INDIAN WARS ARE OUTDATED See Editorial Page Y Lw i au 4)cttty BETTER? High-38 Low-27 See today . .. for details Vol. LXXXIII, No. 61 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, November 16, 1972 Ten Cents Eight Pages today- I if you see new s Icappen call 76-DAILY Green protests Chemistry Prof. Mark Green is unhappy with the review committee report which branded his showing of an anti-war slide show "inappropriate", and he has asked the American Associa- tion of University Professors (AAUP) to back his efforts to over- turn it. Among other things, Green wants AAUP to send an investigating team from Washington to Ann Arbor to look into the matter. His attorney, law Prof. Robert Burt, wants AAUP to tell the chemistry department that its report is wrong and shouldn't be considered in Green's present tenure proceedings. City sued Yet another group of disgruntled businessmen is suing the city for failure to approve site plans for their shopping centers. Stadium Row Development Inc. wants to build on W. Stadium near the Post Office, and the Packard Plat Plaza Inc. wants to put their center on the corner of Packard and Platt Roads. Their 1.5 million suit claims the city is illegally delaying ap- proval of site plans which conform to city ordinances. A hearing has been set for 3 p.m. Friday before Acting Circuit Court Judge Francis O'Brien. Gill for president? SGC Vice President for Minority Affairs Lee Gill is being groomed to run a second time for the body's top spot on the Igrt ticket. Only this year the Integrity Party includes present SGC President Bill Jacobs, and the remnants of his GROUP party. Speaking of Gill's future, one Council member commented: "Since he became veep, he has gotten thousands (of dollars) for black newspapers and black speakers. They are grooming him for the spot." Gill himself, however, isn't saying much. "I've learned never to say what I'm not going to do," he commented yesterday. Harvey denies Lame duck sheriff Douglas Harvey claimed yesterday that his ,axing of sheriff's department employes who backed Republi- can Harold Owings in the recent election was not politically motivated. A woman employe was fired and two officers were demoted but the action was protested and the three are rein- stated. "If I were to dismiss or remove from office all those who worked for Undersheriff Owings there would be 20 such cases. Policits had nothing to do with action I took in those three cases," Harvey said. Water, water everywhere In the wake of the recent storm and flooding which left hundreds of Michigan families homeless, government leaders are beginning to grapple with a problem of monumental pro- portions. With lake levels several feet above normal and still rising traditional flood prevention methods are no longer ade- quate. U.S. Rep. James O'Hara (D-Utica) says he would like to see Chicago allowed to take 10,000 cubic feet of water a second out of Lake Michigan instead of their present limit of 3,200. He has also proposed closing locks on the St. Mary River between Lake Superior and Lake Huron. Happenings ** ... food for both thought and body today. Robin Moore, author of the French Connection, will speak on "Narcotics, the Mafia and Big Business" at 10:30 a.m. at the Lydia Mendelssohn Iheater in the League . . . Ernest Ellis, author of the novel "There Lies a Tale", will speak on "The Legacy of Adolph Hitler" at 7:30 p.m. in the UGLI Multipurpose Room . . . persons interested in prisoner's rights can attend a meeting of the Michigan Committee on Prisoner's Rights at 8:30 p.m. in 124 East Quad . . . On the culinary scene, you can wolf down Spanish and Portuguese food at International Night, 5-7:15 p.m. in the League cafeteria or belt down coffee during International Coffee Hour, 9 p.m., at the Rive Gauche (1024 Hill). Germans in the UN? BONN - West German Foreign Minister Walter Scheel indi- cated yesterday he expects his country to be admitted to the United Nations by next September. According to Scheel, Ger- many will submit a membership application next spring and the matter will be taken up at the General Assembly's next regular session opening in September, 1973. Drink up WASHINGTON - Bad news for the Pepsi Generation! Rep. Les Aspin (D-Wisc.) revealed yesterday that Pepsi Cola, Coca Cola and other firms are running unsanitary operations "hav- ing the potential for causing or already having caused product contamination." He got his information from the General Ac- counting Office and the Food and Drug Administration. Soldiers spooked WEST POINT - Ever since the ghost moved in, they haven't been able to convince anyone to stay in a new-empty room in the U.S. MilitaryAcademy barracks. The two -plebes who form- erly occupied the room reported visits by an apparition wearing a 1830s cavalry uniform holding a musket and sporting a handle- bar moustache. Satan marches on VATICAN CITY - Whole societies have fallen under the domination of Satan. That's the word from Pope and leading Satan authority Paul VI, who said that sex and narcotics provided Satan's opening for infiltrating mankind. The remarks came during a speech on "the mystery of wickedness" yesterday. Mistaken identity From reading his story on SGC yesterday, it would appear that Daily staffer Paul Travis has forgotten the distinction be- tween male and female - the first time that's happened since we've known him. Travis identified Margaret Miller as the only woman on SGC. There are in fact three others - Valda McClain, Mela Wyeth, and Bridget Kehoe - who serves as coordinating vice president. We're sorry for the error and even sorrier for Paul. On the inside . . Staff writer David Unnewehr looks at the demands of the Indians who took over the Bureau of Indian Affairs in Washington on the Editorial Page . . . Roy Chernus re- views guitarist Christopher Parkening on the Arts Page .. and sportswriter Dan Borus