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See today . .. for details
Vol. LXXXIII, No. 68 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 29, 1972 Ten Cents
Eight Pages
itoday.. I
if you see news happen call 76-DAILY
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Gra ding
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Teenage fantasies
The minds of impressionable young teenagers may soon be
protected from the dangers of X-rated movies shown at drive-in
theaters. State Rep.: Alex Pilch (R-Dearborn) introduced a bill
Monday which would ban movies depicting "explicit sex acts, or
those which are obscene, lewd, filthy or indecent" from the
screens of drive-ins which can be seen from the street. The bill
is reportedly an attempt to keep young people under the age
of 18 from parking outside the drive-ins and watching the movies.
To China with love
Economics Prof. Alexander Eckstein, a leading authority on
the Chinese economy, will lead a 15-member delegation to the
People's Republic of China next month. He'll be traveling as
immediate past chairperson of the National Committee on United
States-China Relations - the people who brought you the Chinese
table tennis team last year.
Marching on
The Hoover and Division Street neighborhood won't be the
same anymore. Ground at that corner was broken yesterday for
the new William Revelli Band Building, which will become the
home of the Michigan Marching Band. The band, which in recent
years has practiced outside in that area, will have a large re-
hearsal hall, four offices, a music library and storage rooms for
uniforms and instruments in the 10,000-square-foot structure.
Revelli was University band conductor for over 35 years.
are numerous and sorta different. The Ann Arbor Black
Theatre will present "An Evening of Black Theatre," at the
city Community Center, 625 N. Main St., 7:30 p.m. .. . if your
bag is bargaining (collectively, that is) pop into the First Annual
Conference on Collective Negotiations in Education, starring
Education School Dean Wilbur Cohen, President Robben Flem-
ing and others, second floor, Michigan League, from 1 p.m. on
. . . the Coordinating Committee for the Representation of Wo-
men in Health Planning will meet at 8 p.m. in St. Andrew's
Church to finalize a proposal of the Family Planning Medical
Service, a clinic opening in January . . . Learn how to tune up
your car with the help of engineering students at 7 p.m., Room
170, Physics-Astronomy Bldg. The first 40 persons to sign up
will be able to tune their cars Saturday at the Automotive En-
gineering Lab . . . Speeches include French geologist Hugues
Faure on "Pluvial Lakes in the Sahara" 3:30 p.m., Room 1509
C.C. Little Bldg. and a panel on "Gender Identity and its Mea-
surement," Children's Psychiatric Hospital Aud., 10:15 a.m.
Fruity flock
DETROIT - A frtlit-filching flock of giant parakeets has
invaded Detroit's east side, reportedly gobbling the fruit off
neighborhood apple and pear trees. Keith Kreag, general cura-
tor for the Detroit Zoo, identified the culprits as "monk" para-
keets, a foot-long, South American member of the parrot family.
He also pointed out that these parakeets bite people as well as
their favorite foods. Officials theorize that smugglers brought
the birds into the country without having them vaccinated and
quarantined, and that the birds escaped. Audubon Society officials
were reported hot on the tails of the voracious varmints yester-
day afternoon.
Sorry, wrong number
SAN RAFAEL, Calif. - A jealous husband was arraigned
here yesterday on charges of ripping telephone receivers out of
public phone booths. When asked why he had spent so much
time tearing the things apart, Walter Harper, 32, said he van-
dalized the booths because his wife ran off with a Pacific Tele-
phone Co. employe. We should have guessed.
Magee trial
SAN FRANCISCO - San Quentin lifer Ruchell Magee, the
"other defendant" in the Angela Davis murder case, got his
trial off to a great start yesterday by slugging his lawyer and
shouting "stupid, dumb judge." Magee knocked his court-ap-
pointed attorney, Robert Carrow, off his chair while screaming
at the same time, "Arrest this son pf a bitch." He was removed
from court to a holding cell after both incidents. Magee and
Davis were charged two years ago in connection with the Aug.
7, 1970, gun battle at the Marin County courthouse in which
a judge and three other men were killed.
Dope notes
HERE AND THERE - In Washington, Consumers Union,
the non-profit product testing organization, has recommended the
legalization of marijuana. CU also recommended that all those
imprisoned for selling or processing marijuana be released. These
conclusions were based on interviews, field trips, and other studies
on drugs . . . In Bangkok, police have arrested a Thai couple
and seized 8.3 pounds of heroin. The trap was laid by an Ameri-
can agent, posing as a member of an international narcotics
ring. He had agreed to purchase the heroin for approximately
$62,700 . . . In San Francisco, trained detective "wonder" dogs
have sniffed out 350 pounds of hashish from cartons of brass
bells. Arrested was a Superior Supreme Court judge's 30-year-old
son, who was released on his own recognizance after being ar-
raigned before U.S. Magistrate Owen E. Woodruff. A further
hearing will be held Dec. 8.
