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November 21, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-11-21

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See Editorial Page

Yl r e

*6f rila

a t

For details see "today"

Vol. LXXXIII, No. 65 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 21, 1972 Ten Cents

Eight Pages

today. ..
if you see news happen call 76-DAILY

Union break-in
Four people went for a prowl around the fourth floor of the
Union Sunday night, forcing entry into at least seven rooms.
But they didn't steal anything, according to Union Manager Stan-
field Wells. The prowlers were reported by a startled Union
resident and apparently got scared away before they could
get anything. A number of student rooms and the Legal Aid
office were broken into. University unit police are checking
it out.
Children behave!
President Robben Fleming and Ohio State President Harold
Enarson are worried about what Michigan and Ohio fans will do
to the stadium, referees, football players and each other after
Saturday's big finale in Columbus. They issued a joint state-
ment yesterday urging fans to keep the mayhem in the stands
from exceeding the mayhem on the field. The statement reads,
"we hope that all our fans . . . will be good sports either in
victory or defeat, and that we will be as proud of them as we
are of our respective teams."
Fashion show
Something's, going to happen at Northville State Hospital
today that generally doesn't happen at mental institutions. There's
going to be a fashion show. Kay Baum of Ann Arbor is provid-
ing the clothes and models for the show as a part of the
psychology department's Outreach Program. According to pro-
gram spokespersons, the idea is to give the patients - parti-
cularly women soon to be released - an up-to-date understand-
ing of the world outside the institution's walls.
Diag assault
Two thugs, described as teen-aged white males, assaulted
and attempted to rob a 14-year-old Ann Arbor youth on the
Diag Sunday night. According to police reports, the two knocked
the youth down and slashed his arm with a knife. For an as yet
unexplained reason, the assailants fled without taking any money.
The police are investigating.
Happenings ...
. . . Slim pickings for today, but if you're into history go
to the LSA Coffee Hour, 2549 LSA from 3 to 4:30 . . . at night you
can go to the Women's Studies Film Series which features
High School (a really great flick, from all reports) at the UGLI
Multipurpose Room at 7 p.m. . . . you can hit the Rive Gauche
for Spanish Language night at 9 p.m. (1024 Hill St.) . . . or you
can just stay at home and call in your questions and gripes to
President Fleming, Daily editor Sara Fitzgerald and Jean
Cobb, chairperson of the University Alumnae Council. They will
appear on WUOM's "Symposium '72" on 91.7 FM at 8 p.m.
(call 763-9210 or 763-1550).
USO scandal
WASHINGTON-Officials of the USO-a supposedly non-profit
organization which runs clubs for servicemen overseas - have
been raking in profits from black market operations, accord-
ing to a Pentagon report. The secret report-released by the
Washington Post-reveals large scale corruption with some USO
officials suspected of clearing as much as $1 million and deposit-
ing it in foreign banks. USO is supported mainly through public
fund raising efforts.
Dirty campaign
WASHINGTON-The head of the Fair Campaign Practices
Committee says the 1972 election was the dirtiest in recent his-
tory. Sam Archibald, the committee's executive director, says
complaints this year were up 25 per cent over 1968. A significant
percentage of the complaints, according to Archibald, concerned
abuses of the free mailing privilege given to members of Con-
Gerrymander obsolete?
NEW YORK - Ann Arbor Ward Boundary Commission take
note! The New York Academy of Sciences says computers will
make the gerrymander extinct. Participants in a recent academy
conference met to discuss various ways computers can be used
to draw non-partisan and hopefully equitable voting districts.
Military suit
WASHINGTON - The National Prison Project of the Ameri-
can Civil, Liberties Union is suing the Army and Air Force for
violating the constitutional privileges of inmates in military
prisons. The suit-filed on behalf of inmates in the U.S. Disci-
plinary Barracks in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas and at military
stockades throughout the country-alleges unlawful censorship
of inmate's mail and racial discrimination.
Mineral cheating?
DENVER - Spokespersons for the American Indian Move-
ment (AIM) say documents stolen from the Bureau of Indian
Affairs building earlier this month show that five major U.S.
corporations have been cheating Indians in order to obtain min-
eral rights. Phillips Petroleum, Standard Oil of California, Phelps
Dodge, Peabody Coal, and Sinclair Oil are all accused. All five
companies have denied that they cheat Indians.