examines the role of fresh- i' IM's voice: Lost in bureaucracy EDITOR'S NOTE: This analysis of the University's intramuralaand recreational programs is the last of a three part series compiled by Daily sports writers. By MICHAEL OLIN, RANDY PHILLIPS, and JOEL GREER BUREAUCRACY-A system of gov- ernment by bureau heads respon- sible" only to administrative officers above them, having complete power over subordinates, and, in official duties generally not subject to the common law of the land. Hence, in general, such a system which has become narrow, rigid, and formal, depends on precedent, and lacks initiative and resourcefulness. web- stersNew International Dictnary of the English Language, Second Edition The Athletic Department and the University are bureaucracies and, as a result, not always responsive to the needs of their sub-depart- ment. One glaring example of this is the Department of Intramurals and Recreation. the TM Part 3 The present organizational struc- ture of the University -places the IM Department four steps away from the University executive of- ficers. It is the executive officers who communicate with the Regents on matters of University policy. Despite the bureaucratic red tape, the University administrators and the Regents must be aware of the inadequacies of the present IM facilities. There have been too many articles written and too many committee reports submitted for the University Administration to be oblivious to the predicament. In fact, the creation of the Ad- visory Committee on Recreation, Intramurals, and Club Sports (ACRICS) in 1968 was an attempt by the Regents to bridge the gap between the administration and the intramural department. But the actions of ACRICS, as evidenced by its large expenditure on the Tartan Turf practice field, have not clearly been in the best in- terests of intramurals and recrea- tion. As a result, the only communi- cations that the IM department conducts with the university must follow a long upward path before reaching the necessary people. Rodney Grambeau, Director of Intramurals and Recreation claims, "Students or SACUA (Senate Ad- visory Committee on University Affairs) are the only ones who can put real pressure on the executive officers and the Regents." Since ,ACRICS' creation very little if anything has been done by the University to alleviate the fi- nancial crisis in the Intramural and Recreation Department. All attempts by The Daily to contact the University's executive officers See IM, Page 8 Can ham SETTLEMENT SEEN NEAR Peac, Regents to 'hear living: unit plans By DAVE BURHENN The controversial A f r o- American housing unit plan and annew "public comments session" highlight the other- wise routine monthly meeting of the Regents today and to- morrow. In their closedwsession tomor- row, the Regents will consider two proposals on Afro-American hous- ing units - one from the Michigan Civil Rights Commission (MCRC) and one from University admin- istrators. Lasi March the Regents rejected plans to establish Afro-American Cultural Living Units (AACLU) in two University dorms. At that time objections were raised over the legality of the concept and the possibility that it would foster seg- regation. rStudents favoring the AACLU took complaints over the Regents' actions to the MCRC. The commission returned to the Regents a "conciliation proposal", which asks that the living units be set up in the same manner as language houses. Several University officials, in- cluding President Robben Fleming, Vice-president for Student Services Henry Johnson and Housing Direc- tor John Feldkamp, met with MCRC and developed a counter- proposal for the Regents to con-- sider. Details of the plan will not be released until tomorrow. Fleming claims that the MCRC's plan to set up the Afro-American units on the same lines as a an- guage house is faulty, because the unifying theme of a foreign lan- guage is not present. At this month's meeting, five people have requested time during the new "public comments ses- sion." Jeffrey Liss and Walter Mug- dan, law students, wish to speak on mandatory student governmenti assessment fees. Margaret Miller, Student Government Council mem-f ber, is slated to speak for the es- tablishment of a University childt center. LeeGill, SGC vice-president for Minority Affairs, will speak on mi- nority affairs and the housing unitf controversy and SGC Presidents Bill Jacobs will advocate the offic- ial recognition of Jewish holy days in the University calendar.C negotiators head for aris Tho, Kissinger head resumption of talks PARIS (Reuters)-The stage appears to be set for a decisive round of secret peace negotiations between North Vietnam and the United States as Hanoi's top emissary, Le Duc Tho, heads back to Paris after briefings by his govern- ment. Tho is due here Friday after stops in Peking and Moscow, according to North Vietnamese sources, and the way seems clear for a resumption of private contacts this weekend with President Nixon's special envoy, Henry Kissinger. Kissinger yesterday held intensive high-level consulta- tions - including telephone - conversations with Presidentpe Nixon at Camp David--s 'he l i prepared to fly to Paris for final negotiations on a settle- ment of the Vietnam War. Kissinger was waiting for the arrival of Nnrth Vietnams Le Doc oI Tho, who reached the Soviet UnionG yesterday on his way to the French capital from Hanoi, before leaving for talks due to start before the dies at 38 ROTC-pro and con Col. Dean Schiller(left) and a comrade-in-arms listen yesterday at ROTC with those interested in joining. An estimated 50 people show them anti-war activists there to discuss ROTC from the opposite v REVERSES TREND: Trade rockets By the AP, UPI and Reuters < WASHINGTON - A sharp rise - in the nation's balance-of-payments deficit brought bad economic news for the Nixon administration yes-I terday but