V . - - . --- - - - 7 lop, I . - -... Page Eighteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, November 12, 1972 Sundav November 12, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY wU 1 , / A Arcade ewdqr Sk op /26y.siatd ewlsr'a MteLtCaF 9a; Sgciely SIXTEEN NICKELS ARCADE } ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN 48108 'Built for. 950, now holds 1800' (Continued from Page 16) when they were in office? They were up there sitting, taking care of the problems that the public wanted taken care of. And the public, not caring nor realizing nor even thinking they would ever enter a prison, put the pris- oner lowest on the list of changes - - - The correctional institutions of America have somewhere over 500,000 people each and every day behind bars of some nature. In the federal system there are 25,000 prisoners . . . the average federal prison in the United States is 75 years old. Lewisburg prison has a population of 1800 people, the prison was built for 950 people in 1932, and not a single stick, stone being added, they doubled the population of that prison, leaving the same number of wash basins, the same showers that they had for 950 people. . . . The educational factor in the prison is a joke. In Lewis- burg there is a rule that if you are 30 years or younger and didn't finish high school it is mandatory that you go to the school and complete high school. But when you go up into the h i g h e r education department, what do you find? Six professors -and an inmate's directing the classes. What do they discuss in the prison? How about the next hold up? What happened to the last one and where to go for the next one. And the professors, knowing full well that the pris- oners control the situation, neat- ly sit back and mind their own business. Prisoners sitting day after day in a cell block ten feet long and I seven feet wide with nowhere to go and nothing to do generate unrest, generate a desire to do something about it. That's why you find an Attica and that's why you find two riots in Lewisburg while I was there and that's why you find strikes all over the nation. Yes, you may sit here and say to yourself, "It can't happen to me," but as sure as you are sit- ting here, if you are not a pris- oner, you will be the victim of an individual coming out of pris- on that is not permitted to enter into society-either based upon the fact that there are laws re- quiring registration or prohibi- tions against individuals with a crime record . . . And yet, on the other hand, there are indi- viduals out of prison who, after having served 10, 12, 15 years, are given $35 to walk out onto the street and if they complain, they are told very politely, "Why could you use more? You're go- ing to be back anyway" . . . .. . Inmates are organizing all over the United States in prisons, when they can't do it publicly they're doing it secretly. They're passing the word from one prison to the other and unless something is done with the prisons, one day you'll wake up and have a gen- eral strike of every single jail and prison in the United States. . . Wherever the leaders are sent they'll regenerate strikes and riots until it is recognized that the responsibility of the pros- ecutor and the judge does not stop when they send a man to prison, but the elected officials must see to it that he is properly clothed, properly housed, hygen- ics supplied to him, and is at least rehabilitated to where he can go out into society and sus- tain himself without a pistol .. . It is the responsibility of all the powers that be to recognize that men are men in or out of jail and that you cannot take away the dignity of a man with- out having him become an ani- mal. If you want to treat him as an animal in prison, in five to 15 years you'll turn him out on the street as a animal . . . And you'll lose your life if you turn out of prison individuals who are so hard they will take your life because of the hatred and the inability to secure a job other than crime. r n THE CELLULOID WEAPON: Social Comment in the Ameri- can Film by David Manning White and Richard Averson (Beacon Press, $14.95) By NIGEL GEARING Remember the days when, if you were persistent, had good eyesight and even better luck, you might find a few thin vol- umes on Film; squeezed some- where at the end of your local bookshop's Drama shelves?. The reversal of this situation is like the rags-to-riches story of a Chaplin: from suffered ob- scurity to the financial big-time and critical respectability, Cine- ma as Art has arrived, and with it a baggage of commentary and literature fast threatening to crush in its wake all remnants of a non-visual, pre-celluloid cul- ture. When it comes down to it, there are few who can logically re- gret what at times seems over- compensation for the arid years. It is no more, in the last analy- sis, than a tardy recognition that movies are potentially as much an art as a lyric poem or a five- act tragedy. The snag, however, is that, as with any cultural manifestation at last granted serious attention, a parasitism thrives in the body politic of the movement. For every Bazin, say, there will be a dozen others whooping it up on the bandwag- on. Make no mistake. The Cellu- loid Weapon is on that wagon, greasing the wheels with a hand- some package-job at $14.95 a throw and smoothing its path with a blurb dedicated to "the exploration of the human con- dition." In line with its subtitle, this book purports to trace the "message film" in America from the early silents through "A Clockwork Orange." It is only when you penetrate beyond these promised (and promising) labels that you realize authors White and Averson have provided the unwary with a bill of fare com- parable in substance - but, alas, not in price-to a souped-up T.V. Guide. The technique r u n s - ap- proximately thus. Begin with a broad-based platitude: "Politics, Nigel Gearing is a gradnate student in English. - books- film and social commtary premises of 1928 and "The Threepenny Opera." Similarly, the genre's early appeal to an immigrant view of urbanized life and more recently (viz. "Bonnie and Clyde") to a young genera- tion's sense of cultural disposses- sion adumbrates what a mere attention to surfaces would sug- gest to be simple variations on a theme. Critic Robert Warshow, hailing the gangster as modern tragic hero, is right to suggest thereby a continuing relational stress between our celluloid day- dreams and our hours outside the movie-theatre: "In ways that we do not easily or willingly define, the gangster speaks for us, ex- pressing that part of the Ameri- can psyche which rejects the qualities and demands of mod- ern life, which rejects 'Ameri- canism' itself." The "message" film is thus only one extreme and self-adver- tising instance of this wider referentiality - the tip, so to speak, of the socio-cultural ice- berg. As such, and springing so often from a determined, indi- vidualist director, it is probab- ly less representative of the (continued on page 4) Marlon Brando in "The Wild Bunch" A Wide Selection of Earrings in Sterling, Gold-filled, and Solid Gold Starting from $3.50 Er especially the unethical variety, always makes headlines - and more so during an election year." Amplify the truism with a journalistic splash of local color: "In 1932, the Depression's millions were hopefully looking for an opportunity to effect some economic and political improve- ment, perhaps by putting a new face in the White House." Effect a facile transition to the world of film: "Not surprisingly, Holly- wood sensed the hum of politics as the nation prepared to go to the polls." Then home in on what fills seventy-five per cent of this book's tedious pages - a series of plot summaries, strung togeth- er in chronological order and - if you're lucky - culminating in one nod towards a diluted "cri- tical discrimination (sample, of "The Ox-Bow Incident": "A classic statement against mob violence, no film ever surpassed its blunt denunciation of what happens to men when they aban- don reason") and another to- wards the generalized Social Relevance with which we came in (sample, of Ray Milland in "The Lost Weekend": "The de- lirium tremens which culmi- nates his long binge makes him hallucinate the gruesome image of a bat devouring a mouse on DISCOVER THE CAPITOL MARKET 211 S. FOURTH phone 663-0101 = LJ l WHISKEY WINES & CHEESES HARD-TO-FIND SUPPLIES " FETA CHEESE; FRESH OLIVES " STRUDEL DOUGH " RUSSIAN BLACK BREAD OPEN 'TIL 1 A.M. DAILY; SUNDAY 'TIL MIDNIGHT if. A a a a a a a a a .~a.a. -a -a- a ~a. -~ - w w w w w w w - - -- - op , r " Orthopedic s Staple-less " Cognac and Navy Suede " Many styles for men and women by IMPG 17 Nickels Arcade 9-5:30 MON.-SAT. IMAGINE THIS: A mountain of steamed corned beef piled high on a New York Onion Roll, garnished with a slice of dill pickle. Stop Dreaming Start Eating In the MICHIGAN UNION lower level I his bedroom wall: his scream at the flowing blood encapsulated the anguish of millions of alco- holics like him"). Representative of the synopses is that of "Blackboard Jungle": "The vocational - school setting of the shocking Evan Hunter novel was a microcosm of the conculsions that were disrupting the classrooms in many cities. The unruly kids in "Blackboard Jungle" added their own "r" to the traditional reading, 'riting and 'rithmetic - rampage. (Even a Mr. Chips or a Miss Bishop, great teachers as they were, might have thrown up their hands in despair.) Mr. Da- dier - soon dubbed 'Daddy-O' by his charges - never had a course in teacher's college that told him how to fend off a student attack- ing him with an open knife. In contrast to the real-life experi- ences of many teachers who had been molested and brutalized in the rundown city schools in in- terstitial neighborhoods, Dadier finally manages to establish some rapport with his students." And-before you can blink- it's on to another plot summary, another summary judgement. The shame of all this is, of course, that the book's subject could in other hands have pro- vided a rich crop of cultural and social insights. Films, certainly no less - and arguably more - than literature serve in large measure as an underground scripture of our popular convic- tions, superstitions and fantasies: concealed beneath their surface entertainment is a seismograph which, apprehended and read correctly, can tell us more about wide-scale moods and proclivities than any number of sociological theses. More specifically , the American movie-industry has al- ways seemed in spirit (if not in achievement) curiously at one with that ebullient mixture of expansive optimism, s h re w d business-sense and tawdry ideals which kicked the country into the productivity - drive of the 1920s; its long term failures are inextricable from the contradic- tions and compromises of an ex- hausted capitalist ethic. The gangster-genre in American mov- ies is just one illustration of this synoptic and referential semi- ology. Its oscillation between the hood now as part of an organiza- tion, now as isolado, now again (viz. "The Godfather") as cor- poration-man, measures a pub- lic's changing conception of the tensions between individual and society. In Coppola's film - as in the movie "Performance" the most recent verdicts equate the "respectable" power-syn- dromes of big business and gov- ernment with underworld activ- ity, hence returning us to the 04 401. fv~jctc mEl - 1 Chaplin as : The Great Dictator" 4 - --- . ... . .....