Vt Sidrigan ailjj Eighty-two years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1972 Light, good By CHARLES STEIN of last Tue N THE WEEK that has passed since Elec- one collec tion Day, we have been deluged by a managed I constant stream of political analyses. esty anda We have heard how and why each ethnic, ican value racial and age group voted the way it This is did. We have heard the American voter Govern wa praised for his rejection of political ex- those virt tremism and applauded for his ability to presented1 split his ticket. Govern's s In a few months our own Survey Re- never offe search Center will add to the analytical But for mess, as it is certain to publish a detailed ac- ence, McG count of every minute quantitive aspect of people wit the entire election. leadership Perhaps the work will be titled, "Every- He neve thing You Wanted to Know about The ment to pe 1972 Elections, But Didn't Care Enough and civil r About to Ask." in governi These c BUT ALL the words and statistics we are sate for N likely to read about the recent election will tactical mi all serve to reinforce just one major dered a g premise. Put quite simply, the country is dog - at fucked. BUT GE How else can one explain the results ply lose. H picked over darkness, evil Election law follies esday's exercise in democracy? In tive pull of the lever, America to repudiate peace, morality, hon- a host of other supposedly Amer- s. not to imply that George Mc- as the living embodiment of all ues, or that ,Richard Nixon re- their negative counterparts. Mc- tatements to the contrary, politics ers us such simple choices. all his fumbling and incompet- Govern did present the American h a significant alternative to the of the last four years. r wavered on his basic commit- eace, his support of civil liberties ights, or his advocacy of honesty ment. ommitments more than compen- McGovern's boring speeches and iscalculations. So what if he or- lass of milk with his kosher hot least he meant well. EORGE McGovern did not sim- 3e was annihilated. He was singled out as the enemy by millions of life-long Democrats, who if the experts are correct, turned out for the sole purpose of voting against George McGovern. "The fucking of America" did not end with the presidential election, however, as the voting returns from the state of Mich- igan demonstrate. Michigan voters, aside from their repudiation of McGovern, de- feated an abortion reform referendum by a staggering two to one margin. Obviously swayed by a collage of gory slides and posters, Michigan residents de- cided that women do not have the right to control their own bodies. These same voters also returned Mich- igan's muscle man, Sen. Robert Griffin, to his seat in Washington. Working class citizens were said to have provided Griffin with his slim plurality. A man, who according to a Nader study, has a campaign contribution list that reads like Who's Who in American industry. THERE WAS one vote in the state, which may signal better times ahead. By a narrow margin, Michigan voters passed a refer- endum in sipport of daylight savings time. Presented with a clear cut choice, voters boldly came out in support of an extra hour of daylight. The subtle symbolism of this decision has been overlooked by most commentators, but anyone who has ever taken a literature course knows how genuinely significant it is. It means that we have chosen light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, and good over evil. Certainly this must be taken as a sign of positive change for elections to come. Or in the words of the great General William Westmoreland, "Yes, there is a light at the end of the tunnel." Charles Stein, a night editor for The Daily, says he does not understand Day- light Savings Time. He is not registered to vote in Michigan because he wants to run for the Senate in New York someday with- out a carpetbagger image. II NOT CONTENT with hiding the names. of the contributors to their secret ten million dollar campaign fund, Repub- licans now think they have come up with a new way to evade the federal law re- quiring disclosure of the names of all people who contribute $100 or more to a political candidate. The Executive Club of the Republican Party of New Jersey is now claiming that the $100,000 it contributed to President Nixon's campaign came from the dues of individual members. Club Chairman William Colsey II contends that dues are not covered by the campaign disclosure law. However, the General Accounting Of- fice (GAO) disagrees. GAO auditors say as soon as the committee contributed more than $1,000 to Nixon's campaign they became a national political com- mittee under the act. The auditors also say that dues fall within the law's defi- nition. If the Executive Club of the Republi- can Party in New Jersey continues to re- fuse to disclose the names of contribu- tors, GAO will turn its findings over to the justice department for prosecution. It will be interesting to see if Richard Kleindienst chooses to prosecute a Nixon re-election committee, considering that he would be "biting the hand that feeds him," so to speak. However, the real issue at stake is whe- ther or not the federal campaign dis- closure law will become