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November 22, 1972 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1972-11-22

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Wednesday, >November 22, 1972



Wednesday, November 22, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven







r ..

Bad Bucks, benign Blue bid for
bravos in 'Big Ten Bowl' battle
By BILL ALTERMAN much to end the Wolverines' bid
If your Richter scale is acting '1for an undefeated season.
up Saturday don't bother heading ; .a ZN But if Hayes may make a few
for the cellar, it's merely the an- changes Saturday, one thing still
nual "Big Ten Bowl" erupting Iuremains the same, the General still
right on schedule in beautiful ! FkUr refuses to mention Michigan by
downtown Columbus. For on that name. For three years now it has
day the fate of the Big Ten chain- been "that school up North."
pionship (and the bid to the Rose NIGHT EDITOR: (Which is about three cuts above
Bowl) will be decided. PRICK and his pet TOR what the OSU students refer to
The Michigan-Ohio State game :Michigan as.)
has always been a tremendous Tensions in fact will be .i
rivalry but the most recent games 10 of 15 passes for 143 yards, 43 o high Saturday that boteh runnin
have escalted the importance and more than they managed running si
drama even further. For the fifth against the tenacious Boilermakers.oiynsingsfor fansstodresrain
time in, a row one or both teams Ohio State scout Esco Sarkkinen, m slling anstre
will enter the game undefeated, for one, seemed quite impressed game. Two yers agd when the
but that advantage, and the role by Michigan's last performance. ams ast metrsinagolumbus athe
of favorite will mean little in Sat- "They (Michigan) are not playingt
urday's slugfest. with a bunch of mushkins up there. number of cases of violence and
For the fourth time in those five They've got some great football vandalism occurred.i
years THE game will decide who players," Sarkkinen said, adding, Bo can do without. Two years ago
wears or shares the conference "The way they react to pressure the tension got to the Wolverines
crown. Perhaps more important, is remarkable, and their defense when Lance Scheffler fumbled the
the winner of Saturday's contest has a record all of its own."
willmee USCin he ose awlin'opening kickoff and OSU scored.
will meet USC in the Rose Bowl in But Saturday will be a different Oddly enough the Wolverines will
a game which should decide the story and Schembechler was doubt- be without their star kick return
mythical . national championship. less telling the truth when he ad- man Saturday as speedster Gil
(Alabama doesn't count.) mitted "we've been looking for- Chapman suffered a pulled ham-
.......................ward to this game all season long. string muscle against Purdue.
OSU still has the tremendous de- Everyone else should be at full
The Michigan-Ohio State fense of the last few years and strength though for Michigan and
game Saturday will begin at have improved their offense tre- the Buckeyes too, with the prob-
1:20 p.m. EST and will be mendously." able return of halfback Rick Gal-
broadcast over radio sta- The ninth ranked Buckeyes have bos, should be in peak condition.
tions WAAM, 1600 AM; been making heavy waves this Michigan will have one advant-
WCBN- , 89.5;, year enroute to their 8-1 record age though. A tie may very well
F;WPAG,1(6-1 in conference). All-Americans be like kissing your sister but it
1050 AM; and WUOM, 91-7 George Hasenhohrl and Randy would still be enough to send the
FM. The game will also be Gradishar anchor a tough defense undefeated Wolverines to Pasa-
telecast nationally by ABC, while quarterback Greg Hare, full- dena.
channel 7 being the local back Harold Henson and wonder- (So what will our Bo do on
outlet. boy freshman Archie Griffin pound fourth and one from the two and
it out on the ground. Hare has also trailing by three?)
......................shown a good arm in completing
......................half his passes for 734 yards.
Ohio State will also have some In fact, up until a week ago when BADG
more psychological incentives, phy- the Buckeyes were upset by a.
sically, in the presence of 87,000 psyched up Michigan State squad,
of Columbus' craziest, and mental- Woody's boys have been ranked
a game which Woody Hayes made of playing an easy (and one less
forever famous by destroying the game) schedule and many people By JOEL GREER
yard markers. felt the loss to the Spartans proved WANTED: one lethargic hockey
Millions of TV viewers will also Ohio State was overrated. But if team capable of making the youth-
be able to watch THE game, and there is one thing last year's ful Michigan icers look good.
for "many it will be their first look squeaker proved it is that rankings
at the 10-0, third ranked 1972 Wol- count little in this match-up. Mich- Kidding aside, the Wolverines
verines. Though suspect at the igan had everything last year and could sure use a couple of easy
beginning of the season, Michigan's Ohio State had nothing but only a victories this weekend to rekindle
young defense has surprised every- last minute touchdown by Billy some of the confidence lost in
one shutting out four oppoents in Taylor saved Michigan from a their last five straight defeats.
leading the nation against the stunning upset. But Michigan's next opponent is
score. Schembechler and Hayes have anything but lethargic. In fact,
Meanwhile the offense, also ques- both closed practices this week according to thg.,coaches poll from
tionable at the beginning of the and don't be surprised if both Houghton, the Wolverines will be
year, has been more than ade- teams throw in a few extra wrin- facing the number one team in the
quate. Led by sophomore quarter- kles prior to Saturday's clash. Bo nation, Wisconsin.
back Dennis Franklin, the offense has been putting in oddities all "It's like going from the frying
has balanced out its tremendous year long and Woody, you may re- pan into the fire," says Michigan
running game with a very un-Bo- call, in 1970 waited until the sea- Coach Al Renfrew. For the Badg.
like passing attack. Last week son ender with Michigan to install ers are indeed that hot. They'll
against Purdue, Franklin completed a halfback draw-a play which did he brinindeeta e y'll
bebiging a five-game winning

