Eighty-two years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan SGC could accomplish something--Jacobs 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 1 . , +f -. O :., 4 '.0. I, ~ Kf --K [p Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in oil reprints. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1972 Conspiracy and justice FTER FOUR YEARS, justice has tri- umphed in the Chicago Conspiracy case, but hopefully the lessons learned about the government's law enforcement programs during that time will not be dropped along with the defendants' con- victions. When a federal appeals court yesterday overturned the convictions of the five of the Chicago 7 found guilty of crossing state lines to incite a riot, it was the last in a string of reversals that more than point out the ludicrous aspects of Judge Julius Hoffman's circus of '69. In this most recent action, Rennie Davis, Tom Hayden, Abbie Hoffman, Jerry THE JUDGES IN THE federal appeals court which reversed the convictions did so because of "errors" in Hoffman's handling of the trial, concluding "that the demeanor of the judge and prosecu- tor would require reversal if other errors did not." No court ruling, however, could possibly, explain the half of what went on in the court of the man critics have called "Mr. Magoo." Americans know, though, whenever they can see in their minds a picture of a bound and gagged Bobby Seale, glaring at Hoffman and many Americans realize, too, that the charges were by their nature repressive-the jury knew that when it acquitted the men of conspiracy charges. Thus, the most important point Ameri- cans need to remember from the whole four-year experience is not that light triumphed over darkness with the vindi- cation of the Chicago defendants-but that there never should have been any defendants in the first place. And that they, as Americans, must never allow such a travesty as the Hoffman handling of the trial to take place again. -TAMMY JACOBS Managing Editor A belated Thanksgiving IT IS APPROPRIATt at this time of the season that we extend a Happy Thanksgiving to all our well-wishers and maligners. There is one group, however, that we take pains not to wish a happy thanksgiving tomorrow, but only a be- lated one. That group is the Michigan football team. It is sincerely hoped that the entire Michigan squad will delay its Thanks- giving festivities long enough to make mince meat and squash out of the hap- less Buckeyes from Columbus. -R.S. I r O t".1 I.j t R~f/CJ /'A By BILL JACOBS SINCE THE recent Student Government Council elections, much has been said positively and negatively concerning the potential of Student Government Council to viably represent the stu- dent body and enact programs to their benefit. As (Daily Assoc. Managing Editor) Paul Travis has said, if members "vote their politics rather than their emotions" SGC will have a successful year. During this coming year, a number of import- ant issues will come before the Council for con- sideration: 9 Grocery Co-op: The issue in this case is a basic one of self-government. The Regents have said that the student body does not have the right to determine how the student government may spend money. We affirm that the students have their right and will propose actions for Council to take to safeguard this right. # Child Care: We believe that the University has a definite obligation to provide adequate child care facilities for the University Community and will be asking for Council's support. 0 Dormitory control: Last year dormitory stu- dents elected a new University Housing C o u n c i 1 which represents all dorm students. We are de- manding that UHC have sole authority over the dormitory system and will be taking actions to enforce this demand. . 0 Legal Advocate Program: The student body voted to support a full time SGC lawyer 1 a s t spring. One of the purposes for which this law- yer was intended to be used was suing the Uni- versity on behalf of the student body if necessary on such issues as open Regents meetings. The Regents have ruled that SGC may not do so: We intend to fight this ruling. OROTC-Research: For many years students have voiced the opinion that there is no place for ROTC, clasified research or military research on campus, yet all these institutions remain on campus. In the coming year, we will be bringing proposals to the University via SGC such as turning the North Hall ROTC facilities into a child care center. There are many other issues and programs that will come before Council this year that will be similar to those listed above in that they are clear cut issues of student power. A "yes" vote will mean that you support student power and a "no" vote will mean you oppose student power and student self-government. However, it must be noted thdt no single, indeed no two parties combined have a majority on S.G.C. At present there are five political parties repre- sented on S.G.C. in addition to the two independ- ents. If any of the above programs are to be sup- ported by S.G.C. they must be supported by radi- cal-left coalition. FOR SOMEONE to urge persons to vote against these proposals, as Bob Black (a losing candidate in the SGC election) has done is to urge a vote against student power and such urgings must not be construed in any other manner. As the elected representative of the student body, and as a member of the GROUP party I will be supporting these and other programs. I would hope that the other members of Council elected on radical platforms will support student power and vote accordingly. Last