Mexico angry
MEXICO CITY - The Mexicans are getting pretty angry
with the U.S. and the issue is an old one - foreign investments.
According to the National Bank of Mexico, 35 per cent of that
country's most important corporations are partially foreign-own-
ed, and the Mexican government is starting to crack down on
further foreign investment. Feelings south of the border were
hardly soothed by an article in Barron's magazine - a Wall
Street-oriented publication - which said Mexico's restrictions
on foreign investment are "killing the bird that laid the golden
egg "
On the inside .. .
... guest writer Mickey Matus writes on King Dick
and the land of Asu on the Editorial Page . . . Don Sosin
reviews the Paniagua Quartet on the Arts Page . . . and
the Sports Page you'll find an Associated Press feature

U.., N. Viets
renew talks
By The Associated Press and Reuters
PARIS-Presidential envoy Henry Kissinger met for five
and a half hours yesterday with North Vietnamese negotia-
tor Le Duc Tho in the first of a series of secret talks that
officials say will bring a ceasefire to Vietnam.
There was no formal announcement of their meeting
from either side, but the two men were seen at the villa by
television reporters.
Kissinger, Tho and their advisers lunched in the villa,
presumably together. They left the villa to return to their
respective residences at 4 p.m. They were driven to and from
Gif-Sur-Yvette, the site of the talks, under strong police
At various times of the day, Kis-
singer and Tho could be seen
strolling separately indthebgarden
of the villa, accompanied by their
When they emerged, they smiled
and waved at the camera crew but
refused to answer questions.
The site of the Kissinger-Tho
talks had been kept secret by both.
sides and there was no indication1
where the two men would hold I..
their next meeting, set for Tues-
day afternoon. WASHINGTON, Reuters - Cuba
As Kissinger, President Nixon's has told Washington it will put
national security adviser, and Tho, three U. S. hijackers on trial and
a member of North Vietnam's has proposed a starting date for
Politburo, finished their first day negotiations on an anti-hijacking
of talks, the Viet Cong issued a agreement, the state department
statement here accusing the United said yesterday.

ABOUT 90 University black students yesterday marched down city streets as part of campus protests of the two student deaths at South-
ern University at Baton Rouge, La.

0 4
BATON ROUGE, La. (A)-Louisi- are not yet willing to admit the
ana Atty. Gen. William Guste, yes- pellets came from police shotguns.'

appoin ted



States of taking preparatory steps,
toward sabotaging agreements al-
ready made about a ceasefire.
"The massive introduction of
arms and other war materials in
South Vietnam, the increase of U.S.
air forces in Taiwan and the'

Indirect talks conducted through
the Swiss government, which rep-
resents U.S. interests in Cuba, may
begin in a matter of weeks, de-
partment spokesperson Charles
Bray said.

terday announced the appointment They claim some type of h
of a 12-member commission to in- made grenade thrown by stu
vestigate the turmoil at Southern could have been responsible
University that led to the deaths the killings.
of two students. The incident occured at the
The commission will consist of of a three week period of sti
an equal number of blacks and unrest, in which students wer
whites including two students. manding greater control over
Guste told a news conference the versity policy as well as the r
commission will initiate its investi- nation of university presidentI
gation Nov. 2F. He said the panel Netterville.
will call law enforcement officers,
city and state officials, university A story printed in the Los
administrators and newsmen be- geles Times quotes Louisiana
hind closed doors to testify about Edwin Edwards as saying, "I1
last Thursday's violence at the no doubt it was a deputy whoI
university, the largest black col- the shot." The Times story
lege in the nation.
The attorney general said the
panel would meet in -private, like
a grand jury, because the evidence 3 5 0w p ro
obtained may lead to criminal
charges. He said he will use his
office's subpoena powers and thea
witnesses will be under oath.
The two students killed, Denver
Smith and Leonard Brown, both
20 year-old black men, were shot By GORDON ATCHESON
in a confrontation with Baton and DAVID BURHENN
Rouge deputy sheriffs and Louisi- Protesting the killing of
ana State Police last Thursday. black students at Southern Un
Medical reports show that the sity in Baton Rouge, some 250
men died from head wounds caus- sons rallied yesterday at the
ed by a number of small pellets. versity's Administration B
The pellets closely resemble the while an estimated 90 black
number four buckshot used by the dents m a r c h e d through
sheriff's department. But officials streets.
sCity denies airport