useless junk. The basis of the law was an assump- tion that people have a right to know who contributes to whose campaign. IF NO ACTION is taken or the courts rule that "dues" are not covered by law, then political clubs which give members' "dues" to candidates will cre- ate loopholes leaving the campaign dis- closure law meaningless. -ERIC SCHOCH y t Donkey Joe and Lion Jean? "It ain't nothing till I cal it"-BI Klem, umpire "The law is only what the courts say it is"-a fa- ious Supreme Court justice. THE ABOVE quotations are presented to dembnstrate that the fields of sports and politics are actually very closely related. Rules which apply in one are often surprisingly applicable in the other. Editorial Staff SARA FITZGERALD Editor PAT BAUER .............. Associate Managing Editor LINDSAY CHANEY ................ Editorial Director MARK DILLEN .................... Magazine Editor LINDA" DREEBEN .... Associate Managing Editor TAMMY JACOBS ... ..Managing Editor ARTHUR LERNER.................Editorial Director ROBERT SCUREIE...........Editorial Director GLORIA JANE S M ................Arts Editor ED SUROVELL.............. .. .Books Editor PAUL TRAVIS .......... Associate Managing Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Robert Barkin, Jan Benedetti, D1- ane Levick, Jimn O'Brien, Chris Parks, Charles Stein, Ted Stein. COPY EDITORS: Meryl Gordon, Debra Thal. EDITORIAL NIGHT EDITORS: Fred Shell Martin Stern. DAY EDITORS: Dave Burhenn, Jim Kent ch, Marilyn Riley. Judy Ruskin, Eric Schoch, Sue Stephen- son, Ralph Vartabedian, Becky Warner. TELEGRAPH/ASSOCIATE NIGHT EDITORS: Prakash Aswani, Gordon Atcheson, Laura Berman, Penny Blank, Dan Blugerman, Bob Burakoff, Beth Eg- nater, Ted Evanoff, Cindy Hill, Debbie Knox, David Stoll, Terri Terrell. STAFF WRITERS: Howard Brick Lorin Labardee, Ka- thy Ricke, Eugene Robinson, Linda Rosenthal, Zachary Schiller, Marcia Zosiaw. Sosin. ARTS STAFF: Herb Bowie, Rich Glatzer, Donald PHOTOGRAPHY STAFF TERRY McCARTHY ............ Chief Photographer ROLFE TESSEM .................... Picture Editor DENNY GAINER...............Staff Photographer TOM GOTTLIEB............... Staff Photographer KAREN KASMAUSKI.............Staff Photographer DAVID MARGOLICK,............Staff Photographer Photography Staff TERRY McCARTHY ..............Chief Photographer ROLFE TESSEM........ .Picture Editor DENNY GAINER............. .Staff Photographer TOM GOTTLIEB.. .............Staff Photographer DAVID MARGOLICK ........... Staff Photographer A case in point concerns the problen of a losing team. In sports, when a tea] is on the skids, the manager is alway the first to go-not necessarily because he is responsible for the loss but becaus it's easier to fire a coach than get whole new team. Joe Schmidt's Lions are currently ii the midst of a disappointing season, an with each succeeding loss, come new ru mors that Schmidt will be replaced. Jean Westwood, Democratic nationa chairman is facing a similar prospect Although Westwood really had very lit tle to do with George McGovern's defeat she is likely to be offed for McGovern' failure. Like Schmidt, she is a convenient tai get for critics who are disappointed witl their team's performance and are read to adopt a new game plan. UNLIKE SCHMIDT, Westwood doesn' have a contract and thus her depar ture seems almost a certainty. Wh knows, with her leadership credential she may be offered the Lions coachin job if their current losing streak con tinues. And, with the possible erosion of th McGovern Commission Democratic Par ty reforms, Schmidt, over 30, white an male, might be back in line for West wood's job. -CHARLES STEIN Today's staff: News: Pat Bauer, David Stoll, Terri Ter rell, Paul Travis, Becky Warner Editorial Page: Arthur Lerner Arts Page: Gloria Jane Smith Photo technician: Terry McCarthy HRP:o By ROBERT FABER In the election that just ended, the Human Rights Party, in what seems to have been its sole cam- paign tactic, frantically drew at- tention to the fact that a differ- ence exists between it and the Democratic Party. It is highly un- likely that even a casual observer would dispute that fact, but the na- ture and the quality of the differ- ence deserves some closer exam- ination. Despite some surface similarity in the proclamations of concern for Equality, Justice, Self- Deter- mination and other cliches, it re- mains that the degree of honesty and integrity each of the two par- ties brings to the task emphasizes the differences between them. Whatever HRP would have people believe, the depth of difference goes well beyond a willingness or hesitancy to support good couses. HRP, in its anxiety to promote complimentary headlines, relent- lessly proposes legislation that has a pleasing and popular appeal, but that more often than not is either illegal, unreasonable or unwork- able. Examples are endless: " In a paroxysm of anti-war leg- islative efforts HRP proposed making the city attorney's office the draft counseling headquarters. After much rhetoric decrying the evils of the war in Vietnam the point was pressed that HRP was more moral and more opposed to the war than the Democrats, be- cause they were willing to com- mit the city to this radical action. A quick survey on the day of the