year, the GROUP party was elected on a platform urging a lot less politics and a lot more action. Perhaps a more appropriate slogan this year would be a lot less "political infighting" and a lot more action. Bill Jacobs is president of Student Government Council. ,j "-"-- ,. "The overage American is just like the child in a family... !" ROTC " Worthwhile function at the U'? THE HOFFMAN'S: ABBIE AND MR. McGOO Rubin and David Dellinger were cleared of the remaining convictions against them. This summer, contempt charges levied by Mr. Hoffman were dropped, al- though the government plans to retry the defendants for contempt of court. Two of the original defendants, Lee Weiner and John Froines, were acquitted in the first place; and Bobby Seale, whose case was severed from the rest, 'will not be tried again after being set free on a ruling of 'mistrial.' Basically, none of the convictions against the Chicago defendants has stuck. What sticks is the impression of a government trying to put the screws to those who dissent against it, with Judge Hoffman acting as a willing tool for the job. Send them to Washington AMERICA IS celebrating Thanksgiving A for the 350th straight year tomorrow and we're taking a break until Tuesday morning. In Plymouth, Massachusetts, "Pilgrims" are re-creating the first Thanksgiving, offering 17th Century food and decor to all visitors. "Visiting" will be a group of Wam- panoag, Narragansett, Passamaquoddy, Today's staff: News: Prakash Aswani, Jan Benedetti, David Burhenn, Linda Dreeben, Cin- dy Hill, Paul Travis Editorial Page: Robert Schreiner Arts Page: Debbie Pastoria, Gloria Jane Smith Photo technician: David Margolick and Rappahannock Indians "mourning the loss of Indian life, land and culture, which .. . began with the arrival of the Pilgrims." David Freeman, director of the Ply- mouth Plantation which is sponsoring:the Pilgrim Thanksgiving Day Feast, is none too happy. -'I think it's a most unfortun- ate turn of things . . . This sort of thing is very disruptive. . . . It should be in Washington. Focusing attention on a little place like this doesn't seem to be of much value." The Indians, whose ancestors were at peace with the Pilgrims from 1620 until 1670, plan to fast tomorrow. -A.L. By BILL HEENAN THE CONTROVERSY over the presence of at officer education program on campus seems to de- monstrate a widespread self-im- posed ignorance of the true issue involved. Of course, ROTC is a convenient scapegoat for the hated war - a war initiated by politic- ians, not the army. But whatever ROTC represents, that is not the issue at stake. In order, to penetrate the bil- lowing cloud of misinformation, it is necessary to discuss the back- ground and the role of ROTC here at Michigan. In 1917 the Board of Regents requested a program for commissioning officers into t h e army. A military science depart- ment, led by professor of that sci- ence was created and accredited. The status of this organization re- mained relatively unchanged, ex- cept for additions of Navy and Air force programs, until 1969. De- monstrations and damage to ROTC "forced" the University to take a second look at ROTC. Without even a glance at ROTC course material, the University "softened" to anti-ROTC demands. The name of this department was officially changed to Officer Edu- cation as the professor of military science suddenly became a chair- man. Hardest hit were the assist- ant professors who lost all their former status. In addition, the lit- erary college in May, 1970 term- inated its recognition of credit for ROTC courses. Meanwhile, the University quiet- ly repaired most of the $20,000 da- mage sustained by North Hall dur- ing the demonstrations.hWhere did Letter To The Daily: I, LIKE an Ann Landers corre- spondent, never thought I would be writing to The Daily. However, the feature article on prostitution by Michael Castleman in Sunday's Daily (Nov. 19) compelled me to write. The article itself is such an extended exercise in contradic- tion and hyperbole that any at- tempt to unravel it would be a thankless, if not impossible task. I wish only to present a few se- lect passages, representing Mr. Castleman's most serious sins against common sense and the English language. Early on, Mr. Castleman wishes to prove that our attitudes toward prostitution are "sexist". To do so, he draws a fantastic analogy be- tween prostitutes and professional football players. The author ar- gues that because these athletes take steroids (drugs that might cause impotence) they are prosti- tuting themselves. The comparison left me less than convinced but the author offered a solution to my confusion. He counseled, "check your guts now: do you react this way to female prostitutes?" Un- certain as to the exact way of "checking my guts", I glanced in desperation at may navel hoping to be enlightened. Alas! my navel stared blankly back at me offering no clarification. The article continues with such pronouncements as "in this light, prostitution appears as a liberat- ing alternative to the forcible rape called "marriage", and "prostitu- tion may very well be a form of sexual liberation for some wo- men." But perhaps the most vic- ious of Mr. Castleman's sentiments is his decision that "in one sense courtship is more insidious than prostitution." One is left feeling a little sad for the women whom this repair money come from? Think about it. WHO ARE these short-haired fel- lows among us? ROTC has several advantages that cannot be over- looked: -A competitive four-year schol- arship that pays for