Friday, November 17, 1572
gage 5ev nl
Friday, November 17, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~ge Seven
When the TV commentators list the
Wolverine "players to watch" before the
football game here tomorrow between
Purdue and Michigan, they'll talk about
Dennis Franklin, Ed Shuttlesworth, Chuck
Heater, and Gil Chapman.
The most publicized stories about the
Wolverines this year have been about the
men who handle the ball and score the
touchdowns. Yet the biggest reason that
Michigan is 9-0 this year is on the other
side of the line of scrimmage-tht Wol-
verine defense.1
THE OFFENSE this season has usually
been more than impressive, but on a f-w
occasions-against Northwestern, Michigan
State and Indiana-they have faltered.
But the defense has always been over-
whelming, keeping the Wolverines in every
ballgame until the offense could fire up
to win it.
This year's Michigan defense is a bit
different from those of the recent past.
The nationally known names, the pre-
season All-American choices like Tom
Darden, Mike Taylor and Tom Curtis, are
absent. Instead, the Michigan formula for
defensive success has been eleven men
who, coach Bo Schembechler asserts,
"play defense as a co-ordinated unit as
de fense
well as any team I've ever coached."
Without the great stars, it has been
the team defense aspect that Schembech-
ler has been stressing. No one or two
players have been making the big play
every time, yet there always has been
someone there to do it.
For example, this last week against
Iowa it was middle guard Walt Sexton,
filling in for the injured Greg Ellis, -who
led the defense with nine unassisted stops.
THE STATISTICS show how effective
the Wolverine defenders have bee'n. Na-
tionally, Michigan has been the toughest
team in the nation to score against, giv-
ing up only four touchdowns and a field
goal in nine contests. They also rank in
the NCAA's top five in total defense.
In the Big Ten itself, the Wolverines
are even more dominating. In six outings,
the opposition has been able to score an
average of only 2.3 points. Michigan is
also leading in total defense, in defensing
the rush, and is second against the pass.
The Wolverines have been limiting their
opponents to 207 yards per contest.
At times the Wolverines have yielded
moderate chunks of yardage, but to cross
the goal line against them has been an-
other matter.
SCHEMBECHLER finds it hard to make
a direct comparison of this year's de-
fense with that of last year's, which had
equal statistics and saw four of its mem-
bers drafted by the pros. "This year's
unit is not as big," he says, "but they cer-
tainly are as quick or quicker."
This observation seems to adequately
describe the present defenders, especially
along the line and at linebacker. The
Wolverines could be bigger, but they could
be no quicker nor more effective.
MICHIGAN'S line is not an especially
heavyweight one, averaging only about
225 pounds per man. But they're all quick
and fast, running the 40-yard dash in
less than five seconds. So far, Michigan
penetration into the backfield has been
superb, with Wolverine middle g u a r d s
alone having tackled opposing backs nine
times for losses.
The Wolverine linebackers, Tom Kee and
Craig Mutch, are not too physically over-
powering, either, at 210 and 203 pounds,
respectively. But they cover an immense
amount of tground, plugging whatever
small holes which may occur in the Mich-
igan line, and are the two leading tacklers
on the squad.
The defensive backfield has been a story
of its own. With three of the four pre-
season probable starters- out for the year
with injuries, this was figured to be a'
fatal weakness for Michigan.
But the players stepping into the open
jobs have been excellent. Those opponents.
who thought that they could shred the
Wolverine secondary with aerials have
been rewarded with a flood of intercep-
tions, as every one in the backfield, in-
cluding linebackers, have picked off at
least one pass.
THE LONE veteran of the quartet,
Randy Logan, is having a fine enough
year to possibly make All-American. One
aspect at which the Wolverine deep de-
fenders excell is coming up and stopping
the wide option-type plays which dominate-
college football, and Logan is unequalled
at this, dropping runners behind the line
seven times this year.
The other backs have also been adept
at this task, as safety Dave Brown and
halfback Roy Burks rank third and fourth
to the linebackers in number of tackles
on the squad.
