Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, November 22, 1977 P6ge Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, November 22, 1972 i Convictions of five Chicago 7 defendants reversed by court Devotee spreads spiritual message (Continued from Page 1) allow sufficient questioning of po- tential jurors as to their attitudes about the defendants' long hair and lifestyles; that he did not properly inquire into the effect of pretrial news coverage, and that he erred in communicatingwith the jury through a U.S. marshal. The appeals- court also said he was wrong in excluding statements by Davis and Hayden on the grounds they were self-serving. The appeals court said Hoffman should' have allowed the defense to call expert witnesses to discuss crowd 0 control and law enforcement. Thomas Foran, former U.S. dis-a trict attorney who prosecuted the case, alsohwas criticized for refer- ring to the defendants as "evil men, liars and obscene haters and violent anarchists'." The appeals court said, "We con- clude that the demeanor of the judge and prosecutor would require reversal if other errors did not." Kunstler said, "I felt from the beginning that the judge and prose- cutor were deeply involved in an attempt to convict these defend- ants, and I'm glad the court of appeals finally said so, too." Judge Hoffman, 75, was the ob- ject of many disrespectful remarks, but the appeals court noted in its reversal that Hoffman's many' comments "must have telegraphed to the jury the judge's contempt' for the defense." DAILY OFFICI (Continued from Page1) became a follower of the Mliharaj played, preceded by music ex- Guru. Seeking ultimate satisfaction, tolling his virtues. The voice on he had experimented ins'ccessfid- the loudspeaker was that of a ly with drugs and politics, differ' child, speaking rather broken ent religions and philosophies. Then he went to a meeting of English in a fast, high tone. The devotees. "The hollow places in devotees looked blissful as they my body were filled," he said. listened. Massey smiled and sighed. "There When the recording ended, Mas- are really no words that can ex- sey rose and explained how her press it," he said. "How can one. . hspeak about one who is the speech 'Iaof the tongue?"e I A BU L ETIN After another tape by the guru, IAL ULL TIN Mahatma Raj eswar bowed to the - -......................r..n...,onh,; n-- +1- la-.1e,:..sA - -own A jh ant, he paused a moment and then began to speak. Mahatna asked, "What is the qality of God?, Perfect bliss, eternal bliss. We want peace of mind. Bit it is a fact, brothers and sisters, that no one in this world is happy. We have no perma- nent bliss." "Only God can give us bliss. If you want really to get peace, know God, realize God," he added. "There is only one perfect master in an age, and only a perfect master can give knowledge of God." 1 i C riuic (onJjIn New York, Dellinger said of the d e c i s i o n: "Naturally I'm pleased, but one has to ask how many Indochinese and how many ten u re GIsrhave died in the last four years because we weren't listened to in Chicago?" 1 In Plainfield, Vt., Froines, now cU1I II 1L1 an instructor at Goddard College, said the reversal showed that "it's a trial that shouldn't have hap- (Continued from Page 1) 1 pened in the first place." ed who is both an organic chemist i -which is necessary because Green "This is another example of the is-and a member of the depart- government having brought charg- ment's faculty affairs committee. es against antiwar or civil rights Stiles, as one of the chemistry people in a series of political trials, department's "area coordinators" none of which have led to convic- diUtns e " rd s1 inciIup i~ that j f . . . AP Photo Speck resentencing Richard Speck, the convictedmurderer ofeight student nurses in Chicago in 1966, is taken from the Peoria County Courthouse yesterday after receiving eight consecutive 50-100 year sentences. The total sentence is 400-1200 years instead of