F ~ 'W - .. W * -' ______ -. . -~ 4 1 t . t, It .; ,... ,., Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, November 12, 1972 Sunday, November 12, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY U U SPORTS CAR SERVICE of Ann Arbor, Inc. WASHTENAW COUNTY'S FINEST MOST COMPLETE IMPORTED AUTOMOBILE SERVICING FACILITY "The 'message' film is only one extreme the tip-of a socio-cultura I iceberg." ~~44114in }. 1 1' i TUE.-WED.-FRI.-8-6 MON.-THUR.--8-9 4705 Washtenaw, Ann Arbor NEXT TO YPSI-ANN DRIVE-IN THEATER .-- -- TODAY AND TOMO RROW Sunday and Monday Novmber 12 and 13 AFTER-INVENTORY BOOK SALE Aristophanes - Aristotle - Dumond - Fine - Gogol - Milio - Petronius --- Sartre - Breton - Zola - The University of Michigan: A Pictorial History - Female Sexuality - The Assault on Privacy - Shakeseare's Critics - The Art of F. Scott Fitsgerald -- Rebel Voices - The Satyricon - 9226 Kercheval BLACK STUDIES - DRAMA - POETRY - GEOGRAPHY - NATURAL SCIENCE - HISTORY -- PSYCHOLOGY - POLITICAL SCIENCE - CLASSICS Books originally priced from $1.95 to $20.00 NOW DRASTICALLY REDUCED TO 25c to $5.00 (continued from page 3) broad-based popular sentiment which informs the staple Hollywood diet, the "Love Story" of last or any other year. (History has borne this out with the witch-hunt- ing of the McCarthy era. The Hollywood Ten's vulnerability to persecution runs in direct propor- tion to the extent their marked social concern iso- lated them from the mass of their fellow film- makers. The grimmest twist to date on the "au- teur" theory.) Inseparable as it is from this cultural base, the "message" film worthy of its name could be said to derive from a tension between what the audience is led to expect and what the direc- tor wishes to deliver. If this formulation holds, au- thors White and Averson are seriously limiting themselves from the beginning: they say at one point "As goes the nation, so goes Hollywood" and if we are to take them at their word it is only outside Hollywood and hence outside much of America's film history that we can look for the majority of genuine "message" films. What we are left with is a hodge podge of movies in some way "making a point" - and their number is legion. At one stage (considering con- troversy over American war-involvement) the au- thors say, "Hollywood, whose power structure gen- erally hesitates to alienate any segment of the Great Audience, was reluctant to take any overt political stance." True no doubt. But one feels if they have really understood their generalization, they would more profitably concentrate on those specific 'auteurs' (Frank Capra, for example) who have seemed to salvage some measure of personal and artistic identity from the levelling pressures of their industry. If this would necessitate a basic readjustment of their historical, cataloguing ap- proach, it would nevertheless allow them to con- front the major Hollywood achievem~nents more ser- iously than they do. Such reversion to the 'auteur' theory (jovially applauded by these writers as "Gallic metaphys- ics"), however, would then pull the book into the province of an aesthetics which they consider "elitist" and go on to repudiate with scorn: "The elitist critics hold their aesthetic noses when they ponder the often exaggerated situations and the 'deus ex machina" solutions found in pop cult. They are equally condemnatory of people who read detective thrillers when they should be reading, in their opinion, more serious, enduring literature. Whether melodrama per se is necessarily inferior art begs the question . . ." Its unpleasant tone apart, the principle behind this is sound. Unfortun- ately they seem almost to abandon it with a sub- sequent compromise: "On those rare occasions when a film is able to shuck the conventions of melodrama and still have the narrative pace and fluidity to hold and entertain an audience, it achieves what even the elitists begrudgingly ad- mit is Art." There seems to be, in sum, a mistaken pre- mise informing this book: that popular culture is an umbrella beneath which we can honorably be sheltered from critical evaluation and discrimina- tory processes. On a superficial level, their sup- posed allegiance to what is, indeed, a desperately- important cause (unsatisfied by liberal arts studies or sociology alone) seems suspicious in the light of their irritating tendency to name-drop from the world of those "elitists"; "As T. S. Eliot wrote in his poem 'The Hollow Men"', "what Dr. Samuel Johnson called . . .", "to paraphrase Lord Ac- ton . . .", "As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said ..." etc. tec. On a more important level, they betray this cause by an inverted snobbery which confuses the unpretentious with an embattled provincialism: it is easy to read this book and - barring two references (names and no more) to Godard, two to Eisenstein, one of Pudovkin, and two to Dziga Vertov - assume that no cinema has existed out- side the U.S. - an