Overweight coaches, brouhahas
highlight emotion-packed rivalry

They say it's a little bit like
Dante's Inferno with a bit of
Guadalcanal thrown in. Some
have termed it the most medio-
cre city in the world. But when
the Wolverines march into Co-
lumbus for the seventy-second
gridiron clash between Ohio
State and Michigan, it will be
the battleground for the Big Ten
championship for the sixteenth
time in memory.
The Michigan-Ohio State clash
ranks among the most rivaled
and bitterly contested series in
the land. The Wolverines hold a
definite advantage in the cen-
tury - long brouhaha with 39
victories against 25 setbacks
and seven no-decisions. The
game has produced some up-
sets, some laughter, some tears,
and a hell of a lot of excitement.
And when one considers this
fact, an oddity pops up. Woody
Hayes, the legendary Fat Boy
of Ohio State, doesn't even know
where Michigan is. In need of a
simple geography lesson, Woody
has been known to refer to the
Champions of the West, as "that
school from that state up north."
Associates of the long-time
Buckeye coach don't seem to
remember when the name was
last mentioned in his presence.
This malady stems in part
from the results of the 1969
football clash between the Buck-
eyes and Wolverines in crusty
Michigan Stadium. Called the
"Greatest Upset of the Cen-
tury" and other sundry acco-
lades, the maligned Wolverines
shut down the team that na-
tional magazines had termed
the "greatest college team ever
The super sophs from Ohio,
then know-everything juniors,
found that the Wolverines were
more than ready for them, as
the Victors Valiant clobbered
Woody's boys by a 24-12 score.
Part of the Wolverine success
was the fantastic pass defense.
Six Ohio State aerials found
their way into the clammy meat-
hooks of the Maize and Blue.
Wolverine quarterback D o n
Morehead was equally as bril-
liant, pinpointing passes against

the coveted Ohio defense with an
ease never before thought pos-
sible. Jim Mandich, Billy Tay-
lor and Garvie Craw joined in
the fun and the Wolverines
walked out with the victory.
But although Hayes couldn't
remember the name of the state,
he could remember the color of
the uniforms and the funky hel-
mets, Wolverine great Fritz
Crisler had introduced. And when
'the Mammouth Blue Wave tra-
velled to Columbus in 1970 in
the fight again for the confer-
ence championship, the sulking
Bucks pounded the Wolverines
with everything in Ohio, includ-
ing nuts, bolts, and a forward
Rex Kern and Leo Hayden did
much of the damage as the Wol-
verines found themselves behind
early. Although a Paul Staroba
touchdown narrowed the gap to
10-9, the Wolverines couldn't
stop Kern, who found receiver
Bruce Jankowski behind Bruce
Elliot and the decline of the Wol-
verine's hopes was complete.
Some games for the title were
played under adverse conditions.
For instance in 1950 before the
days of drainage and Tartan
Turf, the two combatants squar-
ed off in Ann Arbor with a cov-
ering of 12-20 inches of snow. The
white blanket hindered play, espe-
cially the offense, and between
the two squads an astronomical
45 punts were exchanged. Hold-
ing their own and waiting for
the Bucks to stumble, the Wol-
verines relied upon solid defense
to eke out a 9-3 decision.
Last year's clash was repre-
sentative of the type of emotion-
al response that the grid war be-
tween the Scarlet and Gray and
the Maize and Blue engenders.
Although no title was at stake
and no Rose Bowl bid was up
for grabs, the emotional peak
was higher than a junkie on
State Street.
104,000 plus fans crowded
Michigan Stadium to see the 1971
version of the closest thing to
guerrilla warfare in the conti-
nental United States. The Bucks,
injured, wounded and. thrice de-
feated, gave the Wolverines all
they would want in the first half,

