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November 14, 1972 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1972-11-14

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Tuesday, November 14, 1972
O 44e208 W, Huron
Schools teach your kids
how to read and write.
SWe teach them
how to save lives.
The American Red Cross.
We dont know where
w11 be needed next.
You dort either
advertising contributed for the pu


Page Three 1


Daily Photo by TERRY McCARTHY
Duke Ellington

Les McCnn.. .
excellent funk

Danny Kortchmar-Russ Kunkle
Craig Doerge-Lelard Sklar,

UAC-DAYSTAR presents
$3.50 $4.50 $5.50
crisler arena

Reserve your seats
today at Michigan
Union. (You'll re-
ceive a receipt-cou-
pon which you ex-
change for a ticket
when t h ey arrive
Tues., Nov. 14.)
The Allman Bros.
and DR. JOHN
$4.00 Gen. Admission
TICKETS on sale NOW-Michigan Union, 11 -5:30, Sot. 1 -4
p.m. Salvation Records 10-8 Mon.-Sat. Or by MAIL ORDER
(Allman Bros. only) UAC DAYSTAR, P.O. BOX 381, ANN
ARBOR, 48107

Artist-Les McCann
Album - Talk to the People
(Atlantic SD 1619)
Performance-Mostly inspired and
There is a lot of excellent
funk on this LP, as well as two
beautiful melancholy numbers,
one of them Stevie Wonder's
"Seems So Long." Other tunes
include Marvin Gaye's "What's
Going On," which McCann does
with the background vocal as-
sistance of the Persuasions. For
me Gaye's rendition is a calm
and eloquent arrangement, while
McCann's version isa powerful
statement t h a t commands my
attention in a different way.
"Shamading" is lots of tight
funk, a tune in which McCann
dances all over his piano and
3020 Washtenaw Dial 434-1782
In new screen splendor...
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all over your heard. It's damn
hard to remain seated listening
to it, or to "North Carolina" for
that matter.
You may like this album: If
you like Les McCann, especially
his recent hit "Compared to
What;" if you are looking for
good dance and listening music;
if you like excellent electric
piano i na funk context; if you
liked Marvin Gaye's "What's Go-
ing On" LP, and if you appre-
ciate thick and highly textured
vocals, which McCann does so
You may not like this album:
If you're bored by the addition
of string sections, horn arrange-
ments and background vocalists
to what you used to consider
your favorite artist in a less ex-
panded configuration; if you
thinkthat CTI'selatest offerings
in the jazz field are fairly
pathetic; if you don't like Lou
Rawls; if you're not interested
in hearing what you believe to
be another attempt to hop on
t h e acidsoulsuperfunkbeautiful-
people wagon.
Forest fires brn
more than trees