invidious suggestion under any circumstances but never more when, in the Rus- sians and European figures such as Godard, we have perhaps the primary models for the "mes- age" and/or quasi-political film-maker. This apart, and on their own level, the authors leave some gaping questions and omissions. Why, for instance, no mention of Don Siegal's "Inva- sion of the Body Snatchers"? Surely - under its allegoric covering - this was the most striking "message" film of its period, but in no way "elit- ist" art. Why no mention of "Bonnie and Clyde"? Why no mention of Roger Corman's "Bloody Ma- ma", an impressive and important film springing direct from a man who cut his teeth on the staple Hollywood B-picture? Why no indication of that cynical social awareness injected into the Holly- wood of the 30th by former reporters such as Ben Mecht and Herman Mankiewicz? For what it's worth, one could go on to list ac- tual inaccuracies (about the novel "Grapes of Wrath", about the films "The Wild One" and "The Victors") and summaries (e.g. of War- "The big subject is often a trap" show's essay on the cowboy, Pauline Kael's on "High Noon") so misleading as to be downright travesties. Beyond that, broader questions, such as why, if you're dealing with the recent work of expatriate Kubrick, exclude recent films of exiled and more politically "suspect" 'auteurs' such as Jo Losey? Why - in heaven's name - recognize the Hollywood Ten outrage and still sum up with the flag-waving comment that America "has nev- er hesitated to examine its failures via the public media," has always shown "eagerness to allow diversity of thought," and to air its "dirty linen before the scrutiny of our world neighbors?" "Only a society as sure of its identity as ours," they claim, with an absence of irony so complete it's almost impressive "can afford such openness." The American film-critic Andrew Sarris once made a remark authors White and Averson have seen fit to quote but not to learn from: "The Big Subject is as often a trap as an opportunity." Beyond their own disservice to film-criticism, their addition of one more expendable volume to its own library, these writers force one into an at- titude of "Leave us your photographs" (over two hundred in number, they are the only good thing in the book) "and forget about Social Relevance." That they. should do is a crime, for their con- spicuous failure to confront their theme seems to throw one back to the old deceptions of the New Criticism: the super-alienated dissection of the isolated art-work. Bertolt Brecht had an answer for most things and, while we wait for a realiza- tion of those opportunities The Celluloid Weapon flunked, it is worth holding on to one of them: "As long as the social function of the film is not criticized, then all film criticism is symptomatic criticism and itself has a symptomatic character. It exhausts itself on questions of taste and re- mains completely imprisoned in class prejudice. It never recognizes that taste is merchandise and the weapon of a particular class, but rather it sets taste up as an absolute which everyone has access to, which everyone can buy, even if, in fact, everyone cannot pay." Letters from prisoners socIr TY casts a fearful glance at its prisons. Popular myth- ology once fought such an asser- tion; only criminals should cringc at the sight of rows of concrete and steel cubicles, it said. Some- how, that changed. Or perhaps we simply became more aware that what we believed was indeed a myth. Not only do the innocent sometimes go to jail, but the guilty only become more "criminal" by being made outcasts. Born are characters desperate enough to riot against armed guards, or so pas- sive they are literally destroyed by the experience of being im- prisoned. For all the expense, so- ciety does not benefit; in fact, the human loss is enormous. None of this is news to us now, but knowledge of the prison reality is still sketchy. What do we really know about the people inside and the lives they lead? In a violent society, self-protection and ven- geance too often subordinate any larger concern, much as the offen- der seldom sees the long-range consequences of his act. The knowledge that a better approach is needed does not in itself bring a change. The letters below are from three prisoners who asked their feelings and experiences be shared with those on the "outside." They are members of a movement scat- tered throughout the prisons of this country aimed at establishing the fact that prisoners do indeed have rights. The right to bargain for more than the average 25 cents/day wage. The right to have conjugal visits. The right to an ed- ucation, medical treatment and humane conditions. Above all, re- course beyond the arbitrary, and often brutal, rule of prison admin- istrators. AM JUST ONE of the many thousand state and federal prisoners whose problems and torments have been cruelly com- plicated and hopelessly increased as a result of the present