stopping the running thrusts of
Wolverine running stars Fritz
Seyferth and Billy Taylor. The
pursuit by the Buckeye defense
shut off the option play and last
year the Wolverines were not ex-
actly passing giants.
The Wolverines tallied first
with a Dana Coin field goal.
Other opportunities were halted
were field miscues, some from
the hands of Billy Taylor, who
let two balls roll into Buckeye
In the third quarter, the tide
turned. A Barry Dotzauer punt
was fielded by Ohio State's deep
back Tom Campana and the
denizen of Ohio scooted 67 yards
to paydirt. Only Dotzauer had a
chance to catch the Buck speed-
ster and he muffed it.
But the Wolverines proved
the Big Ten team of destiny as
they drove back late in the
fourth quarter. Larry Sipa, sub-
bing for regular Tom Slade Who
was out with the proverbial hip
pointer, took the Wolverines down
to the 23 yard line. Key plays in
the drive included a 22 yard pass
to Bo Rather, and a Taylor
plunge for a first down.
Here Cipa rolled on the option
and as the Bucks charged him,
he neatly flicked the pigskin to
Taylor who raced in for the go-
ahead score.
But Ohio was far from finish-
ed and it took safety Tom Da-
den and an angry Woody Hayes
to complete the task. On a pass
to Dick Wakefield, Darden loop-
ed in front and hauled down the
Buckeye aerial. Hayes did a
dance and jig in hopes of get-
ting a favorable pass interfer-
ence call. The dance, indigenous
to parts of Ohio, was unappre-
ciated as the call remained un-
Hayes, the irrepressible imp,
decided that stadium decorations
need improvement.
To remedy this unfortunate
slip-up by Don Canham, Hayes
felt that a firstdown marker
would be just the thing to liven
up Michigan Stadium and de-
posited the memento on the side
lines much to the delight of the
assembled multitude.

Daily Photo by TOM GOTTLIEB
RANDY GRADISHAR (53) and George Hasenohrl are Ohio State's
main men on defense. They put the screws to Michigan's Fritz
Seyferth in last year's 10-7 Wolverine win. Saturday, they'll hope
to lunch on Ed Shuttlesworth, Dennis Franklin and Chuck Heater.





x (24)
( 9)
( 6)

Gil Chapman (185).
Jim Coode (235)
Mike Hoban (232)
Bill Hart (227)
Tom Coyle (233)
Paul Seymour (250)
Paul Seal (213)
Dennis Franklin (185)
Ed Shuttlesworth (227)
Chuck Heater (205)
Clint Haslerig (182)
Clint Spearman (223)
Fred Grambau (234)
Greg Ellis (223)
Dave Gallagher (230)]
Don Coleman (210) l
Craig Mutch (203)
Tom Kee (215)l
Randy Logan (192)
Barry Dotzauer (162)
Roy Burks (185)
Dave Brown (185)

SE (87) Mike Bartoszek (209)
LT (75) Merv Teague (222)
LG (63) Jim Kregel (237)
C (52) Steve Myers (234)
RG (58) Chuck Bonica (256)
RT (74) John Hicks (254)
TE (80) Fred Pagac (210)
QB (18) Greg Hare (198)
FB (38) Harold Hensen (224)
WB (33) Rick Galbos (211)
TB (45) Archie Griffin (185)


(88) Van DeCree (217)
(70) George Hasenohrl (262)
(42) Arnold Jones (224)
(71) Pete Cusik (242)
(91) Jim Cope (222)
(53) Randy Gradishar (232)
(32) Rick Middleton (217)
(28) Doug Plank (192)
(20) Neal Colzie (197)
(16) Jeff Davis (184)
(24) Rich Parsons (188)

skein into Ann Arbor Friday hop-
ing to remain on the heels of the
first-place Denver Pioneers in the
Western Collegiate Hockey Asso-
ciation race.
After dropping their inital con-
test of the season to Colorado Col-
lege, 10-6, the Badgers smothered
the Tigers in their .three other;
meetings while taking a pair from
Colgate in between.
I In t h e i r five-game winning
streak the Badgers have scored
42goalstwhile giving upa paltry
And to make the Michigan de-
fense shudder even more, Wiscon-
sin forced Colorado College goal-
tender Ed Mio to stop an incred-
ible 72 shots in last Friday's 6-3
Badger win.
But what can the Wolverines do
The Ann Arbor Track club will
be sponsoring a five mile road
race Sunday at. 10:00 a.m. at
the U of M Golf Course club
house. There is a 50c entry fee
and there will be awards for all
finishers. Proceeds will go to-
wards the reformation of the
Track Club.
Tickets for the third annual
Ink Bowl to be held in Pasadena,
Calif., will go on sale Monday,
Nov. 27 at the Michigan Daily.
The world famous Daily Libels
will meet the Southern California
Leaky Trojans for the vaunted
championship now held by the
Libels. Prices for the tickets will
be $25.00 a plate, $12.50 for sec-
and base. The game will be
played on Dec. 31 in sunny Cali-