An Evening with the Duke; Duke
Ellington and his Orchestra; Sat.,
Nov. 11, 8:30 p.m. Hill Auditorium
Special benefit concert for Univer-
sity Musical Society.
At 73, Edward Kennedy Elling-
ton is very much a member of
the royalty of music. But that's
nothing new; he's always been
one of the greatest musicians,
both as composer/arranger and
as a pianist. His show Saturday
night confirmed that he has a
long way to go before he runs
out of steam.
The band warmed up with the
"C jam blues," and then the
Duke strode onstage. Amid a
shower of applause, he stepped
to the mike and reassured us
that "I love you madly."
Turning to the stage door, the
Duke announced, "And now, the
latest addition to the band, our
new young apprentice piano
player." But then he simply went
over to the keyboard and sat
And for the next two hours, he
and his men went through many
old favorites-"Caravan," "Mood
Indigo," "In a Sentimental
Mood," "Creole Love Call,"
"Take the A Train," and "So-
phisticated Lady."
Ellington has, throughout his
band's 45-year existence, had
some of the best sidemen in the
business, and some of them are
still around. Russell Procope has
been playing clarinet and tenor
sax with the Duke for years, and
his clear, sweet tone sounds as
fresh as ever. Harry Carney
pulled off some very mean licks
on his baritone sax, and Harold
Minerve drew applause from the
crowd and noise of aproval from
his colleagues as he arched
phrases on his flute.
I was hoping for some of the
incredible mute effects that won
fame for the Ellington brass in
the 40's, but, generally, the trum-
pets were subdued, and the solos
lacked ingenuity; maybe it was
an off-night for them in the con-
tinuous world of one-night stands
the band still plays, year-round.
The Duke introduced some of
his newer sounds, drawn from
African material, although as he
said, "We've been playing Afri-
can music all along." He led
the group in "Afro-Eurasian
Eclipse" and "Semantic Caco-
phony" (or its more formal title
After the intermission ("The
Duke," Carney explained, de-
"cided to give you a little rest
and divide thedprogram into
parts, Part A and Part B. You
have just heard Part A. In a few
moments you will hear Part B.
Duke dedicated "Satin Gold" to
the most beautiful lady in the
audience. To save her embarrass-
ment, he merely said that "we
know that she knows and we
know who she is," and left it at
After a while the tunes started
to blend into one another, and
one just concentrated on the
unique sound of the group, the
rainbow of colors, the dissonant
parallel chords, the fantastic
backup work by the rythm sec-
tion, with Rufus Jones on drums
and Joe Benjamin on bass
And the Duke's playing. Some
of the time hie seemed to be
tired, hitting one note for
6:00 2 4 7 News
9 Eddie's Father
50 Flintstones

56 How Do Your Children Grow?
6:30 2 4 7 News
SHOWS AT 1-3-5-7-9:05
* **/2* -New York
7[ / 7 Daily News
DIAL 668-6416
* ntv~i .
se %.,,

awhile,; then, taking a sip of his
drink, he would come up with a
series of flashy runs, a little
hint of melody, some pungent
chords, and you knew why he's
been admired for so long.
Late in the program, Duke
introduced singer Tony Watkins,
who did not go over especially
well. His creamy rich baritone
voice .was slick and syrupy
against the slick but cool and
mellow sound of the band.
Finally, with the audience
"trapped into a position where
(you) more or less have to listen
to an encore," Duke sat at the
piano for the last time and spun
out a lyrical ballad, and strode

An evening .. .
with 'the Duke'

Daily Photo by TERRY McCARTHY
Rufus Jones, drummer in the Duke's band

9 Jeannie
50 Gilligan's Island
56 Your Right to Say It
7:00 2 Truth or Consequences
.4 News
7 To Tell The Truth
9 Beverly Hillbillies
50 I Love Lucy
56 Frnch Chef
7:30 2 What's My Line?
4 You Asked for It
7 Parent Game
9 Protectors
50 Hogan's Heroes
56 Who Is?
8:00 2 Maude
4 Bonanza
7 Temperatures Rising
9 Bobby Sherman Show
56 Family Game
50 Dragnet
8:30 2 Hawaii Five-O
7 Movie
"The Victim"
9 Pig 'N' Whistle
56 Bill Moyers' Journal
50 Merv Griffin
9:00 4 Bold Ones
9 News-Don West
56 Common Ground
9:30 2 Movie
"The Strangers in 7A,"
9 Front Page Challenge
56 BlackJournal
10:00 4 America
7 Marcus Welby, M.D.
9 Tenth Decade
50 Perry Mason
56 Detroit Black Journal
11:00 2 4 7 9 News
50 That Good Ole Nashville Mus
11:20 9 Nightbeat
11:30 2 Movie
"Champion." (1949)
12:00 9 Movie
"The Sunshine Patriot" (1968
1:00 4 7 News
1:30 2 Movie
"Eternally Yours." (1939)
3:00 2 News
w cbn today
9:00 Morning After Show
12:00 Progressive Rock
4:00 Folk
7:00 This Week in Sports
8:00 Rhythm & Blues
11:00 Progressive Rock (runs 'til 3)


off, his hair spilling over the
collar of his white suit.
* * *
"An Evening with the Duke"
marked the second benefit con-
cert in the 94-year history of the
University Musical Society, and
the first time it has ever present-
ed a jazz group. Receiving no
financial support from the Uni-
versity, the Society depends on
outside contributions to keep it
from having to raise ticket
prices. Prices have been in-
creased slightly in the past few
years, but the fees for soloists
and orchestras have also gone up
considerably: a soloist can get