But the way the Michigan defense has
gone so far this season, one gets the im-
pression that it could overcome even that
kind of crisis. It might bend a little more,
but it's not likely to break.
TOM KEE (37), Doug Troszak (75), and Clint Spearman (96) helped smother Tulane on this play ear-
lier this year. Michigan has given up only 37 points in nine games.
Blue skaters
By ROGER ROSSITER would be glad to have, that being
The Michigan hockey team will who to start in goal. Senior Morris
host the undefeated Michigan Tech Trewin, junior Rick Quance, and
Huskies in a two game series this freshman Jim Warden have all
weekend that in Coach Al Ren- been impressive in Tech's opening
frew's words will tell if Michigan four wins.
has "come of age." To date, Maclnnes has been ro-
Michigan Tech, despite the loss tating the three, giving each a
of Mike Usitalo, their leading start every third game. Should
scorer a year ago, for the season Maclnnes continue this trend, War-
with a knee injury and the un- den would start Friday's encounter,
i A,..-.4 l . dm '.h of G rxr rrn. C , I while Ouance would get the nod
makes him the team's leading
scorer. John Jaschuk, Bill Pren-
tice, Graham Wise, Lei Harviksen
and Mike Zuke all have five or
more points for the Huskies.
Jaschuk has scored two goals
both while Tech was shorthanded.
As a team the Huskies have al-
ready scored five shorthanded
goals, which establishes them as
an offensive threat regardless of
the i annnw,,4-.,.i4.,.
Inicks coast
By The Associated Press each picked up their third goals
NEW YORK - The New York of the season in the third period
Knicks, helped by Earl Monroe's to finish up the scoring for the
season-high 24 Doints and Bill Flames.
Bradley's 23, built a 23-point lead The victory also marked Atlanta
midway through the third quarter goalie Phil Myre's first shutout
and coasted to a 119-100 National as the Flames handed the Island-
Basketball Association victory over ers, also an expansion team, their
the Houston Rockets last night. sixth straight loss.
Monroe scored 17 of his noints * * *
in the first half when the Knicks I
built a 63-49 lead. He was also Squires squeeze
the Knicks' leading rebounder at NORFOLK, Va. - Rookie Mike
the half with six. Barr hit a field goal and two free
Bradley gave the Knicks their throws and picked up a loose ball
biggest advantage when he hit a to feed another basket in the last
.ilmper at 5:34 of the third period two minutes as the Virginia Squires
for an 82-59 lead. rallied for a 131-127 American
The closest the Rockets got after Basketball Association victory over
that was four points. the Utah Stars last night:
Walt Frazier and Dave DeBus- The rookie hit a field goal that
schere each added 19 points for tied it with 1;49 remaining, and
New York, while Jack Marin top- Jim Eakins put the Squires ahead
bed Houston with 22 and Jimmy for good with a free throw with
Walker had 17. 11:20 left.
Timely eatl o uary kUros y over.-L vLne manpower situaton.
the summer, possesses one of the Saturday. ly go to Roy Bolles, who took Enthusiasm has been high all
most talented squads in the WCHA. Renfrew, on the other hand, is over for Moore in the second week at Michigan practices. "We
"Tech has had the finest talent in 'a bit of a quandary. Robbie period last Saturday at Notre realize we must win to establish
in the league for the past several Moore, who has started in goal Dame and performed well after ourselves as a real threat," wing-
seasons," Renfrew noted, "but they in Michigan's first four contests, a shaky first few minutes. er Frank Werner remarked. The
always seem to have some bad sustained cartilege damage to his "Roy did well considering he general feeling indicates that a
breaks early in the year. The way knee last weekend at Notre Dame. didn't have enough time to get big series this weekend could really
they've started this season, though; Moore has not practiced all week, completely warmed up and psy- bring the team together and add'
it just could be their year." and the chances of his playing this chologically ready," commented the confidence that has been lack-.