a plus was registeredI by another increase in the rate of1 industrial production.! The balance-of-payments deficit for the July - September quarter surged to $4.7 billion after nine months of improvement, the Com-' merce Department reported. This compared with a red-ink entry of! balance to $4.7 $850 million for the second quar- ter. However, the Federal Reserve Board reported a few hours later that October industrial production rose by 0.9 per cent, suggesting that the domestic economy is growing. This index, which rep- resents outputof the nation's fac- tories, mines and utilities, showed gains among consumer goods, equipment and materials. The deterioration of the balance- of-payments picture was blamed on unsettled foreign money - exchange markets caused by the British gov- ernment's decision to cut the pound sterling away from its fixed value and let it float. But the dollar drain that result- ed did not last long, the Commerce Department reported, with sub- stantial improvement reported during the latter part of the third quarter. The $4.7-billion deficit came in the official reserve transactionsr balance, one of the key measures of the balance of payments. This balance is designed to show how the United States fares in trans- actions with foreign central banks and governments. - week-end. White House officials seemed far Anti-war activist David Gordon, -more relaxed than in the past in whose untiring opposition to the discussin etnami dvelopms in war in Vietnam led him to organ- discussing Vietnam developments ize everything from end-the-war -and there was a general air of ex- pectation that the coming crucial marches to football halftime anti- session between Kissinger and Tho war bandorama, died of a heart would produce concrete results. attack yesterday while exercising d in the Intramural Bldg. He was 38. Their private comments to re- Gordon was a student at the Uni- porters indicated confidence that versity since 1956, 'and had been South Vietnamese President Ngu- active in anti-war organizing since yen Van Thieu will accept the the early days of the movement final terms negotiated in the com- in the mid-1960's. He was a leader Daily Photo by DENNY GAINER ing session of the Paris talks even peace groups ranging from the though he might not succeed 1 Student Government Council peace having his way on all the problems committee to the Inter-faith Coun- a meeting planned to discuss at issue. cil for Peace. He was a participant ved up for the meeting, most of } But as the regular peace negotia- in just about every major demon- iewpoint (above). tors prepared for their weekly con- stration: New York in 1967, the - erence Thursday, the Viet Cong Pentagon and the moratorium, and delegation leader, Nguyen Thi more recently, at the Rose Bowl Binh, was openly skeptical about last year. an early agreement. She said she feared the United States had creat- "Dave was always right there in ed a situation threatening to reduce the middle of everything," said the chances of peace to nil. psychology Prof. Dick Mann, a Binh also repeated the Viet Cong friend of the deceased. "ie had demand that the U.S. oust Thieu tremendous amount of optimism." whom she said is blocking the 3 Gordon was finishing his doc- b iol i~o npath to a peace accord. torate in mathematical sociology bl o n Thieu is sending a close per- and working with anthropology sonal aide, Hoang Duc Nha, to Prof. Anatol Rapoport at the Men- Food prices have consistently Paris to be on hand during the: tal Health Research Institute. He risen faster than the cost of liv- crucialtKissinger-Tho meeting, was due to take his PhD oral ex- ing since the controls were im- South Vietnamese sources said. -wsdet aehsPDoa x psed. All raw agricultural goods South Vietnam's chief negotiator amination in February. Before he are exempt from the peace talks, Pham Dang became a peace activist in the mid- Lam, is due in Paris today with in- 60's, Gordon was an engineer help- An increasing number of gov- structions from Thieu to work for ernment figures - most recently a change in the draft peace agree- ing to develop infra-red radiation. Sen. Jacobs Javits (R-N.Y.) - ment reached between Kissinger Gordon is survived by his wife have called for food price con- and Tho in talks here last month. Marilyn and two daughters, Mag- trols but rejected the idea. Such Kissinger said then that "one gie, aged 5 and Kate, aged 4. more negotiating session with the controls, he said, could lead to North Vietnamese, lasting no more His body has been donated to the food shortages and eventual ration- than three or four days," would be medical school. A memorial serv- ing. See PARIS, Page 8 ice may be held later. Law prof speaks on ecology court action I- i I i ii 1 i it , I FEMINIST SPEAKS Romantic literature defended By DAVID STOLL Noted environmental law ex- pert Prof. Joseph Sax called last night for the establishment of a "devil's advocate" fund to aid communities in fighting ecologi- cal court battles. Sax's remarks were delivered before several hundred people at proposed developments. Noting that corporations and government agencies often have "enormous" amounts of money to pay experts to present their side of environmental issues, Sax said it is often "impossible" for a community to match expertise. Since communities often don't By DEBBIE ALLEN Bennington College President Gail Parker told an audience at the Rackham Amphitheatre last night that romanticism in litera- ture-considered to be sexist by many feminists-is in fact the wellspring of the women's move- ment. Parker spoke on "Feminism said. These romantic novels, Parker said, were the beginning of the concept of women's self-worth. Radical feminists of that time, she said, were "self-righteous, elitist and incurably romantic in their conviction that the most important thing in life was to express your own deepest feel-