-e de

reports that Edwards plans to fire
Netterville and accede to most of
the student demands.
In a statement issued in re-
sponse, Edwards accused the
author of the article of showing
"a gross lack of regard for the
whole truth" and said the reporter
had attended only 30 minutes of a,
two-hour meeting between Ed-
wards and Justice Department of-
ficials, then wrote "an irrespon-1
sible, inaccurate and unauthorized
two-minute summarization, out of'
context ... "
Edwards denied he said he would
fire Netterville, adding that in any
event, that power rested with the
state Board of Education. He noted'

he had commented in the past that speeded deliveries of new arna- The three hijackers to go on
many of the student demands had ments to the puppet forces of the trial have been identified as Hen-
merit and could be implemented Phnom Penh government are view- ry Jackson and Lewis Voorebn,
without delay, but added that he ed as further proof of preparations wanted in Detroit on assault char-
did not intend to agree to all de- by the Nixon administration to sab- ges, and Melvin Cale, who escap-
mands. otage the agreement already ed from a Tennessee jail.
In other recent developments it reached," the statement from the They hijacked a Southern Air-
was confirmed that Netterville had Viet Cong Foreign Ministry said. ways DC-9 to Havana nine days
fired two professors for their al- After his talks with Tho, Kissin- ago after directing the plane on a
leged encouragement of student ger held consultations wfth Pham 29-hour criss-cross journey across
protests. Reliable sources indicated Dang Lam, head of ',outh Viet- the North American continent.
that at least three or four other nam's delegation to the weekly T$
professors would also be excused Paris peace talks. The hijackers collected $2 mil-

otest student
opus rally an

on the same grounds. While the secret talks continued,1
One of the fired professors, Dr. both Hanoi and Saigon kept up a
Joseph Johnson of the physics de- drumfire of propaganda.
partment called the action,,"a gro- One Hanoi broadcast in English
tesque and perverted attempt to beamed to U.S. servicemen in
deflect blame from this massacre." South Vietnam said, "One of the
excuses for continuation of the
war is that Nguyen Van Thieu, the,
U.S. puppet in Saigon, won't ac-'
cept what has been agreed upon
slayngs orhVitnm
between the United States and
North Vietnam.
"But to you, the very men who
astill have to risk your lives in
their game, you should know who
that man in Saigon is that Nixon
protesting Southern University tells you to die for . . . Is it
students. Committees were set up worth it?"
to raise funds for the parents of In Saigon, the newspaper Tin

ion ollars in ransom money from
Southern Airways before landing
in Havana.
The United States has asked for
the return of the trio, but the State
Department indicated it was pleas-
ed with the Cuban decision to
prosecute the men in connectiin
with the hijacking.
"We hope this step will serve
to deter others who may have been
contemplating hijacking," Bray
Cuba's proposed starting date
for the talks - the date was not
revealed by the State Department
-and the trial decision were con-


The demonstration began at 3:15
p.m. on Regent's Plaza. Student.
Government Council President Bill
Jacobs presided over the gather-
ing rally, which had been called
by a number of campus groups, in-
cluding SGC, Students for a Demo-
cratic Society, and the Black Unit-
ed Front (BUF), a coalition of
black campus organizations.
Jacobs outlined the sequence of

events that led up to the Southern
University (SU) killings and then
introduced the first speaker, Lee
Calhoun, who read a statement