Roses are red . . .
Who says men of science are cold-hearted, emotionless ma-
chines? Not the three independent dealers who paid $12,500 for
a collection of Albert Einstein's notes at a New York auction
yesterday. Scratched on 452 assorted pieces of scrap paper, in-
cluding the back of an envelope, were theories and calculations
and this little poem: "I shan't be absent, little snookie, though
I am not a sugar cookie; what life has brought you up to now
may sweeten the farewell somehow."
Daily News Analysis
The issue of grading reform, which
has been hotly debated in the literary
college, seems doomed to languish in
a faculty committee for at least an-
other year.
Unless a student-approved reform
proposal is passed by the faculty at
their January meeting, grading re-
form wil become the property of the-
new Graduation Requirements Com-
mission, which is not expected to sub-
mit its final report for at least six
Under the proposal, all 100 and 200
Chances for faculty approval of the proposal at this time appear slim ... Com-
puter Sciences Prof. Bernard Galler, a member of the LSA Executive Committee,
says, he doubts the "conservative majority" of faculty members will pass the stu-
dent-approved reform proposal.
level courses in the literary college
would be graded on a pass/no record
basis with accompanying written
evaluations of student performance.
With all other courses, instructors
would have several options to teach
either on a graded or non-graded
basis. Students would have several
choices on how the grade would ap-
pear in their transcript.
The proposal, formulated by the
Joint Student-Faculty Policy Com-
mittee, was approved by students
during the recent campus election.
Two other proposals, submitted by
the Curriculum Committee and the
Committee for Undergraduate Ex-
perience, were rejected.
Chances for faculty approval of
the proposal at this time appear slim.
"In view of the fundamental
changes proposed, says Associate LSA
Dean Charles Witke, "we need to
substantially air the proposal from
every angle. Before we change the
grading system we must realize pos-
sible implications on every aspect of
the college - including admission
and composition."
Computer Sciences Prof. Bernard
Galler, a member of the college's
Executive Committee, says he doubts
the "conservative majority" of LSA
faculty members will pass the stu-
dent-approved reform proposal.
Grades, he says, are still consid-
ered by many as a "positive mo-
tivating force." They also provide
the most quantitative evaluation of
student progress in science or math
courses, he maintains.
See FACULTY, Page 8
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By AP and Reuters
CAMP DAVID, Md. - Presi-
dent Nixon yesterday named
Health Secretary Elliot Rich-
ardson .as his new defense
secretary at the start of a
m a s s i v e administration
shake-up for his second
The President announced his
choice at his mountain retreat here
and said through his spokesperson
that Richardson would help bring
a sense of excitement and renewed
purpose to the government dur-
ing the next four years.
Nixon also disclosed two other
major nominations for posts in his
new cabinet which will take office
Jan. 20, the day he begins his
second term.
He named Caspar Weinberger,
director of the Office of Manage-
ment and Budget (0MB) which
keeps a tight rein on the budget
for him, to succeed Richardson as
secretary of Health, Education
and Welfare, (HEW) and named
Roy Ash, president of the Litton
Industries conglomerate, an ef-
ficiency expert, to take charge of
The nominations are subject to
Senate approval.
There had been advance specu-
lation that Richardson might be
picked to succeed Secretary of De-
fense Melvin Laird, who disclosed
weeks ago that he planned to re-
sign at the end of Nixon's first
However, there had been equally
persistent rumors that Richardson
might become secretary of state,
to head the department in which he
served as undersecretary during
the early part of the Nixon tenure.
Richardson, 52,thas beentHEW
chief since 1970.
Laird, a, former Republican
congressman from Wisconsin,
plans to return to private life. He
ruled out any other government
post. "I told the President I could
not go home and even discuss
such an idea with my wife," lie
told a press conference yesterday.
White House Press Secretary
Elliot Richardsort
U.S. bombs
hit Vllage;
21 killed
By AP and Reuters
American warplanes accidently
bombed a South Vietnamese Vil-
lage near Da Nang yesterday, kill-
ing 21 civilians and wounding 29,
a U. S. spokesperson reported.
Six flights of Navy and Air
Force jets hit the village, named
by sources in Da Nang as Vinh
Tho, on Highway One which runs
the length of Vietnam from Saigon
to Hanoi along the coastal plain.
The American spokesperson said
the planes were flying in support
of South Vietnamese troops oper-
ating near Hoi An, a provincial
capital 15 miles south of Da Nang,
the country's northernmost port.
Field reports said up to 10 500-
pound bombs hit the village.
