ELECTION LAW FOLLIES See Editorial Page Y Sir iCrn 471A6V i FLAKEY High-35-37 Low-30-32 See today . . . for details Vol. LXXXI I, No. 59 Ann Arbor,Michigan-Tuesday, November 14, 1972 Ten Cents Eight Pages today... if you see news happen call 76-DAILY Exam bombs Medical Science Buildings 1 and 2 were shut down for nearly two hours yesterday morning while police officers searched in vain for a bomb there. According to 'U' Security boss Col. Fred- rick Davids, the threat called in at 7:32 a.m. did not specify any reason for the purported bombing. Freshman medical students got a one-hour delay in taking their exams while the building was searched. Unfortunately, the exam came off anyway and was reportedly "a bitch." Allman woes The Allman Brothers, struck last year with the tragic death of lead guitarist Duane Allman in a motorcycle accident, have again met with disaster. Berry Oakley, the group's bassist, was killed late Sunday in another cycle crash, at virtually the same spot' where Allman was killed. UAC-Daystar is observing a two- day hold on advertising and ticket sales for the scheduled All- man Brothers concert and dance on Dec. 9. Indications are that the group will indeed perform, but the decision will not be made final at least until tomorrow. The stuff dreams are made of these days seems to be little green cards with lots of little numbers, As the Michigan Lottery tickets (cleverly abbreviated M$L) went on sale for the first time yesterday, most dealers reported a good turn-out of citizens eager to find the end of the rainbow. A University Cellar salesman estimates they've sold some 200 out of about 750, including one for himself. Westgate Shell station sold about 100 tickets during the morning, 150' buyers took their chances at the Main Party Store, and Thrifty Cleaners sold over 100. 4. Happenings ... ... Black politician Julian Bond will be speaking at Hill Aud. tonight at 8 p.m.-seats are $1.50 .. . David Martinez of the Ann Arbor Lettuce Boycott Committee will talk with local Democrats about the lettuce strike at their weekly Lunch Box Forum, Michi- gan Union cafeteria, Dining Rm. 3 at noon . . . if you like coffee, doughnuts and English, drop in on the LSA Coffee Hour, 3-4:30 p.m. at the Hopwood Rm. in Angell Hall . . . or if music is more your thing, musicologist and folk musician Charles Seager will speak on "English Language and Musicology" out on North Campus at the Crisler Center at 4 p.m., and you can hear wind instruments at the music school's Recital Hall at 12:30 p.m. or guitar at Rackham Aud., at 8:30 p.m. . . . for those who yearn for the "Land of the Rising Sun", it's Japanese night at the Rive Gauche, 1024 Hill St. at 9 p.m. SST revival Wisconsin Senator William Proxmire, one of the Senate's top budgetary snoopers, said yesterday the Nixon administra- tion will ask Congress for $5.5 billion to revive the supersonic transport. The chairman of the housing and space subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committee, referring to Nixon's veto of high-cost social programs, "If those costs were excessive .. then SST spending would be an outrage." It seems more top-level party switching may be in the offing. The Richmond Times-Dispatch says Sen. Harry Byrd Jr. (Inde- pendent-Va.) and Sen. Janes Eastland (D-Miss.) may move over to the GOP. The paper reports Byrd has decided to move, East- land is wavering and the two may entice Sen. John Stennis (D- Miss.) to join them. If the proposed switches come off, the Democratic margin in the Senate would be cut to 54-46. Dope notes An American medical student-Paul Bellin from Rochelle Park, N.J.-was arrested in Malaga, Spain yesterday when Spanish officials found 269 pounds of hashish hidden in his car . . Soviet authorities are investigating a drug scandal at a Moscow research institute. One person has been arrested and others are reportedly under investigation following the discovery of 2.2 pounds of LSD at the Institute of Natural Compounds .. . The U.S. and Turkey have agreed to a rural development plan under which Turkish opium growers, forced out of business fol- lowing a U.S.-Turkish crackdown on heroin trafficking, will be helped to switch to other types of farming. Getting better Business administration Prof. Paul McCracken says economic things are good, getting better, and will continue to do so until at least 1973. The former chairman of Nixon's Council of Eco- nomic Advisors told a group of businessmen in Honolulu yester- day, however, that by 1973, certain steps would have to be taken -among them a less expansive fiscal policy, continued wage and price controls and a relaxation of trade restrictions among Canada, Japan, the United States and Europe. 