to turn the tide against Wiscon-'
sin? "We'll have to get our share;
of the breaks," answers Renfrew,'
"and then get a few more."
Unfortunately, the breaks didn't
come last weekend while the Wol-
verines were losing a pair to
Michigan Tech.
In the opener, Michigan stormed
the Huskies throughout the first
period but were able to score only
once while firing 19 shots on goal.
The momentum switched in the,
second frame, however, as the
Huskies scored three times in less
than two minutes turning a one-
goal deficit into a two-goal lead.
Seeing all their first period work
go down the drain in the second,
the Wolverines came out extreme-
ly flat in the final period allowing
the Huskies two more goals and a
6-2 victory.
Saturday's 7-2 Tech win was
more of the same. After Tech
grabbed a 3-0 advantage the Wol-
verines fought back within one
only to see a pair of tying oppor-
tunities go to waste.
Michel Jarry just missed the far
corner of the net on athree-on-two
break late in the second period,
while Pierre Sarazin hit the goal
post with a shot early in the third.
"We just don't have anybody
who can come up with the big
goal," assesses Renfrew. "Last
year we had Bernie (Gagnon),"
who scored 35 goals in 34 games.
But so far this season nobody has
picked up the slack.
To hold down that powerful Wis-
consin attack, Renfrew expects the
Wolverines to "forecheck harder-
and better." And he is also hoping
for an elimination of the defen-
sive mistakes which accounted for
a number of the Huskie goals.
The physical condition of fresh-
man goaltender Robbie Moore is
evenmore importantas cartilage
damage to his right knee has been,
extensive. The injury prompted his
removal from a Notre Dame game
a week ago and almost forced an
early exit in Saturday's defeat.
Prcfessional d a n c e r with the
Hungarian State Folk Dance
Ensemble will teach dances.
8:00-11:00 P.M.
No Experience Necessary
Sponsored by
U. of M. Folkdancers

"The knee was operated on over
a year ago," explains Renfrew,
"but hopefully he can hold out the
rest of the season before we oper-
ate again."
Randy Neal remains the only
other Michigan casualty and his
return for the Wisconsin series re-
mains doubtful.

If Martians attacked the Russians,
whose side would we be oln?

There's only one answer:
We're all on this thing together.
Even if we don't get along with some na-
tions. we've got to deal with the great problems
that affect all nations: not Martians but pollution,
population, trade barriers, restricted freedoms
to travel, war.
They're just too big and too urgent for even
the strongest nations to solve alone.
One'way to develop solutions is by getting
together with nations we are friendly with ...
some of our European allies and other autono-
mous democracies.
In the next session of Congress, a resolution
will be introduced calling for a convention of del-
egates from the most experienced democracies.

This Atlantic Union Convention will explore
the possibilities of forming a workable federation
of democracies, geared to finding and imple-
menting practical solutions to our mutual
By utilizing the individual strengths and
talents of each free nation, we can begin to set
things straight on the only world we've got.
We can pullI the peoples of the world togeth-
er by solving the difficulties we facertogether.
The concept of a federation of autonomous
democracies is not new. Beginning in 1939 with
Clarence K. Streit's non-fiction best-seller, Union
Now, it has won the support of such diverse
lepders as Robert Kennedy, Barry ,Gold
Hubert Humphrey, Richard Nixon and
George McGovern among others.

President Kennedy described it this way:
"Acting on our own by ourselves, we can-
not establish justice throughout the world. We
cannot insure its domestic tranquility, or provide
for its common defense or promote its general
welfare, or secure the blessings of liberty to our-
selves and our posterity. But, joined with other
free nations, we can do all of this and more..."
Unfortunately there are people in this coun-
try who are against our simply participating in
the Atlantic Union discussions.
So we need your support.
By filling out and mailing this coupon,you'l
simply be saying "Why not? Let's talk."

Ali defeats Foster on
knockout in eighth
STATELINE, Nav. (/P) - Former The end came after 40 seconds
heavyweight champion Muhammad of the round and it was the seventh
Ali, bleeding from the nose and time the 180-pound sheriff's deputy
left eye, slammed a right hand from Albuquerque, N.M., had been
that knocked out light heavyweight on the canvas.
champion Bob Foster in the eighth Ali's nose bled from the second
round of their scheduled 12-round round and his left eye was bruised
bout last night. in the fourth and a cut appeared
in the fifth. Dr. Ferdinand Pache-
-____ - cho examined Ali's eye before the
Ii start of the seventh stanza.

Detroit 113, Atlanta 110

Foster went down four timestin
the fifth round and twice in the
seventh before finally taking the
full count for the sixth loss in his
55-fight career. Five of those de-'
feats have been to heavyweights.

.... ... . . ... S U . ..... a a .

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