bar- baric system of retributive jus- tice. Judging from my own sad experiences and the experiences of countless others, as I hear them being bitterly related al- most every day, this system, the fundamental concepts of which have not been essentially changed in nearly three centuries, sim- ply does ont serve the purpose for which it was intended. Al- though becoming more and more expensive to administer with each passing year, there is hard- ly a trace of evidence to suggest that it actually helps to reduce crime or, in the ultimate sense, to protect society. More often than not, the convicted offender, who it is pledged to rehabilitate, is only further frustrated, op- pressed, hardened, and embit- tered. The property loss result- ing from the offenses of perhaps 90 per cent of convicted law- breakers actually amounts to less than three or four hundred dollars, while the accumulated cost of their elaborate court pro- cedures, their years of unproduc- tive confinement, and the in- evitable post-release "supervi- sion" which in some ways is often even more frustrating and harassing than jail, must fre- quently exceed twenty-five or thirty thousand d o l1 a r s! But while the economic waste of this colossal failure may be deplor- able, the human waste it pro- duces is absolutely tragic.tThere is probably no' sickness, disease, war ,or despotic tyranny in the history of mankind that has con- sistently taken from us so many of the young, and without killing, mutilated their lives so irre- deemably, as has the system of punitive justice as prescribed in this most prosperous and pur- portedly educated nation in the world. Without the safeguards of due process in conjunction with the ban against cruel and unusual punishment, convicts have been beaten, chained and strapped to specially constructed steel bunks for hours, days, and even months, being forced to defile their persons and lie in human waste. Convicts have been tear- gassed in cells. Cells that are isolated with the prisoner behind closed doors where he remains for days, weeks, months, and in some cases, even years in the Segregation Building. Prison administrators are cor- rupted by their own dogmatic and self-righteous interpretation of humane treatment, and view segregation with all its ramifica- tions as a necessary disciplinary action. Disciplinary proceedings at Leavenworth are a sham. Pub- lished and unpublished rules and regulations a r e enforced by members of the institution disci- plinary committee. A convict is guilty when the guard writes the conduct report. The best report is: "Investigation." When they Just think you might have done something! "THINK?" You think! If one cannot negotiate with human power as a relative equal, he has only a limited number of alternatives. (1) He can submit, and become a vegetable. (2) He can resist, and become an out- law. (3) There is another alter- native, more seductive; he can turn to the use of force. Let us not forget that we are lawbreakers and we are being punished for our crimes, having said that one should also recog- nize that punishment is one thing, cruel and abusive treatment is another. Shouldn't prisoners be at least treated like Jews? Call Hitler, get 'your gas chambers, and firing squads, and let's re- habilitate them. Let's correct acknowledgement in determining release. And, the condition of a prisoner's emotions is only con- sidered when his desperation gets out of hand. Every prisoner lives with the fear which consumed them, so his acts of defiance and usurpation of control over his own being musttberdown-played so it does not catch on or jeo- pardize careers or lead to other kinds of protest. A prisoner has almost all of his identity snatched from him. He is alone in a crowded ghetto berefit of community and con- cern. He has no control over his daily routine. The act of protest, violence, does reclaim some of this . . . but at the expense of life. Prison life . . . Most men will endure and wait, they will "We are deprived of our sexual identity . .. IN ADDITION to the daily degra- dation we are also literally stripped of ourrsexual identity. This is one of the most inherent rights endowed t4 man ,and for a system to forcefully and method- ically deprive an individual of this right is not only a crime against the individual but against society in general. We will, one day, re- turn to our respective communities in an attempt to remold our shat- tered lives and it is these com- munities which will suffer as a re- sult of the hatred, apprehension and sexual frustration instilled in us by arbitrary, capricious and discriminatory administrators. The prison administration con- stantly reiterates the theme that conjugal visits, furloughs and ear- ly releases are being considered. They, however, have failed to im- plement any meaningful policies by which an inmate can attempt to hold his family together until his release. It would appear that the faulty policies presently in effect coerce