The cause of the bombing, the
AP Photo
How now brown cow
Big Mlac, a 1,600-pound steer, takes a leisurely stroll through the lobby of a Washington hotel yesterday. Some 170 western cattle growers
are lobbying with Congress for higher beef prices. Mac reportedly said of his tour, "It's a nice place to visit, but who'd want to live
By AP and UPI
PONTIAC - A 16-year-old boy
yesterday surrendered to police
who charged him with felonious
assault in the shooting of five
students at Pontiac Central High
The youth, sought for more
than 24 hours by police, turned
himself in to police headquar-
ters at 11:30 a.m., Detective
Capt. Ray Meggit said. He was
jailed on $10,000 bond after his
juvenile court appearance yes-
terday. The youth's name was
not released.
Witnesses had identified the
boy from pictures in the high
school'yearbook as the one who
went on a shooting spree and
wounded five students, one ser-
iously, in a school courtyard
Monday morning.
Police said there was no ap-
parent motive in the shootings.
but reports indicated the youtl
opened fire Monday after a fei-
low student turned his back on a
Some 50 students witnessed the
shooting in the Pontiac Central
High School courtyard.
Timothy Williams, 15, was shot
in the lower back and four other
students received minor gunshot
Williams had a kidney remov-
ed in a 21 hour operation at
i n Pontiac shooting
firecrackers. Suddenly all the
kids were clearing out. This
black guy was pointing a gun."
Police said exact details of the
shootings were sketchy. The in-
cident occurred near the Voca-
tional Educational Building
where some 50 to 150 youngsters
were walking.
Classes were canceled after
Monday's shooting, and absentee-
ism was high when classes re-
sumed yesterday.
"About 30 per cent stayed
home," said Principal Don Mc-
Millan, "but we expected that.
Most of them probably stayed
home at their parents' orders.
We weren't worried and very few
of the kids were."
Although about 50 students
were on hand during the shoot-
ings, which occurred during a
change of classes, no one got in-
volved and the wounded were
left to fend for themselves until
they left the shooting site.
'The students here have de-
veloped a high degree of sophis-
tication," said McMillan.
But a black teacher, who, like
most teachers and students, ask-
ed not to be identified, said.
"These kids are watched by
their teachers, by hall monitors
and by police. These kids don't
trust anybody except their
'friends and they're not going to
bother getting involved with any-
A young white student teacher,
however, said the students had
learned "from the idiocy of their
parents of both colors. They've
learned that fighting and riot-
ing isn't going to accomplish
A white student, who said he
witnessed the shooting, added,
"All I wanted to do was get out
of there. If some fool opens up as
long as I'm not hit, it's not my
Ronald Ziegler said Nixon would worst such incident reported in
announce further cabinet changes several months, is under investi-
today as part of his goal of revita- ation.
lizing the administration in his g
second term. Meanwhile, South Vietnamese
Richardson has a reputation for envoy Nguyen Phu Duc arrived in
managerial skills as well as be- Washington yesterday for a meet-
ing an eloquent spokesman for ing today with President Nixon for
Nixon administration policies. cntayi trs for
These two qualities would seem consultation on terms for ending
to make him eminently qualified the Vietnam war.
for his new job of presiding over Duc, who is South Vietnamese
the Pentagon at a time when the President Nguyen Van Thieu's
administration is strongly resist-
ing efforts by Congress to cut the foreign policy advisor, refused to
defense budget. speak to reporters or say what the
See NIXON, Page 8 purpose of his visit was.
Does Student Government C
have the power to recall Coup
members of committees whent
with SGC mandates?
Should on-campus housing c
allocated from an appointed,
trolled Housing Policy Boar
University Housing Council (
members were elected by on
may recallU
,L There are five students and four faculty
ouncil (SGC) members on OSSPB.
ncil-appointed The recall is not automatic under the
they disagree SGC constitution.
However, Jacobs said yesterday, "If the
ontrol be re- student OSSPB members refuse to alter
student-con- their stand, SGC can either change their
d (HPB) to own minds about the issue and withdraw the
UHC) whose mandate or they can thank the present
ly three per members of OSSPB for their services anl
student-elected UHC for dormitories. Off-
campus housing matters would be consoli-
dated under a new Off-Campus Housing
Policy Board.
However, UHC has rejected SGC's plan.
UHC at a meeting on Monday unanimously
supported a compromise plan instead of
approving SGC's plan for UHC's total con-
trol over all housing.
/r,, CL - - ,I t..,. ...A 1. 4
3m bers
On the inside
On the Editorial Page, you will find a stimulating dis-
cussion by David Burhenn on the redistricting of Ann Arb'or
by City Council . . . Sports writer Mark Ronan looks at the
Big Ten football season in review on page 6 . . . the Arts
Parra reveals ailr reviewer Herman B crnhnk annlaudjina