vote, however, revealed that all local anti-war organizations plus such groups as the University's Office of Religious Affairs, the American Friends Society and the Legal Aid Society were directing all inquiries to the Draft Counsel- ing Center and were uniformly sat- isfied with the results. A call to the Center made clear that giving City Hall the responsi- bility for draft counseling would be both unwise and counter-pro- ductive. Not only had requests for assistance and advice greatly di- minished during the preceding year, making the need for dupli- cative service illogical, but fur- ther that the experience of the Centers' lawyers gave them much more valuable expertise in this complicated field than the city attorney's staff could reasonably hope to attain. In short, although the headline cast HRP in the role of Friend of the People, adoption of their pro- posal would have proven a gross disservice to those it purported to help. " An anxiety to make the Dem- ocrats look bad at any cost has re- sulted in numerous lost opportun- ities to enact legislation beneficial that they presented it premature- ly, without permission of the United Farm Workers Union and in a style almost guaranteeing de- feat. First, they designed their own variation of the resolution - un- acceptable to almost everyone otherwise sympathetic to the cause -then surfaced that resolution just prior to the vote, having made no effort to gather support for its pas- sage or discuss and resolve possi- ble differences. When the United Farm Workers Union found out about the move - at 5:00 P.M. the night of the council meeting - they desperately attempted to have HRP' delay the resolution in order to iron out details. HRP refused. Instead its members presented it without consultation, without preparation and without a prayer (luff-truths and cheap trickery?' "... It is probably . . . HRP's evident disdain for the rule of law . . ., its cavalier disregard for the integrity and fragility of the law in its tactical pursuits, in which the major philosophi- cal differences between the Human Rights Party and the Democratic Party becomes most appa- rent." lier disregard for the integrity and fragility of the law in its tac- tical pursuits, in which the major philosophical difference between the Human Rights Party and the Democratic Party becomes most apparent. HRP has no hesitancy about passing unconstitutional leg- islation if it perceives in it the po- tential of exciting an -awareness and a sensitivity of the people to an issue. In a society that has its news managed and seems to be drifting into a malaise of apathy and unconcern there is much to be said for such an effort. How- ever, in a society that ultimately has the rule of law as the only protection for its minority mem- bers, disdain for or subversion of that concept is probably the most dangerous and damaging treat- ment it can sustain. The law is a very delicate ar- rangement that can survive only in a climate of general acceptance and esteem. The short term bene- fits of demeaning the Law in the name of a noble cause poses the long term threat of exposing the nation's weaker minorities to the unprotected passions of majority power. Our laws have flaws that must be corrected and inadequa- cies that must be improved, but tearing at the basic fabric of the Law endangers all the safeguards that our society has developed for the protection of its citizens. Con- sequently, such legislation as has been proposed by the HRP that would deny city services to anyone connected with the production of war materiel or offering sanctuary to people sought by the federal government for draft evasion or desertion or any one of their many s i m i 1 a r recommendations, al- though perhaps pleasing in con- cept, is ultimately dangerous and irresponsible. 0 But saddest of all is the ar- rogance and unreality of the HRP pretentions. A point could be made that the general political system is corrupt and in desperate need of major reform. It may well be argued that none of the current political parties exhibit an ade- quate concern for people they are pledged to represent, but are in- stead tied to and restricted by the established and monied interests of the country. Furthermore, it is probably a valid assumption that hope for re- form of the existing social and po- litical abuses lies in the younger, uncommitted and generally less cynical voter. If, indeed, there is a role for a new political party it is for a party of the young, a party of some high degree of pur- ity. This is why the sadness of the present poor performance of the HRP is so poignant. There is a need for greater evi- dence of morality in our system and if a move toward its correc- tion is to emerge as a force it will probably come up from the idealism and energies of the young. Unfortunately, HRP is not to be the vehicle. Both its political campaign and its legislative per- formance have been so lacking in the honesty and integrity neces- sary to sustain an ideal that disil- lusion becomes inevitable and par- ticularly painful. The idea of a radical party at once responsive and responsible may have been foolish and a little naive, but for many people, those both young and beyond, it had a