Huskie Coach John MacInnes weekend appear slim. Renfrew. "He's definitely my num- ing the past couple seasons.
faces one problem coming into this If Moore indeed is unable to ber one choice behind Moore." Meanwhile, the feeling at Mich-
weekend's series that most coaches, play, the starting berth will like. Offensively Renfrew has more igan Tech is that they must do
-- ___- -------__ -_ 1problems after the rash of injuries well on the road to establish
that struck at Notre Dame. Cen- themselves as a bonafide title
terman Randy Neal, who is nursing contender.
F raI na hamstring pull, like Moore, has Tech now stands tied with Notre
not skated all week. If Neal, too, Dame for fourth place with four
cannot play Renfrew will have to points in WCHA play. Michigan
do some line juggling as he was State and Denver, each of whomE
in B i en Sta tistics forced to do last week. swept eight point series last week-
Renfrew indicated that he prob- end, are deadlocked for first place
ably would not move Michel Jarry with 2-0 records.
From Wire Service Reports Ohio State takes first in the to' defense and Tom Lindskog to -
In the latest Big Ten Conference scoring category with Harold Hen- forward as he did against the WHy
grid stats, the Michigan Wolverines son's 66 points and 11 TD's. Ed Irish. "That was a gamble we I BELL'S PAL
and their opponent tomorrow, Pur- Shuttlesworth ranks sixth with 30 took in the hope of adding some
due, have many stars among the points and five touchdowns followed scoring punch by taking advantager
leaders. by Mike Lantry. Lantry has scored of Jarry's shot from the point,"
In passing, Michigan Quarter- 28 points with 19 extra points and he explained. "I don't plan to try MaeliVtI
back Dennis Franklin takes the three field goals. that against Tech, but Michel will
fourth spot in the Big Ten with Michigan failed to place anyone see some action at the point on
27 completions out of 62 attempts. on the Big Ten's list of leading the power play." ATLANTA (/)-An ailing Pete
With an average of .435 for this receivers. Indiana's Glenn Scolnik Injuries have not been a factor Maravich, out of action for nearly
season's work, Franklin has thrown has totaled 413 yards for a 12.1 for the Huskies so far this sea- two weeks with a partial paralysis
for 423 yards and 3 touchdowns. average and one touchdown. son, and MacInnes expects his of his face, insists he will rejoinl
squad to be at full strength when his Atlanta Hawks teammates this,
Franklin has a rushing total of RUSHING
Frdns a sen todon sHAt. Yd. Avg. T they invade Ann Arbor today. weekend even if he doesn't feel
304 yards and seven touchdown Otis Armstron Pur. Center Bob D'Alvise has been like it.
runs and combines his passing 1.Oi AmtonPr
run a c27 his assing 147 809 5.5 5 the big Tech gun in the early Suffering from a condition called
figure. He has averaged 5.2 yards 139 e2J .K going, lighting the lamp six times Bell's Palsy, Maravich tried to
in 41 attempts. 3. Harold Hearso13, 5 along with three assists which play Saturday against Milwaukee.
Chuck Heater grabs the first Rufus Ferguson, Wis. 116 531 4.6 He lasted only six minutes.
Michigan place in rushing, coming 4g117 511 4.4 3 However, referring to the up-
in eighth. Purdue's Otis Armstrong 5. Doug Beaudoin, Minn. . WCHA Standings coming National Basketball As-
took first with 809 yards on 147 92 487 5.3 4 sociation game with the Phoenix
attempts. He averaged 5.5 yards PASSING W L T Pet. Pts. Suns Saturday in Atlanta, Mara-
and scored five times At Cmp. Pct. Yd. TD vich said, "I'm going to go back
Heater gained 397 yards in 86 at- 106 49 .462 611 5 Michigan State 2 0 0 1.000 8 playing anyway. Can't sit around
Hete gied39 yrs n 6 t 16, Denver 2 0 0 1.000 8 forever."
tempts with an average of 4.6 2. Mitch Anderson, NU."