the dead students, and to study Song, which reflects presidential tained in a diplomatic note receiv-
the feasibility of a University-SU thinking, said Kissinger will tell ed from Havana during the week-
exchange program. the North Vietnamese that South d
Meanwhile at the Administration Vietnam's conditions for a peace
Bldg., the remainder of the crowd agreement are unchanged and the Last week, both the Cuban and
listened enthusiastically as speak- next move is up to Hanoi. U.S. governments signaled a gen-
ers blasted the killings, and stress- The South Vietnamese Senate by eral willingness to conduct nego-
ed what they considered the fail- a 36-8 vote, endorsed the basic tiations, and Cuba's proposed date
ure of our University to fulfill pre- conditions laid down by Thieu.
viously announced minority goals. These are a complete pullout of is taken here as a sign that Pre-
Psych. Prof. Richard Mann first North Vietnamese troops from mier Fidel Castro's government re-
asked what defined a racist insti- South Vietnam, Cambodia and gards a solution to the problem as
tution and then said, "when we Laos, re-establishment of the de-ugr o to
answer that basic question it be- militarized zone, and no coalition urgent.
comes obvious that the University government. The Cuban government at first
is still a racist institution." On his arrival here Sunday night, welcomed hijackers as political re-
Mann cited examples of what he Kissinger said President Nixon had fugees, but officials here have
considered campus racism, con- sent him here for what the U.S. known for sometime that some
cluding, "White students as well President hoped would be the final
as black students will have to fight phase of the negotiations to end hijackers who arrived later were
See 350, Page 8 See KISSINGER, Page 8 kept in jail.

runway growth plan
By GORDON ATCHESON tion was the first definitive acti
and DEBRA THAL since the 1969 failure.
City Council last night voted Several minutes later the cou
down any possibility of expansion cil passed a resolution to pla
of the local airport. Model Cities Director Herb
Wingo under the direct control
By voting for a motion applying City Administrator Guy Larco
for a Federal Aviation Adminis- De Grieck, cast the only disser
tration (FAA) grant for a study of ing vote. "We already have t
the airport, council eliminated the much power concentrated und
possibility of air runway expan- the administrator - this will n
sion at the present time. The only solve the problem," said I
possible exception would allow for Grieck.
safety standards on the crosswind
or mior ruway.The resolution is intended as
or mior runway. temporary measure only. In t
The resolution passed 6-2, with near future council plans tor
three council members absent. structure the model cities dire
(HRP-First Ward)rwas the most torship.
vocal opponent of the study . Just before the vote Wingo d
"The deeper we get into this, clared "I support the resolution b
the worse it looks," De Grieck cause I know of no other way
said, "The study will just make the keep the council informed." May
citizens refight old battles. The Robert Harris also strongly su
!whole thing is a sham." ported the measure.
The federal grant application In other action, council vot
does not commit the city finan- tentative approval for three new
cially. Council will meet with fed-; quor licenses. After final state a
, eral authorities to determine poli- proval, licenses will go to t

condemning the killings and racism
at the University.
The statement began, "Two
black students were killed at
SouthernUniversity in Louisiana
on and black people must once again
bury their dead."


Reading on, Calhoun, stated that
the demands of the Louisiana stu-
dents "threatened the foundations
of Southern University and the uni-
versity chose to deal with this by
opening fire. The fact that the two
black men were killed for these
reasons, emphasizes the vulner-
able position of all black students
on all campuses.
"We realize that our position on
this campus is equally vulnerable
and questionable. The same ques-
tions that they were asking there,
(at Southern University) can and
must be asked here."
The statement ended by calling
for the resignation of the President
and Vice-president of SU, and the
institution of a "black-controlled
exchange program between the
University and SU.
Calhountcalled for all black stu-
dents in the crowd to join in a
march to the city's Community,
Center, located in a black neigh-
The marchers moved slowly


Student members of
Services Policy Board (t
their refusal last night
Government Council pro
allocate control of on-ca
to an all-dorm-resident co
student body at large.
The proposal, passed
last week, did not even r
night's OSSPB meeting,
President Bill Jacobs,

board,-stops SGC
)r housing power
TERRELL way on the motion. "In the final analysis," he
the Office of Student says, "I will vote to remove anybody who doesn't
OSSPB) face recall for agree to vote for the motion, which was unani-
to consider a Student mously passed by SGC."
posal which would re- "Someone might c h o o s e to challenge the
ampus housing matters authority to remove the members," he added.
)mmittee elected by the "However, our authority in this case is totally
unquestioned. There is no sound basis for such
unanimously by SGC a challenge."
eceive a second at last Schenk said later that she is "sure an attempt
to the dismay of SGC will be made to remove us from OSSPB. When
who considers council we accepted the post we realized the SGC had


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