:30 p.m. . . The Department
of Occupational Therapy at 'U' Hospital will mark its 50th year
with an open house in the main hospital dining room during
the day . . . Try something different and take a swim at the
Intramural Bldg., from 3 to 10 p.m. . . . And for you bargain
hunters, tonight is downtown Ann Arbor's annual "Midnight
Madness" sale. Many of the city's downtown stores will be open
until midnight, with sale prices on many items. The YM-YWCA is
even offering free baby-sitting service from 6 to 10 p.m. in
honor of the occasion.
Not another one!
CAMP DAVID, Md.-You probably didn't know we needed
more than one or two, but President Nixon has announced he
is transforming Camp David into his fourth-yes, fourth-White
House. He says he will make his biggest decisions and write
his most important speeches in the isolated mountaintop resort.
Why? "It is easier for me to get on top of the job," at Camp
David, Nixon said.
On the inside
Read about tomorrow's basketball game this morning
on the Sports Pages . . . Robert Barkin criticizes Student
Government Council's 'buddy system" in selecting their
legal counsel on the Editorial Page . . . Choose your
favorite movie from "Cinema Weekend" on the Arts Page.
The weather picture
Our friends at the National Weather Service tell us
that today will be cloudy and cold, with a good chance
of snow flurries. Of course they've said it would be cloudy

for the past two days and they've been wrong both times,
so you don't have to believe them if you don't want to.
Temperatures are projected to rise to the lower 30s today
and drop to the lower 20s tonight. Probability of precipi-
tation hovers at about 50 per cent.








Art time
"Space is place.
Space is place.
Dig it, dig it, bury it."
As six red-sweatered art stu-
dents enthusiastically chanted
their cheer, an art-oriented "time
capsule" was lowered into the
earth yesterday. The ceremony
took place near the entrance of
the soon-to-be-built School of
Architecture and Design on North
The capsule is marked "This is
not to be opened until 1984."
Speaking at the ceremony, art
student Barney O'Brien, '73, said,
"We're just going to lay it in the
ground and let time create."
'Tom Wedell, '73, who initiated
the time capsule project with
O'Brien, noted that the idea is in
keeping with a new "correspon-
dence ar't" movement, in which
artists exchange their works on a
non-profit basis rather than ex-
hibiting in art galleries.
In soliciting contributions for
the capsule, Wedell and O'Brien
formed a group called Mem-
brane, which reflects the inter-
weaving of ideas and art con-
tributions they hope the project
will achieve.
Since this summer when the
soliciting began, contributions
have been received from artists
throughout the United States and
See TIME, Page 10

Jacobs breaks tie;
casts deciding vote
In an atmosphere that a Council member described as
"sandbox government," SGC last night narrowly defeated a
proposal to establish a student dope co-op.
Immediately following the defeat of the proposal, in
which SGC President Bill Jacobs cast the decisive vote, pro-
ponents of the proposal, led by Bill Dobbs of the Student
Tenants' Union Coalition, set in motion a process that could
lead to Jacobs' recall.
The proposal, submitted by Bullshit Party Emperor
David Hornstein, would have allocated $2,500 to buy mari-
juana and distribute it free to University students. One part
of the resolution provided for the formation of a Student

Dope Board to oversee opera-
tions. Each meeting of this
board would have been pre-
ceded by a "cerem onial
smoke-in," under the pro-
Council members had a field day
proposing pun-filled amendments
to the proposition. Integrity party
member Ken Newberry asked that
it be "reeferred" to committee and
completed his statement by toss-
ing a handful of pseudo-joints on
Hornstein's desk.
A boisterous crowd of over twen-
ty spectators punctuated the pro-
ceeding by shouting "Dope from
the dopes" as several amendments
to decrease the allotment were
voted down, paving the way for a
vote on the original proposal.
The roll-call vote stood at 6 to
5 in favor before Jacobs addedj
his negative vote. The resulting
tie meant that the proposal was
defeated under parliamentary pro-

LANSING (IP-Chances for pass-
age of Gov. Milliken's embattled
transportation package will have to
wait until lawmakers return from
recess Dec. 11.
A vital component of the pack-
age-allowing voters to decide if
a permanent one-eighteenth per
cent limit will be imposed on gas
taxes for mass transit programs-
was defeated by the House 66-23
A reconsideration vote won't be
possible until lawmakers return

Doily Photo by TOM GOTTLIEB
SIX ART STUDENTS cheer at yesterday's ceremoney burying a "time capsule" (below) at the
new site of the School of Architecture and Design. (Left to right) The cheerleaders are: Anita
Gelman, '74; Candy Matelic, '74; Debbie Warner, '74; Banana DeNada (Karen Kohn), '73; Laurie
Polster, '73; and Dede DeNada (Sharon Lynch), '73.