the death penalty. I -a group that makes class assign- ments-was consulted by Dunn be- fore the decision to suspend Green was made. "It doesn't seem therefore as though I would be the kind of can- didate for the committee that Prof. Green would want," Stiles says. Smith also disqualified himself from consideration as a tenure committee member before it was constituted because of his involve- ment in the Green case. "I wrote a note to the chairman that I didn't think I should be on the committee," he said yesterday. "It would certainly be awkward at best, if I was in on the tenure tions, F rones said. tHe added that defendants in those trials were either acquitted by juries, or con- victions were subsequently over- turned. The conspiracy trialsbegan in! September 1969 and lasted more than four months. The jury of 10 women and two men were seques- tered shortly after the trial began. The trial was marked by out- bursts, the gagging and binding of Seale, obscenities, threats and the- atrics. Clay soils made up of fine par- ticles hold more moisture than sands which are made up of larg- er grains. The Daily Official Bulletin is an "Models of Symmetry in Contingency official publication of the Univer- Tables," 3227 Angell Hall, 4 p.m. sity of Michigan. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN FORM to Monday, November 27 409 E. Jefferson, before 2 p.m. of Environmental & Industrial Health the day preceeding publication and Seminar; R. Hartung, "Biological Ef- by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and fects of Heavy Metals In Water," Sunday. Items appear once only. vaughan Aud., SPH I, 1 p.m. Student organization notices are Gerontology Inst.: B. R. McPherson,r not accepted for publication. For Supt., Ann Arbor Public Schools, "Re-t more information, phone 764.9270. tirement Years: Public Education," Ann8 Arbor Public Library, 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, November 22 Germanic Languages & Literatures: K. Mommsen, Carleton Univ., Ottowa, Day Calendar Canada, "Goethe & the General Public,"t Rackham Assembly Hail, 4 p.m. Anatomy Lecture: T. M. Rizki, "Ef- MacromolecularyResearch Ctr.: J. E. fects of Halogenated Pyrimidines on the Mulvaney, Univ. of Arizona, "Synthesis Development & Differentiation of Dro- of Polymers Containing Electron Donorp sophilia," 4804 Med. Sci. II, 1:10 p.m. Groups," 1200 Chem. Bldg., 4 p.m. Russian & East European Studies SUMMER PLACEMENT g4 Ctr. Lecture: C. J. Halperin, Univ. of 212 SAB1 Indiana, "Concept of the Russian Land, A T T E N T I O N: Washington Post, 9-14th Centuries," Lecture Rm. 1, Mod. Wash., D.C.; Juniors, Seniors and grad! Lang. Bldg., 3:10 p.m. students; deadline for applying for Psych. 171 Film Series: "The Sixties," summer positions is Dec. 1. Work for "Afrikaner," UGLI Multipurpose Rm., national, state, or local in sports or at 4 p.m. business desks, etc. Industrial & Operations Engineering: State of Michigan: Open Competitive R. Tobin, "Matchings & Minimal Examnation Announcement for Bridge Weight Paths," 311 W. Engin. Bldg., 4 Workers 05 and Park Rangers 03 and 05 p.m. deadline is December 18. Information & Statistics Seminar: J. E. K. Smith, applications available. ACTION (Peace Corps & Vista) needs lawyers Recruiters will be at the Law School Nov. 27 & 28, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Student Activities Building Ai DOCTORS, NURSES, PSYCHOLOGISTS, PEOPLE IN ALL MEDICAL AND PROFESSIONAL FIELDS... HELP SUPPORT A CONSUMER ADVOCATE GROUP CONCERNED WITH MEDICAL INFORMATION. We Would Like To Add Your Name To Our "Support" List. This Involves No Time Or Money On Your Part Unless You Wish To Donate It. ADVOCATES FOR MEDICAL INFORMATION CALL JOSEPH GRAEDON, 662-6598 or 663-7095 Agents nab largest pot deal BOSTON (IP)-Agents seized off the BNDD described as a "major Montego Bay yesterday a seven- Jamaican marijuana supplier." ton marijuana shipment, the largest They were to be arraigned in Ja- single shipment