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November 18, 1972 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1972-11-18

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Saturday, November 18, 1972


Page Seven

Saturday, November 18, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~oge Seven





by ex
Driving through the rich Indiana
farm country enroute to the Mich-
igan-Purdue game a year ago, this
reporter encountered an ancient,
silver - haired gentleman who
claimed to have seen every Pur-
due game but three over the last
40 years.
After telling us of his previous
night's dream, in which his be-
loved Boilermakers had nipped
Michigan on a last second field
go'd, the old man rambled on:
"Why, I remember being up
there in Ann Arbor in the 60's,
and (Bob) Griese was throwing
those passes from here clear
Time change
Due to the omniscient pres-
ence of regional television,
the kickoff for today's game
has been moved up ten min-
utes to 1:20 P.M.
over to that telephone pole, and
'we beat you twice. I'll just nev-
er forget those games as long as
I live."
Although his dreams were a lit-
tle mixed up (Michigan, not Pur-
due, won on that late field goal,
20-17), the grizzled fan's other re-
collections were letter-perfect.
Here's what happened:
*f1964, at Michigan Stadium.
The Bob Timberlake-led Wolver-
ines, who won the Big Ten crown,
a Rose Bowl victory, and the No.
4 national ranking, fell to the men
of West Lafayette, 21-20, for their
only loss of the year.
01966, at Michigan Stadium.
The Riveters tackled azMichigan
punt returner in the end zone for a
safety to provide the Rose-Bowl
bound Boilers with a 22-21 victory.
But now it's 1972, mighty Michi-
gan is anywhere from a two to
three touchdown favorite, and the
Spoilermakers don't have Bob
Griese. Neverthless, this Boiler-
maker squad, although sporting a
modest 5-4 record, has enough
b~nafide talent to imprint itself in
that old geezer's memory forever.
And Bo Schembechler knows it.
"Purdue poses a great chal-

)losive Boiler fire
too tightly from their 5-2 Oklahoma
defense, Schembechler would have
good reason to unleash quarterbackt
Dennis Franklin. Purdue ranks a1
lowly eighth in the conference in1
pass defense, and with standout
safety Carl Capria out with injury,
S P O R T S their secondary could be vulner-
NIGHT EDITORS: BOB HEUER and FRANK LONGO DeMoss, though, fully recognizes'
the diversity of this edition of
Maize and Blue. "Franklin givesj
Bo the opportunity to do a lot ofl
lenge to our team. We feel very 7, 275) and middle guard Greg things he couldn't do last year.r
strongly that this will be our Bingham (6-2, 222), who accumu- They used to only be able to stayf
toughest test thus far," Bo com- lated 17 tackles against Michigan in the trench and slug it out withi
mented this week. "They scored in 1971, the Riveter defenders rank you. Now they can do both, passt
17 points on us last year, the second behind the Wolverines in qnd run, which makes them such'
most scored on us in two sea- Big Ten total defense. a great team," he reasons.
sons. They've got good person- When the wide side of the field Offensively, the. Riveters havel
nel." is to Michigan's right, strong tac- been somewhat disappointing as a
Indeed, it is the presence of kle Paul Seymour and tight end unit. The passing has been spot-
these sterling individual perform- Paul Seal will block on Butz. The ty, and the offensive line has not
ers which makes it hard to believe outcome of this duel could be a lived upto expectations. But they
that this team dropped its first key to the larger conflict. own the "greatest running back in
three games. Even Bowling Green Schembechler realizes t h a t the Big Ten," according to Schem-
upset them. Why? Purdue will not give up ground bechler, in Otis Armstrong, and he
Purdue followers point to the easily. "Those big people should alone gives the Boilers a chance to
Wishbone-T offense, installed last make our inside rushing game win.
spring for the first time, as the very difficult to establish," he Otis the Magnificent (5-11,
main source of difficulties. True, it warns. 194) has broken his school's ca-
was a dismal failure, before it was But with thundering fullback reer, season, and single game
junked after the Notre Dame: Ed Shuttlesworth back after two rushing records in his brilliant1
trouncing. But a porous defense weeks in drydock with an ankle three-year career. This season
may have been the real culprit. sprain, Michigan's task will be has been his greatest. He
Since then Coach Bob DeMoss'r somewhat easier. leads the conference in rushing,
defensive "Doom Platoon" has Should the Boilermakers stack and is just six yards shy of the
given up but 45 points in six!
games. It is this unit, along with THE LINEUPS
the Wolverines' vaunted demolition
experts, that has led most grid Offense