special appeal. The HRP's reliance on half-truths and cheap trickery to meet the exigencies of a cam- paign reveals it to be one with all the rest and, at least in Ann Ar- bor, much less than some. Robert Faber is a city council- man from the 2nd Ward. to the community as a whole and particularly to those citizens HRP regards as its own constituency. One example of many is its per- formance in presenting a resolu- tion supporting the lettuce boycott. The United Farm Workers Union is dependent upon legislative sup- port throughout the country to further its cause. It has developed a form resolution that includes ev- erything they feel is necessary and which they propose to the various legislatures. Unfortunately, HRP decided to grab the issue as their own and milk it for its political potential. The unhappy result was of passage. In short, so sure were they of the futility of their effort that they came to council with a three - page prepared statement blasting the Democrats for their recalcitrance. The result, of course, was that they were able to present the issue as their own while at the same time assuring themselves an effective anti-Demo- crat campaign issue. They had the best of two worlds - unfortunately at the expense of the Third World. O One of the most serious of the HRP shortcoming, however, is its evident disdain of the rule of law. It is probably this, its cava- Letters: To The Daily:f UNIVERSITIES in general, and r the University of Michigan in par-t ticular, have been correctly per-c ceived as elitist instititions whichi help perpetuate the inequalities al- r_ ready existing in the social struc- ture.t In the past few years, the Univer- sity has begun to respond to thist criticism by instituting a variety I of non-discrimination policies, af- Random admissions, re-cyc ling firmative action programs, and positive recruitment efforts. Quo- tas to reverse the traditional dis- crimination - overt and covert - intended and unconscious - against blacks, women, the poor, and the middle-aged have been in- troduced. Often these new quotas have been haphazardly piled upon t h e University's existing traditional quotas for in-state versus out- JACK ANDERSON Scandal WASHINGTON - Next January 20, President Nixon will begin four more years in the White House. For the first time in his political career, he can fol- low his convictions without worrying about the voters. Some intimates say he has the capac- ity for greatness during his final four years. Others worry that he is vindic- tive and might use his new political freedom to reward his friends and punish his enemies. Here are our predictions: In foreign affairs, the President will dedicate himself during the years ahead to achieving his goal of an era of peace. He will succeed, we predict, in Withdrawing the United States from the wars in Southeast Asia. He will also end the cold war era and reduce ten- sions with the Communist superpowers. Before his term is ended, we predict, the United States will recognize Com- munist China and restore normal trade relations with both China and Russia. He will fail, however, to prevent war in the Middle East. At. home, we predict. the President t~arnishes Nixon 's crystal ball Stans, who are implicated in the Water- gate scandal. This is the tip-off that the President will back up his aides and cover up the scandal. Mitchell, we predict, will remain a close confidante but will not return to the cabinet. Stans will be given a top appointment - outside the cabinet. In short, we predict Richard Nixon will distinguish himself as a peace pres- ident but will be badly tarnished by scandal during the next four years. HAVE JETSTAR, WILL TRAVEL- Globetrotter Henry Kissinger c o u l d take a few travelling lessons from John Shaffer, chief of the Federal Aviation Agency. Shaffer, we've discovered, is one of the most traveled men in the Nixon Administration. Shaffer, who insists that it's his sol- emn duty to "monitor the national avia- tion system," accomplishes this goal by flying around at public expense in a sleek Lockheed Jetstar. We have reported in the past how Shaffer's "monitorina" has taken him government pilot to drop them off 300 miles further south in Miami. We have learned the identity of the three friends whom Shaffer let use his government plane. They are Thornton Ferguson, President of Modern A i r Transport; Robert Lando, head of a Pittsburgh advertising agency; and Jay Van Vechten, who heads Lando's Miami office. They flew to Miami while Shaffer played golf in Augusta with executives of General Electric. INTELLIGENCE REPORTS GEORGE WHO? The Chinese public was told almost nothing about the Amer- ican election campaign. The average Chinese citizens, for example, never heard of George McGovern. But a daily bulletin, called Reference News, h a s given the Chinese Communist cadres a surprisingly accurate account of the campaign developments. The re-election of President Nixon, therefore, came as absolutely no surprise to the Chinese Communists. CONFIDENT THIEU - The secret in- telligence renorts out of Saigon con- fortunes. ARMY COUP AVOIDED - Egypt's President Sadat has completely shaken up his high command to prevent a mili- tary coup, according to