0o s ! General Motors has made another goof, and is recalling 155,000 new cars so the company can fix it. The problem? If the right-front tire on a number of new cars hits the curb in a hard left position, it can cause severe "toe in". This "toe in" can lead to a potentially embarrassing loss of steering. Re- called are Chevrolet Chevelles and El Caminos, Buick Centuries, Oldsmobile Cutlasses, and Pontiac Le Mans, Grand Prix, and Trans Am and Sprint models. Rescue misque LONDON-Would-be good samaritan Frank Sammes will think twice next time he rushes to the rescue. When he heard screams and moans coming from the apartment of neighbor Janet Huxley, Sammes raced in to stave off the brutal attack only to find Huxley making love with her friend William Hearn. According to witnesses in court, Sammes hit both in disgust and told them: "Pack it in. I'm trying to get to sleep." Sammes was fined $100. Ii IlIl facilities: Room for everyone? f I i I i E EDITOR'S NOTE: This analysis of the University's intramural sports scene was compiled by Daily sports writers. It is the first of a three- part series. By RANDY PHILLIPS, JOEL GREER and MICHAEL OLIN How many times have you tried to get a bunch of people together for a quick basketball game at the Intramural (IM) Sports Building? And how many times have you found that the tennis team was practicing, or the league teams were using all the courts, or it was just too crowded to wait around? Or when was the last time you played paddleball without getting up at 8 a.m. to stand in line for a reservation? Have you wondered why your football team pays $10 to enter IM competition and then only gets to play four games? The list of complaints is en- less. Anyone who has been in any of these situations knows intra- the TM PART 1 mural and recreation facilities at Michigan are sorely lacking. In- tramural and Recreation Direc- tor Rodney Grambeau knows it, and Athletic Director Don Can- ham knows it, and above all the students know it. As Canham says, "We're in the dark ages in recreation on this campus. The problem is- as with many other University programs - lack of dollars available." Some progress 'has been made. A recent proposal by the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Ath- letics and the Advisory Commit- tee on Recreation, Intramurals, and Club Sports would provide for two new buildings and the renovation of two old ones. But the proposal has yet to be funded and would only provide- a short-range solution. Present facilities illustrate the extent of the problem. It has been about two decades since the Women's Pool - the newest major IM facility - was built. The Men's Intramural Building is 44 years old and de- crepit Waterman Gym was built so long ago that your great granparents probably used the same basketball courts that you are using today if they attended Michigan. Waterman is scheduled to be razed as soon as funds can be found for an extension of the chemistry ,building onto the area Waterman now occupies. The turn-of-the-century building is in such bad shape, according to Ath- letic Department officials, that to pour more funds into it for im- provements would simply be mon- ey down the drain. The IM Building needed $1 mil- lion in repairs three years ago, ac- cording to Grambeau, but only patch-up work has been complet- ed to date. "With som'e of the buildings approaching 50 years old," acknowledged Grambeau, See IM, Page 8 Daily Photo by BECAUSE OF old equipment, students+ door hockey five months a year. TE RRYMcCARTHY can only enjoy in- HARVEY ON VACATION: Undersheriff reinstates3 By TERRY MARTIN Was Sheriff Douglas Harvey venting his post-election frustration when he fired one member of the Sheriff's De- partment and demoted two others last Wednesday? Was Undersheriff Harold Owings protecting his own when he reinstated the three, with back pay, yesterday? And what will happen when Harvey returns to Ann Arbor at the end of the week? The answers depend on who's talking. According to Washtenaw County Administrator K. Ross Childs, who participated in the negotiations which resulted in the reinstatement of Carol Compton, clerical-matron