magic 1,000 yard mark.
The most relevant statistic to
today's encounter concerning
Armstrong, however, is his glaring
lack of success the past two sea-
sons against Michigan. He's man-
aged only 72 yards in 32 tries. If
he has still another poor perform-
ance this afternoon, Purdue will
definitely be in bad straits.
The 1971 Big Ten leader in pass-
ing, Gary Danielson, will be at the
Boilermaker helm. A Dearborn Di-
vine Child grad, Danielson start-
ed 1972 on the bench because of
the Wishbone-T. After Purdue re-
turned to their customary I-forma-
tion, Danielson has hit on a mea-
ger 35 per cent of his aerials, but
has run well on the option.
A rejuvenated Darryl Stingley,
felled by injury earlier, adds an-
other explosive weapon to the
Boilermaker arsenal. The 6-1, 187
pound wingback hooked up with
Danielson on a 66-yard scoring
srtike in last year's loss to the
So the stage is set for today's
1:20 kickoff. The records, the odds,
and the crowd will all be against
Purdue. Michigan, of course, will
be sky high, knowing that they
must win in order to stay on the
Rose Bowl track. But a history of
excellence in Michigan Stadium,
plus a fiery fan, could propel the
Spoilermakers themselves onto the,
scent of the Roses.

PURDUE'S OTIS ARMSTRONG (24) is brought down to earth in last year's 20-17 Michigan victory by
now-graduated Wolverines Mike Keller (90) and Butch Carpenter (94). Armstrong, the Big Ten's lead-
ing rusher, has found the going tough in his previois attempts against the Maize and Blue, but Otis
and his teammates plan to help themselves along the Rose Bowl route with a victory over Michigan

The Michigan-Purdue game be-
gins at 1:20 P.M. and will be
broadcast over radio stations
WAAM 1600 AM; WCBN 89.5 FM;
WPAG 1050 AM; and WUOM 91.7
FM. The game is also on TV,
Channel 7.
iron observers to forecast a rela-
tively low-scoring battle.
The contest may very well hinge
on th6 success or failure the Boil-
ermakers have in thwarting Mich-
igan's crushing and, as yet, un-
stoppable ground attack. Led by
such sure-fire All-Big Ten candi-
dates as left tackle Dave Butz (6-

( 9)

Gil Chapman (185)
Jim Coode (235)
Mike Hoban (232)
Bill Hart (227)
Tom Coyle (233)
Paul Seymour (250)
Paul Seal (213)
Denhis Franklin (185)
Ed Shuttlesworth (227)
Chuck Heater (205)
Clint Haslerig (182)


(12) Rick Sayers (176)
(74) Mike Albright (244)
(66) Rich Ostriker (223)
(51) Frank DiLieto (217)
(64) Steve Schaefer (228)
(77) Ken Long (241)
(81) Barry Santini (207)
(18) Gary Danielson (194)
(23) Skip Peterson (194)
(24) Otis Armstrong (194)





WB (43)Darryl Stingley (187)


( 8)
( 6)

Clint Spearman (223)
Fred Grambau (234)
Greg Ellis (223)
Dave Gallagher (230)
Don Coleman (210)
Craig Mutch (203)
Tom Kee (215)
Randy Logan (192)
Barry Dotzauer (162)
Roy Burks (185)
Dave Brown (185)

LE (93) Joe Tenkman (200)
LT (62) Dave Butz (275)
MG (55) Greg Bingham (222)
RT (78) Bronco Keser (249)
RE (97) S. Baumgartner (239)
MLB (65) Mark Gefert (204)
OLB (38) Ron North (216)
W (47) Arnold Carter (177)
WHB (39) Tim Racke (178)
SHB (19) Chuck Piebes (193)
S (42) Fred Cooper (174)