yards. The sophomore tailback has 117 54 .462 708 3 North Dakota 3 1 0 .750 6 Coach Cotton Fitzsimmons said'
put three touchdowns t the board. 3. Rudy Steiner, Wis. Michigan Tech 2 0 0 1.000 4 Maravich's ailment has improved
puttretuhon ntebad 98 34 .404 604 5 Notre Dame 2 0 0 1.000 4 -
Also in rushing, Ed Shuttles- 4. Dennis Franklin, Mich.INoninD1e12 0 1.004 -
worth has picked up 338 yards on 62 27 .435 423 3 Wiscosin 71b0-5058
76 attempts for an averagerd4.45. Rodney Harris, Ind. MICHIGAN 1 3 0 .250 2
76 ttmpt fr n aerge f .473 34 .466 418 2 ;Colorado CollegPhone 764-0558
Franklin takes number 17 with RECEIVIN Yd. Avg. TD Minnesota 0 2 0 .000 0
304 yards on 79 attempts. He has 1. Glen Scoinik, Ind.
averaged 3.8 yards a run and 34 413 12.1 1 TONIGHT'S GAMES
" BrianRolnIwE
garnered four touchdowns. Bob.s 24 305 12.7 1 Michigan Tech at MICHIGAN
Thornbladh rounded out the list 3. Jim Lash, NU Michigan State at Minnesota
as number 20. He has ran 225 yards 19 299 15.2 1 Michgakta at MinnesotaD
in 53 tries for a 4.2 average. 4. Steve Craig, NU North Dakota at Minnesota Duluth
Thornbladh has one touchdown to . Garvin Roberson, 8 244 13.5 3 Colorado College at Wisconsin
his credit. 16 327 20.4 4 Notre Dame at Denver r
* * *
Barr then picked up a loose ball,
dnr G-na Trin Mtai trf~
an ueorge Irvlne nir a jumper
AP Photo Bruinsbreeze with 26 seconds left that boosted
MUHAMMED ALI takes a breather yesterday at his Lake Tahoe BOSTON - Veteran goalie Eddie the Virginia lead to three points.
training site from manager Angelo Dundee. Johnston turned in a spectacular Irvine's two free throws 10 seconds
---performance in his first shutout later made it 129-124.
of the season and the Boston Bruins Cincy Powell, who had a game-
SY: struck for three first-period goals high 42 points for Utah, hit a
yesterday and beat the St. Louis three-point goal that cut the deficit
Blues 4-0 in a National Hockey to two points with 10 seconds left
League game. before Barr came through with
c S 0 11 , sh e Ken Hodge scored the first Bos- two clinching free throws.
ton goal in the opening minute,
sweeping in a passout from the---I
and he will try again this weekend. month because of a sprained foot. corner by Wayne Cashman. Mike
"Seems the same to me," Mara-, He was a victim of mononucleosis Walton scored his sixth goal on al( S C O In LSA
vich replied. "Some pain behind early last season and never fully 10-footer at 9:38.
the neck and around the ears and regained his strength.
I have to wear a patch or tape the 'fllanta ames NNA
eye shut to sleep. Drives me "I need -a witch doctor or some- New York 119, Houston 100
ey shutito,"leep.DrivesmeATLANTA-Billy MacMillan and Philadelphia at Golden State, inc.
;crazy." thing," he mused. Lou Morrison scored first-period ABA
The condition prevents him from Although Maravich has missed goals to guide the expansion At- Virginia 131, Utah 127
closing his right eye and triggers several games, the Hawks are in lanta Flames to their first Na- Boston 4, St. Louis 0
near-constant headaches, requiring first place in the NBA Central tional Hockey League shutout last Atlanta 4, New York Islanders 0
heavy daily medication. . .ivi . night, a 4-0 decision over the New Montreal 6, Philadelphia 5
The usually high-scoring Mara- Division with an 8-8 record. York Islanders Cleveland twHA
Thek usuallyrhigh-scoring6,Ottawa 3
vich donned goggles in the effort Atlanta is idle until Saturday. John Stewart and Ray Comeau Minnesota 5, Quebec 4
against Milwaukee. Fitzsimmons -- -
kept his star in the game for six
minutes but he failed to score any
points and a headache drove him
back to the bench.
Maravich also missed nearly two
full games on a Western swing last
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