tuition, text- books, plus a $50 monthly allow- ance. The student is not commit- ted until his junior year; -Upon enrolling, a 1-D draft classification is automatic; -The course material is con- tinually being revised in a closer relationship with academic s u b- jects. The officers are more than qualified by University standards to instruct. Four of the five of- ficers have master degrees; -After graduation (BS or BA of his choice) and a commission, the new officer serves two years of active duty and six years in the reserve. If an honor graduate, the individual may pursue a graduate degree; and -Many large business organiza- tions appreciate the management training received in ROTC. Let us return to the true issue in this controversy. ROTC consists of real people who chose by their own free will to be involved in this program. Therefore, the question is whether these people should be permitted to pursue the curricula of their choice, and if the Univer- sity has the right to deny any of its members an education. Bill Heenan is a staff writer for The Daily. Black, march defended By EUGENE ROBINSON N MONDAY, several hundred students and community mem- bers demonstrated their outrage at the killing of two black students at Louisiana's Southern University. The protest was small and not very vocal, and in most respects a bit disappointing. An editorial in The Daily yester- day, however, lamented the fact that blacks at the demonstration began a senarate march to the Ann Arbor Community Center. In truth, the blacks' march was one of the few rays of hone shinging through an otherwise dismal display. The role of Southern University, is first as a black institution, and only secondly as a university. The major thrust of black politics over the past few years has been black control of black institutions, a far, cry from the integration movement of the Sixties. Blacks, after be- ing offered token influence through traditionally white institutions, have begun to realize the potential impact of institutions of their own. The Editorial Page of The Michigan Daily is open to any- one who w i s h e s to submit articles. Generally speaking, all articles should be less than 1,000 words. THIS REALIZATION lay at the center of the disturbances at Sou- thern. The school was originally a Jim Crow measure, a bone thrown to blacks who wanted an educa- tion; but it grew to become t h e largest black college in the nation. With over 9,000 students, Southern is potentially one of the most effec- tive black institutions in the coun- try. As speaker 'Lee Calhoun said at yesterday's demonstration, t h e students "threatened the founda- tion of the university" by attempt- ing to make it totally responsive to the needs of black people. And just as black students were killed over similar demands in Orange- burg, S.C. in 1968 and Jackson, Miss. in 1970, so were they killed in Baton Rouge. Southern black col- leges were founded by whites and placed in a subservient role to white schools; and any threat to' this subservience has historically been met swiftly and strongly. South- ern whites believe they must keep these universities in their place. It was in the spirit of black con- trol of black institution that blacks staged their own march on Mon- day. Black students here rightfully see the killings at Southern as a threat to their own existence; and more importantly as a warning to those who seek to increase black influence and power. THE BLACKS' separate march was a sign of desire to form soli- darity among black, institutions around the world, a desire, for self- determination. Thus it was a hope- ful, rather than despairing, 'sign. It indicated not separatism, but in- volvement with the lives of blacks world-wide. The march's depressing side was in -the small black turnout. It seems that though some black in- dividuals recognized the need to demonstrate outrage and kinship for those killed, the campus' larg- est black institutions - such as black fraternities, for example - exhibit a sorry lack of awareness. Every member of every black group on campus should have marched on Monday; not in an effort to segregate themselves from concerned whites, but to show awareness that racism still exists, that blacks in this country are still discriminated against, that what we are told about the black struggle for freedom being a thing of the past cannot -and must not be true. It is this concept that most whites cannot understand: that blacks have finally decided that they are the only ones who can properly determine their destiny. Gene Robinson is a staff writer for The Daily. -1 fi 'Prostitution' 1- i 's. b S - I .; ; . to this point, he is rewarded by what is certainly Mr. Castleman's most thought-provoking remark. In a true rhetorical question, the author queries "Furthermore, what's the difference between pros- titution and cutting your hair or donning a bra and shaving your legs . . ." I would like to answer that question with a question. Who says The Daily does not have a comics page? -John Barron, '73 Nov. 20 Layman's terms To The Daily: WE HAD a good laugh Sunday night, and we wanted to share it with you. You see, we read Mich- ael Castleman's feature article on prostitution in the Sunday Daily. In lay-man's terms, we found it one of the most whore-ible pieces of garbage ever printed. First, relying on the statistics of prostitution, Castleman proceeds to show that every member of the American work force is being ex- ploited. Second, he characterizes all marriage as "forcible rape." Third, he calls ours "a culture of sexually