'By ROBIN WAGNER long." Michel Jarry nonchalantly flipped shorthanded. The Wolverines, on
Michigan and Michigan Tech's Sloppy defense and an inability Gary Kardos rebound over the out- the contrary, appeared disorgan-
hockey teams acted out a well- to clear the puck from their own stretched figure of Tech goalie Jim ' ized during power-play opportun-
known fairy tale last night in the zone cost Michigan two of the three Warden. Michigan's offensive for- ities and in one such situation, de-
Coliseum. The Wolverines played goals. After a tip-in tally by Jim ces, to the dismay of the hometown livered only a single shot on goal.
the part of the boy with his finger Nahrgang, Hlskie center Wayne fans, was not again to "tickle the In a return match tonight, the
in the dike and the Huskies dis- Pushie twice found himself unmo- twine" during the night. Wolverines get one last chance to
guised themselves as the impend- lested to the left of Michcigan net- I The way Robbie Moore periormed contain Tech's hockey powerhouse.
ing flood. The boy emerged as vic- minder Robbie Moore and easily last night in the Michigan goal, if With more of Moore's magic at
tor in the story, but the flood beat the helpless goalie both times. he ever tires of netminding, he goal, a less porous defense and an
reigned supreme in the hockey Graham Wise and Darwin Mott could easily become an adept acro- increasingly potent offense, per-
game, 6-2. ' added insurance goals in the final bat. Consistently making diving haps Michigan can turn the trick
A three-goal outburst by Michi- period for Michigan Tech. stick and kick saves and blocking and get its hockey fortunes roll-
gan Tech within 1:33 in the second Latecomers to the game who breakaway efforts, the freshman ing.
period, besides erasing a 2-1 Mich- missed the first period also missed goalie was responsible for holding
igan advantage, created the ob- , Michigan's only genuine display of Tech to only six goals. Yes, it could Mlle again
vious turning point of the encoun- ; first-class hockey. With just over have been worse. FIRST PERIOD
ter. Coach Al Renfrew lamented , five minutes gone, Angie Moretto The quality of hockey the Wol- SCOReNG: 1. MT-oreto.
after the loss, "We played as well scored on his own rebound to dead- verines displayed in the battle .PENALTIEs: 1. MT-Lorlmer (hold-
as we have all year for the first lock the score at 1-1. The contest gradually worsened as the game ing) 2:52: 2. MT-Abbey (slashing&
thirty minutes. Unfortunately, a stayed that way until nine min- progressed. After h u s t 1 i n g and 3:08; 3. MT-Prentice (cross-checking)
hockey game is s i x t y minutes utes into the second stanza when shooting well and often at the out- MT--Prentice (elbowing) 13:16; 6. MT-
_ set, the team seemed to tire with Hartviksen (roughing) 17:46; 7. MT-
time. Michigan constantly found Prentice (roughing) 17:46; 8. M-Sara-
itelcugt p-ce ote bat n o"" i"OU511 175)9. F-Inr

Bing-led rally nc

By The Associated Press
DETROIT - Dave Bing sparked
Detroit to a 16-2 scoring binge in!
the final five minutes of the first
half and the Pistons coasted to a
109-96 National Basketball Associ-
ation victory over the Chicago
Bulls last night.
With the score tied at 38-38,
Bing started the Detroit streakj
with two baskets and by half-I
time Detroit led 54-40.I
Bing had eight of his game-I
high 25 points during the spurt.
nnhr it erdni i

lied from a 15-point halftime deficit
and handed the Boston Celtics their
second loss of the season, winning
95-88 last night before 15,316 Na-
tional Basketball Association fans
at the Garden.
Abdul-Jabbar, working his roll-
ing hook to deadly perfection,
scored 32 points, including 21 in
Iii OREs


AP Photo
DETROIT PISTON DAVE B ING battles Norm Van Lier of the
Bulls for control of a loose ball in the third quarter of last night's
game. The trouble is that Van Lier seems to have his eyes closed
and Bing appears to be looking away from the ball. Bing starred
anyway in the Piston's 109-96 victory.

Chicago, losing only its secon n NBA
its last 10 starts, had led 27-24 after Detroit 109, Chicago 96
the first quarter, but then fell be- Milwaukee 95, Boston 88
hind by going without a basket for Baltimore 117, Phoenix 106
almot sx mnuts ina san hatKansas City-Omaha 115, Cleveland 96
almost six minutes in a span that ABA
began late in the first period and New York 109, San Diego 99
carried well into the second. I Virginia 122, Kentucky 115
* * * Carolina 127, Indiana 120
Memphis 123, Utah 118, overtime
ClisBucked WITA
Celtics - ~Cleveland 3, New England 0
led by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, ral- Hofstra 27, Towson State 0