intelligence re- ports. He had picked up reports, ap- parently, that a new military junta might attempt to seize power from him. Sadat has now taken what amounts to person- al command of the army. OLD CHIANG ILL - The CIA reports the Old Chiang Kai-shek is seriously ill and that his son, Chiang Ching-kuo, has taken over effective control of Taiwan. The death of old Chiang, if it should come, would have little effect upon this Asian trouble spot. POLITICAL POTPOURRI Bobby Baker and his wife Dorothy have been having marital problems since Baker left prison last June. Baker will soon leave for a long trip to the Orient. His pretty wife will remain behind . . . Spirits are low at Ralph Nader's head- quarters. Some have always complain- ed that Naderdrives his staff too bard. Rit nte hniiC acron n ,n .rc ,n . l state, Michigan county quotas (to mollify legislators), state quotas, and foreign quotas, as well as alumni considerations. This system - if indeed it can be called a system - has many disadvantages. For one thing, the quotas are often very slowly im- plemented. Secondly, quotas often become ceilings - particularly, when every new year seems to bring another group demanding its special quota. Thirdly, the quotas are often used by the University to play one group off against ano- ther - for example, Indians and chicanos are placed in competi- tion with blacks. Fourth, the sys- tem of overlapping quotas while necessary to reverse past practices -is, in the long run, contrary to the individual values which the University should be trying to pro- mote. Finally, the system of quotas still leaves a tremendous amount of discretion in the hands of a re- latively small group of admissions officers who have their own per- sonal and institutional biases. The group that has failed to make it- self heard, and failed to get its own quota, is often left to mercies of entrenched attitudes. My suggestion is to introduce a system which automatically gives fair representation to all groups and removes the influence of institu- tional biases - namely a system of random admissions. Under a random admissions pol- icy, applications would be sorted first into those who are qualified by existing University standards and those who are not. At Mich- igan, this process yields many times more qualified applicants than there are places.At this point, instead of having the Admissions opportunity to be selected. No improper criteria or unidentified criteria can have any influence. Naturally, the University should continue its positive recruitment programs - especially those de- signed to reverse the perception that the University is only for rich white students; that dentisry is only for men; etc. These programs help make the population who ap- plies representative of the entire population. The advantages of random ad- missions can even be combined with some affirmative action pro- grams. For example, where estab- lished past discrimination exists (as for blacks), the Black Action program should not be touched. Also,some types of discrimina- tion (as against so-called out-of- state students, or in favor of cer- tain countries amongst foreign ap- plicants) could be continued, if de-1 sired. The point is that all dis- crimination is explicitly identified in a random system. The main advantages of random admissions is that it removes the unperceived institutional biases and so-called tie-breaking factors (such as alumni standing in the family) It is in this tie-breaking process that today's unperceived discrimination and cultural selec- tion is taking place, and the ran- dom admissions concept eliminates this. -John Koza, Grad. Nov. 13 ENACT plans To The Daily: RE THE LETTERS from Walter Mugdan and Richard Livorine pub- lished in the Nov. 9 issue of The Dil.y: Action for Survival is working to establish a stable, large-scale re- cycling program for the University community. We believe this pro- gram is necessary because, al- though there is presently a v e r y good recycling station on South Industrial Highway run by the Ecology Center, this station is too far for most students without cars to reach. Therefore, most of the 65 tons per day of waste that the University generates is not being recycled. We have not forgotten, either, that in the SGC referendum last year, recycling came out se- cond in priority of things students wanted. Campus-wide recycling is defin- itely going to become a reality here this year. We have the supportaof the administration and the plant department. But we still need help. If you are concerned, please call ENACT at 764-4410 (2051 Natural Science Bldg.) -Patricia McNitt, '73NR Nov. 10 62 per cent To The Daily: I MUST comment on the recent proposition put forth by Bill Heen- an (Daily, Nov. 10) that ". . . 62 per cent of the American people couldn't be totally wrong . . ." The above is just another exam- ple of the tendency of true Amer- icans to escape from the very diffi- cult path of true ethical considera- tion to the haven of meaningless sloganism. The principle which emerges from his profound argu- ment, sounds suspiciously similar to the historically notorious i d e a that "might makes right." I wonder if Bill Heenan would agree that racism, also can't be