imprisoned women;" we ask him to define his terms, and then to prove that women are more sexually imprisoned - whatever that means - than men. He closes by linking prostitution to capital- ism. Certainly, we need only to convert to socialism to solve our problem. Note that Castleman's argument assumes prostitution in America to be undesirable. But most striking are Castle- man's nonsequiturs. Somehow, Cas- tleman finds the issue of prostitu- tion tied to football players, secre- taries, housewives, advertising, and term papers. We compliment Cas- tleman for his imagination, but certainly not for his argumentative man's long panegyric on prosti- tution was written seriously in hon- or of "Mrs. Warren's Profession" or is merely a Shavion satire on capitalism and Victorian domestic- ity, designed to bring out of their holes some elderly men of the Es- tablishment. If the latter, he has succeeded in my case., The great error of the article, however motivated, was that it ignores the fact that millions upon millions of husbands and wives really love each other, enjoy sex just because they love each other, and are partners parentally, social- ly, economically, and intellectually as well as sexually. I have person- ally known of scores of such cases. Of course purely mercenary mar- riages deserve to be called "legal- ized prostitution", though, even in such cases, the woman drives a better bargain, getting lifelong se- curity (or, anyhow, a divorce plus alimony) than in retail self-sale. But in most, marriages there is some element of mutual attraction and mutual regard. As to Mr. Castleman's argument that all employment is self-sale, that is mere word juggling. Now that the independent farm is the exception, practically everybody is employed by someone else, and if (as in socialist and communist countries) the someone else is the State, the public official can ex- ploit as mercilessly as any private emnloyer. But most people would prefer to sell eight hours a day of their time for some useful work rather than sell their bodies for the pleasure of casual strangers. Really, people do make that dis- tinction, Mr. Castleman! To take my own sixty years of employment: I figure roughly that I have worked for pay for the United States government, for three state governments, for twelve --,,,,a .,,ta.- n r y-re~i- n feature SGC blue4 To The Daily: I AM writing in dismay at ya totally subjective and insensiti, reporting which came to my atte tion as a result of the S t u d e Government Council meeting November 16th, 1972. It is ever important that objectivity stan out in these days of uncertain ph' osophy and rhetoric. Newspape stand out as a means of gettii at the truth and the facts, ai then as a way of sensing moo and interpretations of those fac The Michigan Daily, as the closi newspaper to the students, fac the challenge of "telling it like is". Indeed, as a result of Thui day's meeting, I am convinc that this is even so important wi this student ,body is being reps sented in the inefficient manner is. blasted The last meeting was particularly crucial, in that the majority party used storm trooper tactics to rail-' road its proposals through SGC. Parliamentary procedure was writ- ten and rewritten in an effort to harass the oppositionr and bring proposals to a quick vote. ("Bleeding heart" liberals v o t e d "yes" because they were afraid that their reasoning would be ex- amined otherwise. They did not want to stand out in a crowd, be- cause their policies could not stand the strain of public examination.) When Bill Jacobs was in the room at all (it wasn't often!), he was seen making open threats against those SGC members who did not vote with him. Later he declared that if SGC passed one motion (specifically $1000 for the Jewish newspaper Emmet) without follow- ing what he considered a legal pro- cedure (taking the bill to the Spon- sorship Committee (something nev- would have no trouble persuading them. (Jacobs is one who never lets justice stand; in the Way of his opinion!) THIS IS not a partisan issue, lib- erals and conservatives alike have expressed a dislike for dictatorial methods in government, for those methods bring delusions, apathy and a total lack of credibility to the system at large. It is time to start with every student and tell him or her that students still have the right to say how they feel about their government. In short, there were only 3,000 voters at the polls for the last SGC election (approximate figure). The reasons are many; Igive just two, because they all point the same wav: to the manipulation of SGC by Bill Jacobs and his party. First of all, apathy is encouraged by Jacob's failure to bring SGC out of its ivory tower of emotion to talk with the student body. Not all students can arrange to come to the meetings, and the publica- tions of SGC are subjective and poorly arranged. Secondly, elec- tion orocedures, designed to pre- vent fraud (which, in fact, they did not do) made student participation a test of endurance rather than the rewarding experience it should be. This shows the power the Pres- ident of SGC has; his party picks the election director, and look who wins the elections! It is time to bring pressure to bear upon all those who think they are doing fine when their opposition is silent. Just the opposite should be the case. The American system of government provides for an airing of all views and all facts, in the opinion that misconceptions will be eliminated or modified for the bet- .terment of all. If a prejudice is desired, then it should be a pre-