n,(roughing) 174 :46.
P CELTICS oto loose pucks by the Huskies, and
in general, just not as well-condi- SECOND PERIOD
SCORING: 3. M-Jar-y (Kardos, Sxra-
tioned as their opponents. zin) 9:17; 4. MT-Nahrgang (Mott,
Apparntly Tech didn't hear the Stamler) ppg 15:59; 5. MT-Pushie (Jef-
£~ut~ b Ifee, Vorlicek) 16:36; 6. Pushie (unas-
is PistonP1 vietory Apparently
h ~popular rumor that M i c h i g a n si,:ted) 17:30.
" i~ to n doesn't lose at home in hockey. PENALTIES: 10. MT-Prentice (hook-
The Huskies, playing in their first ing) 4:23; 11. M-Lindskog (interter-
the second half, as the Bucks Elvin Hayes led a second-half Bal- away game of the year, were clear- ence) 14:17.
fought back after trailing 50-35 at timore comeback as the Bullets de- ly the superior hockey team. Their HIRD PERIOD
the intermission. feated the Phoenix Suns 117-106 in attack included powerful shooting, sCORING: 7. MT-wise (ormar)
g,6:22; 8. MT-Mott (Coates, Stamler)
The Celtics combined their fast a National Basketball Association an adequate defense, and, like ppg 10:20.
break and Milwaukee's cold shoot- game last night. Moore, a phenomenal goalie. Com- PENALTIES: 12. MT-Prentice (high-
ing to open up a big second-period Chenier scored 18 points and menting on Tech, Moore described sticking) 5:54; 14. M-Trudeau (high-
lead, which reached as high as 17 Hayes 17 in the final two quar- They were incredibly accurate sticking) 8:49; 15. MT-Murray (inter-
Spoints. ters as Baltimore rallied from a shooters. They could deflect shots ference) 10:46; 16. M--Culien (trip-
56-51 halftime deficit. off the post and into the net." ping) 15:03; 17. M-Fox (interference)
The Bucks, however, settled dw n lrn ifrne nte1:8
while the Celtics went cold in the Baltimore continued to hang close play of the two teams was their ef- SAVES
third period and gradually cut the and with 3:35 remaining in the fectiveness in power-play situa- Moore (M) 8 16 12-36
margin. Milwaukee finally went quarter Chenier hit a jumper from tions. The winners tallied twice and warden (MT) 18 7 5-30
ahead to stay 85-84 as Jabbar the top of the circle to put the Coperated with machine - like ef- CG-RING
scored on a layin and Curtis Perry Bullets in the lead 73-72. Charlie ficiency when Michigan played Michigan Tech 1 3 2--
drove in for a layup. Scott came down the floor for a
Perry added two free throws and layup to regain the lead for the
Lucius Allen nailed down the vic- Suns but the Bullets came right
tory by sneaking in for a layup. back tying the score when Mike
* * ,, Riordan sank a technical foul and'
gained the lead for good seconds
Bullets rifle later when Hayes hit a pair of.4
BALTIMORE-Phil Chenier and free throws.}
Big Ten Standings
Big Ten All Games
W L T Pts. OP W L T Pts. OP
MICHIGAN 6 0 0 142 14 9 0 0 244 37
Ohio State 5 1 0 158 72 7 1 0 222 104
Purdue 5.1 0 148 45 S 4 0 207 119
Michigan State 4 1 0 102 50 4 4 1 124 128
Indiana 2 4 0 108 155 4 S 0 181 212
Wisconsin 2 4 0 70 147 4 5 0 139 188
Illinois 2 4 0 108 134 2 8 0 156 255
Minnesota 2 4 0123 167 2 8 0157 281
Iowa 1 5 1 57 153 2 6 1 86 178 v --
Purdue at MICHIGAN
Ohio State at Northwestern i
Michigan State at Minnesota
Wisconsin at Illinois
Iowa at Indiana

As a result of more than individual efforts,
Big Ten football sets up electrifying rallies
between an undefeated squad's overconfi-
dence and a scoreless team's abounding
spirit, between a coach's wisdom and his
prodigee's youth and between a tenderfoot's
naivete and a veteran's knowledge. Today
in the Big Ten gridiron battles, the circum-
stances are no different.
Up in cool Minnesota, a coach, Duffy
Daugherty, and his former assistant, C a 1
Stoll, prepare their respective charges for a
grueling battle. The raging Spartans plan to
make it three straight for State's 400th foot-
ball win. However, Duffy has never won in
Memorial Stadium and Stoll intends to main-
tain the tradition.
AFTER ALL, nine years as Duffy's assist-
ant ,nnah mnalifiS Ctoll to have a eofd line





many mistakes against Michigan State. Ohio
State lost four fumbles and the Spartans
beat them. So we must concentrate harder on
minimizing the turnovers."
The Spartan defense held Ohio State to
only 107 yards on the ground last Saturday.
Led by tackles John Shinsky and Gary
Van Elst and middle guard Chris King, the
fighting Green and White have ideas of chas-
ing the Gophers underground.
Of course, the newly found star place kick-
er, Dirk Krijt will travel with the Spartans
in case of another tie similar to the 6-6
Iowa clash,
IN EVANSTON, the Buckeyes will not be
caught looking past this game towards Mich-
igan next week. The upset from the Spar-
tans was enough to shake Woody's rose-
studded dreams.
The Ohio-Northwestern duel will pit fresh-
-- . ._-1.-_ ... . - ....., _

week's State crisis, the Buckeyes returned
Randy Gradishar to have him win ABC's top
defensive player in the game scholarship.
At the moment Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin
and Minnesota are tied for fifth in the Big
Ten. The game today at Illinois, will separate
the ranks to knock at least one team out of
the running.
The Illini offensive attack against the Bad-
gers will be led by quarterback Mike Wells.
In the past two winning efforts, Wells be-
came the Big Ten's offense leader with 814
yards besides being tied for first in Big Ten
passing with 611 yards. Sophomore Lonnie
Perrin also set a new Big Ten all-time
mark Saturday for yards per attempt -
WISCONSIN meanwhile has Rufus Fer-
guson and co-captain Dave Lokanc to brag
about. Ferguson will see action today after
heing sidelined frnm Purdne with a snrained

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