Nixon stops

troop withdrawal

The breakdown of votes was from a week-long recess beginning
Yes: Dobbs; Mat Dunaskiss and Monday, said House Speaker Wil-
Keith Murphy, both of the Respon- Liam Ryan (D-Detroit). "I think
sible Alternative Party; Indepen- it will pass next time around,"
dent Margaret Miller; Community Ryan said.
Coalition member Sandy Green;
and Hornstein. No: Integrity mem- The recess was called to give
bers Lou Lessem and Ken New- many statelawmakersda thance
berry; Group members Mela Wy- to attend a national legislative con-
eth and David Smith; SGC Execu-
ferencev v MiamiuBeach.

By The Associated Press and Reuters
WASHINGTON-President Nix-
on virtually suspended the with-
drawal of U.S. troops from Viet-
nam and fixed the troop level at
27,000 men pending the outcome
of peace negotiations in Paris.
The announcement came amid
indications that peace negotia-
tions are reaching a climax. A
flurry of meetings between Presi-
dent Nixon and his military and
civilian advisors were held to
discuss the situation in South-
east Asia.
The reports from Ron Ziegler,
White House press secretary,
conflicted with statements from
the Pentagon and Saigon on
whether troop withdrawalswould
continue on an unannounced
The U.S. Command in Saigon
said it had received no orders
from Washington for further
troop cuts after reaching a Dec.
1 ceiling of 27,000 ordered by
President Nixon in August. The
command declined further com-
ment, but other sources in Sai-
gon said Washington had ordered
a freeze in troop cuts.
Ziegler took note of the Saigon
dispatch adding, "I don't want
to use that word freeze. We said
we would reach a certain level
by Dec. 1 and we have done it."
A short time before Ziegler
spoke, the Pentagon said further
troop withdrawals from Vietnam
would continue, but on a limited
basis and without any formalj
announcement pending the out-

come of the peace negotiations.
Ziegler recalled that when
President Nixon fixed the 27,000
level in August he said there
would be another statement on
withdrawals on or before Dec. 1.
"I have just made it," Ziegler.
"We are not going to have any
comment on troop levels."
The Pentagon, however, said
that limited withdrawals will con-
tinuedbutewill not be announced
in advance.
Earlier in the day, Secretary of
Defense Melvin Laird said the
withdrawal program will con-

tinue, but added, "I will cer-
tainly recommend to the Presi-
dent that because of the sensi-
tivity and the seriousness of the
negotiation track at this time that
no announcement be made at this
time as to the future troop level.
"I think that that would be a
mistake, and might interfere with
the negotiating track and so I
will recommend that no an-
nouncementbe made for several
weeks," Laird said.
Even if there had been a de-
cision to announce further cuts,
any new withdrawals would have

been slight because of the rela-
tively small number of U.S.
troops still in Vietnam.
Defense Department officials
said the course of action they
outlined would provide added
flexibility to the U.S. position in
the negotiations. The series of
secret talks will resume Monday.
On the diplomatic front, Zieg-
ler announced that the President
spent several hours reviewing
the entire situation in Southeast
Asia with Henry Kissinger, his
national security adviser.

tive Vice President Lou Glazer and
Immediately after the vote, cries
of "Recall Jacobs" were raised by
the crowd and several members of
mA group led by Dobbs and for-
mer SGC Administrative Vice
President Jay Hack then sat down,
in a back room and filled out the
form necessary for thetregistration
of an organization they called
"Students to Recall Bill Jacobs."
The recall entails:
-Registration of the form, which
supporters said they would do late
last night;

The "public vote" resolution re-
quired 74 votes, or a two-thirds
majority, to pass. Unsuccessful at-
tempts were made to tack on
amendments that would prohibit
diversion of money for cross-dis-
trict busing of school children and
to allow law enforcement agencies
to dip into the highway fund.
"All the interests are satisfied,
except the taxpayers," said Rep.
James Smith (R-Davison), who ob-
jected to the resolution. Smith
abstained from voting.