employe, and Lt. Tom Dorrance and Sgt. Richard Coppernoll, the whole affair revolves around the standard union con- --tract. Ellsberg trial to get under way WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Supreme Court cleared the way yesterday for the government to try Daniel Ellsberg and Anthony Russo for theft and publication of the Pentagon papers. The high court dissolved a rul- ing which had blocked the start of their trial since last July. The two men, who have ack- nowledged they copied and dis- tributed to various newspapers a top secret Defense Department study on U.S. involvement in Viet- nam, have insisted their action was in the public interest and should not be considered a crime. But, they were formally charg- ed with stealing secret documents and making personal use of them. The jury had been selected and the opposing attorneys were sched- uled to give opening arguments in the trial in Los Angeles on July 26 when the two men succeeded in obtaining a stay from the U. S. Court of Appeals, based on their claim that government wiretap- pers had eavesdropped on a mem- her of the defense team. The appeals court later removed the stay but before the govern- ment could pick up the pieces and begin the trial Ellsburg and Russo persuaded Supreme Court Justice William Douglas to impose a new stay that wouldlast until the full court could consider their claim. Eight of the nine justices, with only Justice Douglas dissenting, r e f u s ed yesterday without com- ment to hear the wiretap claim. The effect is to free the govern- ment to resume the Los Angeles trial. "The three had negotiated a con- tract with a written grievance pro- cedure," Childs said. "This means that a written grievance should be filed as to the cause of the firing." Apparently Harvey performed the disciplinary actions verbally, without informing the three in writ- ing of the charges against them. The employes filed complaints with Teamsters Local Union 214, and president Joseph Valenti met with Undersheriff Owings and Childs yesterday in response to these complaints. Their meeting resulted in the announcement of the reinstatement. "Under their signed contracts,". Childs said, "it is the respon- sibility of either the sheriff or the undersheriff to review the case and resolve it." In the absence of Sheriff Harvey, Owings recom- mended instant reinstatement with back pay. It has been alleged that Harvey was taking political revenge on the' three since they supposedly sup- ported Owings' unsuccessful Re-~ publicanbidgforusheriff in last Tuesday's election. While Childs1 See OWINGS, Page 8 Daily Photo by TERRY McCARTHY THESE CHILLY SOULS strolling down the sidewalk yesterday were dismayed to see big, white, snowflakes come out of the sky to wet their way. The snow melted on contact most of the afternoon but last night a little of it began sticking and staying on the ground. What's this snow doing here? By CHARLES STEIN To the delight of ski enthusiasts and the disgust of motorists and pedestrians, the first snow of the season descended on Ann Arbor yesterday afternoon. In light of this momentous oc- casion, a number of local celeb- rities took time out from their busy schedules to comment on the event. "It probably had something to do with the election," said Mayor Robert Harris. "Nixon promised he would do something and this snowfall must be it." Taking up where Harris left off, Councilperson Jerry De- Grieck (HRP-First Ward) quipped, "We're sure the snow and ice wilt thaw by the time April rolls around." April, of course, is the date of the next city-wide election. Help for your sex hang-ups: Things mother never told you Republican councilman Bruce Benner, however, refused to in- dulge in this political one-up- manship, adding, "I hope the snow stays all winter, so we can have a non-partisan White Christ- mas." A November snowfall seemed particularly early to the man-on- the-street, but according to meteorology Prof. Dennis Baker, we have nothing to complain about. Leafing through his record book, Baker determined that the average date of the first snowfall in Ann Arbor is October 25. He also discovered that the state of Michigan is the second cloudiest state in the wintertime, which perhaps explains why Ann Arbor hasn't seen the sun in the last month. No weather story could be com- plete, of course, without a state- ment from Detroit's ace weather- wan Sonny Elliot. In an