to the United :maica today. States ever confiscated, the Bureau The shipment was seized aboard of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs the 74-foot shrimp boat Lady (BNDD) said. Christine, which had put out to BNDD Deputy Director Andrew sea fro Intracoastal City, La. It Tartaglino said the shipment was 1 had been transferred from the 42- headed for Maine. The Boston foot cabin cruiser Sea Lion, out of street value was estimated at $3.5 Dennis, Mass. million. When the transfer took place, Among those arrested was a man authorities moved in. began to chant. After finishing the MEDICAL ADVOCATES Group gathers info (Conitinued from Page 1) then publication of the findings, proceedings a long list of subjects, including and if necessary, pressure to effect departmenta the ineffectiveness of over-the- changes. "Filing suits," says Rod- Smith sai counter pregnancy tests, the con- gers, "is a measure we are pre- chaired ana nection between the birth control pared to take." denied Gre pill and cancer, and hexachloro- "People need this information, ago, also c phene soaps. and we are here to provide it," she sion "to cl How reliable are the services adds.-way. rendered by the Advocates, or any other consumer-advisor group? According to Dr. Robert Ander- OPEN 7 A.M.9 P.M. son, Health Service director, "Any' consumer group that is constructive as far as pointing out areas of need to people is very good. The main Thanksgiving Dinner thing is the quality of their back- up sources. It's important to have people -who are actually involved ROAST TURKEY with C in clinical care, because otherwise you get people who are qualified BAKED HAM with Pine on the scientific side but who forget about the humanistic side of CREAM OF CHESTNUT SOUP things." WALDORF SALAD Rodgers says, "We are not doc- CANDIED SWEET POTATOES tors and we are not dispensing SUCCOTASH VEGETABLES medical advice over the phone. CRANBERRY SAUCE What we are doing is giving out SMALL BEVERAGE research information." AMI worker Rachel Kamel says, 334 Maynard "We're not trying to launch an attack on the health service or any- Complete Greek Menu on Tuesdaysa thing. The purpose is to provide--- - -- medical information, b e c a u s e people are really dependent on doctors who sometimes do not SPECIAL! HOT CHOCOL communicate information because of a desire to maintain status or other reasons." Everyone We/c AMI's board of consultants, the group's resource persons, includes Dr. Joseph Graedon, a clinical pharmocologist, Dr. Joseph Thom- as, a chemist, Virginia Murray, a registered nurse, and medical re- searcher Kay Weiss, and several local attorneys. Wedn Publication of AMI's findings will appear periodically in the Student Government Council newsletter, We The Michigan Student News. SGC Ro has funded the embryo organiza- tion with a $500 grant and a $500 loan, their only monetary contri- OUTSID butions to date.LOS FPE LEI The "modus operandi" of AMI LOTS OF PEOPLE appears to be extensive research, after serving on the al review committee." d that the fact he had ad hoc committee which en promotion two years ontributed to the deci- ear myself out of the urant Special Dressing. apple Sauce. All For $15 and Thursdays ATE ome! GRAD OFFEE HOUR esday, Nov. 22 8-10 p.m. 'st Conference iom, 4th Floor RACKHAM DE ON THE TERRACE LOTS OF FOOD MIlCH IGAN UN ION till I' I SHOP DISCOUNT RECORDS AND SAVE!, MIKSGIVING AY I THURSDAY, NOV. 23-9 A.M. TO 3:30 P.M. a ~,.-- BALE :very L. P. on these 25 Great -- 3 69h $5.98 list i Neil Young Journey Through the Past Labels on Sale! 9$ 3 69 $4.98 list $5.98 list Reprise, Chrysalis, Warner Brothers, London Imports, MAM, Vanguard, Bach Guild, D.G.G., Atlantic, ATCO, Columbia, Angel, Elektra, London, Epic, Impulse, Hi Deram, Threshold, RCA Victor. 3 L.PK's for $ Nonesuch, Victrola, Seraphim, Everyman, Westministergold. or 1.79 each Captain Beefheart Ry Coodler ' Clear Spot Boomer's Story ALL Stereo Tapes on Sale! --The Michioan Doily in