the inmates' family to sever all ties during his immurement. The courts have ruled that a loss of consortium (or a loss of sexual service of one's spouse) can be successfully tried in civil suits. The courts refer to it as "pain and suffering" caused by the inability to carry on a natural and tension- relieving marital act due to the injury of one's spouse in marriage. This can take on a broader mean- ing. If the courts have ruled that consortium is a violation of a pri- vate law, then why must thousands of men and women housed in the Ohio penal system be deprived of this natural and tension-relieving marital act? The average grade level of all inmates is 8.0. Should an inmate be condemned for not containing him- self sexually? Should he be expect- ed to practice sublimation and to transmute the forces that drive his desires to more socially acceptable channels? The less fortunate in- mates are indirectly forced to par- ticipate in homosexuality and bes- tiality arising from the fact that he is totally unaware of the func- tioning of his sexuality and how to cope with it. I, personally, have been deprived of the mate of my choice for such a painfully long time that when I view a picture of a woman, other than to admire her aesthetically, my entire being screams out just to touch her. It seems as though the vibrations turn me inside out and I find myself stripped bare. I want to say to someone, "Look, I really do need you." We can say, I love you 27 times a day, but it's not like saying, "Look, here I am, vomit and all, sick and frightened. Recognize my need and my hu- manity." Will there ever be a day when our needs and humanity are recognized, or will we continue to be forced to react as perverted sex-starved maniacs? It strikes me as being quite pa- thetic that after the giant step taken to implement the "Gilligan Plan on Consorship" that a ban is still unnecessarily enforced on one of the most popular maga- zines in America, mainly, Play- b n ti T] th ne fit a d to ti se a 'I e in th T] p h C The who a despen on the not of real. 'T Prison ters a crease prison side." pond a ment throug Party. Attica guards, Oct., 1971 615 EAST UNIVERSITY a7I m YEr clrc.~+ tJ~l i-:. At the STADIUMlRE STAURANT and, PIZZERIA BILL BILL & SAM FIGHT TO KEEP PRICES DOWN FOR THEIR CUSTOMERS Super Breakfast Menu * eggs; ham, bacon, or sausage or any omelette on our menu o with toast & coffee or tea " Mon.-Fri. 7 a.m.-1 1 a.m. 'ONLY 99c SAM 338 S. State GREEK MENU Every Tues. and Thurs.' 50 CENTS OFF on medium and large rPIZZA 5 p.m.-2 a.m. Mon.-Thurs. YOU JUST CAN'T BEAT CIRCLE BOOKS A COMPLETE OCCULT BOOKSTORE-769-1583 215 S. State 2nd floor Ann Arbor, Mich. them . . . Let's kill them . . . "Bury us, deep, society, lest we come back and haunt you." We have begged understand- ing for the lashing out and the desnerate impossible r e v o 1 t s. When you stop and consider, the weeks and months between erup- tions are really a miracle, when at present, we "cons" have as- sumed the universal hatred for guards and are struck by an ex- pression of sentiment that seems quite out of place in this nest dominated by the big eagle (gov- ernment). It is impossible to hate a person like him (the guard) . . . He re- quires pity, for with him it is a matter of having a free body but an imprisoned mind and spirit .. . for how else could a person accept his job wherein he is paid his silver at the expense of so many others' misery? We live the day to day existence of men locked in cages, kept by people who would be fired by any zoo in the world. It is a luxury to have hot water? In America? In 1972? In Leavenworth, in the ad- justment center known as "63" building, we are allowed two cereal bowls of hot water a week. In prison, rehabilitation is a very personal effort which re- ceives very little real official exist in this welfare state . . . For regardless of how badly we are treated, we shall always have "HOPE". Your mind, your consciousness, is the only thing this system fears . . . The mind is the only thing capable of understanding and identifying this system's ul- terior motives and then branding them with their proper names. EVIL. What is so truly shocking about this is that this man or system, if examined and eval- uated by present standards, can be termed brilliant. Here is a man or system whose job it is to aid in my so-called rehabilita- tion, a man who has the capacity to understand the present situa- tion in this PRISON, yet the real monster is this man or system .mbut who also has the bold- faced audacity totell me that he is a good and moral man or system. The penal system, the prison, needs to change. It is not effective as it now stands. We are here. We need your help, your time, your concern. We will help in any way we can, but we are waiting for you to come to us . . . WE CAN'T COME TO YOU.. Robert Welge No. 92397-131 P.O. Box 1000 Leavenworth, Kansas 66048 i a 7 i l { i a _, i 1 f 1 i 7 OPEN 7 A.M.-2 A.M. EVERY DAY '1