exclu-. sive Daily interview yesterday Elliot leaked his rhyme for the night before his six o'clock re- port. Sonny said: "Snow would be lovely, If it weren't so darn shovely." Massive snowball fights erupt- ed in various places around the campus last night as winter's first snowfall inundated the Ann Arbor area. A massive fight be- tween South and West Quads ap- peared to end when a phalanx of football players from South Quad routed West Quadders into the safety of their dorm. Republicans refuse to reveal names WASHINGTON (,')-A Republican committee that channeled $100,000 into President Nixon's re-election campaign says it does not have to make known the sources of its funds despite a new federal law requiring disclosure of all over-$100 contributors. Auditors for the General Account- ing Office say the position of the Executive Club of the Republican party of New Jersey, if upheld in See REPUBLICANS, Page 8 By MERYL GORDON "If he really loves me, he'll know what I need, he'll know what to do. If he can't guess, he doesn't want me enough." Have you heard that line before?j Drs. Marshall and Margueritej Shearer, have heard it from a lot of people in the past few years, people who have sexual problems and want some help. Dr. Marguerite Shearer, who has worked as a general practitioner' at Health Service, and her husband Dr. Marshall Shearer, a psychia- trist formerly on the Medical A rt school paintings slashed in vandalism School faculty, have recently re- turned from spending two years ypracticing at the Masters and Johnson clinic in St. Louis, and have opened a local marriage therapy practice. "People think that love is om- niscient," Dr. Marshall Shearer said, "it's all caught up in re- ligious beliefs - God is love, God is omniscient, love should be om- niscient. But it's not , . . people needs to be told how to make love and what feels good for one an- other." He says that a lack of communi- caiton is the primary problem for most couples. This can lead to dif- ficulties ranging from premature ejaculation to impotence in males, and a non-orgasmic state in fe- males. "The main difference with us and Masters and Johnson," he ex- plains, "is that they see people from out of town, and we see peo- ple locally. That means that we can extend our therapy over a longer period of time and do fol- low-up work in person. We don't have to get everything done in two weeks." The Shearers begin by taking their patient's histories. Then they ask them to take a week off frnm wxnrk nrr to n rk innir, nnrt-. Alice Lloyd residents become racist for psych experiment what the physiology is at that step, and what brings on re- sponses." "Nobody responds the same way," adds his wife. "People ex- pect standards of orgasm - the vaginal versus clitoral debate - and there aren't standards. An orgasm is an orgasm is an or-j gasm. Also some people know intel- lectually that sex isn't dirty, but deep down inside," she said, "they feel it really is." On the inside . *. Art critic Donald Sosin looks at Duke Ellington on Page 3 . . . on the Editorial Page, Charles Stein mixes football and politics, with two losers-Joe Schmidt and Jean West- wood . . . and Sports offers still another John Papanek column. T ho wvv thm n d-tird By JEAN LOVE The Architecture and Design School was the victim of a sec- ond act of vandalism in three weeks it was discovered yester- day morning. Nine paintings by art students were found slashed by knives. The incident apparently occured some- stabbed and spray-painted with profanities. A group of statues were also broken and painted. Professor Tom Larkin, former Chairman 6f the Art Department, said that he and George Bayliss, the art department's present chairman, have discussed the pos- sibility of having I. D. cards made By LORIN LABARDEE Alice Lloyd, the dorm that brought you coed bathrooms now has something new to offer-legitimized racism. But it's all in the name of higher educa- tion, says Allen Giles, a Pilot Program instructor. It's part of an experiment Giles' class in Race Relations is conducting this week. when other students see it and don't ask why she's wearing it. The purpose of the experiment, according to Giles, is, "to study the overt and blatant facts of racism." But the experiment, which began yesterday, does have some flaws. It seems a number of the more revolu- tionary Sckugs, the inferior group, are or- ganizing to overthrow their oppressors, the it