POETRY-Coleman Marks, professor of English, University
of Georgia, reads his work this afternoon at 4:10, UGLI
Multi-purpose room.
FOLK-Charles Seeger, one of the founding fathers of
musicological and folk music studies in America as well
as the father of folk singers Pete, Peggy and Mike
Seeger, will speak on "The English Language and Musi-
cology" this afternoon at 4, Chrysler building, North
MUSIC-University Musical Society presents guitarist Chris-
topher Parkening tonight at 8:30, Rackham Aud.; School
of Music presents a wind instrument departmental re-
cital this afternoon at 12:30, SM Recital Hall, and this
season's second concert of the Contemporary Directions
Ensemble, Sydney Hodkinson conducting tonight at 8,
SM Recital Hall. Charles Owen will conduct a perform-
ance of Mario Davidovsky's "Synchronisms No. 5." New
chamber music involving jazz-orientation and live elec-
tronics from Germany, Italy, Canada and U.S.A. will be
offered in works by Paul, Castiglioni, Hartwell and Stokes.
Pierre Boulez' "Eclat" for 15 players will be repeated
from the group's first concert on the Contemporary
Festival Series. A group improvisy tion on "Armistice" by
sic Sydney Hodkinson will close the program.
FILMS-Women's Studies Film Series shows Socialization:
The Invisible Half tonight at 7, UGLI Multi-purpose
room; Cinema Guild shows Godard's Weekend tonight at
s) 7, 9:05, Arch. Aud., About this film, Daily reviewer Larry
Lempert comments:
With grotesque images and events, Godard's visually
hard-hitting satire condemns the materialism and in-
sensitivity of contemporary society. The mood becomes
increasingly surreal and nightmarish as a husband and
wife move from one orgy (a sex extravaganza, erotically
described by the wife) to another (a sensational traffic
jam and an odyssey through battered people and cars.,
AA Film Coop shows Fellini's The Clowns tonight at 7,
9:30, Aud. A. About this film, Daily reviewer Terri Martin
-- Another stop along Fellini's guided tour of his circus
world. Coming on the heels of Satyricon, this is like
comic relief, with much that is gentle and humorous
amid the arabesque goings-on. The color, like the imag-
ery, is shockingly vivid. Fellini said that this was a movie
he had always wanted to make; certainly his view of the
world of buffoonry defines most of his works.

anywhere from $5,000 to $12,000
a night, with orchestras in the
$12,000 range.
Gail Rector, president of the
Society, reports that the Elling-
ton concert brought in about a
third of what it was scaled to
raise; however, if ticket sales for
the first six months of 1973 are
comparable to this year's results
in the same period, the Society
will stay within its budget.
Sarah Power, chairwoman of
the Benefit Committee, said that
"through concerts like the Elling-
ton one we hope to attract a
wider audience and keep up the
diversity of events that the So-
ciety offers to Ann Arbor."
In the past 15 years, the UMS'
program has doubled, and broad-
ened its scope to include opera,
a guitar series, Asian music and
dance, without giving up the tra-
ditional events such as the Choral
Union Series and the May Festi-
val which have been the back-
bone of the UMS program.


I o r

The Christmas season begins in Ann Arbor with the traditional performances of this favorite work which the
University Choral Union has presented for over 90 years. Donald Bryant conducts the chorus, members of the
Interlochen Arts Academy Grchestra, and soloists, in three performances in Hill Auditorium. Soloists are Louise
Russell, soprano, Sofia Steffan, contralo, Waldie Anderson, tenor, and Benjamin Matthews, bass.
Performances on Friday and Saturday, December 1 and 2, at 8:30, and on Sunday, December 3, at 2:30. Tickets
available at $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, and $4.
., , - ww .

DANCING from 8 p.m. to 2a.m.
341 South Main 0 Ann Arbor 769-59



The School of Music presents two one-act operas
Sung in English

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