Rogers renamed sec. of state;
Rush appointed as his deputy

-Circulation of recall petitions The transportation proposal,
in order to obtain 1,000 signatures. which would become law Jan. 1, is
Backers say this should be accom-
plished "by Sunday;" composed of four bills and stipu-
-Establishment of a special re- lates that the whole package can't
call election, probably sometime in become law unless each part is
January. If 60 per cent of those approved.



WASHINGTON (Reuters)-Presi- that his relations with Kissinger Liam Casey, chairman of the Se-
dent Nixon yesterday re-appointed are good and is satisfied with their curities and Exchange Commission,
William Rogers as secretary of division of responsibilities. to a new post of under secretary,
state and named former ambassa- Rogers, a long-time friend of the for economic affairs and nominated
dor to West Germany Kenneth President and the only original William Porter, chief U.S. negotia-j
Rush as his deputy. cabinet member so far re-appointed tor at the semi-public Vietnam
The re-appointment of Rogers to serve in the second Nixon ad- peacettalks in Paris, to be under-
indicated Nixon's full satisfaction ministration, received lavish praise I secretary for political affairs.
with the arrangement whereby the from Nixon when he. made the The White House said Johnson,
secretary of state is responsible for announcement. the most senior member of the
daily routine diplomacy and White Nixon said U.S. foreign policy hforeign service, would undertake a
House aide Henry Kissinger is the had made great strides under
President's closest foreign policy Rogers in the last four years and major new assignment, but did not
adviser. the secretary of state would be say what it was.
While Rogers has often appeared [deeply involved in many foreign
overshadowed by Kissinger in policy initiatives in the future.
power and influence on foreign The President included among
policy, he has always maintaine R o g e r s' accomplishments the
search for peace in the Middle
East, preparations for an inter-
national East-West conference on
reducing tension in Europe and
negotiations with the Soviet Union
and other communist countries on
b e t mutual troop cuts in Europe.
While re-appointing Rogers, the
President made a clean sweep in
the positions immediately below
fights wars given to him at the state department.
efforts break gown, Rush, whoawasrambassador to
efrsbekdw ,West Germany from 1969 until
But at the same time early this year, moves from the
number two post in the defense
department to the equivalent posi-
-Col. Kenneth Irish tion at state.
Rush, a businessman-turned- dip-
1......::;. :lomat, had been in line to become
acoustic data on troop and convoy defense secretary but the President
ts in the area. earlier this week chose Health
iloted drone flying overhead re- Secretary Elliot Richardson for this
information to a distant tactical post.
ers which then orders bombing BAlthoughhis first adploraic post
on the basis of the computerized , ;.-h a n .. bi gro ;n tin

voting favor
be ousted.

According to Dobbs, those favor-
ing recall generally include the
Council members who voted for the
dope co-op proposal. Hornstein
said the movement had his sup-
Jacobs' comment on the recall
movement? "If they want to try it,
let them go ahead. They have to
get those thousand signatures first,

recall, Jacobs would

The Senate could vote today on
portions of the package that would
hike the gas tax from seven to nine
cents a gallon and divert one-half
cent to funding for urban mass
transit programs.
The fourth vital component, low-
ering the amount of marine gas
tax money that would go to marine
projects, was in the Senate Taxa-
tion Committee.

Is a utoma ted
"When one soldier stands in front of an- "The m
other with abayonet in his hands, hehknows
that he has to kill the other man or he will us by the p
get killed himself. That's about as personal the diplom
as you can get. A man knows exactly they put u
what he's doing then.
"But when a man sits in a comfortable
air-conditioned van a hundred miles from :.:..:.......
his target, watches a TV scanner and then .i tactical un
presses a button, that's a different mat- the electronic bat
ter completely. It's easy to forget. that thneani t
what you're doing is killing people." the pahenomenon
The speaker is Colonel Kenneth Irish, ex- the growing use
ecutive officer of University Army Reserve cnmnarived hor

wa rfa re
ilitary doesn't make war, it
politicians. When diplomatic
rats hand the problem to us.
set of restrictions on us."

it's ability to survive on
tle field."
last week Irish discussed
of 'automated warfare'-
of sensing devices and
mhin2 in nlcen of face-

mic and
An unp
lays the

- tlw.- 4.Iw..- A. .1

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